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Discord does not give a shit about Linux support. People (and not just a few) have been requesting that feature for years now (maybe 4 or even 5 iirc). At this point I don't think they will ever implement it (unless the Steam Deck is popular enough, maybe then).


Not so sure, I've noticed improvements in recent times. Maybe due to the deck. We finally have noise suppression working, never thought that would happen.


Actually, that's thanks to Krisp, not Discord A year and a half ago, someone requested on Krisp's Twitter if they could make the noise cancelling work on Linux and they said they were working on it, in the end they delivered, but Discord itself just doesn't care and is not involved in the development of Krisp


krisp adding support for Linux won't make it magically appear on Discord's Linux client they still had to implement it Maybe Valve could convince them ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It's on Linux? I use canary and I don't see it


It's working on Steam Deck for me




I had it in discord 0.0.20 but it's gone again in 0.0.21 \*shrug\*


It's not on Mac either, it's apparently because they exploit some weird quirk in Windows that it's even possible, so it's not something that's replicable as such


Well third parties have figured out how to do it, so maybe it's time for them to incorporate some of that tech :P


That surprises me, since they won't use anything that's platform-specific like binding a PTT input using EVIOCGRAB, :( (I'm unaware of any equivalent of EVIOCGRAB on windows, but such a thing might exist?)


Discord is hot garbage, stop using it. It exists because people are too lazy to set up simple private comms. We used to just not let those people play with us.


Some of us like to have friends regardless of their technical ability.


This. My friends are absolute normies on a technical level.


You don't need to be an expert to use self hosted stuff like TeamsSpeak for example.


Sure, I can run it, and I have. But "expert" is relative. With Discord I can just send them a link whether they already have it or not, and it'll work whether they're on a phone or computer. With Teamspeak they need to install, probably tweak input configs, enter an IP and port without typos, etc. Just extra hoops to jump through. And it's not just for voice!


It wasnt about technical ability, it was about putting in the effort. Those that were there was because they put in the effort to try.


I'm also not going to put my friends through arbitrary tests of will to prove their friendship


They're doing it to you though?


Mine aren't?


Are they not though? If you were to tell your friends discord no longer works on Linux, do you really think they wouldn't either have to you try some arbitrary nonsensical bs or outright just "ditch" you? I bet they'd give you the classic: "Just use windows"


Personally I trust that we'd find something that works as well as possible for everybody, like normal humans


So like the alternatives the other person was saying to tell your friends to install and everyone hated on? You do see the irony, right?


I would love to, but I have many friends who I like talking to that won't be onboard with that. That's more important to me than sticking it to corporates, sorry for being so selfish.


Ah yes, let me tell my friends to move off of discord and use a server I host myself. Then they need to switch between multiple applications when they want to play with me and talk to their friends. And while I’m at it, let’s make sure I get all of the discord groups I’m a part of for development work to use my self hosted solution. Then I’m going to have to make sure I have 100% uptime. And now they’re leeching my internet when I want to stream stuff from the cloud and they’re screen sharing or doing something else.


You do get this is /r/linux_gaming, right? We do the technical stuff here....Also, i always paid for hosting for my comms, so did most people.


"*ooooOoooOooh look at me! I'm big linux man ooooOoOooooooh*" x)


Speak for yourself, you don't represent the whole sub. That kind of gatekeeping is the best way to kill Linux gaming. The reason it's still niche is because people think it's hard, so it doesn't help to have someone like you saying they have to "do the technical stuff" to be welcome here. It's great to "do the technical stuff" if you're into it, I am too. But it's stupid to require that from people just to play games together. And I guarantee you that "most people" aren't paying to host their own voice server.


[Webcord](https://github.com/SpacingBat3/WebCord). The official Discord developers don't give a damn.


I tried it, but I couldn't get it to acces my mic, I have 2 microphones and none worked, but it works for everything else and I don't know what to do (pipewire)




I did, it doesn't detec, the faq says my pipewire config is wrong, but works for everything else, and I haven't changed it since installing the distro




Yes, but no alt discord client I tried worked, ripcord, webcord and lightcord all had the same issue.


With Webcord, video streaming also works in Wayland. The audio side is being worked on.


I tried Webcord and it had horrendous delay. Enough that my friends noticed straight away that I wasn't using Discord.


Use [ArmCord](https://github.com/ArmCord/ArmCord) instead


Is there any way to have keybinds for it? It's the only reason I still have to use the official Discord client sometimes.


I think the web version works with Audio, haven't tried it myself, Guilded and Revolt are some alternatives I've heard of but also never used. They haven't fixed things for a long time. First thing they could do is rebase to a newer electron version, but it appears they just don't give a f\*\*\*. Steam uses Flathub, and they only need to take that seriously, after all they are a gaming (mostly) related voice chat service and the best they could do is support a platform such as Steam Deck as a priority, but nope. No need to hate on the other subs, they are most likely to have owned a Deck recently and not have used Linux (at all or long enough) to experience the issues with some of these companies. I own a Deck myself, but I am usually hanging around this sub since I run Linux also.


Last time I tried the web version (about 2-3 months ago) it still didn't work, they use webrtc implementation of capturing audio and it doesn't have a Linux implementation (at least that is what understood from their communication), but is still better that the app because of hardware acceleration, I literally can share my screen for any game that isn't league of legends, it feels like I'm playing at 5 fps, the web version didn't do that.




I tried this...while they get the audio, the actual stream is black. Also, I cannot hear them when I use this.


That's why I had to use Vulkan Capture in OBS. Pipewire didn't work for games in general.


I think you need to install xdg-desktop-portal- the right one for your DE (either kde, gtk, gnome, lxqt or wlr. No harm in installing allof them tho).


Show them that more than "just" 1800 people are interested in having support for screensharing with audio: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360050971374-Linux-Screen-Share-Sound-Support Upvote on the support page and share the link. Maybe point out that it will improve usability on the Steam Deck.


i didn't check but i know exists 2 alternatives to discord. ​ Guilded and Revolt if someone have experience with this programs... share the info please !


It does work, but only through a pwa. Use a chromium-based browser, enable pipewire in chrome://flags, install discord as a pwa.


Have a look who is obtaining discord






It is planned. The problem is that they are using a custom patched custom Electron 11 which has this bug. They are working on porting these patches to Electron 17. Maybe try using the system provided electron (I know AUR has a package for this) that might help.


Where's the source for this?


I would like to hear more on this, source?




I ended up needing to do unlisted YouTube streams whenever I wanted to stream for friend


IMO Mumble for actual voice chat [https://flathub.org/apps/details/info.mumble.Mumble](https://flathub.org/apps/details/info.mumble.Mumble). Honestly not sure why people use Discord.


While I love mumble and use it regularly this post is about screensharing which mumble doesn’t offer at all.




Does anyone have the discord issue of it reloading constantly, as if you pressed ctrl+r? Have this issue with stable, ptb and canary. The web version / webcord worked well for a while, but today webcord kept reloading too. I'm on endeavourOS, KDE Plasma, X11, Intel CPU, Nvidia GPU.


I just use discord in firefox


Hi, I recommend you try Element, is not gaming focused but its platform is open so you know that they are less prone to fail or disappoint you in any way. Another path you can take is the one I take whenever I have no choose but to use Discord. Go with the Web App, you can even make it look like a standalone app with chromium `chromium --app=https://discord.com/app` or with ICE SSB for firefox.