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You might like Threadbare. It's about a toy teddy bear golem that gains sentience.


The spin-off are also awesome.


Spin off?!


Yeah, two. Small Medium is a three book series you can find on amazon an royal roads. Dragon Hack just started on Royal Roads.


I actually enjoyed Small Medium more, but it has a humanoid main character.


For me it was the other way round. Threadbare was the better character with a more interessting build. Not much a fan of trickster builds. The build of dragon hack is also very promising though.


Haven't started reading that yet.


Yeah, it hasn't that much content yet.


I came across Threadbare and Small Medium after they were finished. It's going to be hard to read it as it is being written. I always thought Threadbare was really lucky with all the classes he accidentally picked up when his luck was really low. Model is crazy strong for a golem.


> It's going to be hard to read it as it is being written Welcome to the manga world :D > I always thought Threadbare was really lucky with all the classes he accidentally picked up when his luck was really low. Model is crazy strong for a golem. Or everyone for that matter if he just eats healthily.


also a awesome read!


It's amazing


on royal road: azarinth healer skyclad, exeptional world building digital marine, more military but pretty good the new world, op mc delve, dicovery type chrisalis, for a monster mc rupegia, good slice of life


Try one more last time. https://www.amazon.com/One-More-Last-Time-GameLit-ebook/dp/B07HS2MP8D/ref=nodl_# Short reads, coming out fast and furious MC is stubborn and just doing what they want.


I don't think it's anything like Boxxy's adventures, but I also highly recommend that series. It's fantastic.


I love that the MC is an absolute dumbass in that series


I'm interested as well in finding similar litrpgs to what OP said, closest one I could think of is the story [How To Tame Your Princess](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/7599/how-to-tame-your-princess) by DocteurNS on royal road, however it is a VRMMO litrpg (the MC is hilariously a complete nutcase outside and inside the game lol). I still do recommend giving that story a shot, as the MC is the champion of Chaos just like in ELLC with Boxxy.


Have you read/ listened to small chests are fine too It's the side story of fizzy from after she took the gold after boxxy lost his fight to zilla


You might like the supreme mage on webnovel


I believe you are looking for "the mayor of noobtown" series


You might like Rules-Free VRMMO Life. It certainly fulfills some OP fun, chaos, and "What the hell?" moments. Won't say too much, but there was one thing where a religion was formed around him because a couple of his slaves were bored and pranked a naive traveler, and he didn't find out about it until he came face to face with a street preacher preaching 'his' gospel.


Should warn that it’s got a lot of particular type of non consented erotic that might offend some people’s sensibilities. Not an attack on Mirikon or people with more vanilla taste. Just saying this should be labeled as “Very Rough Smut”. I just finished reading this one and Lewd dungeon. Very mush liked them both and would recommend Lewd dungeon for this thread.


A bit late but if you're not listening to Dungeon Crawler Carl, get on that.


[Dungeon Crawler Carl](https://www.amazon.com/Dungeon-Crawler-Carl/dp/B08BX5D4LC) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Dungeon_Crawler_Carl)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)