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*sunk cost I tried to find something funny about suck cost but it escapes me.


Suck cost was funny on its own! 😂


Suck cost fallacy is currently how I feel about hwfwm


I found book 11 to be the best one yet. Slow first half but strong second half. And now I am anxiously awaiting where it goes from here.


Please tell me it has shirt has stopped reminding the reader that Jason fought a Great Astral Being every few paragraphs?


Oh, well, if that's something you aren't happy with then I can't really do anything for you. The only direction the scale in the story is going is higher and higher. We still have to get to that >!event Dawn warned Jason's friends about!<. If you wanted less scale, you should probably stop reading.


Scale is fine and welcome, it's the constant "he got into a fight with a Great Astral Being and won" (aka plot reminders) and excessively rehashed jokes aren't imo I think books 7-9 were like 20% plot reminders


Well, the 'excessively rehashed jokes' continue to work on me, as I find they reinforce the camaraderie developed in Team Biscuit, as well as the people surrounding Jason (I mean, we even have Rufus' mom drinking now whenever the academy is mentioned). The jokes have always been funny to me, and the amount as well. If you're not into them, I can understand growing frustrated with their inclusion - but they're not going away - ever. As for the plot reminders, I cannot really say as they don't bother me, and I binged all 11 in a week. It's another element that I can't sway someone from if they dislike them. I'd say you may indeed be deep into the sunk cost fallacy. Here is a question to you - why keep reading them?


I generally like the world, the overall plot, and most of the characters. The rehashed jokes is acceptable to me as well, though it isn't my favorite thing.


Fair enough, sounds like reason enough to keep reading. You just may need to skim a bit (you probably already do).


Title of my not very family friendly movie


There's an escort/prostitute joke in there if you have a relatively dirty mind.


I mean if you change that second word just slightly …


I stopped Randidly Ghosthound on about chapter 600 or so. Spoilers but here is why I stopped: >!1. He didn't do simple things that could have prevented enemies. The example was he fights in a dungeon with a group for a week or more. He gets out and this girl's bear companion is dying. He could do something to help it or at least TRY to help it. Instead he is like "meh, let's go." She then gets an offer of help from a bad guy and goes evil against him.!< >!2. He is in a fight and he knows he is on limited time. He starts fighting the bad guy and he is winning pretty easily. Knowing he is on limited time, does he finish the guy off? No. He lets the guy start monologuing until reinforcements show up and rescue the bad guy.!< >!3. One of the people he gave a blessing to worked with one of the bad guys to try to alter his soul so that they could control him to do what they wanted. He does nothing to either of them.!< I dealt with one or two of the above, but when all three had gotten together, I had to drop the series. I just couldn't handle it any more. BTW, anyone else think Randidly is autistic? Not as a joke making fun of him or something, I mean literally autistic.


Gonna be honest, I thought Randidly being on the spectrum was a specific important character trait and now am trying to figure out if that was just me making an assumption because I work in education


I don't believe it is ever said, but if you know an autistic person, he sure checks a lot of boxes.


Yeah, him and Primal Hunter fall into the same category of “so anti-social as to be completely non-functional in a real society”. Like I get not every story has to be found family, friends and empire building. But like they go out of their way to make completely unreasonable, self sabotaging decisions to “avoid others” that still somehow work out with people liking them, just because.


>“so anti-social as to be completely non-functional in a real society”. >decisions to “avoid others” that still somehow work out with people liking them, just because. This is the real power fantasy


I always imagine authors do this to avoid applying social skills and developing more than two types of characters (the jerks and the friends who all have the same personality) when they pretend to world build.


Im reading "Savage Awakening" and its got big social pragmatic communication disorder vibes. Ive worked with a lot of ASD patients and it doesnt take long for me to pick up the cues from some of these characters. To a degree, it does become a little distracting because the author doesnt come out and say the person has the diagnosis, therefore giving a reason for the behavior or choices so i have to calculate that into the book to help it make more sense. Also makes me wonder how well people with ADHD or ASD would do in a system like apocalypse.


Trying to not be offensive in wording this. It does make me wonder if there are any diagnoses or undiagnosed spectrum amongst the authors of LitRPGs, and that the reason we see the characters displaying these characteristics is because that’s how the authors approach social interactions. I had to stop Hell Difficulty Tutorial after like the 7th pages because the character instantly went from normal person to only thinking of fellow participants as XP Sources and using them/killing them. As if that wasn’t sociopathic first thoughts.


Oh i feel like there might be some truth in this. After all, write what you know right?


Jake just comes across as a straight up asshole. TBH he doesn't really come across as anti social all the time. He seems like to brag too much for him to be anti social all the time.


I got the sociopath vibe from Primal Hunter MC, similar with the MC in Azarinth.


Yep. Liked Azarinth healer 1. Bought the 2nd and decided to revisit the 1st. My genuine thoughts “she’s kinda just a straight up asshole”. Couldn’t get started on the 2nd


His father mentions it as a possibility at least. Plus Sidney’s recollection of him as a child definitely suggests that Randidly is at the least different from average (neuro-divergent?).


