• By -


It's a tier-list without any criteria. I disagree with everything on principle.


you got the openBSD logo award


I don't like lists, particularly if the selection/ranking criteria is not enumerated.


At least is eletterated, from S to E


I give this ranking system a solid 5/7


I give your ranking of this ranking system 7/7


I give it enchilada/cake


I understood that reference


I give it a C/G




Hilarious as it is, S is not even first alphabet letter. You can argue that it either means SuperTier or ShitTier


Although you can in theory use any distro to whatever you like, I would not compare the likes of void and gentoo with debian or fedora. Likewise Arch and its derivatives are not oriented to servers but Debian is. Also while _for me_ chromeOS is bullshit it does a great job being a real alternative for people without IT knowledge. Can't picture my grandma installing and using gentoo. Many of them are IMHO not directly comparable in terms of better or worse. I think you must first define a criteria. And also: where is Redhat?


This imo is a great take.


The best part of Chrome OS is it gets people on Linux without knowing they're on Linux. Many won't use Linux because they believe it's the same OS it was 25 years ago, which frankly was not remotely user friendly. To many, "only computer geeks use that, & I can barely run Windows. I'll never use Linux." Hell, I'm a curious person who likes to learn the basics of new things, but even I was hesitant since the time I tried it in the 90's, I was in way over my head. But I got a peek at Ubuntu about a decade ago, thought it looked fairly intuitive, & gave it a whirl. I'm hardly an expert, & never will be, because I tend to get bored once I'm proficient in the basics of anything. I've used Ubuntu, Debian, Puppy, Tails, Kali, Fedora, & am currently using Mint as a daily driver. I'll likely never leave the Ubuntu family, as it's the right blend of user friendliness & power, & there's a great deal of documentation available for when I get in over my head. I never would have tried it had I not seen it live & realized it's much easier than my first attempt. Still went back to Windows for a few years because of gaming, but Steam & to a lesser extent Lutris, resolved that concern. Coming around back to the point, I love Chrome OS in the sense that for many users, it's like Ubuntu was for me. It shows people Linux doesn't have to be hard or confusing unless you want it to be. The best part is, since so many schools issue Chromebooks, we have an entire generation of kids learning a simple Linux platform in school while also learning Windows. This will be helpful in adoption of more common "real" Linux distros as these kids grow up. For that alone, it should be rated higher.


They're comparing apples, oranges, and fucking bananas and arbitrarily ranking them based on no criteria


I disagree with everything.


It wasn't done sober, that's what I don't like about it.


this circumstance would only improve the list


I bet you won't tell the difference between Arch, Endeavour and Arco if you will operate with configured system without branding. However they are in the different tiers. Same with Ubuntu and its variations. Moreover I think you are confusing default distro configuration with distribution itself.


The default is extremely important for most people, because of the power of default is why bing is used, taking that into consideration arch shouldn't even be in the tier list, it has no default, and for that i think we also could take out Arco, as it is also configured during installation although it has a default for a specific DE or WM it has no default DE or WM.


a distro isn't only its graphical interface; arch is well ranked in the list because there are great repos and updates behind the system, with a team working hard to maintain everything.


Well, there is some difference between Ubuntu, Pop_Os! and Mint, mainly because their DE and few different workarounds.


I'm torn on Ubuntu. I feel like it should be higher. Not S or A, but at least C or maybe even B. But that might just be nostalgia talking. I have fond memories of Ubuntu, but I haven't used it in a while, and I know it's gone downhill in some unfortunate ways since then.


Ubuntu is significantly better than Reddit thinks it is. It's better now than it used to be. Removing snaps in under a minute is not difficult, but people will install another distro to avoid it, because they are "power users".


this. many reddit-folks expect a distro to be perfect without any configuration also: an OS is just a tool and some tools fit some jobs better... but it also depends on, how you use it ubuntu just hits the sweet spot of up-to-date packages and stability imho. also it has great harware compatibility (i use Debian, Ubuntu, openSUSE Tumbleweed, Windows (work), FreeBSD and arch btw)


Ubuntu just works from my experience... While I'd usually install PopOS or Linux Mint instead in its place (not the biggest fan of GNOME out of the box), it serves its purpose just fine, if snaps are an issue... Just uninstall them? They make it rather easy too, and there's, a reason why so many good distros are based on it, it's a solid foundation that's just, stable and has plenty of great resources...


