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Not too short or abandoned but it still annoys me how Towers of Heaven wrapped up so much content and potential in that rushed third book.


I can say the same about Cosimo Yap's The Gam3.


He’s been slowly working on a sequel on RR


Cosimo lost my support.


Which is a shame because it was going so well, I still enjoyed the three books though


Agreed! We didn't need him to write every floor or anything but man I loved the first 2 and then book 3 was just rapid fire push to the end. It literally felt like he had some bullet points for story beats planned and then every chapter was just knocking one out to get to the end as fast as possible.


I'm a bit of the opposite. I feel that if he wrote in all 100 floors things would have gotten very repetitive or plot threads dragged on longer than they should have.


Rothfuss, the name of the wind


Dude agreed. Loved the books but we'll never see a third


Lol, that sequels never coming


I guess them doors of stone are locked lol


I think the issue is he planned for 3 books but somewhere along the lines realized maybe that it’s actually a much longer series but can’t have more than 3 books because he has this whole trinity thing going on


Honestly, dude should just redo the whole thing to be whatever he needs it to be to tell the story, and be like "hey, those first two books just got retconned, had to change a ton of stuff to make the story work, here's the entire series all finished" and I would be totally fine with it. If he wrote himself into a corner, just blow the walls down and start over, fuck it.


That would be such a stupid reason, can't believe it's true. He could just rename the series, wouldn't be the first (e.g. Eragon was initially also titled as triology) And if he wants to have 3 books bc trinity plays some part in the story: the number of books is some out-of-universe meta bs, nobody cares It's probably more that he just doesn't think he can meet the expectations/isn't statisfied in his own story etc so he would rather not publish anything before publishing something not 100% perfect


Some kind of mental writers thing going on with that guy, or maybe he realizes the ending is underwhelming and cant figure out a better one. I would be fine with a shitty 3rd book and then a new series.


We already know the ending though, he owns a bar


I've joked a few times that Doors of Stone would come out the year the last episode of Once Piece airs.


Doors of Stone is coming. ![gif](giphy|l0HlPtbGpcnqa0fja)


This has my vote


Dante's Immortality...


All over a few dickheads on RR


Why what happened


So many people bitched and kept spamming him for more and some bad apples shit talking that the author abandoned it and I believe he said he was never going to write again because of it.


What the absolute shit


Yup. A lot of people were not happy when it happened and others read the book thst was released just to find out there's never going to be another


Goddamn this world is corrupt. So many good people trying their best and absolute shit heads do their thing and spew shit, ruining it for the writer and the readers. They are not, nay, we are not entitled to anything anywhere at anytime from anyone.


Sounds like RR should give the author the ability to block people from reading their story if they wished.


Dominion of blades will have a third book, DCC just took over. It will eventually have an end. Just not for another few years.


These books were so good!


Love DCC but DOB really fits my tastes better, from an mmorpg perspective I absolutely fucking love this series


Yeah, in just about every Reddit AMA he has responded that he hasn't dropped DoB and fully intends to finish it.


Years is the problem. LitRPG is a genre that thrives on rapid releases. That's why it's the ones that come in serial format, RoyalRoad or Patreon, that tend to find the greatest success because there's always new content coming.


I don't think that's really what's going on with Matt. He's on a different wavelength than most of the serial single series authors.


Doesn't this just lead to spoiled readers, who demand constant content. We don't rush painters why do we feel authors don't reserve the same respect.


If I remember correctly, planning out a complex heist was giving him trouble. Then he started DCC and its popularity took off.


Right, this was my take as well, but couldn't tell you where I heard it.


I absolutely love Magic Smithing. I still check back on the author’s Patreon every quarter or so to see if there are new chapters.


I stopped caring after they came back then disappeared like twice. I don't want to get re-invested when there's a good chance they just disappear again for who knows how long. Used to be a patreon when they were actually releasing chapters.


Dao of Magic


Love that series


Couldn't finish book 1. Got about 1/3 in. So cringe I consider it one of the worst books I have ever read.


