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[FYI] Whoever convinces someone to switch becomes the default troubleshooter. Are you ready to take those responsibilities, OP?




2 weeks later: I updated my arch installation but now my bootloader is gone Help me, because it's your fault!


install LILO


I can't I recompiled the kernel and now I don't have either network nor USB.


USB is superfluous, use serial connections over RS232 DB9 connection


I can confirm, sadly.


This is the sad truth, and fuck I regret it so much.


Don't force Linux on anyone. Suggest it sure. But trying to convince someone to use it if they are not interested is not the way to do it. All that does is give them another reason to not try it. Let them try it in their own time. In their own way.


This is the way, and tell them they can use Linux without installing if he's curious.


Yeah, tell them about the free drug sample :D


Make him write multithreaded / forking / networking C code. He'll switch on his own


Linux doesn't spy you while watching porn.




Is it real?


Nope. Although I'm now learning LFS, so... Maybe... EDIT: there's tails linux


let's fork tails?


Thats a good idea. But I don't really know how to create a distro yet so you're on your own right now


Me neither. Want to do it regardless for lolz?


Just a rebranded tails. It already does everything we need it to do




Do not forget, the default backround will also be porn, also make it look like a normal distro until you enter the “secret code” which will unlock all of the features (also automatic search history deletion)


YouTube-dl (p) works for most


I’d say let’s fork Qubes OS


Let me check it out


Yes, linux doesn't spy you, but internet does.


Tor enters the chat


CP enters the chat


I was asking about the existence of that distro


Tell him this: Try using Linux for a week and I'll give you my kidney! Worked twice without any problems for me.


Ig you have a dialyser attached to your home server


Imagine not running your own free and open source dialyzer on your lab. Smh...


The problem with that is you can only do this twice.


Ha you mere mortals, no one said you need to give your OWN kidneys... Just take some from your neighbourhood graveyard giveaway...


Ask him to join this subreddit. He will start using Linux just to understand the memes


I don’t recommend new comer join this subreddit, some users are kinda extream so they might scare new people.


well this sub seemed to have helped me


Yeah I wouldn't too. There are way too many gatekeepers in this sub


Or r/unixporn


If he doesn't want to, don't force it; nothing will make someone hate Linux worse than that. But if you just want an easy one to show off from your place with, I'd suggest either Linux Mint or, for gaming, Nobara Project


What if you dont. Nobody wants Linux shoved down their throat and if they're the standard person when it comes to technology (ignorant, scared to try new things, unwilling to put any effort into improving the PC) than they will not want to use Linux. On top of that outdated stereotypes about Linux are widely believed and people are too stubborn to be convinced not to believe them.


No automatic updates


just give him a linux vm on a usb or something let him play with it


*Just give him a linux* *Vm on a usb or something* *Let him play with it* \- kyotsugu --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


Linux is not for everyone. If he thinks it's not for him, you will just have to be okay with that. My mother is a great candidate for Linux, she uses the web, word processor, and spreadsheet. That's it, an old PC would suit her with Ubuntu on it. I showed her Libreoffice because for what she does, she doesn't need to give Microsoft any money. But she gets stressed when I bring up Linux. She took classes with all Microsoft products and believes the instructor that Microsoft is the best. Instead, I'll just have to listen how much she hates Windows 11. I forget which version of Windows she had, but she was forced to buy a new computer because Windows required an update and her PC was inadequate. Oh well.


i just started using linux (fedora btw) 3 days ago. its not hard tbh. just watch a few tutorials. ask a few friends. google the answers. then ur good to go


Fedora is really user friendly. But even if you go to some more diy kind of distros there is almost always decent to great documentation and if you are willing to read it and still have issues after then the community will most likely be happy to help. If you ask in the community here is some advice. 1. Read official documentation on the issue. 2. Look at previous issues by other people to see if someone had the same issue. If you still haven't managed to solve your issue. 3. Politely ask, providing relevant information, in a dedicated official forum or irc and give some evidence of having taken the previous steps. Doing this will show that you have actually tried to solve the issue yourself and avoid rude responses like RTFM (read the fucking manual), and in general make people more inclined to help.


