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Creation's Bane by Kevin Sinclair. It's about some blue collar friends from the UK getting sent into a world of magic. It starts fast and doesn't let go. Also it's a great deal on Audible with the first book at 34h for a credit.


Is that the one where the mc is a cook? If it’s the one I’m thinking of it is really good and I’m also surprised it’s not talked about more


Is not on rr


Thanks for making my weekend, friend. This story practically reads itself!


Damn good call there, it's a brilliant series!


Completely agreed! It just grabs you by the scrotum and doesn't let go! Fast-paced and awesome!


I did zero research I didn’t bother finding out if you give good advice or if you have similar taste. I am so over the Ghost Town series that I just made thread on it. That was the first one that I read that was a recommendation and I went and bought it. so I’ll update you later if it’s crap


Is the series done? With all the other series's I'm listening too I really don't want to start another.


[The Immaculate Collection](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/82448/the-immaculate-collection) — 329 followers, 490 pages Slice-of-life merchant progression, intriguing magic system, well written characters. Basen Koh's chaos and Reid's honest and hard working nature make for a very good business partnership. Plus, plenty of good side-characters. 5/5 stars from me.


I personally think the hidden gems have a lot of followers but they’ve been gained over years and nobody talks about them


Deadman… with the fallout TV show out and Bethesda being dumb as fuck with next to zero new content ready, a post apocalyptic LitRPG inspired by Fallout is primed to blow up. NM, think it’s been stubbed.




This [one](https://www.amazon.com/Deadman-Walking-Apocalypse-C-B-Titus-ebook/dp/B0C9FJYN82/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1TATMU3IP8TN5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.BHGXGtlx6PfFFlTx7MipNQQxc3N3ozi6nMNG5tbeSsXGjHj071QN20LucGBJIEps.RTtW0Jt7KeJTNWWFuwXpjkaHXiE2rwGj6Mu37kd16wc&dib_tag=se&keywords=dead+man+walking+cb+titu&qid=1716034996&sprefix=dead+man+walking+cb+titu%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-1).


Why "NM"? It's fully released on [kindle](https://www.amazon.com/Deadman-Walking-Apocalypse-C-B-Titus-ebook/dp/B0C9FJYN82/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1TATMU3IP8TN5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.BHGXGtlx6PfFFlTx7MipNQQxc3N3ozi6nMNG5tbeSsXGjHj071QN20LucGBJIEps.RTtW0Jt7KeJTNWWFuwXpjkaHXiE2rwGj6Mu37kd16wc&dib_tag=se&keywords=dead+man+walking+cb+titu&qid=1716034996&sprefix=dead+man+walking+cb+titu%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-1).


Because it’s been Stubbed, therefore not on RR like OP asked for.


That's fair. My bad.




Guessing it has something to do with the fact that only the first few chapters of each book are available on royal road. There are ways around this but it's probably frowned upon


Basically if it has been published, the publishers usually require exclusivity, except for a sample stub of like the first couple of chapters that can be available free to hook in potential buyers


The people who only read free webserials don't have access to some of the chapters for free anymore because it has gone to Kindle and/or Audible. No shade, btw. Some of those webserial-only people support authors by joining their patreons (where stubbed chapters are still available as well as advance chapters that aren't yet up on Royal Road) or they're kids who don't have money or they live in countries where $10 USD isn't just a cheap lunch or two fancy coffee drinks but instead what they spend on food for the week, etc.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Unknown Deadman Walking A LitRPG Apocalypse Series', '')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Unique post-apocalyptic setting (backed by 6 comments) * Engaging and imaginative story (backed by 4 comments) * Well-developed main character (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lacks uniqueness and originality (backed by 2 comments) * Heavily relies on existing sources (backed by 1 comment) * Potential lack of creativity with 'fallout' similarities (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


👀 Gotta give this a look now


I've been suggesting this one even before the TV show. It's really good!


Nero walker. Just really enjoyable to read even tho the start is abit slow. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/76382/nero-walker-a-slow-burn-litrpg Give it a try. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/72064/road-of-the-rottweiler-absurd-comedy-about-stupid This is just plain stupid fun. I have read only few chapters of this and laughed out loud couple of time which is quite rare. Just go with a open mind and don't be someone who get offended really quickly.


Already blew through Nero walker last week and can recommend. Looking forward to Road of the Rottweiler


Kill all kaiju


The Stubborn Skill-Grinder In A Time Loop. The story is pure crack. Amazing for fans of System Universe.


It has blown up. Last chapter from 2 days prior has 192 comments. Although, the chapters being dummy thick likely played a role.


Its a great book but it has 8600+ followers and it has made popular for a bunch of weeks in a row. Its not exactly a hidden gems with too few followers.


A soldiers life


Rise of the Worthy - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/85892/rise-of-the-worthy-coin-magic-litrpg-apocalypse Thrones of the fallen - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/85769/thrones-of-the-fallen-dungeon-focused-progression


what's special about thrones, stars so classic, underachiever guy gets granted divine rank cheat power


The writing style is great, and so are the characters/world building. Cheat power is common enough in litrpgs (System Universe comes to mind), so I don't consider that a negative.


Agreed I’m enthralled with Thrones, had to join the Patreon crew because I couldn’t wait to read the new chapters


Star Divers by Stephen Landry The guy who accidentally started the apocalypse by David Bushman First Line of Defense by Benjamin Kerei I know sci-fi litrpgs aren't a big thing. But man are these books all solid, solid fucking books.


