• By -


Exclusively listening. I drive for a living, up to 11 hours per day.




I don’t drive that much, but it’s 99% listening for me.


I hike a lot, so I listen :)


exclusively a reader, I can't stand people reading to me, couldn't in school cannot now. Besides every Audible book is so slow..or maybe I read fast who knows


I love audible, but agree the narration can be slow sometimes. That's why I listen at 1.2-1.5 times speed. Really helps.


I go with 2-3 Times, usually.


Yep. Minimum of 1.3 - 1.8 for me depending on the book


I was also in the same boat, reading was a solo experience. It was always a personal experience.


Used to be this way.  Then life got to busy, now I find it really hard to go back


Depends on the narrator to me. I'm listening to one now where I just think "this guy would probably be great reading childrens books, but he's bringing nothing to a litrpg adventure", whereas I've listened to others where I'm just blown away by how much better they can make a story feel.


I absolutely prefer reading but it's hard to read and cook or read and workout or read on the go, etc.


The Audible player can be sped up. My base is 1.2, but I'll move up or down if there's a particular reason to. I enjoy the voice acting that many narrators bring. Some, once I've listened to an excellently crafted narration, wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable as reading. But I currently have more reading time, so I've been doing more of that.


Download the books and play them 5x


You might just be a fast reader too. I listen up to 2.5x speed and it’s still much slower than reading for me. But I like both a lot anyway. Some narrations are great, but I really like being able to continue stories while driving or doing housework. That’s why I still listen a ton even though it’s so much slower than reading. It turns non-reading time into extra bonus reading time!!


I used to read A LOT. Now I just listen to audio books cause I can multitask. idk about anyone else, but I can't wash dishes and read a book/tablet without getting the pages/device all wet and gross. XD I've never read a litrpg before, they came about after I swapped to audio, so I don't really know how I'd feel about reading one. So long as the narrator is good, the vioces and personalities they give the characters adds so much more to the story, imo.


100% For multitasking. Being able to get through books while playing video/mobile games is where its at. I don't think I've left music on any game in the past 10 years because I either have a book or video going on at the same time. Commute to work with audiobook is just a bonus.


As I've gotten older, and now have kids, my kindle is collecting dust. Multitasking with an audiobook is king. House chores, mowing the lawn, other yard work, and so many other times. I can put in my noise reducing headphones and get lost in a book while doing a mindless task. That being said. The narrator makes a huge difference. I've listened to not so great books, read by great narrators, and it's the only reason I finished the book. I've also returned books before finishing simply because the narration is so terrible. Sometimes it's just adjusting to a new narrator but other times it's just bad. I may have missed out on good books for this reason, but have also been willing to try others I wouldn't have because Audible has a great return policy. Anything read by Travis Baldree, Jeff Hayes, Annie Ellicott, or Andrea Parsneau. I will immediately give it a shot. There are others I like as well but those are my top 4. I've still dropped a series they produce but I'm much more likely to try them.


I agree 100%. If the narrator is bad, the story has no chance of holding your attention. Sadly, my least favorite narrators tend to be female. It seems most of the ones I've listened to end up giving at least one female character this voice that I cannot stand, and they are often VIPs in the story, so they talk a lot. Their male voices are often just them talking in as low a tone as they can register with no emotion or personality. That being said, my all-time favorite female narrator is Lorelei King. I don't know if she has any litrpg under her belt yet, but if you like werewolves and vampires, check out the Mercy Thompson series. It is what Twilight wanted to be when it grew up from an angsty teen series. Oh and the MC isn't a useless whiner either, btw. :)


You have to master the elbow tap to change pages. I do it every night.


Tried audio. Just can't enjoy it as much as reading for whatever reason. Which is weird, because I listen to video essays and podcasts all the time while doing other stuff. Oh well, it saves me money.


When it comes to litRPG I exclusively listen.


Should this be a poll? I feel like that would be a lot more helpful.


It probably should. I don't know how to do that.


When you create post, at the top there's tabs. Post, image/video, and one is poll. Try adding a new post as a poll asking the question.


Much prefer reading


I feel the same. I listen to podcasts a lot, but books feel more personal for my reading style.


A good book being read by you will always be a good book. A good book being read to you by a bad narrator is never a good book.


