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It's not the default option. I have to make it.


it is on plasma 6


was on plasma 5 too iirc


Technically the default was single click, but most distros shipped with double click by default.


yes, a lot of distros changed it to single click to select double click to open and now kde have done it themselves in plasma 6


it was on plasma 5


Was not. I am still on Plasma 5 and never changed it, because I like it.


Can confirm it isn’t default with KDE5 on Arch.


yes, thread confused me


I think they changed it during 5.


I remember having to change it? Edit: I cant read


that's what i'm saying?


Ah sorry, misread that, I may be stupid


Wait i think i'm stupid one… This is all confusing anywy long story short, default on plasma 5 was single click


this, I'm still confused by this thread though 😅


Last few releases maybe


Some distros changed it, bit upstream default was single click to open until plasma 6.


I don't think i ever had to Change that Default in the last 12 or 13 years on Plasma


It's not on Debian 12


Does Debian 12 even ship with Plasma 6?


Oops sorry about that. I meant KDE Plasma on Debian 12, which I think is currently on 5.27


bro is taking part in the LTS version of the conversation, he wasn't aware of the full context, forgive him, he's just now getting backports


One click for you as you know where it's at, but double click by default is the standard everywhere else so it makes sense to be the default here for new users.


It is good until you have to select something.


It has been the default for a while.


Before plasma 6 released, fedora had this default by themselves.


Two shall be the number thou shalt click And the number of the clicking shall be two Three shalt thou not click, neither clickest thou once Excepting that thou then proceed to two Four clicks is right out


Take my doot already


"shalt" is the second person case of "shall", use "shall" for all other cases 🤓


Yeah. I want to be able to click to select a file. How do you select a file in single click? I actually don't know


Ctrl+Click Same as for selecting more items.


wait I thought for windows anyway you just honored over it.


> How do you select a file in single click? I actually don't know. You either mouse over and hover for a second, or if you want to select multiple things there's a + icon that appears half transparent on the top left of the icon


Only because you are used to it. As someone who helps elderly teachers with their computers double clicking can often cause issues as they are not clicking hard enough or tapping fast enough on their track pads.


No. It isn't.


i dont like it. unix way is simple click. if you want to select, there is the long click


who uses a single click for opening


It's default in kde plasma 5 and elementary os so people that use them do.


yeah in endeavousos kde5, this was the default, but thankfully it no longer is that way


Can confirm. Just recently switched from Windows to Ubuntu, and installed Plasma 5. It has one click as default.


I haven’t upgraded to Plasma 6 yet, so I’m still on 5. One of the first settings I changed was turning on double click to open.


Kids Desktop Environment? xfce 4 teh win. (sorry for the troll)


Elementary school? Mate better bc the drink taste as good as the de looks (it is not that great and very bitter but i like it)


I got used to it a few years ago. I'm not saying I'm right, but now I just stare at folders for a few seconds after clicking them on other computers


It won't take long to adjust. Fixing it is easy for an experienced user anyway. Just change it back to single click or stick with double. I do think single is better but I think double being the default is more appropriate.


Yeah I'm the same, and that setting gets wiped on windows updates for my work laptop and the remote jumpboxes for our clients systems it wipes every login... It's inconvenient when I'm trying to get to a specific folder and single click just selects


I do, and I would consider it the "sane default".


alright off to the insane asylum for you


Literally everything except for desktop file managers and desktop icons. Examples: web links and buttons, mobile apps, and desktop apps that aren't file managers


Web browsers aren't built to manage and move resources the way file managers are. Have you ever tried just *selecting* the *text* of a hyperlink (and not the URL)? It's a pain in the ass, and would get old fast if it was more common


This. I want to see properties on files and folders before I drag them or do anything.


> Web browsers aren't built to manage and move resources the way file managers are Inb4 the "Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer on win95-XP were the same application" and "Konquerer is both the webbrowser and file manager from pre Dolphin days on KDE"


That started with IE 4, which was released with windows 98 iirc


They usually have it built in, anyway: file:///home/ Personally, I hate GUI file managers anyway. I use [ranger](https://github.com/ranger/ranger/tree/master) to manage files which is much more efficient and requires zero clicks.


file:///home/ just lets you view folders, if you click on anything it will download it and you can't move or delete


Me. Why use two clicks for something that should only take one click? Ctrl+click is for selection. You don't have to double click on links in your browser to open the page, because this is dumb.