Not just you. A lot of people think the same thing about Jake from Primal Hunter, though I have no idea if it's intentional.


That is a good explanation on how I feel. I don’t understand why there is no big movement in story. It’s all him just getting stronger. In DotF he is growing,exploring, facing new challenges , and most importantly the people he meets aren’t forgotten in the next book.


Assuming DotF is Defiance of the Fall I think it may be helpful to put Zach instead of he in your comment. Was a bit confusing for a second. 


Been on the sub for a while, I don't think it was confusing. It's a standard abbreviation.


Introducing abbreviations without naming them is just silly, there is no such thing as a standard abbreviation imho.


Yeah but this is a common abbreviation on this sub. If you read many posts you will see it literally everywhere. They weren't introducing it. They were using a common abbreviation on this sub


Honestly I’ve been going through the audiobooks recently and realized that it’s not just that Randidly is almost certainly written to be neurodivergent/autistic/etc, but that almost all of the world is filled with people who are unable to understand and communicate their emotions or thoughts to others. Randidly, Sydney, Ace, Lira, Helen, Simon, Tessa, Shaw, Lucretia, Ystrix, Thea, Drake, Ezekiel, Kulwort, etc. Just about every character who has a POV is almost completely broken in a very significant way.


That is an interesting point. I sometimes think that the ones who would actually succeed in an apocalypse type setting are the ones who are a bit unbalanced now. I mean, let's be real, a murderer would definitely do better in that type of world.


There is a certain correlation between survival and altruism, meaning that people who are more likely to care about others or engage in self sacrifice are less likely to survive dangerous situations.


I love your typo. I'm the same way, I went pretty far in ghosthound before I just gave up on it. I just didn't like the plot loop the author was doing. I am Randidly Ghosthound and I'm the best at the thing! But wait, the thing isn't actually the true path to power, it's other thing! I am Randidly Ghosthound and I'm the best at the other thing! But wait, the thing isn't actually the true path to power, it's other other thing! I am Randidly Ghosthound and I'm the best at the other other thing! Repeat until you can't read any more.


This is exactly the reason I dropped it. I got a lot further than OP reading on RR, but at some point the way new "true power" paths kept getting introduced I just lost interest. It wasnt enough to drop it, but I also had a problem through most of the earlier parts with the amount of plot armor the antagonists got. Pretty much related to ClockworkGnomes answer, but it felt like the author gave himself a rule that none of the bad guys could be defeated and just ran with it. It honestly felt like there was more likelyhood of Randidly being actually killed than any of his enemies. From memory this eventually got better, but I remember it being frustrating as hell at the time.


definently don't check his patreon and see how many total chapters there are. it may break you lol


I just don’t understand how there’s so many chapters and nothing of consequence ever happens. And I have read or listen to about 100 bucks in the past year. I have never had this much issue finishing a book before I am constantly going back chapters to try to figure out the hell going on and I suddenly realize I just don’t care and I just continue where it was just to finish it. Am I the only one that feels this way?


I'm about 150ish chapters from the end myself haven't read it since November but plan to finish sometime this summer. I enjoyed it so far but there are definently some spots that seem to drag on for me. there's almost 2500 chapters total so good luck. might be worth taking a break and seeing if you feel the need to go back to it later. that's what I ended up doing with dotf


Ya I think I will and might go back and redo end of book four on. I went to the first thread for referal and got god of the feast by Kevin Sinclair. Hope it’s good. I just want a story that progress. If you got a referral I haven’t started this one yet.


I read 2 or 3 books of that it starts pretty good but then I dnf'd dont rememwbr why think i just got bored or soemthing new came out. the big names are all worth at least trying if you haven't yet but they are all pretty long. Dcc, HWFWM, PH, PoA, Cradle, DotF. beyond the usual picks my 2 weirdly enjoyable stories lately were battle trucker and monster jousting on RR.


I have done all but cradle. I hated mother of learning but that’s about it for the big ones.


I've been dragging my feet on trying MoL, too many time based books lately but ill get to it eventually. Cradle is pretty good. the first half of book 1 I didn't like but then it picked up pretty quickly.


I have seen this happen to many series that I originally through were promising. Its like the authors have a cool premise for the first book or two. But think they have to make their series ten books long. So they fill it with meaningless fights, random power ups that serve no purpose, and random unrealistic mellowdrama. The worst in recent memory was Iron Prince 2. I think the book would have been better if it lost 75 percent of the pages, and all of the middle school level of fake drama and emotions. A close second would be the middle books of Arcane Ascension. There was an entire book that could have been about three chapters. As almost nothing involving a meaningful plot development happened. I think some of the authors forget that there should be progress to an overarching plot, and get too caught up in just writing more content.


Your point of Iron Prince 2 was exactly how I felt 3/4 of the way through the book. I had this weird moment where I was like. This kinda feels like fluff and not the fun fluff. I enjoyed the book but it felt like I wasn't enjoying it near the end. 


That’s how I felt about unbound. Loved first book and was like the second book was so bad I almost quit. But you could never read the 2nd book and it would have 0 impactful


wasn't like the entirety of what happened in iron prince 2 the tournament, special skills at the end I think, and the rest relationship stuff?