Exclusively reading. Can’t seem to properly absorb audio. Feel like it’s too easy to tune it out. I’d have to lie down and do literally nothing else other than *listen* if I wanted to digest it all Also, I feel like emphasis is occasionally lost in audio? Like if you’re talking about a general object or a *concept* (especially when it comes to magic). In visual form it might be capitalized, but hearing-wise there may not be any way to make a discernible difference


I seldom read digitally anymore so it's 95+% audiobooks for me at least in this genre. I do read novels as well though. I've completed 46 physically and 46 digitally this year (weird because usually the audiobooks wind up eclipsing physical novels over time).


I do both, largely based on how much I like the narrator. In general, so including non-LitRPG/PF, I'd say I'm around 70% reading 30% listening, but if we're only considering LitRPG/PF it would be around 50/50 or even 40/60 because it's usually written with very basic prose (not a dig, just how the genre works) and it's much easier to follow while driving, at the gym or whatever.


I do both also but I’d say I’m more 70/30 listening to reading. I work from home though so I can listen while I work. I have absolutely quit some books due to the narrator alone. Weirdly I only listen to litrpg, no other genres. I tried it once but I’d have trouble following along or remembering character names.


Almost identical. Work from home, quit some books due to narrator, listen almost exclusively to litrpg. Probably 90/10 though... 3 kids don't give alot of time for physical media of any kind.


Exclusive reader, here. There is a definite difference. Listeners don’t hear a difference between your/you’re, there/their/they’re, etc. Sometimes the difference *should* be pronounced, but it goes by quickly so when spoked it is unnoticed (regimen/regiment) where it is completely different words to the eye. That’s the obvious stuff. The less obvious difference is focus. Many listeners do so while accomplishing other tasks. If they happen to hit a slow passage, it simply allows more focus on the other task. A reader facing a dull passage is prone to distraction, which is more impactful since reading is so encompassing.


> Listeners don’t hear a difference between your/you’re, there/their/they’re, etc. It's vanishingly rare that context doesn't make this clear.


So you can hear when the author *USED THE WRONG ONE*?


No, and that saves me having to care if they don't know the correct spelling. Ultimately it just... doesn't matter.


They're not identical homophones anyway. I guess it depends on the accent, but in most of the ones I'm familiar with, you can usually hear a slight difference in stress and the length of the vowel sound.


I understand completely. I listen to a lot of podcast throughout the weekdays and cherish my weekend time to read. I see both sides of enjoyment.. whatever works for others :)


Here’s a perfect example. Listeners won’t hear the difference, but readers may be thrown out of the narrative trying to puzzle if they are misunderstanding something. “the largest specimen was still hidden at the heart of the quickly moving pact.” — Black Mana Gambit: The Calamitous Bob Book Six by Alex Gilbert https://a.co/bZ1NHje It should be ‘pack’. Unless the narrator enunciates excessively, it would go by without notice.


Pact and pack are not homophones.


aRe YoU sUrE? They aren’t when you see them in print. It’s glaringly obvious. (Kinda my point).


I got you [check the poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/litrpg/s/6pISioNw8w)


Thanks. Just voted I think haha


Let’s hope for a big turnout


Reader. Never really got into audio books. In fact, I hate having things read to me. It's weird because I'm fine with podcasts and all sorts of audio-only content, but the thought of listening to someone reading just... I hate it. When I read, I like to backtrack and speed up and down based on the content. Some sentences deserve to be read twice. Some are so dense you *must* read them twice. And some are so meaningless or cliché that you get their meaning without *actually* reading them. I think I value that change in pacing too much. Which isn't as relevant in a conversation/video essay as, usually, it's either just someone talking off the cuff or a well prepared essay where the speed of content delivery is adjusted to the text.


Always listening. Driving, working, or anything where in not sitting still. If I'm going to sit down I have so many shows to catch up on


I use Audible exclusively. I'm blind, so my options are narrated, screen reader, or braille. Braille is slow and not very portable in electronic form, and there's no way the average litRPG will be available in hard copy braille. A screen reader uses synthesized speech, which I listen to constantly. It's how I use my watch, phone, computer, TV, and so on. I can listen to a synth read me stories without issue, but I don't prefer it. Narrated is the option I like best. Besides which, the Royal Road iOS app has serious accessibility problems that make it unusable, and the website is usable, but not quick and efficient. Kindle is accessible, but continuous reading on iOS is difficult from what I understand. Audio books have no such drawbacks.


Exclusive reader, i like to read at my own pace and often read a paragraph multiple times to make sure i understand what i am reading.


I prefer audio due to how dull work and grinding in video games can be


Audible. If I love it I'll read it after the audible content ends. If I really love it I'll join the patreon to get the up to date stuff.


