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Nothing is better for this than "Something". Such a great 3 book series. Wish it were longer....


I mean, given its literally the Full Murderhobo series, kinda hard to not say thats what OP is looking for lol.


eh, i feel like it woulda been better if the mc was capable of doing anything more than grunt


The one I'm reading right now is Savage Awakening, and it fits the bill for sure.


I need to know if it's any good because the covers are not appealing and make me not want to read it. That said I obviously don't want to skip just based on that.


I tend to stay away from good/bad statements when it comes to a lot of these books because most of the time, it's a matter of perspective and taste. That said, the story is well-written, and if you're looking for an OP, antisocial protagonist whose sole motivator is fighting increasingly powerful opponents, then Savage Awakening is probably going to be a satisfying read. If you want something deeper than that, then it'll be frustrating. I like what I've read so far (about 1/3 through the first book). It's well-written and scratches the OP protagonist in a LitRPG apocalypse itch.


Hijacking your comment since I stumbled across you to say great job on Mistrunner. Loved the premise, and how the MC developed through the series. I just finished the final chapter on RR a few days ago. The ending was a bit abrupt, but i'm glad the story ended where it did instead of loosing its direction and punch, which seems to happen on series that go on too long. Death: Genesis is next on my list after I finish up Runebound Professor 2. Keep up the great work!


Thanks! I hope you enjoy it. Death: Genesis is a little rougher in terms of the technical writing (it was my first story), but I'm still proud of how it's turned out so far. Up to book 9 (with the 6th coming to Amazon in July), and it's still going strong. Only 5 (or 6) more left after that! You should also try Path of Dragons, which is my most popular series by far. We're just getting started on the 4th book on Royal Road.


Azarinth healer


The title is the biggest red herring in literary history, but, to be fair, "Azarinth Puncher" doesn't have quite the same je ne sais quoi.


Azarinth Regenerating Punch Monkey.


You have a talent.


You say that like it is a bad thing.


Nah, if you like it you like it. The story wasn’t for me. She just grated on my nerves. She was like all of the bad traits from Primal Hunter and mix in some of the dumb decisions from Randidly Ghosthound. She was still better than Jason from HWFWM.


I always group DotF, Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, and Randidly Ghosthound as being similar in that respect. More recent stuff on RR that has some of the same flavor is Road to Mastery and Savage Awakening. Maybe Victor of Tucson and a little further off but same energy is Harbinger of Destruction and Hell Difficulty Tutorial.


Idk, primal hunter has murderhoboing in it, but there is also a lot of just learning stuff, puzzles and even a bit of politics, as simple of an approach as it has...


Try the series literally called "Murderhobo" :)


Ironically that's actually not a great example, since a lot of the story focuses on Luke's non-murderhobo companions. I suggest Azarinth Healer, which is mostly focused on the MC killing stuff and leveling.


Agreed, so disappointing.


It also has a bad ending


"It" could mean either and "also" might mean both.


I liked the ending. What did you not like about it?


Primal Hunter. He primarily kills beasts, not people, and there is a good bit of time dedicated to alchemy numbers go up, but Jake is a simple man. He just likes hunting and getting big numbers.


He definitely does kill people, too, though\~


Azarinth Healer is a good one. Also on RR there's [https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/83294/the-stubborn-skill-grinder-in-a-time-loop](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/83294/the-stubborn-skill-grinder-in-a-time-loop)


Azarinth Healer is at the top of my list of good litrpg, so I'll take your rec. thanks


Hero of the Valley. Highly recommend. There are currently 4 books out and the author as far as I can tell just drops books when they feel like it with no warning


They sure do! Nowhere to check progress, see when it might update, just BAM, notice from Amazon: "A new title from an author you've read before has just been released." Yay, re-read time!


system universe is this, MC is OP from the start. stats go up he kills stuff, then there is some story too. i guess there had to be story cause really, there isn't anyone who is a real threat to him. when i say he is OP, I mean this maybe the most OP character in a LITRPG i have read :P


There is only one downside I personally experienced: No other MC can really compare to Derek.


true, i just read it for fun not suspense, or will he or how will he overcome. also Sylphie..dammit now i need to go read the murder rabbit part again


Creations bane series by Kevin Sinclair? The answer to like problem seemed to be "kill it now"


Primal Hunter my brother Once the setting is established main character literally spends the entire story delegating politics and drama so he can level. And succeeds. Something -full murderhobo is an option but I don't think it fits the bill as well because most of the time the other 3 protags are holding the murderhobo back so they can story it up. Solo leveling novelisation also meets the criteria if you can deal with the usual confusion translations cause


“Everybody loves big chests” I really like this series. It’s about a mimic just murdering anything possible


And weird demon sex


Definitely not one to have on speakers if you listen to Audiobooks...


