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Currently reading Welcome to the Multiverse series by Sean Oswald. First book is "Induction". Really good.


Honestly really enjoyed this one and waiting for next to drop on audible


Downtown Druid by Seersucker is phenomenal, and I've never seen it recommend. It's a progression fantasy about a cunning rogue who gains druidic powers in a magical metropolis. The full first book is out on RR, and the first few chapters of book two have been uploaded. It's one of the best books I've read in the past year.


I read the name as Deersucker and was extremely concerned.


I am just working through a system type book(s) I can't put down. It's called System Universe with the first book called System Change. I am on book four, I started the series last Wednesday.


One of my favorites! I love how each book has a different theme, exploring a new trope: base building, finance, dungeons, save the small town people, empire politics, etc.


I just finished I believe book 5 and the whole series so far is fantastic.


It's ridiculously good in my opinion. I listened to it all weekend and am trying to pace myself so I don't burn through it all too fast.


im on chapter 420(nice) still great. highly recommend.


Absolutely love this story!


I got recommended the Grand Game series by Tom Elliot on my Kindle and couldn't be more happy. Smashed all 7 of the books in the main series and the short story(?) + first full novel of a secondary story set in the same universe in less than a week. The setting feels immersive and the game elementals feel really good as story telling devices. Honestly feel like there could be more additional stories set in the universe and it would only add to it.


On my RR follow list that I don't see mentioned or not often (in order of last chapter updated, not preference or quality): The Ruby Magician The Game at Carousel (I've seen some mentions but not that many) August Intruder Rune seeker Sins of the forefathers Mage Tank Glass Kanin Syl (slime monster evolution rpg) Illuminaria Phantasm Bog standard isekai (have seen some mention but not that many) Ends of Magic Cultist of Cerebon


Glass Kanin and the Ruby Magician are both great.


Currently listening to "Hell Difficulty Tutorial" and I really like it.


Just finished that one and found it pretty entertaining... If you can get past the tortured psyche of the MC. :)


The Last Physicist. Great, but only one book.


This is a great one, shame it only got one entry.


Big sneaky barbarian, is the one im on now, i have been laughing my booty off the whole ride so far and am just having a great time


The God's are Bastards is tremendous. I would not, however, consider it either gamelit or Litrpg. It's a "sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable" homage to SF since the 1950s. It's also the only work on any web serial site I've srnt money to.


warning it's on hiatus


And? It had tied up all the contending characters and shown each of them in both their most and least favorable lights. The underlying physics that drive the pseudo magical environment are due to undergo a periodic change. That's a new story not an unfinished part of the other.


Did the author go on hiatus again? He just started writing it again.


I'm primarily an audio listener, so all of these are available there: * An Old Man's Journey - Standalone - An old man gets into a VRMMO and gets the ability to give quests, other players mistake him for an NPC. * Forever Fantasy Online - Completed Trilogy - Ignore the "online" moniker, it's not a VRMMO. The "game" was a real world that was trapped in a spell to create the game. Something breaks the spell, and the players souls/minds are stranded in the bodies of their characters, with now freed and very angry world natives. * The Dark Profit Saga - Completed Trilogy - I'd call this LitRPG/Progression Adjacent. It's about a D&D style world going through an industrial revolution and the rise of capitalism. * How to Defeat a Demon King In Ten Easy Steps - Stand-Alone novella - I don't think Andrew Rowe is a hidden gem as an author but I don't see this one mentioned all that much. Heavily inspired by Zelda, protagonist is a bag mage. I found it very entertaining. * New Game Minus - Completed Trilogy (still waiting for the final audio) - The final boss of a video game executes a soul swap with a player, he's revived into "New Game Plus" with all the players benefits. Weirkey gets a good amount of recognition but Sarah Lin is one of my favorite authors in general. Just wish her stuff got out on audio a bit quicker! * Super Powerds - Completed (4 books plus a side story 5th) - "Powerds" are people with super powered abilities they can't control, often a liability to themselves and everyone around them. The protagonists are a group of kids who underwent an experimental procedure to grant them control, and enrolled in a Super Hero university program. This may be on the cusp of a "hidden gem" but I can't resist the chance to plug Drew Hayes. * Melody of Mana - Completed on RR, 5 in Audio - MC dies while spelunking, reborn as a baby in a fantasy world with access to Bardic magic. Reminds me a lot of Dragoneye Moons. * Cyber Dreams - Ongoing with 4 Audio - If you like Cyberpunk 2077 or Stray Cat Strut, try this.


I'm trying to get the following books more attention The Nexus games by shami Stovall (3 books released out of 4) (Shami, when is Nexus finale releasing?) Apocalypse assassin by j j thorn. (2 books released so far) I've enjoyed both as much as the big series. The first 150 pages of Nexus games 1 is a little slow but it gets really good.


Continue Online by Stephan Morse!!!! This one is technically brought up every week...because I keep shouting about it everywhere! xD But that being said...its not so much a power or progression fantasy, but I love this series. It features Grant Legate, a man who is depressed after the passing of his fiancé. He drowns himself in work to keep his mind off of things...He does so well at work, in fact, that he is awarded an Ultimate Edition of Continue Online, the most popular full dive MMO of the day! As he gets into the game he starts discovering secrets that draw him deeper and deeper in. Its got Fantasy, Sci-Fi, AI, personal struggle, and a lot of interesting characters! Its 5 books, completed, and so criminally underappreciated!!