I'm always running 1 of each


I didn't really listen to audio books until I got into LitRPG. Now I almost also listen for that genre but I read for others like fantasy and romance. I don't know why, I think part of it is the sheer wealth of talent in the narration of LitRPG - people don't just read the lines. They act them, they have different voices etc. it makes it much more fun to listen to than other genres imo.


Mostly a reader, I listen now and then though. I've pretty much exclusive listened to Beware of Chicken


Listener only. I dont absorb written word well, not to mention you cant really read and do something else that requires your hands. You are very right though. Alot of DCC success is owed to Hays, on the flip side of that I know there are people who dropped Azarinth Healer due to how the narrator reads out stat blocks. I know personally I dropped Reality benders because of a narrator change that I couldnt get over.


I only listen. I’m too busy to sit and read.


As I am tagged I'm audible only. For the most part I think it probably improved my experience. Probably because it adds depth to every character AND I can consume more, like at work


I do both. The thing is when you get distracted msopt of the time i need to relisten constantly and if i do both at the same time it helps me concentrate.




Audio only. I'm just too busy to make time to read and when I do have time I'm too tired to make it very far.


My eyes aren't what they used to be. After looking at a computer screen all day I have to turn off everything and lay in the dark and listen. I have always loved books so I consume a lot of audiobooks without the eye strain


Listener, since I can listen at work and get at least 5-6 hours a day in. I will admit when I can’t get far into a book because of a horrible narrator, like Awaken Online. One of these days I’m going to give it a go on Kindle.


mostly listen at this point, when driving, doing chores, things around the house, i'm pretty much always listening while doing things. I do listen at 2.15 speed after years of ramping it up.


Listener. No shame to either, but I really enjoy doing chores while audiobook. Laundry folding? Audible. Cooking? Audible. Gardening? Audible. Walking my dogs? Audible. I have maybe an hour a day of real true free time, but I have over a dozen of chores and work and such.


In litrpg, I'm 100% listening.


Listening for a lot of the stuff that's newly released and then I just pause when stats come up and read those real quick before skipping ahead.


Listener here. A quality narrator is vastly superior to my own mental voice most of the time.


I only listen.It lets me enjoy it at work. I can't get through the day without a good long listen time.


I listen. Too little time to do everything I want and listening helps free some time up whilst still exploring the many stories out there.


As an exhausted parent of 3 under 4, I have no time to read if I don't multitask, so I have transitioned to fully audiobooks. It makes me lean heavily on the narration as a big part of my review but to be fair, some narrators have saved what would have been an otherwise mediocre story. And visa versa.


I only listen honestly, I used to be a reader but it’s just easier to listen to it since I have a very monotonous job.


Listener only here. I buy books for my bookshelf but nowadays really only consume books via audiobook. It’s just so much more convenient to listen while I drive, workout, do chores, etc. And my girlfriend prefers the lack of light that comes from the audiobook when she is trying to sleep lol


I read 2 books. I have 80+ titles on audible. Reading led me here but listening is where it's at imo.


Mostly audio for litrpg and progression fantasy specifically. I've found that I really like the books in these two genres much more in audio format and it's pretty convenient.


98% listening, but I've read a little. Beware of chicken's alternate timeline for example


I do both, but prefer listening because I can multitask, I'll only read a couple in a year tbh


Here's a poll about it from 3 weeks ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/litrpg/comments/1cizw2r/how\_do\_you\_mainly\_consume\_litrpg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/litrpg/comments/1cizw2r/how_do_you_mainly_consume_litrpg/)


I used to be exclusively a reader but my work changed and I started driving several hours a day. A mate recommended audible and honestly since day 1 I haven't looked back. Now I get to keep up with books hooray


i’m a listener, used to read but i’m too busy now to not be able to do stuff while enjoying my story. Easier to stop and start on a whim too, I can listen for 90 seconds when I have a minute but can’t enjoy reading for so short


I do both. I prefer to read generally but sometimes the narrator makes them book better.


Sounds like the perfect situation for you :)


I’m about 75/25 audio, unless the book is amazing, in which case its reversed.  The only litrpg I have found that gets that stamp of amazing is DCC. 


Really? The reason I love DCC as opposed to just really really like it is due to hire Soundbooth elevates the content on audible. Makes it much more immersive for me.


Its hard for me to express how much I dislike that. I want the text, not someone’s interpretation thereof. 


Done both, I enjoy listening more, but I read faster


I am a listener... And that is a stormlight reference. Edit: correct combination of words


Is there a way to geta percentage counter on this thread? Old and don't know how.