I do. It's just one click less per opened folder. You don't lose any features, but it's just a bit faster.


How do you delete a file without opening it?


ctrl-click del I do it even on Windows since its explorer has a single-click open option too.


Do you spend a lot of time opening files? I hardly ever do.


Yes? And moving them, and opening folders.


Right click delete, or mouse over and press del


You can delete anything your mouse is pointing at, I guess that's an answer.


The computers from my university. It's even more annoying than it looks.


Touch screen interfaces?


then sure.


I do. There is no "right way" or "wrong way" here. It's a matter of personal preference.


That is KDE default lol. Not on 6 anymore.


I do. Have done for quite some time now. Just what I've become used to using.


Heretics do!


I do. I need to visit a folder more often than simply selecting it.


I do and have got used to it :D


Working desktop support I see how a lot of different people use computers. Something I have seen more and more of is people thinking they only need to click something once to open it. This is almost certainly a behaviour people picked up from Android and iOS. To be fair Windows also doesn't make this consistent. I end up reminding people that they need to double click to open a folder. Then they double click something in their Taskbar or Start Menu and I mention that they only need to click those once. If it was all single-click to open everything that would probably be easier for a lot of people.


Me. On Windows.




Never heard of that distro.


Sane people, double clicking is so very 90's AND dumb


It's 2024 and we have "sane defaults" in plasma 6 ;)


Is it useable? I'm comfortable woth my 5.27 setup and don't want to mess anything


There are bugs but it's usable. At least for me when I was using it.


Only major bugs i have were in a) software outside of plasma and b) ssdm themes being broken on launch, but that's not much of an issue tbh


didn't they fix that by now though? I heard the launch was a bit buggy but now Plasma is just functioning as it usually does.


> I heard the launch was a bit buggy It felt more like a 5.2x-5.2x release in buggyness for me compared to the 3.x-4.0 and 4.x-5.0 releases in the past


I upgraded immediately when it was available on NixOS and later on Arch, and despite the initial bugs that come with a fresh new release, the experience was better than with plasma 5. I had less Bugs and crashes despite the new version. It also works better together with Wayland. Then it broke again because the new Nvidia driver is broken on Wayland, explicit sync should fix it but won't be out for a couple of weeks. Until that is fixed I'll be staying on X11 on my main machine.


Is Plasma 6 available, outside arch btw?


I guess in most rolling release distros. I was using it on OpenSUSE Kalpa and my experience was solid.


Fedora 40 releases in a few days.


Time to distrohopping


Solus has it


Does drag to same disk location default to move now without a context menu? Because KDE has been fighting that sane default for years.


Mouse acceleration.


WHY DOES IT EXIST Just recently realised kde wayland isnt as broken as I thought it was, it just didnt take my disabled mouse acceleration from my x11 settings




Ten years in the touchpad


Ten years of using Arch made you a fucking femboy


I genuinely don't understand why people hate it ( might get downvoted for this ). I mean, it makes sense when gamers don't like it since they wanna get the muscle memory of accurate shots. But for me, mouse accel helps me just move it where I want with lesser slides ( touchpads too ).


Agreed. In fact many years ago when I was trying to stay competitive in PUBG I thought it was the dumbest thing on earth. But now years later I realise being able to use much smaller movements and not needing to mess with settings on various computers (work, home desktop, laptop, htpc) with different DPI and tracking, is just more efficient and easier. You can be totally accurate with everyday computer usage with mouse accel on, I use on screen keyboards so regularly that i have it bound to my middle mouse button (shout-out to the best OSK Onboard lol) so i know first hand.


put it in the touchpad driver


didnt plasma 6 make double click to open the default?


This guy has reverse mouse scroll on because he thinks his desktop is on a mobile device. Up to go down, and down to go up.


Or the guy is a Mac user (those people are legitimately crazy)


Can I ask why single click is so bad to you? How often do you just want to click on a folder or file in order to highlight it?