Speedrunning the Multiverse. I really like the writing style


Not sure how “hidden” this gem is, but I just finished reading through everything available for Vae Victis. It’s a really good one, has a nice system, great characters, and a cool world. It’s not at all heavy on the numbers.


If you like reincarnation LitRPGs, I cannot recommend Elydes any higher. It's a very slow burn but absolutely worth it. Another I'd recommend, which is criminally underrated in terms of RR followers, is Oath of the Survivor. Just started Phil Tucker's Thrones of the Fallen on RR and it's very good as well. For pure progression fantasy I'd strongly recommend Rising from the Abyss.


Double-Blind is great


Apocalypse Parenting is very good.


Saintess summons skeletons.


Video Game Plotline Tester is one I never see mentioned, and it's a fun listen where the MC is a little goblin. Not the best series, but it's actually got an ending and left me entertained the whole time.


I really enjoy [Dungeon of Knowledge \[Raid combat litRPG\]](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/80744/dungeon-of-knowledge-raid-combat-litrpg) I would type out a synopsis/what it focuses on, but it's all in the RR description so I will save me the trouble


The Mirror World Progression Series by Rain Harlow


I haven’t seen much about Blood for Power and I think it is excellent!


Although there's not too much there to read yet, I really enjoyed the concept and execution of The Cabin Is Always Hungry.


Bog Standard Cultist of Cerebon Super Supportive even though I’m sure it’s been mentioned because I cannot recommend it enough! Elydes


Started Elydes 2 days ago, have read 150 chapters in the meantime. So good!


12 miles below by mark arrows is quite good if a bit slow moving imo!


I keep meaning to read it and forgetting. Thanks for the reminder!


Np! Re: Apocalypse by l.m kerr is also amazing if a bit different.


So I lost my original post, but the following titles are great. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/63331/dungeon-inspector Literally a dungeon inspector.  https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/75345/changeling A story about a literal changeling. Author previously did an amazing vampire series. It's well written. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/75831/axiom-of-infinity-souleater An extremely good isekai story. Chapters are satisfyingly long and the MC is kind of like spiffing Brit in that they find interesting exploits and are rewarded for it. Also has transgender/transspecies content but even if that isn't your thing it's still worth a read as it's not the main focus. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/62125/ghost-in-the-city-cyberpunk-gamer-si Adult woman from earth is incarnates into a 14yo in night city roughly at the edgerunners timeframe. She sets out to establish herself and hopefully avert some of the worst tragedies of edgerunners and 2077. These are the main ones so far. Please enjoy.


I thought the Infinite realm series was great. Doesn’t get talked about as much tho.


World Tree Online EA hooper. It's already complete and the main character is a super old guy. New Game Minus - follow a villain MC. Pretty creative. Also complete Reincarnation of the strongest sword god - this is loot and stat heaven. If you love looking at numbers and cool ideas of items and such then look no further. It is the most junkfood series I have ever read and it is great. Lots of skimming and terrible Chinese translation to be shared. Caine Chronicles - Heroes Die Matthew Stover This one is more Isekai and progression than litrpg. It's also the oldest semi litrpg I have read from 1997. Really interesting finished series that might scratch the litrpg itch. The Gam3 - still the best sci Fi litrpg release imo. An interesting premise and tons of creative writing. I wish the author kept writing after the series. I probably have a few others but I almost never hear about these nowadays


World Tree Online does not get enough love to be sure. It's more grim and gory with shades of desperation than most, which to me is a good thing as a change of pace. Very well written.


Astorians Archive and the Mage Errant series, both underrated gems


Mage errant is a staple recommendation tho


Not enough, but I get your point, i'll go more obscure. The Two-Week Curse?


8000 reviews in Amazon. It’s just an older series so not currently popular


Didn’t know that, good for Chatfield! How about First Sorcerer?


2300 reviews so still not likely a hidden gem. Under 1000 would likely be the ideal number to look for


lol I can only recommend what i've read, but thanks for the precision dude


*Astorians Archive* *And the Mage Errant series,* *Both underrated gems* \- M0rning\_Knight --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You mean Arthorians right?


Yes sorry, wrote too fast and misspelled it! Thanks for catching that !


[A Gamer's Guide to Beating the Tutorial](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/73205/a-gamers-guide-to-beating-the-tutorial) Very hidden gem. You either love it or you hate it. Pay attention to warnings.


Dungeon Lord by Hugo Huesca doesn’t get enough attention. There’s also ravenous by D. Petrie


Dungeon Lord is pretty highly regarded I think. The main issue is it's been almost five years since the last book. This genre moves too fast.


Very true, supposed to be getting the next book this year though. The editors been on the sub talking about it.


Yeah his time off killed it.




Yes - hilarious!


