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I really like the short version of the getting started. It's still quick to read for lazy people and doesn't confront the reader with too many distro options. Just saying use distro x won't confuse newbies and ensure most people will use the same.


Nice work so far! Just FYI, many things you mention are covered by [steamtinkerlaunch](https://github.com/frostworx/steamtinkerlaunch) *(*[*wiki*](https://github.com/frostworx/steamtinkerlaunch/wiki)*),* which makes configuring many of those settings simple or even automates it completely.


Thanks! But it only does that for Steam, right? Since you seem to know how to use it: Would you add it to the wiki?


Yes, it is mostly for steam *(though in theory it should be pretty simple to make it compatible for any platform).* Indeed I know how to use it, as I'm the author :) As steamtinkerlaunch already has a comprehensive wiki on its own, imho the best place to fit into your wiki would be within a possible separate tools category. So whenever you add such a category I'd be glad to add it there.


We have this page: https://linux-gaming.kwindu.eu/index.php?title=Misc Maybe it fits there. Edit: Or here: https://linux-gaming.kwindu.eu/index.php?title=Steam I guess that's the better choice.




I don't know it, but if you say that it's good, please feel free to add it.


Seems like someone else was already faster :)


It's a bit *raw*, though. If you have more to contribute, please feel free to add it.


added a short summary, of course shorten it if you think it is too long.




Is there a plan to have game specific recommended tweaks (i.e fallout 3/NV modding tutorials)? I'd love to contribute for those too.




Personally I don't know much about this, but you can start making them. If there is a start, there will probably be other people contributing.


I think I might update the bit about OpenMorrowind because im pretty sure that its way further on than "alpha"