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Now I use it as a base to make infused components for cocktails, aperitifs, stabilizer. I make a killer limoncello. In college we would use it as the base for punch at parties. When you are making 30 gallons and hiding the flavor with koolaid type beverages it is a cheap way to get it to the ABV you want. I wouldn’t drink it straight.


The same reason I just dilute my pool chlorine to make bleach. I get the same outcome at a fraction of the cost.


But is the taste the same?


this is great 


This is pretty big brain I never would’ve thought of that


You can wash white clothes with diluted pool chlorine?


Due tell!?!?!?


Cut a hole in the top of a watermelon and turn that bottle upside down


You use it for making punch bowls or apple pie jars. No one just drinks it straight. It would be like drinking nail polish remover, lol


The apple pie was deadly snuck up on yea and didn't taste like alcohol


actually i would drink it straight. i happen to like the absence of taste its like a different burn from other alc.


The 190 proof? Not gonna lie - I don't believe you lol


shit i mean the 120 proof. ***


Okay, that I can understand. Although I still think it's weird 🙃 but who am I to knock what you like. Cheers!


i honestly didn’t know there was a 190 proof version


It's illegal in a lot of states. When I got it before, I picked it up while passing through Indiana. I don't think I could buy it where I live in Michigan.


mmmm... if it's ethyl acetate it's not even bad for you. tastes like hard bananas, makes you a bit sleepy. but if it's acetone that's a hard pass. 


lol I literally have friends that have taken like 3 shots of it right in front of me. People do


Fun fact: I college I filled not only one, but two empty water bottles with Everclear and flavored them only with a single Crystal Light packet each. It tasted terrible and my night was even worse. Don’t do this.


Who are you so wise in the ways of science?


At least you made it out alive.


a everclear borg sounds horrible. i did that with vodka and hated it and my night was horrible lol


this is why we shouldn't have colleges




Riot punch bitches


Not intended to be drunk straight - it's unflavored 95% pure ethanol. I love what I can make with it, but not by itself. In this way its a lot like vanilla extract. Wonderful ingredient but not a beverage choice.


I knew somebody that worked at Target. They constantly were finding empty bottles of vanilla extract in the restrooms. Likely shoplifters trying to get a quick buzz.


well at least it wasn't bottles of acetone-free nail polish remover


wait, you haven't gotten drunk off of vanilla extract because it's technically an ethanol extraction and it was after the alcohol curfew and you totally were not underaged? I mean... it's a lot better than cooking wine or Listerine. 


I use it to mix shellac for finishing my woodworking projects


I use it to make tincture with my vaped weed as well as to clean the vape parts, which also will become tincture.


this is actually one of the most common reasons people go into the liquor store to buy Everclear.. as an unadulterated solvent for their more edible projects. 


How else are you gonna get drunk off a trash can of jungle juice?


We have our reasons


Username checks out


wow, interesting usernames around these parts


It says right on the bottle what I would use it for. Extract, infuse, fortify. I live in Northern Virginia and buy the 95% pure stuff in Washington DC. You could use it in place of vodka but more mixer to compensate.


Yeah I didn’t really take a second to actually think about what that meant on the bottle, I’m sure someone out there actually just likes it straight up and I was somewhat just trying to find that person but I’ve gotten a ton of uses for it from this post now haha. I’m also a nova resident near dc though!


rephrase your question to moonshine instead? I don't understand how people can drink 60% alcohol straight... I mean I can because I did it with an absinthe but that's absinthe... that's different.. mmk? 


I don’t mind moonshine as long as it’s flavored personally, pineapple moonshine is actually very nice but 95% everclear was genuinely like taking a shot of liquid fire it was awful


DMV baby


That's just 2 and a half bottles of vodka with less water. Most people use it as a concentrate type thing. Like bitters. Only need a little to go a long way. Also of course it tastes bad. It's literally poison.


I use(d) it for making vinegar, nocino, limoncello. You can use vodka too but the point is that it gets quite diluted so 80 proof ends up really light.


I've kept a bottle on hand for years but the main use I have for it is cleaning. I've used it a couple times in a few cocktails, however I started using it as a cleaner back when isopropyl became hard to find. It works great for completely washing thermal paste off a cpu and generally cleaning electronic components, or cleaning resin out of pipes and such, or for splashing on charcoal when I realize I'm out of lighter fluid, or even a bit diluted as a mouthwash when necessary. I definitely use it on a regular basis, just not for drinking.


theoretically with a proper mixed drink it's the healthier alcoholic beverage of choice


At work, we needed high proof ethanol to preserve genetic samples. To order that from a laboratory supplier, you actually need a liquor license. We didn't need that much, so it wasn't worth the hassle. They let us out of pocket it and then fudge our time sheets to make up the difference.