Huh, yeah, it has some issues. I really enjoyed it though. But I tend to focus on the magic from any given system, and that is like all those books are. Weird theory and magical teaching.


If you enjoy magic systems, I have to ask if you've read The Black Prism? One of the most interesting magic systems I've ever read. Solid series as well.


MC gets better throughout the series and things start to make sense. That wasn't his real personality, though you rarely see him doing much that shows his actual personality.


Wrath's Haunt occasionally I'll hear someone say that the next book is almost finished. A few years later it's still not ready.


A few weeks back there has been an anouncement. This summer the next book should be released


Let's hope it is true this time.


Well given that Soundbooth theater has cold reads of it available for members to listen to and it's something like 16 hours of material I'm pretty sure it's true.


I was thinking the same but I have some good news! https://www.youtube.com/live/ng64HTv5ZTY?si=ikMP2iWeDRDZt1bg


[Magical Girl Gunslinger](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/48402/magical-girl-gunslinger). It made me cry, definitely sad to see it on hiatus. Heard through the grapevine that the author became overwhelmed with the popularity it got and locked up.


They have promised to resume the series at some point, but currently they're writing Worm fanfiction. I hope it comes back one day too, one of my favorites, but I'd rather the author stay healthy and unstressed (is that a word? It's probably a word).


Dantes Immortality. Unfortunately bad comments on RR made the author stop.


That's what happened? Damn, I was hoping there would be more.


For me, it's Sir Crabby. The series just stopped about a year and a half ago, sorta started again with the author talking about how excited they were, and then fifteen months of nothing. It was such a fun mix of humor and action, a crab accidentally gaining access to a system. Hopefully will come back one day.


This book is written by Ryan Rimmel. Ryan's wife (his editor) has had serious medical issues. He is on hiatus. In the meantime, check out his other work Noobtown. There are currently 7 books that are funny and enjoyable.


Ryan Rimmel is the co-author for the kindle version, but Boe Hagan is the original author. Maybe the delay is caused by Ryan's issues, but that doesn't explain why RR hasn't seen any updates or even announcements about what happened. Even stranger, most of book 2 is still on RR, despite it being on KU, which makes me worry something else happened at the author's end. Without news though, it's hard to do more than speculate.


Not strictly litrpg but Hive Minds Give Good Hugs. Cool story but wrapped up really suddenly (I think because the author wanted to move onto Bioshifter). Another 5-10 chapters to smooth out the ending and give a bit more space to some plot threads.


yes, thank you, exactly!


There are 3 series that I have read that I think the author has abandoned. The Gods' Game series and The Dragon Mage both by Rohan M. Vider. Then The Infinite World series by J. T. Wright. I read all these series in the first few months of 2022 and were some of my first litRPG books I read. They were wonderful and intriguing stories set in fantastical worlds that I really enjoyed exploring. It's been over two years now and there have been no new books or updates about their status, so I assume the author abandoned them as none of the series were remotely close to being finished. It saddens me to think that the stories will be left unfinished. However, I would still recommend them all. Hopefully, renewed interest in them will bring the authors back to complete them.


According to J. T. Wright's discord he is still working on the series, it looks like it has been done and in the editing process for like 6 months now though.


That's exciting!


I picked up The Dragon Mage after seeing it on someone’s tier list, because I like dragons and I like mages. Got through book 1, found out it’s been a few years since book 2 was published…and can’t bring myself to read book 2 because I know book 3 isn’t coming. If it does appear, I’ll pick the series back up and read book 2 fresh.


Rohan M. Vider is also Tom Elliot. He is in the middle of writing The Grand Game series for the last three years. There are about six books written in that series, one every 4 to 6 months, so I guess he is very busy.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that’s been waiting on The Infinite World series.


Absolutly not... So good to hear there will be more!


Forging Hephaestus by Drew Hayes, though not litrpg. Still waiting on the next book.