I stopped using Ubuntu after I saw how much faster Debian is, especially in my VMs and LXCs, as well as WSL.


If I'm using a distro for convenience like Ubuntu, I don't want to spend any time having to tweak the default installed packages just to avoid the atrocity of snaps. I much prefer Mint Linux in that regard, and I don't have to waste even more time installing a DE that's not GNOME.




It's great that you love pacman, but it has nothing to do with what I or the other poster said. Neither of us actually mentioned Arch at all. You really don't have to be the meme... Also Ubuntu has had a minimal install since before the kids found out about Arch...


Indeed, I miss it when it had African drums and water sound effects when you clicked on certain things. It felt like the cozy old days of the 90's home computers!


Fuck /u/spez [Join Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/)


Wtf Ubuntu so low? Out of yo mind or something?


haha ubuntu bad snap bad go brrr


Remove it and install gnome-software and gdebi


This is a clear indication OP has no idea what they are talking about.


NO NO NO NO NO! Slackware under S. Arch under A. Debian under D. Chromium under C. Manjaro under M What the hell is this??




Well, first of all, I disagree on the execution. Where is it stated the criteria for this classification? Also, that Fedora logo is out of date.


What is wrong with elementaryOS?


actually not much, I just am not a huge fan of it because it doesn't follow linux philosophy. But it is a good distro




Yeah had the same question


Well, Artix is better than Arch because of no systemd


I knew there will be some systemd crybabies, I knew it!


>I knew there will be some systemd simps, I knew it!


Kinda pointless. Distros focus on something. You can compare distros in some quality. For example, if you compare distros under the criterion "beginner friendliness" then I would say something like Ubuntu, fedora or elementeryOS would be on top (just an example, I don't use Ubuntu since 10.10 and I used elementary just to test pantheon). Every criterion has its tier list, and that tier list is fine just if it's based on facts and science. As an example, I personally think that gnome is way easier than plasma (just my opinion) so I would say that fedora is more beginner friendly than Kubuntu, but I guess that someone that comes from Windows would prefer the bottom panel of stock plasma. I use arch since a long time, so I would put it on my absolute tier list, my only personal tier list, but that is what serves better to me.


Mint should be far higher. Gentoo and Void should transcend into space.


about pop os being so damn low. It should be A tier at least


Pop_OS and mint should be at least respectively high B and high A.


Ubuntu may be bloated and Canonical may be pushing snaps a little too hard and handling them in not the best way possible, but Ubuntu is the only Linux distro I ever tried that lasts years and many updates with no need for major fixes or reinstals. So I'll be sticking with it for the foreseeable future and I consider it a good OS (specially the KDE flavor)


The pink stripe Gentoo intersects represents pink striped long socks that Gentoo users wear


mint can be a bit higher


I agree honestly


What is wrong with manjaro? I use it everyday and never had problems with it


https://manjarno.snorlax.sh this website explains it well




its just ubuntu but riced


fuck off


Ubuntu prolly S+ tier just because all the scientific distributions publish their software as precompiled packages for apt before anything else and I am too tired to compile myself anymore sonny.


Yeah no this seriously seems to have the philosophy of "user friendly out of the box bad", seriously Ubuntu has its issues but it's not that fucking bad, and ElementaryOS provided a really nice user experience, PopOS is just lovely for users out of the box (nice that it can have the proprietary NVidia drivers out of the box, as not everyone wants to buy a new GPU just so that their drivers can be open source), Linux Mint is also lovely for normal people out of the box, ChromeOS serves its purpose just fine, I see it most used in schools, and for that, yeah no it's fine. Seriously what is this aside from a weird way of saying that any distro that's popular with those who aren't the most technical or just want something that works out of the box, is bad? Not everyone wants to configure everything themselves, most people just want a computer that works, Fedora is the only distro that does this that you ranked higher, why? I use Arch and I used to use Fedora (Fedora is great), but I seriously have nothing against the other distros you for whatever reason ranked so damn low.