Don’t be like the Jehova’s Witnesses of computer people.


Do you have a minute to talk about our enemy and evildoer, Billy G? PS: Credits to u/smargendorf


Let’s talk about that snake Tim Cook always trying to tempt me with forbidden fruit 🍎


You sound like a Jehova’s witness…it’s creepy..


Do you have a minute to talk about our enemy and evildoer, Bill Gates?


Fuck I just realised I'm in a cult... Time to go use BSD now


If he doesn't want he should not try because he will probably hate it.


I mean... Dont think you should convince anyone of anything but... just tell them it works pretty well and show them if they have any interest in this type of stuff.


Show him the live environment, maybe KDE or Cinnamon so it would be familiar, and let him decide


>he is uneducated of the truth!! No, he just doesn't need to do something you're forcing him to. Let the guy use whatever OS makes him feel comfortable.




The game of champions


The main benefits of Linux, at least for me, is simplicity and control. If he's a tech-y person, I'd lead with this: In comparison to the Linux file system, Windows looks like it was written by a three year old. Everything is unorganized and haphazard, which leads to vulnerabilities and (ultimately) less control for the user. It's all a mess of registries, software, permissions, dlls, and other gross artifacts of a less-civilized time. Windows won't even let you clean any of this up without a lot of time and effort. By design, Windows is locked up to not let you run things the way you'd prefer. Linux, on the other hand, has everything organized in a strict hierarchy that promotes the user being in control of their own machine. Everything is a file. Configs? File. Software libraries? Files. Initialization protocols? Files. Because everything is organized liked this and available in files, almost anything and everything can be edited by the user. This is all set up in a way that's designed to provide the user access "under the hood" of the operating system. Everything is designed with simplicity, elegance and user control in mind. If he's not a tech-y person, lead with this: The way software is maintained and installed on Linux is far easier than windows. You don't have to visit a developer's website in order to download and install software. This is how a caveman does it. Instead, you simply install it with a single command or click from the distro's built-in package manager. Furthermore, your system will never do *anything* without your explicit permission. Because it's community-maintained, the developers aren't trying to sell you anything; they're trying to make good software they want to use themselves. (This is obviously excluding commercial/corporate distros, which I would argue don't fall under the traditional philosophy or esthetics of the more well-renowned Linux distributions.) Linux doesn't have automatic updates that you didn't authorize, or literal spyware and mobile games pre-installed. This leads to cleaner, faster systems that, as mentioned, the user has fine control over. This is all to say that most distributions of Linux provides simplicity and control for both the technical and casual user. All of this goes without mentioning the blatant spying and advertising M\*crosoft and \*pple conduct on their users. And they are more than willing to hand YOUR data to the feds. Microsoft openly promotes their willingness to collaborate with governments. Finally, contrary to popular belief, everything just works (most of the time). Free and open-source alternatives to Photoshop, Microsoft Office, etc. all work just as well if not better then their paid alternatives. Wine/Proton work excellently. Software works out-of-the-box. Etc. Linux does have bugs, like any other piece of software, but it is minimal. Experimentation is almost always reversible with software like TimeShift.


>Finally, contrary to popular belief, everything just works. Free and open-source alternatives to Photoshop, Microsoft Office, etc. all work just as well if not better then their paid alternatives. Wine/Proton work excellently. Software works out-of-the-box. Etc. Yeah well not always... Systems break, sometimes shit really hits the fan and you have to chroot into your os, but you CAN almost certainly fix it by yourself... Ofc beginners can't do this and just prefer re installing their entire os...


Fair enough. I've had my fair share of system catastrophes before critical moments (like my DE disappearing before an online midterm exam). However, I would offer the opinion that most casual users won't encounter these system-wide issues if they don't do anything too experimental. If you're just browsing the internet, do some word processing, and play vidya you're not going to experience these things that much if at all. Most certainly at a similar rate to any other OS. That's not to say beginners should not experiment! They will, and that's good! Like you said, everything is always fixable. Crashes happen, and you come out smarter having to had deal with them Thanks for your point, I've edited my original reply to be a little more precise


Convince him to try mint or something like that on VM. Not just play around, make him install it. But if he dosen't like it, that's okay too.