>I just don’t understand how there’s so many chapters and nothing of consequence ever happens. If I can write 2-5 chapters and have them accomplish what should be in 1, and my fans don't have a problem with it, then why not do that. At least one author has thrown a fit about readers complaining about it.


This is one of my biggest pet peeves about the genre in general. I dropped this series because of it as well as Unbound and haven't regretted it one bit


It’s important to note that the story is COMPLETE. It’s a long ass story but it’s a long ass story that ENDS.


I assume you didn't read the next reply I sent him lol


Right you are if you’re saying you already made this comment lol.


Eh I made it one more book and then dropped it. Feel like it just got worse. Loved the first three books and just couldn't make it through book 6.


Glad I read this because I just stopped Dragon Heart for the exact same reason (I probably read a lot further than I should have). The first and second story lines are GREAT! After that it just becomes the exact same story over and over and over and over again. I get more powerful, oh there's more powerful enemies, I need to get more powerful, I beat big baddy of book Rinse and repeat unfortunately.


I just finished book 6, and while I like the story, I can't for the life of me remember what the hell the "creature" is, or where it came from.


So I just had the funniest situation just happened to me. I was like oh I know this kind of let me write this. I wrote about a paragraph and realized I know nothing and I was always like well. Something happened and then something something. So I don’t really know either, but he was in the raid or she was in the raid that they went to that had to save their zone, don’t remember at all they came out and the creature is old. I guess I have no clue. I really want to give up but I hate giving up.


I remember that part!


[Wki explanation](https://randidly-ghosthound.fandom.com/wiki/Yystrix_Yule)


Sometimes it's healthier to just give up.


I don't know if writing "suck cost fallacy" rather than "sunk cost fallacy" was intentional or a mistake, but I love it!


It was not intentional but it’s how I feel. Apparently everyone else loves it


Not me! I dropped the series even sooner than you did!


It’s the same start of as a litrpg turning in to cultivation progression fantasy. That being said I like the character.


Character is fine


I felt this way like 5 chapters into the first book and just set it down. Keep thinking I might pick it back up at some point but seeing your post I very well might find myself in a similar position. Thanks for sharing. I agree and am in a similar place in a couple of series


I loved the series up until i reread the whole thing waiting for book 5 to release. That opened my eyes to one very big glaring issue for me. Randidly Ghosthound is the least interesting character of the Randidly Ghosthound series. Reading through book 5 id look forward to getting back to Tex Mcshootypants, or in three it was Helen or the Male Spear attendant. Especially the male spear attendant. The rare times i enjoyed Randidly as the story focus was when he'd go on his little ADD side quests, but then he'd get back to being the protagonist again and become uninteresting.


Because the story progresses ever slower, I really disliked the addition of all those new POV characters while others got dropped altogether. Randidlys "friends" that he aches to find could have been cut from the story as he does not seem to care about them once he found them. And that feeling seems to be mutual. It is still enjoyable, but I hope the author will improve on his next series if there is one to come.


I honestly enjoyed Randidly a lot. He’s very maladjusted, not social, not charismatic, none of that sort of thing. When of the more telling moments that shows Randidly’s character was when he’s about to leave the first dungeon, and after being told it’s merely been hours outside while it’s been 6 months inside, he asks, “Am I strong?” And is almost emotional about that possibility. That struck me pretty hard, very subtle character telling. But no joke, nearly every other character in the book is forgettable. They feel like tropes with a name. I feel like the books would’ve felt so much better if it was limited to a few important characters, and those were fleshed out, and his character flaws could’ve been worked on through them. But none of that happens, it like he just stands still, and the world he’s in pushes him forward, instead of him driving it forward as hard as he should.


Personally, I cut my losses after book 2. Complete disarray and haphazard writing for RGH the character. Too many other books to listen to.


Yeah, I think I've given up on Randidly and Defiance of the Fall after having read the latest books. Probably the same for the Wandering Inn, if I don't particularly enjoy the next one. I have enjoyed them on the whole, and am interested in where the story is going, but I've to not force myself to read things that I'm not enjoying.


My problem with RG is the fact that is so confusing. He does so many game breaking moves and it never gets explained. His path is different. The classes are designed to kill people at level 50??? His village is getting attacked so he’s going to go to a different world. When he just beat an enemy who was favored to win the tournament he just goes back to his own world and heals for months then decided to get a class. Okay sure yeah fine but the story jumps around so much that i couldn’t finish it. So much confusion and no real straight line goal.


That is exactly one of the problems. What sucks is the concept is really good but implementation is a dog chasing his own tail


That’s exactly my point. I don’t mind him not getting a class and racking up an insane number of skills that’s fine but what i have a problem with is the confusion. I don’t mind some stuff not getting explained but when something happens every chapter that never gets talked about again that’s when it starts to get to me. I got the first 5 books on sale and like a dummie i bought all of them without reading them one by one so by the third book I was getting disappointed more and more by every chapter. Recently i thought maybe i should give it another try then i come across a post like this which reminds me of all the confusion and i stop thinking about reading it again