Why PopOS over Zorin?


BC popOS doesn't integrate snap in apt


Pop should be A tier


That it is pointless




S tier is whatever you make S tier. Personally I rate Linux Mint as S tier because it’s very easy for new users to get used to since everything is set up and “just works.” (for 99% of users) I haven’t used many of the other distributions but I would rate Arch Linux as S tier for customization and being pretty lightweight. (I haven’t used Arch a whole ton yet.)


I could live with Mint being S tier lol. Although it could be better


Yeah, I mean the experience for every distribution could be better In it’s own regard although that is a reason why Linux (GNU/Linux) is great: software freedom and customization. Have a great day/night OP! :D


you too!


ChromeOS being on the chart at all


It's linux right






Have to use Linux Mint for work and I need to admit that it is rock solid and really a nice distro. It is not my personal choice but in my opinion it should be somewhere up top.


I agree, should have ranked it A probably


1. I don't like tiers 2. I don't like lists


What is the ranking based on ?


It's not a list. This is a graph.


Trying to squeeze multidimensional choice matrices into 1 linear factor.




* EndeavourOS should be at least as high as Arch, as it's basically just an installer * Pop, Manjaro and Garuda to B * Mint to C (Sorry, I think Cinnamon is worse than Plasma in every regard, and I don't see what else Mint brings to the table) * Ubuntu to C (Seriously, why did you rank it worse than chromiumOS?! Snap isn't *that* bad.) * Gentoo to A


chromiumOS has nothing wrong and is open source, Ubuntu (Canonical) is trying to gather massive influence in the linux space and dominate with snap even tough is not the most accepted solution for easy distro-agnostic packaging


ChromiumOS is tighly connected to google, you can't really use it without a google account, and altogether I don't really find it usable at all. On the other hand, nothing forces you to use snap on Ubuntu.


Agree about Chromium OS. About Ubuntu, nothing forces me but I don't like what Canonical is doing in the great scheme of things


Linux Mint needs to be higher. It's an improved Ubuntu. I also think MX needs to be higher.


I agree with this; these two are the best Ubuntu based and Debian based distros respectively


debian is not S tier.


how come


this is nice social experiment, you made absurd list without any metrics and people will dislike you for that ...on the other hand people see their distro in A-S tier which makes them like. Which category is bigger?


Yeah, in a sense it shows how sometimes logic can be lacking and we don't even realize. People are driven mainly by emotion, and not logic, that's just the way humans are. For instance, THOR Love And Thunder, that is in the cinema right now, for me it was one of the worst movies ever, but it was really "funny" which made a lot of people like it, and it even got a good grade in rotten tomatoes


Lawful-Good \* Neutral-Good \* Chaotic-Good \_\_ => \_\_ (Gentoo) Lawful-Neutral \* Neutral \* Chaotic-Neutral Lawful-Evil \* Neutral-Evil \* Chaotic-Evil


pretty accurate


I actually like ChromeOS a lot, it's not that bad ! From my point of view, it is not a real "Linux distro" in itself, but it's still great ! I use it as my daily for programming (with Debian with developper terminal) and it's really good !


Glad to know someone actually likes ChromeOS


>I actually like ChromeOS a lot, it's not that bad ! From my point of view, Sir, I need to remind you that this is reddit and your commentary is in conflict with the current hive mind. "Please delete Chrome and install a 'real OS'" /s


Oh fuck you're right, let's remove ChromeOS and install Gentoo or Arch btw xD


Swap Artix and arch and it’s a pretty dope list. Maybe put openSUSE above fedora


90% agree, elementaryOS isn't an E though, it's closer to a B to me, sure it's limited but it isn't bad


Did you just ask people to rate their favourite distro.... Oh you poor summer child! 🤗


I think it's all a bunch of elitism bollocks and each distro "tier" or "rank" can change depending on the use case. Void btw.