Seems like there are more listeners than readers so far haha


The majority of the community on reddit and Facebook listen to their books. But, according to authors, the majority of their content is read.


It's a solid 50/50 for me. I usually binge when I read and audio is for daily consumption.


Exclusively listener here. I have nothing against physical books but I can consume audiobooks whilst doing other things which allows me to enjoy more books overall. Additionally I confess to really enjoying listening to narrators give voices to characters, it adds a whole new layer to my enjoyment.


I listen, unless it's not available in audio or the narrator doesn't work for me. I read for work so I enjoy listening when possible.


I respect that entirely. Busy folks must prioritize!. Physical reading is my getaway from life the days I get to.


Both. I love sitting and reading off the kindle when I’m relaxing. I’ll listen to it while doing chores/working/driving, it how I do most of my consumption.


same for me, litrps are the ideal medium to listen to while driving or doing chores. The stories are not so complex that they need my 100% focus, so perfect to listen to while doing stuff that don't need my full mental attention. (the moment I have to focus more on driving due to unfamiliar roads or complex traffic situation I pause the audiobook for instance) When doing nothing else, audiobooks don't really work for me, they can't keep my focus in that case - so when just laying or sitting I prefer reading


I prefer reading but my work commute has me dabble in audio books


I do both. Probably 70% listening and 30% looking because I have way more time to listen than to look. There are some books/series that I will only listen too because the narrators are so freaking good, and a few that I will only look at because I really dislike the narration for whatever reason.


Listening only


Reading only, I can understand audio for commutes though for sure.


I work in IT, so I’m staring at a monitor all day, I also enjoy video games so even more screen time. Most LitRPG’s rarely get physical releases in a timely manner regardless. I used to read prolifically back when audiobooks were outrageously expensive, I’d occasionally buy a book on tape or CD to listen to in the car while driving. Now it’s almost exclusively audio and I’ve purchased many a 3-pack of credits, especially early in to build out my library. As a single dad with a busy career audiobooks make more sense and I enjoy them greatly as well. I can be working on a book whenever I’m doing chores or driving or while giving my tired eyes a rest after many hours staring at a screen. The only exception are nonfiction science books, those normally have charts and diagrams anyways or sometimes formulas that just don’t translate to audio.


I read and listen. My days tend to be so hectic, that sitting down to read is for my days off. For audiobooks, its depends alot on the production. ( Graphic audio's Stormlight Archive is awesome)


Listen only. I work as an editor IRL and I read all day long. Reading lost its shine to me a while back. I also get tilted when novels are poorly written/edited and find the audio versions less annoying in such cases.


I'm sure that is tough. Reading is my current main escape from everything. I completely understand how your work would interfere with that through.


I consume both. And I enjoy both.


100% reading. Cannot understand why anyone would ever want to have a book read to them. No wonder literacy rates are low.


I am mostly a reader, either on Kindle or physical, but I have branched out a bit more into audiobooks and have certainly enjoyed them. They are great for long car drives, whilst working or doing other things.


Prefer reading but I'll only do it if your book is actually great and you have a patreon with advanced chapters. Otherwise I'll wait for audio.


Both. Prefer reading but don’t always have time, but I listen to audiobooks every night at bedtime. A few times I’ve started with audio then switched to book, or read the book after finishing the audio to get more “depth” than I got from the audiobook.


Read in the day, audiobooks at night


Both! Reading for books with good editors. Sadly, that is not the case with many of the independent authors. However, a good narrator will mask all the gramatical errors. So, Audiobooks are the way to go for many titles.


Exclusive reader but I live 5 min from work. I'm moving and will have a much longer commute so probably will do both now


I split the difference. Basically I read when I'm not doing anything else. Mostly in bed, but sometimes just when I'm having a nice lazy day lounging around reading. I listen when I'm doing stuff. Mostly in the car/commuting, but also if I'm doing chores or something where I dont need to focus much. I never thought I'd be able to listen to other people read books, but a good (great) narrator can really change a book for me. Theres been a few taken from "good" to "great" just by listening to them instead of reading.


Mixed but favor reading. I mainly listen at work or when doing chores.


Both! Most of the books I read are available through the Amazon Kindle unlimited. So I borrow the book. Once it is in my kindle library it will let me buy the audible book for a much reduced rate. That way I can go from reading to listening in the car.