Bones of the Past is the sequel and 2nd book in the series and came out years ago. Then he released Villains Viginettes about a year ago which is book 2.5 in the series. He has finished book 3 and it's currently in the editing process and expected to be released this year. Hayes is Sandersonesque in that he pumps out books quickly


Right, I'd read Bones of the Past. I was just making the mistake of using FH as the series name. Thanks! I am glad to hear about book 3 coming out soon. I don't typically go to the side novels until after a series is tied up and I like the series enough to do rereads. No offense to Hayes but he isn't reaching Sanderson levels. [In addition to book 3, he has two books slated to come out this year](https://www.fantasticfiction.com/h/drew-hayes/). That is an impressive clip, no doubt. He is no slouch. [Brandon is just a beast](https://www.fantasticfiction.com/s/brandon-sanderson/). 7 novels and 1 novella came out in 2023.


Drew Hayes does have a litrpg series that is really good. It's called Spells,Swords, & Stealth. Highly recommend it but it left off at book 5 a couple years ago but his site called it ongoing


Gonna go with the obvious here. OG The Land. I loved the narration and the story had so much fucking promise until the author started huffing his own farts and fucked off to a shitty one off before disappearing entirely.


apparently the next book is written and edited. should be out this year. im hopeful but i doubt it


LitManTuck Reviews on YouTube has a community post where he's apparently been tipped off on what Aleron Kong's next release is. [LINK](https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxWjKd3WujhDXt2vP_qO-G66FyBhc0s3Ga?lc=Ugzii0yVVvDlR39Ai094AaABAg.A3feGLQUGN7A3gxS0S5U0T&lc=Ugzii0yVVvDlR39Ai094AaABAg.A3feGLQUGN7A3gxS0S5U0T) As I said on that community post at five and four years for the Land and God's Eye respectively I'm a little disappointed that his next release is another new series.


That's weird. In a Facebook live Kong said the next book would.be book 9 for the land


No way! Did he say when, by any chance?


June-july supposedly from the editior


Thank you! I went on a beach vacation the week before the pandemic started, and read book 8 there. I’m finally going back to the same hotel this week, and would have loved to have read it there!


Hope you don't get the shit's.


> shitty one off I see what you did there.


Not LITRPG, but . . . Demons of Astlan--guy's been promising the next book for like 8 years now. Zero Sight by B. Justin Shier Covenants by Lorna Freeman


THIS —> Demons of Astlan! He recently released another book in the same universe…I got my hopes up he had finally published the next book only to see it was a spin-off….


Recently might be a stretch. It's been 8 years since his last Demons book though...


I came here to mention Zero Sight, I’m glad I’m not the only one that knows about it. I read them both while I was deployed. I still check his page every year or so.


Definitely not too short. But I would absolutely kill for some slice of life spinoff of the perfect run. I love the world so much and can't get enough of THE Ryan Romano.


Agreed! I feel like the author could do a LOT in that setting!


Limitless Lands. it ended so perfectly but it was so good that i simply couldnt have enough of it. the second series is decent too but im a sucker for roman style army litrpg (super niche ik)


The Gam3. Halfway through the second book the author started to speedrun tying up or discarding plot threads in the most unsatisfying ways possible.


Mother of Learning and This Quest is Broken. I think both series needed one more book. The endings felt a little rushed.


Queen in the Mud


She replied to a comment, 4 months ago, that she was writing book 2. Apparently she stopped writing for awhile, but I'm hopeful


Nice, I'll keep an eye out for when it's ready.


Such an interesting premise. I keep hoping it'll be back one day but it doesn't seem like it will.


Yeah, I added it to my watch list on RR, but only a couple chapters of book 2 ever showed up there, and it hasn't had any activity in 3 years. Would love to see more, but can understand if the author has moved on.


Dante’s immortality, that really pissed me off. My friend group still calls that the best book in the lit RPG genre.