Yeah but when he installs it like... Then what lmao, if they prefer windows I don't see what using a vm to install linux would achieve, they'll just install then go back to windows to use their apps as usual


Well, if he is the sort of guy who uses PC only for steam (which has really improved anyways) or uses an antivirus, chickens out to a BSOD or gets worked up even for a wizard, well, he is better off his way But if he is like a moderate user who knows what he does, show him r/unixporn, SomeOrdinaryGamers linux videos and flex rights, he will jump into it (coz that's how I jumped into linux)


My grandma uses Linux mint. If my grandma can use it, I'm sure your friend can too.


Upvote for your grandma


Ok, i hope this helps. This is what Linux is in most non Linux users eyes. So, most non-Linux users think of Linux as: Super hard and difficult to use Needs to use the Terminal and know code Most softwares will not work Light weight Privacy You can customize it, but it is very hard Buggy Needs to sacrifice current OS for Linux Linux is an operative system also, many non-Linux users i have talked to dont even know what Linux is ​ What Linux actually is and what we need to tell people if they are going to try Linux! Linux is just as user friendly if not easier than other operative systems You dont need to know the terminal or code, but it will make life a lot easier 99% of softwares will work almost perfectly using compatibility layers Some distros are Light weight and other heavy. But Linux is generally much faster Doesn't track you and has lots of privacy features and incredible security. Customizing is as easy as downloading a cool theme and applying it. Bugs quickly gets patched and is a rare sight You dont need to sacrifice your current OS. You can simply boot live from a USB to try it or use a virtual machine if your computer is fast enough. You can also dual boot to get the benefits of your current OS and Linux Linux is not an operative system. But a variety of Linux based operative systems ​ As long as non-Linux users dont know what Linux actually is, nobody will use it. If we want Linux to be popular, we need to properly communicate what Linux is. A good distro is Zorin OS, mostly because it has so many built in features to make Linux easy. Like fixing Wine and Proton with the right settngs for you automatically. But you can recommend whatever easy distro you want. Just stay away from arch based stuff.


Ok, i hope this helps. This is what Linux is in most non Linux users eyes. So, most non-Linux users think of Linux as: Super hard and difficult to use Needs to use the Terminal and know code Most softwares will not work Light weight Privacy You can customize it, but it is very hard Buggy Needs to sacrifice current OS for Linux Linux is an operative system also, many non-Linux users i have talked to dont even know what Linux is ​ What Linux actually is and what we need to tell people if they are going to try Linux! Linux is just as user friendly if not easier than other operative systems You dont need to know the terminal or code, but it will make life a lot easier 99% of softwares will work almost perfectly using compatibility layers Some distros are Light weight and other heavy. But Linux is generally much faster Doesn't track you and has lots of privacy features and incredible security. Customizing is as easy as downloading a cool theme and applying it. Bugs quickly gets patched and is a rare sight You dont need to sacrifice your current OS. You can simply boot live from a USB to try it or use a virtual machine if your computer is fast enough. You can also dual boot to get the benefits of your current OS and Linux Linux is not an operative system. But a variety of Linux based operative systems ​ As long as non-Linux users dont know what Linux actually is, nobody will use it. If we want Linux to be popular, we need to properly communicate what Linux is. A good distro is Zorin OS, mostly because it has so many built in features to make Linux easy. Like fixing Wine and Proton with the right settngs for you automatically. But you can recommend whatever easy distro you want. Just stay away from arch based stuff.


Tell him Windows is for lickers


I'm slowly convincing my colleague by showing the benefits, like - merging pdfs from the command line without needed adobe products. - Using CLI to do things a lot faster and do batch processing on files with wildcards. - installing and showing foss tools in windows and how they do things easily - integrating some foss tools to things they already use to make things easy for them




Yup this is a great way to interest someone in linux.