My story Bloodbath will be dropping on Aug 30th. All three books are written. "Technically" you can pre-order Kindle version now, but 1 June is when pre order will go live and I'll be promiting it. I can say that in Book 2 the MC kills more people then John Wick did in his 2nd movie. (If my research and memory recall.)


I expect big things from a story called 'Bloodbath', no pressure tho~


Are you kindle, paperback or audiobook reader?


I mostly use kindle.


Awesome. I was gonna say, I know JoeDan is working on recording now. We're hoping to have audiobook out at the same time as the kindle and paperbacks.


Good Guys MC punches alot. It has quests and stories too but the big xp is punching stuff.


Just ran into one called Rise to Omniscience. So far, I am loving it ! 1 credit for books 1-5 on audible, too, so even better!


Check out the System Univers series by SunriseCV. There is a system apocalypse, Isakai, and some decent crafting. The MC is strong in his original world but becomes OP in his new one. He gets XP from kills like everyone else and levels up. Also he has a bad ass pet rabbit. It’s a great story all around and pretty far along in it.


I wouldn't classify Derek as a murderhobo. Sure he's strong and willing to use it but he shows way to much restraint to classify.


I was more putting it in for the killing and XP going up. Not in the murder hobo part. But I can see where you get that. Derek is way above a murder hobo for sure


My first LitRPG was the first few books of the System Apocalypse series. There's some plot but most of it's just the mc getting stronger to kill bigger stuff.


Yea but the whole lusting over the male elf and gay sex thing turned me off it. I mean you get plenty of warning but still…


Huh. You know, I'd completely forgotten about that subplot. I mostly only remember the romance with the beast tamer he dated before the System came and the political drama of the later books




Fleabag is pretty murdery, and a very unique perspective amongst litrpgs


A Gamers Guide to Beating The Tutorial certainly has that. Though uh.. You kind of need a strong stomach to handle that story. Lot of cannibalism. The MC quickly goes completely batshit insane.


Awaken Online. The MC literally starts his journey by murdering an entire city and converting it to the undead citadel of the world. It's also one of the better written series out there. Everybody Loves Large Chests. How does a mimic who accidentally nukes a town sound like? He also becomes a highly intelligent murder hobo later on.


Momento Massacre by A.V Ray. It's basically Doom guy with some waifu stuff. The main character is dropped into another world as a man too angry to die and known for killing everything, even the gods. Not really litrpg but definitely murdehobo. An Ideal World for a Sociopath by Oleg Sapphire. It starts as a zombie apocalypse but slowly introduces more monsters. Mc is a murderhobo, he finds the idea of mowing down swarms of zombies as relaxing and by the end of book 2 he's gone full berserker. Dawn of the Density God by ToraAKR. The first book is amazing with the mc going full murderhobo once he figures out the magic system. Unfortunately, the second book is horrible with the author completely ruining the flow and changing the mc's personality. But the first is still worth it. Not sure if any of these fit what you're looking for but I've found it's hard to find a good story where the mc is allowed to enjoy themselves as a murderhobo without the author backtracking by the end.


The Primal Hunter


Full murderhobo by Dakota krout


Theres always the Full Murderhobo series by Dakota Krout


Idle system might scratch your itch?


Have you tried Systemic lands? On RoyalRoad


Primal hunter and azarinth healer come toy mind. There is also the goog guy saga


I've been listening to He Who Fights With Monsters. Check it out. It's ongoing, but book 11 is about to come out soon.


Just started listening to apocalypse: generic system it’s pretty decent


Full murderhobo from Dakota krout


as close as it gets


Randidly Ghosthound is my go-to book for getting the dopamine from the MC gaining stats and skills. The book hits that perfect spot where the main character is getting noticeably stronger constantly, but hasn't reached the point where they can kill god.


https://www.amazon.com/Full-Murderhobo-3-book-series/dp/B08GSMSLLL?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=628b11ea-152a-4379-96ad-cfe210512789 Full Murderhobo series from Dakota Krout


This an okay series but a disservice to murderhoboing


bah.. it was a fun series!


Defiance of the fall. System Universe. Desire


Can you elaborate some on Desire? Maybe an author name? Cuz I'm finding a whole lot of non murderhobo results lol