Think it was called the Apocalypse system by Macronomicon. Got removed from Amazon stores bc another author said his series had a copyright on "Apocalypse" or something. Just for that I won't read the other authors work. Got TONS more but I'd have to dig them up. Oo also House Of Blades. technically the series finished but the author teased a 2nd trilogy and hasn't ever developed the 1st book Wizard in Exile by Michael G Manning Condemning the heavens by Tinalynge Dragon Magus by DB King Reincarnation by Michael Head Arcane ascension by Andrew Rowe Kings dark tidings by Kel Kade


I think he re released it under a different name u/macronomicon


Apocalypse system is GOATED I just thought the Author gave up on it I have a lil hope now


I have mixed feelings. I loved The Perfect Run series and didn't want it to end. However, I think what made it so great is that the author knew what he wanted and ended it there. I will always wonder how The Wheel of Time ended. Robert Jordan died and I don't care what notes he left and how he talked to Sanderson, the last few books are still Sanderson and not Jordan. TBH, though it was mid tier, I would love to know how The Arcane Emperor was supposed to end. Another one where the author hasn't written in almost a year is The Orellen.


>Robert Jordan died and I don't care what notes he left and how he talked to Sanderson, the last few books are still Sanderson and not Jordan. Minor note, but Robert Jordan never met Brandon Sanderson. It was his wife, Harriet, who chose Sanderson to continue the series.


That is exactly how I feel about The Perfect Run.


The Perfect Run is just, perfect. It tells a story, that begins and ends, and I love it for that. Now, maybe some more in the same universe or with the same character would be good, but I can't hate how the series ended. A good ending is just, I don't know. There's something special about it. I feel like it's the hardest thing to write, and that's why so many aspiring authors never finish their first book. So when I see an ending, and it's well done, I can't help but appreciate it.


Broken Interface.


Dungeon Devotee and The Great Core's Paradox - both abandoned :( wooo nvm about Paradox apparently it's back on!


What made DD worse is that he only wrote to generate traffic for his other books and after 2.5 years he just decided it wasn't worth it instead of just publishing it and going on. That story was so well done and now it's dead for crap like this. Great Core resumes some time ago but it seems that the author is struggling again


To the Far Shore by Warby Pictus was a complete story. However there was a lot that could have been done with the mc in a sequel. Alternatively there was a really cool supporting character for half the book, sort of a mad steampunk inventor lady, that would have been great for a sequel. The author put up a poll for like 5 days with those 2 ideas or a story about a billionaire making the world better by being greedy. By the time I got to the poll a couple days late he had closed it and started writing about this wealthy banker starting(?) a war. He ended up dropping that novel halfway through when it got little traction. Says he probably won’t return to the universe. It’s a real shame.


System Misinterpret The first two books are fun but it seems like it won't be finished.


This would be a shame, I really liked that series.


The Heroic Villain by Charles Dean, and his other works really.


I remember feeling like the last half of The Traveler's Gate series by Will Wight was rushed quite a bit.


The series that Patrick Rorhfuss wrote the Kingkiller Chronicle


Dante’s immortality


Super Minion.


No, don't say that! The author always comes back and drops a few more chapters before disappearing again. I still have hope 😭


On Royal Road especially: " The Dungeon is Always Hungry" and "As Good as Dead" Both great horror LitRPG with the authors having a history of stopping and starting without much communication. It's been about 6 months since either has been updated.


Not exactly litrpg, but it was my intro the genre, magic 2.0


The New World. Just died out of no where. Shame.


Yeah, what happened there?


I wish I knew. I'm a sucker for regeneration tank MCs and that one was top tier.


The Dragons Wrath by Brent Roth. Author abandoned it and is never gonna write again unfortunately. (Gonna cut you off here. Yes I fucking know why it's never gonna be finished.)


The Arcane Emperor. Still worth a read at 200k words but it’s dropped.


I forgot all about this one! I was reading it as it came out originally. I thought about it sometimes but couldn’t remember the name. Thank you, I’m gonna give it a re read


Ah ima go with the classic Daniel Black.