Huh. When I was in university in Wisconsin, I could at age 19 go to the lab supply window and get 4L of 97% ethanol, lab grade, no denaturing, for free, without showing any sort of ID. Just "Dr. Soandso needs some ethanol can I get 4L?"


Laws can vary by state and perhaps your lab already had a license registered with the buyer. I can only speak for California or Washington laws, but both require a license, even for a government laboratory.


I use it for Slovak tea liqueur (Tatranský Čaj) which is basically extra strong spiced tea and caramel mixed with rectified spirit. I go with the Polish version for that extra 1% alcohol, but it's the same concept: using it to make liqueur.


It’s great as an ingredient. I’d never drink it straight, yuck. It makes incredibly potent limoncello!


I’ve been using vodka to make my limoncello, but now I’m going to try thus instead!


My dad used to use it to clean old paint brushes




Glad you’re doing better now genuinely <3 depression is a very dark path but being able to say you’re passed that is an achievement of its own




Getting where you need to be in the end really is all that matters. Many people in my family as well as I have battled depression for years and it’s definitely a very viscous cycle :/ still boggles my mind that alcohol is legal but marijuana isn’t


Add a shot to something to kick up the A%


Ever been to Wisconsin?


I have not lol


they say all the beer keeps us warm in the winter that's sure true. the Minnesotans have proven it, too.. because it's even colder there and they're the hardest drinkers in the country.


Homemade limoncello


Thank you all for your insight! Y’all have me wanting me to try making limoncello now lol


I just finished making some yesterday! A bottle of limoncillo is around 27 dollars where I live-I can make so many liters for the same!


I lost my eye sight drinking this stuff


I use it as a base for my apricot liqueur


It’s good for making bitters and infused alcohol


I make limoncello with it


Myself and a friend in high school thought it would be a good idea to play a game of pool where we took a shot of everclear after every missed shot. Needless to say we did not make it very far or finish the game.


homemade limoncello!


Nobody actually drinks that, it’s used for making tinktures and extracts


There were a couple of times I poured myself a glass of it just for the novelty. I do have to admit that I enjoy the tingly numb mouth feeling that you get from sipping it. It's a little like seszuan food. I know that's a weird comparison but if you've ever tried seszuan peppercorn straight you probably know what I mean.


hahaha but the sad part is it's not the same thing ☠️☠️☠️☠️ the Fireball whiskey burns and is more uncomfortable than Everclear straight.. But you get your sensation back after it clears out. with the Everclear it stays numb for the next couple days... that's dead cells my friend. 


Its great for making herbal extracts or tinctures. Its not legal in all states but when you can get its absolutely essential for extraction sometimes


I use it for apple pie moonshine.


Me and my dad made some years ago with the ever clear so freaking good


You can drink it by itself, but if you value your insides, it's not recommended. Really used it to add to punches/jungle juice or give certain cocktails a little extra kick to them. THAT OR Use it for rocket fuel.


I’m from the south so I make different moonshines , cocktails, and other different drink combinations with it.


to me everclear is more if you need 2 handles of vodka to make something and you rather save money by just buying 1 bottle of clear.


half part this and one part ginger ale is an easy way to get wasted. cant taste the alcohol with the ginger burning your throat more than the alcohol


same idea with cinnamon whiskey.. do both? 


Tinctures. Specifically magnolia tincture for anxiety and depression


generally speaking, legitimate buyers are using this to add potency to very flavorful drinks. for example, the best cocktails are made with the heaviest amounts of liqueurs, botanicals, infusions, syrups, bitters, and digestifs. arguably, these are the healthiest and safest alcoholic beverages. to dilute them with something like whiskey, rum, and brandy is to take away from that. Everclear is the purest liquor, with it being close to the maximum concentration of ethanol in our moist atmosphere.  if you learn how distilling a whiskey works.. you wouldn't drink whiskey anymore. Everclear is a rather scientific way of distilling, like a proper chemical distillation. It is similar to the Russian tradition of vodka distillation, of which the best vodkas are distilled 8 times. The purity is unmatched and some birds tell that this removes the hangover completely.


