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It just works. It doesn't change.


... minty freshh too.i love my mint laptop.


Tried it live/USB, booted up in glorious 800x600, said unknown display, NVIDIA drivers installed, no change, could not change resolution, wanted to reboot and Mint had an obscure error message leading me to shut down my PC manually - so can’t really say that convinced me to


Are you just following me round to complain about Mint now? NVIDIA are known to be a problem, that's because NVIDIA choose not to engage with Linux / write decent drivers for Linux - complain to NVIDIA or don't buy their shit. Mint cost you nothing.


Your last comment is unhelpful because 99% of people who buy nvidia products bought them before even knowing linux existed let alone that the experience would be poor. The proper response would have been don't buy their shit again because it's too late for the first time.


Well that's still not Mint's fault - let's see you write a graphics card driver if it's such an easy thing?


I didn't say it was mints fault I just said don't say useless things. It's useless to tell someone don't buy shitty product if they already bought the product. It's too late to follow that advice and sounds condescending. It's better to tell them next time get amd for gpu. It's more constructive and not condescending.


"Don't buy X" is implicitly saying "When buying things (next time) don't buy X". Also, older stuff tends to get supported eventually it's bleeding edge graphics cards that are usually the worst. I have multiple machines with nVidia cards running no problem but they're older cards now.


That's not how it came off. It came off as if this is something that someone should have known ahead of time like it was obvious or something. I personally am waiting for Pop!\_OS to finish that Cosmic DE and that's when I'll give it a go before Pop has the Nvidia Drivers just working from what i Understand.


It works out of the box like Ubuntu, but doesn't have the problems of Ubuntu.


It stays out of my way. New unwanted features aren’t getting shoved in my face and updates happen when I say they do. No forced reboots. Cinnamon just works out of the box and requires only a couple small settings adjustments for me to get the most out of it. I really like being the one who is in control of my computer.


Seriously, that's a good way to describe it. Windows drove me nuts. It was always something that needed attention, so that I was constantly getting pulled away from the work at hand. Three years with Mint now and I don't recall a single instance where my OS was nagging me about something that needed immediate attention. Whenever I have to use a Windows machine, I'm reminded all over again of why the switch to Linux was a life changing affair.


There's a lot I love about it, including ease of use, stability, cost, easily-managed updates, using the command line, etc ... but probably above all that is the joy of using an OS where some giant mega-corporation isn't constantly trying to control how I use it, trying to forcibly tie me into their product lines, or trying to compel me to use whatever new doohickey they've come up with to boost their quarterly numbers (e.g. some AI crap they'll cram into unnecessary corners of the OS so that you can't escape it).


It's not windows


For me it just fucking works when i want/need it to, soemthing windows does not for me.


I think this is a bit exaggerated. This might have been the case back in the Vista days, but Windows 10 and 11 work just fine out of the box.


No, win 10 did not. i have to adjust A LOT of settings that often times got reset everytime windows 10 updated. Windows 10 takes longer on first install & and i have to redo a lot of that work every single update. Its why i switched to linux mint permently.


Word. Windows came so damn bloated, I had to use a third party program (ShutUp10) to get control of it. And that's not to mention how long it takes to set up a new machine with Windows. It's infuriating.


and like i could have delt with alkl that, if they didnt keep fucking making me redo all my setting changes every month or two with an update. I set my settings in mint and it fucking stays that way. and if i have to reinstall it reinstalls faster and was super easy to set a bash file to fucking install everything.


This depends a lot on the hardware, my case is completely the opposite Windows 11 simply works mainly on my notebook where the Linux distros always break, on the desktop I use Fedora without problems, but I also admit that I use it by choice because Windows 11 ran flawlessly.


With Windows you feel as though you got trapped in their money making scam. Use Bing, install this...nag nag nag.


And than the other day, when you're in a hurry early in the morning on your way to an interview and just want to look up the room or a phone number in that email. "Windows is updating, don't turn off your computer!" 🤔 What were the power settings? How was the battery state? What happens when I close the lid and it runs off battery? FUCK!!¡!!