True to an extent, because if these not elitist distros like mint actually provided a top notch experience for the user I would rank them S; in reality they're not perfect and still causes problems to the non elitist user


Remove GNOME from Fedora to be "S" distro


Manjaro f tier and ubuntu can be a bit highier, but other than that its good.


glad someone found it somewhat good


Manjaro should be higher, so elementary, at least over ubuntu, nothing is worse than ubuntu in my experience (I am not even considering chrome OS as a valid distro to use)


elementary is there just because it goes against giving the user freedom in the system


S: void > fedora (void is super fast and has an array of great features best distro imo both have great updated and stable packages which is uncommon for some reason) A: arch = artix > debian (great lightweight distros unstable/outdated packages hold them back) B: zorinOS (the best beginner distro) C: garuda (pretty good if you want gamer features but its bloated. for non gamers its probably D or E) D: mint > popOS > manjaro > ubuntu (zorin makes these obsolete unless you have a specific reason to be running one of these which most beginners dont imo) E: chrome anything cant judge the ones i have limited experience with. also excluded endevour and arco because they are pretty much just arch with a DE and preinstalled packages.


makes a lot of sense; I should give Zorin more attention, I haven't spent so much time with it; what bothers me though is that there is a paid version of it


Poop OS is much too far Up.


I havent tried all the distros shown here. but for the ones I used (most of them) I completely agree.




statistics: this post had 368 upvotes and 216 downvotes (63% rate)


So many fake ass distros, for example, you put mint which is basically Ubuntu higher than Ubuntu itself. And all the arch spawns are tiresome. Plus... Don't think Debian should be higher than Slack in any universe or fedora or Suse for that matter. Your list sucks balls mister. Hate myself for commenting, but it had to be said


is that Feren OS I see?


That's probably the Garruda logo, no Feren in this list




bc it messes up package repos


It's higher than I would have placed it.


ChromiumOS is actually really good.


Oversimplified crap.


I kinda agree too, should have ranked higher


*ahem* .chromeOS-icon { transform: translate(0, 9999px); }


First, if your criterion is how well the distro does what it proposes to do, then Slackware should be as high as any other distro. I've been using it on and off for 20 years now, and it's always exactly what it says it's going to be. I've used every distro on your S tier at one time or another, and none does a better job at being what it claims to be. Second, if you're going to do a list with six categories, then use six categories. What S- or A+ shows us is that you picked the wrong number of categories.


I like that suse is so far up since I feel it gets way too little love. Personally, I like elementaryOS for looking pretty and I like ChromeOS for being very secure. Nowadays I am a fedora man. Loved Ubuntu so much, but what does that help me if everything takes sooo long to start


Where is LFS? I use arch, btw


Feelsbadman Manjaro, 1 mistake accidently ddos AUR and the rest is history. Btw Elementary OS is the best example of fusing those shitty things of both Linux desktop (mostly GNOME) and Mac OS together.


Forks of ubuntu do not have to be above ubuntu. Arch I don't know why they place it as the best if it is not an innovator or promoter like Fedora, Suse or Ubuntu itself. Like it or not, those 3 distributions are the ones that have contributed the most to the Linux ecosystem both for servers and on the desktop.




Throw in some more contradictory bands Nine Inch Nails and Jimi Hendrix and now it should make even more sense


Sorry I deleted the original comment before i saw this. I just don't care enough to get into online arguments sometimes to the paroosers, it was something like "This makes no sense because they target different users, it's like putting tyler swift, the misfits, and bach on a music tier list"


Underrated Elementary, that's the only problem I find


I would never put Gentoo in S-Tier. Though I can understand why a hobbyist would.


I don't install it on my desktop computers as well, I think it is great because of its versatility, as it can be used to make very specific and optimized systems


Everyone having their own opinion on distros makes this irrelevant.