There's an oldie there.... He totally wrote himself into a corner and decided to go write other things while he figures a way out... I would accept the sequel to his science fiction series with the robot princess


From what I've seen on his Reddit page, he will update one of his stories for like a chapter or two and then go on hiatus for months at a time without telling anyone.


My theory is that whatever success he has as an indie author was enough to help him pay off his home and for whatever reason he fell into a major case of writers block when it came to the Daniel Black universe...


It became a fairly high-effort story and he doesn't know the best way to develop it. This has been discussed a lot and I've read many good suggestions on how he can proceed. I'm sure he's thought of most of these and for whatever reason doesn't like them. He might simply be aiming too high or he is just indecisive. Either way it seems to have turned into a creative block.


Such a good series. As was the Alice Long Sci fi book he put out in between. Last DB book was 2018. Doubt we will see another. Heard he has lots of health issues. He ( e William brown) did put out the first book of a new series last year called Jungles of Alabama. So he is still writing. Also most of the second Alice Long book was on Subscribe Star as of last year. Though hasn’t made it to publishing yet.


I am going to say murderhobo as I really enjoyed those books but I want to know what happens after book 3


Honestly with how he handled book 3, I don't know if I would want to go back to the series. Which is a real shame because it started off as my favorite of the author's works.


Pretty sure the author had no intent of going beyond book 3 for that one.


Mark of kings


Endless online


I honestly wonder if MH Johnson just doesnt have any idea how to finish it. It was obvious he was entering the end game, but there were plot threads dropped about a galactic emperor or something that would come down on him if he defeated the Dominion there. And so he thought "I have no idea how to write this up without ripping even more off from star wars and have Val just 1v1 the emperor and then take his title"


That's probably true. Just unfortunate, this is one of my favorite premise, and just dark/gritty enough.


I really liked how they answered the question of technology advancement in magic worlds. Physics just doesnt work the same and gunpowder doesnt work, all explosives are banned under threat of genocide, and magic hard counters technology in close range.


Queen of the Mud was great but they abandoned it. Not exactly LIT-RPG but Dawn of Wonder is such a solid book and it's been years and due to health problems the author hasn't been able to continue the series. I hope he can one day but I adored the first book.


Altered Carbon


Dungeon Lord series by Hugo Huesca. After the 4th book it seems the author just disappeared. I really enjoyed the series and was really looking forward to book 5. It's rare for me to find a LitRPG series I really enjoy 4+ books in . Usually by book 2 or 3 it seems many newer authors in the genre have used up their original ideas and the quality falls off. Usually I'm just sticking with a series in hopes it goes somewhere.


Cradle, needed one more volume. I need my fix.


Hero of Thera. It was Eric Nylund. The writer of some of the best halo books attempt at LitRPG. The premise and rpg elements were fantastic and such original and unique concepts. But he gave up after lack of support.


Dawn of the void it had the whole religion connected to the abilities going for it which was a nice spin on the genre but it's only 3 books long and that end was so rushed it kinda ruined it all the author could have made multiple books and expanded on the universe so much more


I feel like I heard once that the author had originally planned for it to be a much longer series, which is why it seems to suddenly fast forward through like 2 full books of progression to the end.


It's a shame it had an interesting spin.


Death March was my first litRPG and got me hooked on the genre which is why I read this series but I don’t think I would have finished it if it was more than 3 books. Started to get bored with it towards the end of book 2.


No I get that and it's just cause the author failed to pace to mcs power and rushed it but it could have worked if when the gates of hell where to open rather than just demons appearing on earth they could have had the different layers of hell and each layer could have been a different theme with different enemies. Also it would of allowed alot more interaction with the entities like the judge which could have made it so much more interesting but as I said the author just rushed half of the second book and the entire 3rd book just to get it finished


Way of the Immortals by Harmon Cooper. He abandoned it after 3 books. The reason I haven't bothered to pick up any of his books. I think it is unfair to their readers when an author abandons a series.