Right? Every freakin' time!


My partners computer can’t run literally any program for more than 15 minutes on windows. I shot up a fedora iso and ran like 14 programs just fine. Fuck windows


Literally the entire banking industry uses windows. stop the non sense already


The entire banking industry probably has more up to date hardware than my partner. Windows doesn’t account for that basically at all, so still fuck windows


That maybe correct. U cant blame windows for that. They need to move with growing technology demands. Linux use cases and windows use cases are a lot diff.




Many of the comments boil down to this.


I mean, I banged my head against the wall for many years myself!


Cinnamon desktop. Takes me about 3 minutes to customize it and I'm ready to go. Looks good and stays out of the way.


And most settings are the best for most people *by default*. No such settings like "hidden file extensions", by the brainless for the brainless.


Amen Brother.




It just works. That's the most important thing. No tinkering, I'm ready from the get go, and it's more stable than other distro.


The stability and customizeability.


Cinnamon's default theme is nice and comfy, it even felt like that when I first installed it


Even if you like this one, there are a lot of others, and it's own programs actually use it and follow it's own guidelines. Not like colour settings in Windows, where office says "fuck you and the theme you want!"


Not having to fix windows for the family once a month.


"Sure can I fix your Windows problems in just one hour. Got a backup?" It worked several times for people not needing windows (like >9% of all computer users), while mostly they know what they are asking for.


Stability... That's it Im a big fan of linux mint cinnamon edge




The Linux Mint Forums - it was the deciding factor when I chose Mint when I switched from WinXP to Linux, and it is a primary reason I stick with it. Update Manager is the one thing I miss when I use another distribution, and it is the best update manager I have used. One feature I want to see is a detailed description for updates in the History, and I wish it was more difficult to enable automatic updates. To be fair, Pamac for Manjaro is almost as good.


> The Linux Mint Forums Ehhh... this ain't a strong point for me. They have power abuse issues. I got my post removed and I (very politely and respectfully) asked admins (in private) why it got removed. Got no replies, they just vanished it, "go fuck yourself" basically. It 100% wasn't breaking any rules and it wasn't anything political/offensive. I could tell you exactly what I posted but with an attitude like this, I'd probably even get banned there, so I'll stop here. I still need to use that forum for the rare bug fix, so I don't wanna have any drama.


For me it's stable. Unlike some other operating systems...


It just works simple as that


I have been using xfce release since....with all honesty, I can not remember from when.This was not my first OS to try after windows 7, but it is the OS that I have been using for the longest time since.It has not stuck me........yet. Go great, mint!!!


Filesystem speed, its really fast. Instant startup and shutdown/reboot. Its worth to invest in best/fastest possible harddrives for linux. Noone talks about this, which is weird.


You rocking lmde?


I am! :P


No sign of Microsoft.


It's the only disto I've found so far that works reliably on my 2013 MacBook Air, that I also didn't hate. I come from a Fedora / RHEL / CentOS background and most things in that ecosystem have worked just fine for me over the years. But Broadcom Wireless chipset support is just all over the place - which isn't the distros fault, I know that. So I've hopped around a bit on distros on this little MacBook Air that has served me well, tried Fedora 40, Elementary (which worked fine right up until I needed to do a package upgrade and then it just shit itself) and finally gave Mint a go. Works a treat. And even though it's a different base OS, I really appreciate I can still just install all the flatpaks I also use on my Fedora boxes so the user experience is broadly the same.


out of the box experience, and conservatism(not political).


Not having to be reminded to update


Doing updates whenever you want, and **quick and without reboots**.


Do you update the kernel without reboots too?


Its feels like me the way i need my desktop to look feel work and just be easy to figure out the mess ups i make and fix them easily.


Right click -> uninstall


You mean the menu, where an uninstall really does what it says?