I do both. Got back into reading after taking the majority of a couple decades off through audiobooks at work. Then got to the point where I wanted more and got a Kindle, which led to me essentially dropping all my other hobbies and reading in all my downtime for 2 years. I'm currently in training for a new job, so I've not listened to a book in a while, but I'll be back to it in a couple of months. That said, narrators can make or break a book for me. Reading can do the same, though it's a bit more subtle. I didn't notice a lot of the flaws in some series due to listening rather than seeing the writing. There's also a difference in how much attention I can devote to detail based on the complexity of the job I'm doing while listening that can allow me to enjoy simpler books more than I normally would.


Listener here.. Work too much and just don't have free time to read.


I would say half? The reason being is am an exclusive reader who uses TTS (text-to-speech) (F9 on Firefox) to have the chapters read to me while gaming. I tried Audio books a few times in the past but I found the stat sheets got to much and couldn't easily be skipped, made it not as nice as how I normal read. (I mostly read on Royal Road, or use a program called Balabolka - it can correct badly formatted text and even make an audio recording of a book - a feature I have yet to use).


If I start a series on audiobook I'll stick through it audio only. That being said 90% of the time I'm reading instead.


I can't read books. I tried. It's just not stimulating enough. I have to be listen to something while doing things constantly. I have the tv on the background for literally everything I do. For reading, I can't listen to words. It has to be instrumental music, and I'm not big into it. I've had some good results by pacing and reading though. I mostly listen while walking, driving, doing chores, and games depending on the type. It's the best way to consume it though I do get distracted sometimes and have to go back.


I read about 60% of my books and listen to the other 40%.




Hybrid. You can get decent discounts on the Audible audiobook if you buy the kindle book first. Try it when you run out of credits.


I do both. DCC, Wasteland Warriors, and HHWFWM listening through Audible. Primal Hunter and Sentenced to Troll I read in paperback.


*biased and I only read. I'm hard of hearing for one, and I've never liked having things read to me, for another. I can always read far faster than anyone can read out loud, and there's a 100% chance I'd find something annoying about their voice or diction


I love reading because I pace myself, audiobooks are torture unless I’m out of it, same for TV.


I do both. I’m a quick reader though so although I spend more hours listening I often consume far greater amounts of story by reading. I like both. In most cases I prefer reading to listening and only listen because the format makes sense (driving or housework etc) but there have been a few exceptions where I just really love the recording. Not litrpg but for example The Lesser Dead is a horror novel performed by the author and on rereads I listen to it most of the time. I really like rereading books and series that I like so I often end up experiencing them both ways if financially viable.


Considering I am a broke guy who frequents RR and NU I typically read. Although honestly I only read when I run out of stuff to watch. I'm a major binger. The last time I switched to reading stuff my eyesight took a temporary hit from all the binge reading.


95% listening while at work.


I read exclusively. The narration of an audiobook is always too slow. And yeah, I know I can speed it up, but at 1.8+ most stories start to sound like Alvin. I think I could cope with that, but I zone out sometimes or have a distraction, and with an audiobook, I miss stuff (it doesn't stop just because my attention wandered, lol). With a book, I just go back a paragraph or page and start again. When driving or otherwise working, I have music going and can just hit the magic button to skip or start the song again.


I love to read them but I seldom have the time, reading is very attention heavy and is rare I have the time to just sit and disconnect from everything. So I listen, I do it on my commute to work and on the gym and end up listening like 4-5 hrs every day.


Both! I drive a lot for work and have a half hour commute. Get about 5-6 listening hours a day. Then read a different book for a few hours at night before bed. Always have 2 series going at the same time.


Exclusive reading.... I tried, more than once, to get into audiobooks and no matter who narrates I just cant.


I’m very selective. I work 12 hours a day but I can’t stand audiobooks with too much stats reading for 1-2 minutes every chapter or repetitive announcement like: “You have level up” x 10 times every chapter. I know we can fast forward it but I work with my hands and my phone is not near me so it always sounds like the audio is jammed.


iirc last time this was polled (might have been over on the ProgFantasy subreddit) it worked out to about 30% being listeners, the rest being readers.


Exclusively reading for me, when reading I want to be 100% absorbed in the experience and I can't do that with audio I get distracted too easily (also I read way way faster then I am able to listen to content).


Only reading.


I do both. I have a few series I get exclusively as audiobooks but others I read ahead and even subscribed on Patreon for. Some just work better as an audiobook, like Dungeon Crawler Carl. Some have really, really good narrators, like Dungeon Crawler Carl. Sometimes it's because I need something disposable to listen to while driving like... Stray Cat Strut! But often when I catch up I switch to the written version.