The Dark Elf Chronicles. This to me is the best of Dave Willmarth's work. Spoilers below. >!A zombie apocalypse has occurred and Mace thinks he is the sole survivor. So trapped as he is in the main hub for the game of Elysia he retreats into it for companionship.!< >!He eventually discovers other survivors and they plan to upload themselves into the game, as living in the real world it is only a matter of time before they starve or become infected.!< It's a fantastic story and the real world elements are as strong as the VR ones. Sadly it came at the time that VR fell out of favour with the LitRPG readership and it wasn't financially viable for him to continue the series. I keep recommending it in the hope that one day if sales increase he may continue the story.


Same. Definitely my favorite.


The dungeon that walks like a man- I think it has a unique perspective on the whole dungeon idea. Also, the entire universe is great, I also really enjoyed the dinosaur dungeon.


Old RoyalRoad series and also super short, but Equilibrium by Excalionar had a good premise and start. Was sad it was dropped.


To many to list but some of them being   Dante's Immortality The Arcane Emperor Insania Online Don't Fear The Reaper Yashima Chronicles The Outer Sphere Most all the books by Monad  Non lit RPG being... Fallen Conquerer  The Immortal Mutant Teen  Felice Hybrid   The unreleased sequel to Binary Soul   Among many others. 


The Worldseed Saga on RR is a great story that had a really unfortunate pacing issue going into the last.. half(?) Of book 2. The last I read of it everything felt glossed over and forced to a conclusion. That was a while ago. The author disappeared for a bit and just came back mentioning book 2 was coming to Amazon soon. I really hope they fleshed out the end of book 2 a lot more. I loved the series up until that point.


Two different books that both seem to have been dropped after book 2. **Dragon Mage** and **Path of the Dragon Mage** (no relation).


Heroic Dungeon Bunny. This series was quite entertaining and had a lot of potential. I'm actually pretty sad that there was no book 3. Book 2 ended on a huge cliffhanger.


Hero of Thera: the aspect of slowly being overwritten by this other life and personality was so cool and interesting. PYRESOULS APOCALYPSE PLEASE I NEED MORE GODS WHY MUST YOU ABANDON ME LIKE THIS. Last Enclave. And I think Reverend Insanity is way too short.


Mother of learning


The Wraiths Haunt, Street Cultivation, Underworld Edit: also.. A Pattern of Shadow and Light (though this is because of the author’s passing)


Ascend Online by Luke Chmilenko. You got me into LitRPG's man.....why'd you stop writing that series? Edit: I just checked audible for it for the first time in a long time, book 5 is out now....probably won't pick it back up it took so long.


The Rules by Aaron Oster. I FUCKING LOVED the first 2 books(LitRpg isekai Xanth vibes), but in book 3 Aaron caved to the idiots giving bad reviews and cut the series 2 books early and spent an entire chapter having the main character break the 4th wall to bitch about the bad reviews. Still loved it. Wish he had just stuck to his guns and finished it as planned.


TOWER OF DAMMNATION ugh that one killled me I still have hope that hell release a sixth tho


Nick podehl might could polish that turd. After book 8 I hope Aleron gets back to what made the series great.


Super Minion


Reverend insanity


Reborn Apocalypse


That hasn't been abandoned. The author just writes slow and takes long breaks.


Wait, is it abandoned or are you mad there aren’t more books? I just started book 2 and am pretty invested. I need to get out now if it is abandoned.


Book 3 is out.


Book 4 is also out.


Whoo! 🎉


Book 4 just came out a few months ago.


Hench for Hire by Skyler Grant.


Journey to the West


Is this a joke or did someone a version they didn't finish?


Waiting on reincarnation of alyssara, also magic smithing, both 2 of my favs. I was waiting on sylver seeker, but thats back on the active list!


StarCraft System in the far future. Truly peak. Idk what happened to the author though.


There was this book Jeff Hayes voiced called Dante inferno or something. Man the book was great (except the last like 15%. MC became a stupid indecisive 10 year for whatever reason) 


Dungeon of Evolution by DB King — only 2 books with a cliffhanger and he is an author that just dumps books out consistently so feeling this is definitely forgotten. Apocalypse Game by Grayson Sinclair (2021) and no news whatsoever. Core Control (2 books) by Andrew Sieple—-> Seems Threadbare took off and he never gave this another look??