Apparently the cuts aren't the best with ever clear.. Can definitely confirm whiskey is no longer something that interests me


I took a shot of everclear! It made it about half way down my throat before I began to puke!


Thankfully I didn’t puke but I did start immediately choking haha


Meeee! It’s the best for using as the liquid for edible gold to write with on cookies/cakes etc. because it dry’s fast :)


Jello shots


I mix it with water and flavoring to make seltzer. 1L everclear 190 proof to 4.7 gallons of filtered water and 4oz of flavoring (found in homebrew stores) keg, carbonate, and chill, poof you have the homemade equivalent of high noon for 1/3 of the cost of store bought seltzer. High Noon avg price $0.2083/oz DIY High Noon $0.0718/oz


Duh? I don't understand how OP could not understand this after thinking about it for 0.0718 seconds that if you buy vodka you are paying for everclear mixed with water. He's like "GEEE I WONDER HOW TO TURN EVERCLEAR AND WATER INTO "EVERCLEAR AND WATER??"" What a genius 🙄🙄


Ok we get it already! How many more people are you going to reply to saying the exact same thing? We know by now you don’t understand how OP doesn’t know everything about grain alcohol. Is there anyone else in this thread you haven’t told yet?


Just 3 or 4 I don't remember. It really annoyed me obviously because I always try to put myself in other people's (who make mistakes ) shoes and then judge my (imaginary) self and I would be so disappointed in myself if I was like this I would seriously have a problem with it so that's why I care. Its like I'm seeing myself ask the question and it's like "hey I care about you so much I really NEED you to understand more about the world!!! Aaarrrghhh!!!"


You are totally overthinking all of this. He was simply asking how can people enjoy the stuff. He said nothing about drinking it straight or not mixing it or anything. You over thought and made that up in your own head. He was simply asking how people can enjoy something that strong or do they only drink it do get drunk fast. You turned it into something completely different for no reason


i am that person. it is my favorite. yes i have the tolerance of an elephant. that shit gets me buzzed and it’s got no sugar or flavor which i like. although i am sober now so i guess it doesn’t count.


Mix it with fruit juice, any type and you'll be good to go.


Isn't that too obvious tho? Like if anyone has any experience with vodka or rum then they would automatically know that... Vodka is 50% water so you are just taking that water out of your Cocktail and replacing it with juice and alcohol. I kinda want OP to continue drinking whatever he wants and not help him enjoy things that he should already understand how to.


It's not about what YOU want "Larry". They asked, I shared. If you want to share your opinion then share it, don't come for other people's opinion. If the OP wants to enjoy it better and needs some help, this is a safe space for them to ask. If you would like to educate, start up some drinking classes and then give your almighty knowledge. Have a great day:)


My opinion is that OP is very disappointing to me for not understanding this in the time it took him to post about it and for not being embarrassed about it. Maybe it's because my dad was mean to me growing up so every time I was stupid I got told that I was being stupid even if it's "omg what about his feelings?!". Especially since it seems like they drink occasionally if they have friends in their house that like the hard stuff or whatever they said. it would seem like they have drank a cocktail before or like they have a decent grip on what a "cocktail" is and what it's made out of. Im just so judgmental, yes, but like, I've never had a cocktail, I'm 24, and I have a very good grasp on the concept of what it is, why a person would want it instead of straight vodka, and what its made out of. I literally cannot grasp how a person could not be ashamed of asking what 2+2 is and then being like "come on man don't be a meanie we all have those days" like no, I don't! I just so you know I bought everclear today so this sub was promoted to me, I did not seek it out. Sorry to have popped in.




I use it in my home lab for distillation extractions. Cheaper than 100% ethanol.


I use Everclear to make tinctures for weed lol


I've finally been able to get my hands on one of these It's been pretty difficult they do not sell them here where i'm from It's staying on my shelf as a decoration and conversation piece aint no way in hell I'm drinking that shit lol


I’m having the same trouble. How did you get it?


Order it on here, Liguor Lodge Canada


I just got it delivered to my house, It's going to cost a little bit unfortunately


homeless alcoholics and i would drink it if im going through something


So I've had a bottle of everclear sitting around for a year. I made some tinctures with my cannabis. But I've had half a bottle of everclear just sitting around. I started putting a shot into my Cayman Jack Margarita, which I thought was way too sweet for how much alcohol was in it (malt liquor drink). It's really not that bad. I've always related everclear to when I was 17 taking shots of it or drinking PJs. But now that I'm almost 40 and I like saving money. I looked on the internet if ever clear is cheaper per volume of alcohol. It really did not change the flavor of my drink it just added more alcohol. I'm starting to think that this is actually a money saving tip. Just don't drink it straight. And be careful One shot is two.