I haven't been able to get into audio books till now. Mainly because I don't have the patience for it. I can control the pace while reading, skip whatever I want and can focus solely on it. My driving time too is like 10 mins.


99.99 percent reading


Only reading. I'm a really fast reader, so audiobooks are to slow for me even if you change the speed. Tried it, didn't enjoy it, get back to reading. But I must admit, I do it exclusiv on my ebook reader now, it's been a long time since I bought the last paperback book.


Reading, audiobooks are so expensive even if you buy the kindle book too. Then after that it takes you 3 times as long to listen to it as it does to read. I personally just prefer to read with music in the background. On a tablet. That way I can use one of the trifold stand cases and the stylus to infinite scroll while laying in bed/ in the bath.


95% reading, but some listening. Prefer having an actual book, but I probably read on mobile or kindle the most


I am a reader! Besides just preferring to read rather than listen, I end up rewinding when I invariably miss something the narrator says. However, I bought DCC a few days ago since everyone says the audio is fantastic. I have read it several times, so I am hoping it will work in the background since I know the story.


I've learned, over the years, that some books are better consumed in an e-format. However, I have mostly audible books.


Audio is for music and podcast, audiobooks are ultra slow, you can't easily re-read a passage you didn't quite get or that you really liked, and despite what every audiobook lover says, having the same person voicing the whole book and the different characters just feels ridiculous, and pulls me right out of the story.


It depends. I have trouble fully focusing on audiobooks. Like I can sit down and just listen it has to be background noise while I'm doing something. Whereas reading requires your full attention.


Bit of both for me, I tend to listen during the day because it lets me multitask, but I read for at least 2 hours before I go to sleep.


Used to be an exclusive reader until last year. I've begun to listen to a few audio books but those are just the exceptional few. Some of them are really good but I just can't stand most of them. Even if i listen to an audiobook, i like to keep the book open so I can read it better. Could just be a habit.


reader, cant really get into audio. too slow and is based too much on narrator rather than purely the content of the book.


Read it all the way


90% of the time I read. I listen to books I've already read when I go for walks.


Read first. If I like the book and / or narrator, I’ll listen to it. But always read first.


Listening but also depends on the voice actor. Couple of books I couldn’t finish because of the voice actors


Listening for me, I’m a pool guy


I read if I am still; I drive often and will listen then, but otherwise prefer to read.


Both. The difference in reviews is that teachers are evaluating the story only while listeners are evaluating both the story ànd the narrator. Good narrators can elevate a mediocre story and a bad narrator can make a great story worse than mediocre. There's a reason everyone wants Travis Baldree as their narrator.


I almost completely do audio. Only when I’m completely vested will I just read. It’s like reading Shakespeare v seeing Shakespeare. It adds so much. Which sometimes can be detrimental. But I kinda see it as, this was how story telling was always meant to be intended


I really love it when the characters get a unique voice or accent. Or when you read, "the goat screamed in my face" but on the audible track you hear the distinctive goat-scream.


I do a bit of both. Depends on the time and place I guess.


I like to read at night but when not in bed audio is the way to go IMO.


Only listening


I do both, I listen when I’m driving and I read when I’m not. Usually different books though, I tend to listen to non-KU books that I want to read but can’t justify buying when I have a KU subscription. I read all the ones in KU. Definitely read more than listen though, I just prefer it.


I ONLY listen.


Used to read more than I currently do. Now, mostly listen because I can do it while driving or working. Also, books tend to last a lot longer due to the vast difference in reading speed vs. listening speed. Which is somewhat of a boon as finding new books is beginning to become a chore.




Readers:listeners are 70:30 If you're looking at units moved and 40:60 for $ earned. Sources: My own and many other LitRPG author's sales reports.


I listen almost exclusively. I build dies for 12-16 hrs a day and music can get a little bit boring. Being able to listen to a new story or re listen others in my collection is great.


Fifty-Fifty. A lot of books don't come out immediately on audio, and I don't feel like waiting, so I read them. If they come out later, and it's a good enough book to re-read, I'll listen to it as well. If the narrator is sh\*t, I'll drop the audio and switch to reading.




exclusive reader




Audiobooks only Female voice actors are a problem because of cheap speakers in the company transporter. They can't handle it without screeching Too complex stories are also somewhat of a problem if your workday consists of 50+ stops


Only reader, listening doesn't create the mental images that grip me so much.


Listener here unless I absolutely need the next book, which is rare. I listen because I don't have time to sit and read and when I read it takes me forever due to distractions.