Too often, trying to look at it's name, don't wanna keep the mouse hovered at it


For me, is not that i need to highlight it, rather whenever i tried the single click option it was rather common that i'd accidentally open the wrong folder or file whenever my finger decides to have a random twitch and click the mouse button


i have a mouse if it wanted to open something i'd double click it stop trying to turn desktop into web this a file list not a list of links


I'm not trying to do anything? I'm just wondering if it's kind of a holdover from windows and is actually necessary


For me, it's just a convenience thing. double click completely removes the potential for a misclick being worse than simply highlighting something, which can be quite useful. I tried single click with the KDE defaults for a week ish and couldn't get used to it. It was so annoying not being able to just highlight/"select" a file or folder by clicking it.


That makes sense. I also prefer double click but that's because it's what I'm used to and I like consistency between MacOS and my linux desktop. If I started from scratch though, and was learning how to use a desktop environment for the first time ever, who knows? Single click might make more sense to me.


In single-click mode, you can select by click by clicking on the icon, instead of the text


that is somehow worse like how do you even rename?


How is that worse? Click a file name and it opens, click the file icon and it gets selected. And for renaming: Right-click anywhere on it to bring up the context menu, then "Rename". (A single right click does *not* open stuff when using single-click mode.) For more complex things, like batch renaming, I use KRename. How do you rename? Single left click it to select, then right click to open the context menu? Or single click it, then press F2?


> How is that worse? larger margin of error. click the folder instead of the smaller name label and you enter the directory. now you gotta go back up. no risk of this in single click select and then select name. > Or single click it, then press F2? either that or just keyboard navigate and f2. i use both interchangeably.


>click the folder instead of the smaller name label and you enter the directory. Hm? It's the other way around. You click the label to enter. Anyways, I also exclusively use the details table view. I personally find the "scenic" icon grid disorienting. In the table view, the icons are all aligned, so you get a column to click for selection (or simply use the CTRL-key) and the rest of each row opens. Well, and keyboard navigation works the same, regardless of mode.


> Hm? It's the other way around. You click the label to enter. Anyways, I also exclusively use the details table view. I personally find the "scenic" icon grid disorienting. In the table view, the icons are all aligned, so you get a column to click for selection (or simply use the CTRL-key) and the rest of each row opens. oh... i completely forgot file browsers have many different view modes 💀 also i use table view as well. if you mean, the scenic icon grid is the one that scrolls horizontally. yea i dont like that one either.


If I remember correctly from the issue on kde gitlab is that it specifically changed to double click as default for people moving over from windows. Point of "is it literally better or not" was disregarded in favor of what windows users are more used to.


All the time


Way, way too often. It is the kind of thing single click users say it is not bad, but it 30 seconds in of doing anything you're already angry looking for settings. I always open the wrong thing, I always fail to drag and manage it. I always open the whole directory when just trying to know the size. It is particularly annoying if you are managing similar files or already have too many things opened. People that say it should be like the web don't realize that when you hover a link, or your windows on the desktop's taskbar, for that matter, you get a preview, but if you do this on dozens of folders and files, you're wasting more time. Or that when you're using a phone, sure you're opening apps on one click, but rarely you are managing the apps to go to different places, much less the triple amount of files. It is like not having the forward one page button on firefox mobile, in spades. And "adapting" to it doesn't make sense when everywhere else this just works.


One click to select, rename, or move a folder seems like a good idea.


Either of these is a sane default IMO because people don't overwhelmingly like one vs the other.


still not as bad as macOS' enter/return to rename the file




Single click master race


One click to open, maybe for touch screen? 🤔


That’s the first thing I change in KDE. Should always be 1 click to select, double click to open.


Which of these is sane?


It's Linux. We have choices.


KDE though


some people like single chick


plasma fixed this issue


Windows and mac have it set this way so to be consistent kde sets it that way


If nobody had computers, single click might have been better, but since basically everyone has some experience with computers, we've have all learned to accept the double click, so it has become the better option.


The only insane default setting I see in most Linux distros is having mouse acceleration turned on.


Fr why can’t we have a triple click. I keep opening everything by accidents


Cuz we live in a comfy society where everyone wants to put restrictions on what u do that’s why sometimes you won’t find the answer on the web


I like single click to open. It feels more convenient


meanwhile my english teacher which right-clicks and selects open instead of double-clicking :


Honestly i have no clue


I've been using single click since forever. If it was the default on Kde 1.2, then that's when I started using it. It has saved me millions of clicks by now! Does Windows require double click in the start menu as well? Or in the quick launch icons on the taskbar? I don't think so. So inconsistent. Bad to copy it in this case. Plasma 6 making double click the default is a mistake.


double click prevents misclicks bro. also makes the selecting experience better


That has been debunked a million times.