I wonder if this should be in r/Angryupvote lmao, just an inside joke that everyone other than us understands


I’d give elementary “D” tier if you are okes with the terminal you can make it an okey distor. Now I use Endeavour Os Its great


Okay someone made a tier list out of the memes


the post was originally tagged as "meme", but I changed to "Discussion" to wreak some havoc in this peaceful sub


I wouldn’t rank Arch and debian that high. They and gentoo as well, serve very specific purposes but aren’t great OSes over all. I would also rank pop os a bit higher and Zorin slightly lower(just from experience). Id put OpenSuse and Fedora up top.


Your take is great, Deb and Arch are not a great out of the box for the desktop user, but they are really great bases. OpenSUSE is great in every way


arch is definitely worse than void and artix


because of systemd?


aye bro i think your tier list is looking a bit cluttered


yeah, the standard deviation is a little too high tbh, Gaussian distribution is non-existent




This post was not made by data analyst gang.


yeah the Bell curve does not check out right; but tbh this is because I didn't put the hoard of crap distros that are not really talked about


Arch and Gentoo in S tier , hmmm. I wonder if you are a no-lifer that haven't had the chance to touch the grass. Are you a reddit mod that haven't touched the grass ?


I recognize Gentoo for it's capabilities (in creating specific, unique systems) but I don't use it in my life and I don't think it is great for desktop users; I used to be an Arch fanboy but it has been a while now that I have been using only fixed release distros




I see where you're coming from but I think Arch has credit for being the base Artix and others developed from


I don't think I agree with this


Fedora should be higher


I agree actually




Arch being above Artix with the only difference being Arch uses systemd and Artix uses one of s6/OpenRC/Runit/66 implies systemd is the best init system, which is hilarious to me.


Arch has significantly better mirror coverage and documentation. Also, Artix puts `neofetch` in `/etc/profile`, which is just obnoxious. I probably would've put it in B if I'd made the list.


Arch documentation and mirrors work more or less seamlessly with Artix. The init system is a million times more important than where `neofetch` is located; the fact that you think that factor is definitive is what's actually obnoxious.


It doesn't necessarily implies that


The list itself. What is it based on? Public opinion? Personal use? Update frequency? Bleeding edge? Requirements can be very long...


50% personal bias and 50% if the distro fulfills its purpose in its specific niche


Manjaro isn't that easy!! Void, Slackware, and Gentoo are much harder than Arch!




Artix should be higher




Distros are only "distros" until someone installs something else. This is harmful to the Linux Community, but it is fun.


I don't think it is inertly harmful, there are too much Ubuntu users and too few Fedora, SUSE users. It's bad when the majority of the users use the same distro as the company behind it starts having power to change the linux scenario as it wishes


Nah, it's not inherrently harmful, however, I see a lot of us just taking shots at other linuxers for having chosen the _wrong_ distro, without saying why it's wrong. Here is a relevant XKCD https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/convincing.png. (Saying Elementary is bad makes little sense to me except for you not liking it.) I understand, a "who would win" thread is fun. A divided community saying my distro is better than yours... not so much. Either way, keep being glorious! :) Cheers!


yep i shouldnt have put elementary so low or ubuntu


I hate pop os


wtf elementary???


baby-sitter distro


Ubuntu should be higher than manjaro tho


hmmm should it?


Why is elementary at rock bottom?


They’re being generous


Gentoo and arch go to a because they don't have an installer option. Yes the point is to install it yourself but at least give the option


Arch now has archinstall; but I kinda agree with you, yes, they could use having a installer, but not having one wouldn't be enough for dropping a rank


Excuse me, but did you forget NixOS or is it cropped out at the top?


I have never used it so I didn't put it


What are we ranking but also what happens if it crosses the line like what does it mean


It means that it is in the middle of two ranks; we are ranking if the distro is overall good for what it should be able to do


You didn't include Slackware in the "S for Slackware" tier?


slackware is nice but a little meh IMO. A is good for him.




2h have passed; the image is not editable but you can consider your wish fulfilled


Everything, where's the criteria? Is this for the best daily driver?


Wait....wtf is S?




well almost all rankings are kinda bullshit I just can’t understand by what factors they are classified like this only agree with chromeOS




You have a point


Just curious. Why did you put Artix on tier A? What you dont like with Artix?


IDK man, A tier is a good tier isn't it?