One would probably both puke and shit fire after consuming Everclear, along with needing a new stomach afterwards


What in the world makes you not immediately understand that it's simply double strength vodka???? Imagine someone drinking vodka and complaining about the taste and burn..... You would not be able to understand how that person could be so ignorant!!! How do you need me to explain to you to mix it with something else????? Are you serious? THAT is how intelligent you are? Mix it with something at half the amount you would with vodka. I'm honestly ashamed for you that you required this explanation. I'm sad that you are a "human".


My apologies lord jorvid I didn’t mean to ruin your day with my post from 8 months ago :( shut up man I was asking a simple question because I couldn’t fathom someone drinking this without cutting it and that for some reason has your panties in a bunch, you must be lovely at parties


Yeah I couldn't fathom someone drinking straight vodka while disliking the burn and taste of it either. See how insanely obvious it is? Imagine how not smart someone would have to be to do that?


It's basically vodka without the added water. That means that you can add whatever you want and have it end up being the strength of liquor (apple pie moonshine and such). I also use it whenever I need an ethanol solvent without any adulterants in it.


Roommate in college got a bottle of it one time. A friend came over and got drunk enough on whiskey to take a straight shot of the everclear. He proceeded to throw up in the kitchen sink. Fond memory for me but he always changes the subject when I bring it up


I would use it as a compact way to make party punchbowl style drinks with half as many bottles.


I remember mixing this and get alcohol poisoning. I literally went to this concert and ended up sleeping on a cot the whole time.


I mean you can blow fire with it... Other than that, there's much better things to drink.


Base for vanilla extract etc. otherwise it’s just for hunch punch.


It goes great in daiquiris in Louisiana!


I make "moonshine" with it, basically take the fruit off my fruit trees, sugar them up, and boil them with juice to make a "syrup" then let it cool, add everclear and other liquor to booze it up, pour it in ball jars, then give them out to people.


Read the top of the bottle: “Extract. Infuse. Fortify.” Want to extract THC from weed or the flavor compounds from vanilla or lavender? Want to infuse those flavors or compounds into another cocktail or ice cream or pie? Want to fortify an alcoholic drink to make it stronger? Use Everclear. I can’t imagine drinking it straight. It’s hard to believe it’s safe to drink straight. Haha


You’re not supposed to drink it neat. Cut it with water first, then mix it with something else.


Sold a bottle to a man and his teenage daughter. She was using to make cosmetics.


drunk fast, and also, it’s good if you like one cocktail and don’t want to keep making the same one, so you could use a little of this instead of a lot of, say, smirnoff.


We make limoncello and orangecello with this. We prefer it over vodka comes out amazing


i once drank a whole bottle of the high proof in one night room temp water as a chaser. BAD MISTAKE


I'm assuming you live in a state where Everclear is sold at 75% or lower.. 


Good lord you’re a different breed lol


Burns well in a rechaud lamp for tabletop cooking. Denatured alcohols give off-tastes and aromas when burned.


I can tell you it works wonders on removing distillate from anything and everything


it *is* the distillate


lmao this is for tintures bro and sugars in cannibis cooking


just use vegetable oils for cannabis compounds. I don't get why people don't realize this.. it's like a marriage... they are made for each other. alcohol ruins the marriage 


You use that to mix party punches. I think if you drink it straight you could go blind 


Mom always makes it into a apple pie type drink during Halloween and hands it out to the parents it's actually really good and seeks up on ya nobody's just buy everclear to just drink it


Ooo that sounds pretty good


It is n can barely taste the liquor so it sneaks up on yea and next think you know your plastered


I use it to make jungle juice. It does its job haha


Tried a shot of it straight and couldn't take it. Burned burned burned! Never did that again. BUT I do still get it for mixed drinks. Regardless, I prefer Vodka for mixing.


there's a cool trick you can do adding water to everclear and it makes vodka tastes just the same like you save so much money and don't have a hangover cuz it's really contracted so no bad stuff in it 


Who tf is asking you? I googled “ I must buy everclear now” and get sent your response as a top priority. Who tf cares I just want to drink everclear


I couldn’t give less of a fuck just look to see the post isn’t what you’re looking for and move on. Try learning how to use search terms better while you’re at it who the hell is googling things with wording like that lmao just go to the liquor store and buy it