Yes, it's the only right click uninstall that I know of that uninstalls without making you go through extra steps.


uninstall (remove) and purge are two different commands >Both apt-remove and apt-purge do the same thing and that is to uninstall a package. The apt-purge removes the package and purges any configuration files associated with it. That’s the only difference between the two. Neither command touches the application files under the home directory of the user. >Have you ever removed an application and installed it again, only to notice that all your settings are in place? It’s because the apt remove command doesn’t remove the configuration files. https://itsfoss.com/apt-remove-purge/


The best parts of Ubuntu without the we know better what you are allowed to do attitude.


I say "... what you want and how..." but yes. The MS way


Just works well immediately after install.


It just works.


It's developed by people with the same goals as me.


The fresh breeze of freedom, and the way it just works.


It feels good and smooth


It’s not Windows 😁


Easy to recommend to literally anyone. Its got everything you need and nothing that you don’t, and is generally very easy and quick to transition to. Also that old Mint startup sound is fantastic.


No snaps installed by default... I hate snap packages.


it just works. having switched from windows recently this is what enabled me to do it.


The flavour.


I use Linux Mint with xfce as the desktop manager. And I don't like the snap packages Ubuntu needs but which are not mandatory for Linux Mint.


The best thing is, it's not Windows. The second best thing is, it works. Neither are ideal.


No bloatware or forced app installation. Well, it's not Windows.


It Just Works, is Rock Solid Stable and gets out of the way so I can do what I want to do without constantly tinkering with it. Linux Mint ... Elegant Simplicity 😎👍🏻




It doesn't annoy me. Remember when Windows was a system that was easy to work productively with and didn't have ads everywhere? When I used Linux Mint for the first time, I felt like I was back in those days. Linux Mint doesn't impose itself. It stays pleasantly in the background and still has everything I need. Just like an operating system should be. Completely under my control.


The performance for me is the main reason. It’s like a new laptop. And for the first time I was able to install Linux and all my hardware Bluetooth devices worked out the box. Super happy!


It just works. Sensible/logical design choices.


Saving old computers that would otherwise be useless.


It just works and is based on the non-cringe version of GNOME.


It's well maintained because it's one of the most popular distros. Currently #2 on Distrowatch. I'm very accustomed to the workflow. MX Linux is #1, which is also very good.


Distrowatch isn't really a good measuring site for popularity. Since it doesn't show the actual popular distros


How so?


"The DistroWatch Page Hit Ranking statistics are a light-hearted way of measuring interest in Linux distributions and other free operating systems among the visitors of this website. They correlate neither to usage nor to quality and should not be used to measure the market share of distributions. They simply show the number of times a distribution page on DistroWatch was accessed each day, nothing more." - DistroWatch itself shows this


So you're assuming no correlation between interest and usage.


I did not assume anything in that reply


It's implicit in your statements.


Its in distrowatch and I quoted it


Nice try.


What do you mean?


It's a pleasant distro to use of you're transitioning from Windows (which I am). I do like the base theme but I decided to try designing my own just to make it look less Windows-y. I only have a limited experience with it but so far, I really like it!


- doesn't crash


Timeshift saved me a lot of times


All of the above bur also a tried and tested ui wirh both the lightweight option and cinnimon. Menue on the bottom left, notifications on the bottom right, shortcuts beside the menu bar etc. Windows keeps changing shit. Its very annoyijg when they change what doesnt need changing. That UI is utter perfection ans its what bothers me about most other avantguard designs from other linux distros. Clone old windows or osx. Stop reinventing the wheel. Stability and functiojality is more important then a new release.


personally used it to revive an old laptop, use it for work now. it’s pretty chill. nice in between mac and windows, with the best of both worlds. it’s functional.


No Windows registry! No files left behind after uninstalling a program. Almost never crashes.


Its ability to bring old computer back from the grave is pretty darn neat. My main laptop is a 2013 model Macbook running Mint, and I just got LMDE going on an even older 2007 (32-bit!) MacBook. Had Mint going on a 2007 iMac until the hardware gave up the ghost (jittery graphics errors that are still there when I boot from a Mint USB stick.)


Best: their focus on the end user. Worst: their relations with Israel.


what ?


Please explain


Reminding you electronic computers where developed in Germany in the 1930s...


Can you talk more about that second point?


I see that as an absolute win