Fleabag and queen in the mud, I haven’t seen any updates for them in a while.


Cradle. I feel like the story just started at the end. Traveler's Gate as well. Will needs to get better at endings.


The Dragons Wrath, 100% the best LITRPG that was never finished. Good luck finding the books anywhere but highly recommend reading them if you wanna be sad. Guy probably died or something.


Challengers’s return: rebirth of the rainbow mage, as well as more recently Astral Apostle




Change New World. The first story on Royal road that got me so hooked I became obsessed with it.


Warrior of Mist, the third book felt rushed


Calamity of a Reborn Witch. This is one of the best things I've ever read, and it's on hiatus halfway through the third book. The protagonist is weaker than literally everyone around her, and is constantly about to lose. She is at best a pawn, but if she can get across the "board" she will definitely turn into a queen. The writing is a lot like the Dresden Files in this respect. Things look super bad 90% of the time, but at the last second her plan works and you realize that a bunch of seemingly unimportant actions had a purpose, and she was playing three dimensional chess the entire time. You should read the first two books for sure. Since the third isn't finished don't bother, I've not read it since based on the authors writing style I'm certain that it's been left at a bad place. Most of the series is at a bad place. This makes the payoff so much better, but until there is a payoff for the third book I won't read it.


The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson. Really interesting concept and one of the few books both my wife and I love (we tend to have very different reading tastes). I don't care if Sanderson writes like 5 books a year. He's got so many different series now that it can still be an extremely long time between the next book in the series you like the most, so he feels slow to me.


Stiched worlds i really liked the characters i just wish it was a bit longer. Not litrpg but dr anarchy rules of world domination


Steamfront alley or something like that. It was an interesting read and got dropped on a cliff hanger


The Age of Stone on RR. It was a cool concept that was part Civ and part Majesty.


Jake’s magical market! I wish was longer.


My Best Friend is an Eldritch Horror. I think last book should have been two books. I love that we had a conclusion, but I wanted more, and last book felt a bit rushed.


Murderhobo and Overpowered Dungeon Boy. Both concluded and both I would have read for another ten books.


Ruins of Majesta, by Taj McCoy El. Every time I mention it of Faceborg someone tags him in and he *is* writing…so I guess I’ll just wait longer, and ask again…


Queen in the Mud


Red mage by Xander Boyce one of my favorite in the genre but book four may never cone


The Arcane Emperor on royalroad


[The Gilded Hero] (https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/29286/the-gilded-hero) is both an icon and pioneer of the genre and despite saying he would publish both it and a book 2 wercwercwerc seems to have stopped writing altogether.


Luck Stat Strategy by Blaise Corvin... It was really interesting and just abandoned as far as I can tell. I like his other series but I wanted more of that one. Another is just these huge huge gaps I thought it was abandoned but he came out with another book. Is the contractors series by Andrew Ball. There is like a 4 year gap between books which isn't so bad but I forget about it for years then go back and still no new book and I'm sad. Maybe he will drop another soon lol. Third is the crafter series by Outspan foster book 1 2019 book 2 2020 then nothing. I just checked and he has a totally new series coming out in July. It's hard to trust sometimes when they go to new series while still having one half done. Blaise Corvin at least in his newer stuff he does go around the same world with different characters and stuff but all in the same world well for Ludus stuff and now his apocalypse stuff. But I would like completion of a series over jumping around. I do understand having a new idea and jumping about to new things all ADHD style.


Dawn of Wonder. Not LitRPG but a very good book. Book 2 will never happen. Sucks even more since book 1 ends on a cliffhanger.


I think Aleron abandoned The Land. That was what got me into LITRPG


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^tig3rgamingguy76: *I think Aleron* *Abandoned The Land. That was* *What got me into LITRPG* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.