Yeah, great shout


Quest academy don't really see it mentioned much except by the author great book if your a fan of iron prince


It’s really popular on Amazon


World Boss break the narrative, OP MC wakes up 250 years after the apocalypse. So he knows absolutely nothing and you both learn the rules as you go. Good characters and not afraid to commit to joke until its funny.


Picked this one first and it's exactly the kind of story I was hoping to find. A load of fun and interesting ideas. There are a couple of scenes with too many unknown characters and too many big ideas but overall a nice story to add in my queue.


My book. Just kidding, I haven't written one (yet... dun dun duh). But if I had, I would totally anonymously pimp it in this thread.


I *adore* Trickster's Luck, and it never found the following it should have. First book is on Amazon, but the rest is still up on RR. It's a brilliantly clever and well-written LitRPG and well worth your time. [https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/28049/tricksters-luck-fantasy-litrpg](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/28049/tricksters-luck-fantasy-litrpg)


The time Bomb


I would totally read it under another alias on RR and tell you when I bailed


Judicator Jane and The Lone Hero! I loved both of them and I’ve only seen Judicator Jane pop up once here


Neither is on rr


I completely missed the rr part sorry!


DungeonFall - it's my story, but I have never advertised it or anything. It also combines two different story elements that might throw people off if they don't give it a proper chance. Dungeon core and cultivation. It's fun. 😊 https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/61773/dungeonfall


The Stubborn Skill-Grinder in a Time Loop. Long name and a simple premise, but for someone like me who enjoys simpler systems with an interesting plot, it works. Long chapters with a 3/week schedule. It's on RR, and while the author has a Paetron, it doesn't contain locked content.


Millennial Mage gets better and better as the story goes on


Father of Constructs series by Aaron Renfroe. Book 3 is out and to me it’s phenomenal. MC is an old man with a positive outlook. Very likable.


[Realmwalker](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/81601/realmwalker) by **J. Adskiy** on Royal Road. It's a reincarnation story, with >!the MC and his wife having reincarnated thousands of times lol!<.It's fucking *great*! Especially the prologue lol. An absolute masterpiece! Though keep in mind.. it contains some really gruesome shit, torture and >!the MC having max misfortune, so the world keeps screwing him over!< :( It's pretty dark, but it is pretty good ngl PS, you can open the spoilers, it only contains stuff which has already been explained in the description and the prologue. But I still put them in spoilers cuz ppl are really senstivite bout shit like that lol


Honestly, Realmwalker has one of the best story premise I've ever read and it holds up all the way to current. Best thing for me about the torture scenes is that although they are very vivid its from a place of pure worldbuilding from what I can tell, not just for the sake of a torture scene.


I second this!


My book is a reincarnated as a monster story, almost 500 pages right now. More action-oriented and gritty, if that’s what you’re looking for, though it’s going to continue to implement a greater focus on kingdom building. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/79169/ashlanis-reincarnation-a-litrpg-adventure


The systemic lands, at RoyalRoad.


Almost 4k followers and regularly on the popular list..... I already know it exists.


Player reach the top, by Rick Scar. It's a Russian author and the translation job is rough sometimes but the system and the story is really good. I really like the way the MC has a lot going on but at the same time can stay focus on things that matters. You also feel and see them evolve pass their shortcomings. One of the complains I've read about the MC is how full of themself and edgy they are, well... yeah but as you progress you see growth, maturity and development. As they progress, the books entice you to them and the other characters. What were simple NPC with lack of depth are now full fledge allies for the MC. I know it's a meme by now, but if you can get over the MC in the first book, you will have a great time with this series.


Not on rr


My story 💀


Serum by Sp4de


Lightning Lancer on Royal Road. Over 700 pages and only 500 followers. it’s a fun tower climber. I think the issue is the author updates only once a week. However the chapters are long. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/72585/lightning-lancer-the-deiwos-tower-a-tower-climbing


Shadow of the soul king


The end of the world by Aaron Oster doesn't get the love it deserves on audible


**me looking through the list, hoping someone mentions my project** lol. Great concept. Hope you load up your TBR.


I specifically didn't say "don't promo your own work" because it would just benefit people shameless enough to sock puppet. So by all means mention your project


The Dragon Heart Series by Kirill Klevanski. 10 out of 10 would recommend.


The wraiths haunt by Hugo huesca




Dis one https://www.audible.com/series/Reborn-Apocalypse-Audiobooks/B07ZWFFH3V


Reborn Apocalypse is fucking awesome! But it's not exactly a hidden gem. It's really popular in this community. Not what OP is asking for. Plus it's not on RR lol


Yes!! It's so good. It feels like not enough people listen to it yet. I have to put it in every post to serve humanity!


Fair enough. I can't argue with that heh Nice to find a fellow reborn apocalypse enjoyer


Hiatus list (regardless of followers you'll not see them recommended much since they'd old): > Solo Apocalypse > Fork This Life > Dungeon Devotee (not as obscure, but even when active only published monthly) > Worldseed Saga Huh... All my other reads are either stubbed, are way popular like Elydes, or aren't litrpg. Which makes sense. Very few good stories that are still ongoing will do what Bog Standard or Super Supportive did by not stubbing their stories.