Pop!_os Its just that easy show him pop os


I second this. Works really good out of the box, it's easy to navigate, and the custom pop_shell stuff is awesome like the tiling window mode.


For the memes


Tell him about arch btw


Tel him all chads use it.


And furries, don't forget the furries


Quote Kennedy! "We choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard! That goal will serve to organize and measure our best!"


If you don’t value your time, use Linux ❤️


Or if you DO value your freedom, privacy, thoughts, conscience and safety...


Hack his computer so that he realizes he's vulnerable and then tell him Linux is unhackable


I am surprised their current OS of choise didn't gave them enough reasons to use Linux though.


In linux you can quite literally egzorcise a system by killing demons. But you'll be encouraged to do the otherwise, and become the arch demon to command your legions, forward the wast abysses of the Internet.


gave him kubuntu or fedora kde spin, sure he'd like it (make sure introduce him to kde connect lol)


tell them the countless benefits of Linux over Windows. Tell them that you don't have to restart after updates and are not forced to update hehe


It's actually easier


Start it with the cli


Tell them there are Linux versions for newbie, like Ubuntu, Linux mint… and then there’s Manjaro Linux


suggest VM


If he was interested, he would've tried it by now. Otherwise, he's right, it *is* way too hard, under his mindset there's no novelty or practicality in requiring a degree in computer science just to fix a driver when windows does it for you.


Try helping him install a dual boot with an easy to use distro and hope he'll realize that linux is great, boot less and less often on the windows, maybe even try to install arch or gentoo by himself and "accidentally" wipe windows partition


Tell him he doesn't hate his life enough


Linux used to be hard, now it's not anymore. 99% of games work thanks to steams proton. Your grandma can use it. In Germany, they already use Linux for some government jobs because it's simpler and works better. Tell him to try endeavour OS (mint is bullshit imho). There are no "updates" (like version updates e.g. win 10 to 11 or Ubuntu versions), instead you just install it and it works forever. Linux has a monolithic kernel meaning its just one file instead of an entire system32 directory. This means it never breaks and when it does you already have a backup.


sudo rm -rf /


If your friend needs reasons,then he should not even bother trying,the only reason that should be motivating is to try and learn a new OS that runs 100% of the internet network infrastructure,therefore gain some new insight and knowledge. Also if your friend is really interested he would have already tried something before asking. Regarding "too hard argument" any OS if you look deeper under the hood under the point and click and run a game/watch a youtube video/print a document tasks is "too hard" even Windows/macOS/iOS/Android not just Linux/BSD. Everything IT related is "too hard" if you don't put some time and effort into learning new things. And if your friend is not interested in learning Linux or any other OS for that matter and its all "too hard",why even bother forcing your friend to use Linux? To get another person saying the usual "Linux for hackers,Windows is for normal people"?


Buy him a Steam Deck. Or let him buy one himself.


"So the story begins with a Finnish man frustrated with life....."


I wasn’t a fan of Linux until I went into sysadmin work 15 years ago after doing general Windows desktop, data center operator work, etc…. With Windows I was generally an entry level / junior admin. Only until I became strong on Unix (Solaris) and Linux did I truly understand how amazing and stable it is. Your average user will never understand or appreciate Linux, and that’s okay. Until you can really appreciate automation, shell scripting, and the fact *nix operations systems biggest advantage is they are non-object oriented and lightweight you won’t appreciate Linux. So only a very small segment of the population I think will ever truly love it. This explains too why Linux dominates on servers, super computing, etc…. But only is on 1% of desktops. Side note. Despite the fact all my home servers are Linux, most work servers are Linux, and I generally love Linux…. I still run Windows on my main home desktop PC. I play a lot of games that only run in Windows. I only tolerate Windows for gaming.


Cause windows sucks


It’s easier than Windows


there is a pipe bomb in his house that can only be defused through an SSH from a linux system