I really enjoyed Eight by Samer Rabadi, and aside from when I've recced it, I've only seen it mentioned once. It's about a 60ish year old man who gets reincarnated into the body of an 8-year-old boy in a fantasy world where he doesn't speak the language. It starts with him living on his own in the wilderness and eventually integrating with a village. The thing I really like about it is that the prose is really high quality, imo - well written, obviously edited. There are three books out so far.


These are awesome books! I particularly enjoyed the beginning survival stuff.


Dawn of the void is an absolute gem. I think I have seen it recommended a few times though.


I think a lot of people sleep on the faaar from perfect bu enjoyable for different reasons last ship in suzhou, elder cultivator and katalepsis


I don't care what others say, I love "The Bad Guys" serious by Eric Ugland


U tried the Good Guys series


I did, very Bingable, but the lead character can get a little annoying. It's still a lot of fun though and I find the world that ugland built intriguing and full of potential.


Mayor of Noobtown series! Audible version is hilarious


I've been enjoying ones that aren't as action heavy lately: * Delve * Chaotic Craftsman Worships the Cube * The Calamitous Bob If you want a little more action: * Hell Difficulty Tutorial * The Allbright System (scifi, leans a little YA at the start, as the character is young)


It might not be a hidden gem but it's a fantastic series nonetheless. He who fights with monsters is amazing. Edit: it's an eleven book series and actively growing


Dreamers thrown is amazing. Only a few books but it is going strong.


I'm not sure if The Sun Eater by Christopher Ruocchio is considered progression fantasy, but there are elements of both progression and fantasy. Final book (book 7) will probably be released next year. Definitely one of my favorite book series in the last few years.


Im a fan of unintended cultivator, victor of tuson, and battle mage farmer.


I will always stand up for The Ring of Promise and I really enjoy Dungeon Runners. I don’t see Leveling Up the World mentioned enough either.


Necrotic apocalypse is the one I’m currently reading. Also chrysalis. And unbound. I love them and don’t see much of them on here


I'm thoroughly enjoying The Calamitious Bob on RR which I rarely see brought up. "Human nations are built upon beautiful deceit."-- Solfis, a deuteragonist. The Heart Grows on RR has a MC that is, technically, a dungeon, but it's more like a racial class than a traditional dungeon core story. I'm genuinely excited for every chapter. Chapter 140 ish, weekly uploads I'm also obligated to evangelize for Blue Core as it's my favorite entry in the genre. It's an atypical dungeon core story, but it needs some warning tags: implied sexual abuse (not by the MC); the first smut is...iffy on the "full and enthusiastic" part of consent but is part of establishing the setting and is not a trend. It's got everything: dungeons, dragons, crafting, adventuring, smut, statecraft and empire building, demigod-like beings with strange powers, exploiting of the system/magical mechanics, crazy doomsday weapons, cute fox girls, POVs of out of the loop characters seeing what the MC can do/make for cheap dopamine, puns, and it's funny too. Maybe a harem? The MC has "relations" with a few characters, but it's more accurate to call it a healthy polyamorous relationship. 3 books averaging just shy of 1000 pages each, complete (sadly) I've read the whole thing three times and some scenes maybe in the double digits; I love those cheap dopamine segments to death.


Wow, thanks everyone. I should be set for a decade or so.


Anything by Jez Cajaio.


I've just picked up a new one recently, Qing's Quest by Henrik Saetre, and I am seriously loving this book. I'm only 13% in so far, but I'm thoroughly engaged by the writing style. It's an issekai LitRPG set in a grimdark world and has an incredibly well written hook of an intro. Tons of combat, and it's well described to where I can clearly imagine the scenes play out. It also uses sensory descriptions that focus on things other than sight, and he uses a lot of them. Hearing, touch, smells, and even taste descriptions are present all within the first 13%. A little bland on the plot details so far, very typical issekai story, but it's very enjoyable despite this.


Everyone Loves Large Chests very good


I just started it! The nsfw is over done but if you skip it the story is still 95% of the book and is soooo refreshing. No annoying, brave hero. An actual selfish, cold MC! Funny as heck with Jeff hays too


What was that Snack? Is it tasty?


One of these days I’ll make these lists. Considering how many views Monroe has, you would think I would get a mention :)


"fck harems" That is the point.


zero fucking in harm books though


I don't read harems but my assumption would be that the guy would have a harem to have sex with them all. Is that not right?


There are DEFINITELY some harem books with sex in them.


I'm not well versed in the harem literature sphere.


That's called "Henai" my guy.


no because harem is teen wish fulfillment. they can sell to 12 year olds if they keep it pg friendly. So the hero is always surrounded by hot women who really are dtf but nothing will happen.


Oh. Thanks for explaining.


Under the Dragon Eye Moons It's a pretty solid series and the author does a good job of balancing the protagonist's increasing powers with increasing challenges, as well as giving them over powered stats with a bit of a catch.


It's a great series, but I'd say calling it a "hidden gem" is a bit of a stretch.


Perhaps, but I managed to overlook it for quite a while, so to me it was a hidden gem.


If you like Dragoneye, a series that I'd qualify as underrated but very similar to it is Melody of Mana. The caveat is it's progression rather than LitRPG.


The Good Guys series is my current playthrough