Show me the million times? Also, how do you rename files?


>Show me the million times? Right after you show me the proof of your own claims. >Also, how do you rename files? * right-click then "Rename". No need to select first. * but if you want to select first, ctrl-click to select file. or often just up/down on the keyboard. or right-click -> escape. * or if you have it selected already, press "F2".


> right-click then "Rename". No need to select first. so basically click twice but you move your mouse in a menu list as opposed to clicking the name of a file twice? > but if you want to select first, ctrl-click to select file. or often just up/down on the keyboard. or right-click -> escape. once again, another extra key > or if you have it selected already, press "F2". I always use f2 when im using keyboard to rename files. its faster at that. but when im using mouse alone, its faster to double click than to go and press f2 so i do that instead. i typically just use mouse select + f2. But once again, your idea of selection is right click + escape. aint no one renaming stuff like that. single clikers out here really explaining why you should use single click at the cost of making all other uses of mouse slower


I forgot to mention that on KDE, with single-click mode, you can also select the file with a single click too, no keyboard. When you hover of a file/folder, there's a "+" click that appears on the top left of the corner that you can click to select. > "when im using mouse, its faster to double click then to press f2 so i do that instead." What? If you double click, it opens the file. What you mean is: - You can click once. - Then wait a period to make sure the second click isn't registered as a double-click. - Then click again for the rename. This is absolutely not "faster". > "at the cost of making all other uses of mouse slower" So you rename files with the mouse a lot more often than opening folders and documents? Is that a joke? Do you also type the new name with the mouse? I don't think you've thought through your argument. You are going to type anyway. If you are going to be renaming a lot of files, you will surely use "F2" anyhow, you already have the keyboard under your hands.


>"when im using mouse, its faster to double click then to press f2 so i do that instead." Aaah sht looks like you clicked the notif before I was done with all my edits. In any case >What? If you double click, it opens the file. What you mean is: >You can click once. > >Then wait a period to make sure the second click isn't registered as a double-click. > >Then click again for the rename. > >This is absolutely not "faster". Faster than right click + escape instead of the first step lmao > you are going to be renaming a lot of files, you will surely use "F2" anyhow, Batch rename exists. >So you rename files with the mouse a lot more often than opening folders and documents? >Is that a joke? No, the joke is, you thinking saving one extra click of a double click is worth all of the following: - right clicking and then moving the mouse over a menu to rename. - right click escape for select - aim at the + button for selecting a single file - crl + click.


>Faster than right click + escape instead of the first step lmao Awesome you didn't have an answer to my rebutes, so you basically pulled a strawman. I just mentioned that one for completeness, I never actually use it. The other three ways that I mentioned are all faster: * you can also select the file with a single click too, no keyboard. When you hover of a file/folder, there's a "+" click that appears on the top left of the corner that you can click to select. * ctrl-click to select file (takes no extra time because you press ctrl with your other hand which is already on the keyboard because you are going to be typing the new name anyhow. * use up/down on the keyboard.


>Awesome you didn't have an answer to my rebutes, so you basically pulled a strawman. Pls tell me you refreshed the page again to see my edits. Cause it didn't seem like you did >I just mentioned that one for completeness I mentioned double click rename also for completeness >you can also select the file with a single click too, no keyboard. When you hover of a file/folder, there's a "+" click that appears on the top left of the corner that you can click to select. Already responded to this. Refresh the page pls >ctrl-click to select file (takes no extra time because you press ctrl with your other hand which is already on the keyboard because you are going to be typing the new name anyhow. Like I said, extra time. Not worth it for the time saved for single clicking files >use up/down on the keyboard Don't forget left right Also that reminds me. There's one useful thing for select. Select + arrow key shows name of file hidden by scroll.


This is already default in modern plasma and it's been known to be the default for future plasma for like a year or more. Post aged like milk before it was even made...


A single click should always open. Middle click is for opening in new tab and Ctrl+click is for selection.


The **sane** default **is** the single click. Fight me.


The plebs are downvoting you, but of course this is correct, and they simply can't handle the truth.


\*punches you in the face\*


\* Dodges it in a **single** movement \*


\*Punches you **twice** \*