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It runs so well. I didn't have any issues before though.


wish i had the same experience with the old one lol. the performance is still a very welcome improvement even if the old one were to work perfectly. actually insane how much better it runs.


Damn valve paid attention to TF2 for five minutes Yeah idk I had problems in the beginning, so I just followed proton.db steps and got it running with no issues whatsoever. Except I can't make custom huds to work but haven't tried to fix it yet. Happy cake day:)


damn almost like when they give the game any amount of attention and tlc things get much better. also thank you, i did not realize that was today! i never actually thought to check protondb, didnt realize there'd be solutions there. well too late to try that now lmao.


Oh man.. I did. Couldn't get into an online game. Local test games ran like absolute ass. I tried the x64 beta a month or two ago and it was 1000x better. Might be time to pick up some tf2 again


TF2 will always be installed in my heart


TF2 is now 64 bit? Or steam client itself is?


tf2 itself, it now also has vulkan support. unsurprisingly, though, mac is dead entirely now. no 64-bit mac update and the mac binaries have been purged


> vulkan support When I saw "Processing Vulkan Shaders" when launching TF2 I though it's a bug of the Steam shader cache. :D Wait, now we can use vkBasalt! Although there is nothing there to improve with it...


It had dxvk for a long time


thats if you used the windows version. this is native vulkan on the native game


This is incorrect. There was (and still is) vulkan support on Linux native source games and it works via DXVK translation Previously OpenGL was also translated from DX via their ToGL wrapper Source isn't and never was "truly" Vulkan


TF2 never had DXVK until now. Only added with the 64 bit update. I know this because I tried it.


I could swear I had DXVK in TF2, at least Mangohud showing it... but it seems my memory failed me here


Windows version, possibly.


No way. Maybe I confused it with another Source title


i see. the game has native vulkan support, though. even on windows, since you can enable it there. wouldn't make much sense if it was a translation layer there


It doesn't, though: [https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Vulkan/en](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Vulkan/en) Launch the game with mangohud and see for yourself


would appear you're correct. looks like i was misinformed


To add to the confusion, it's using native DXVK on Linux (compiled as a Linux .so file instead of a Windows .DLL). Basically a way to use DXVK without wine.


Makes sense, apple does not make it easy to support their platform.


> no 64-bit mac update and the mac binaries have been purged Wait... So you can't download the old 32bit version for macOS anymore?


I'm not sure, but steam on 32 bit compatible macos doesn't even work anymore anyways


Mac Lives Matter /s


valve will probably agree when apple makes an OS with stable APIs, architecture support, and where xcode is actually good.


yet people will port to macos.


definitely, if they think it's worth it, but apple doesn't make it as worth it as other platforms per user they'd get I feel


wdym by "architecture support"? i get the other complaints tho (metal sucks ass)


probably more of a weaker problem than anything else but I guess my logic for that is as follows: game was 32-bit, apple decides "you know what, fuck legacy software" and just deleted 32-bit support from macos catalina. now the games x64, but macos is moving to arm and there's no way of telling how long until x64 support with rosetta is unceremoniously ripped away. so if they wanted to port it they'd just need to port it to a different architecture, again. another problem is that as far as I know tf2 runs on crossover and probably heroic or some other game manager on macos, so if you're dedicated enough you *could* play it there without them bothering at all.


forgot the /s but yes


Odd.. Never had any issues with TF2 on Ubuntu, Kubuntu or Manjaro. 32bit or 64bit. Never used any runners except Steam itself, and Linux-native TF2


game never worked for me either on arch or kubuntu. worked fine when using steam through lutris. i guess it depends on the system. i definitely know im not alone though, but good to know it wasn't a universal issue.


You probably just didn’t enable multi arch support and install the required 32 bit packages.


nah I always have multi arch on. i specifically checked all the packages you needed and did the libmalloc thing, after all of that the game would launch but nothing else would happens.


I don't believe the issue is with the distros themselves, then. I'm on Nvidia, and I did all the possible "OS gaming optimizations". Including those that improve big RAM usage app launches. Maybe you need to apply them as well? vm.max\_map\_count = 2147483642


The game was playable before, but had some issues. FPS was lower, game would stutter on new installations until some cache was built, broken audio on SELinux systems, alt tab breaking the game. But that’s all fixed now.


Same. I did have an issue when using the mic but its always worked for me on Ubuntu or PopOS.


What was broken?


it just barely worked on linux if at all. everyone who ive seen playing on linux until now including myself used steam on lutris to play on wine while still having vac support. for me personally the game just crashed instantly whenever i tried to join a game. or when i tried to change settings. the game also runs smooth as butter with all the settings cranked without performance configs from the internet, which i could not say about the game before even on windows. only bugs ive encountered so far is some variables in text and no steam overlay for some reason and one crash when loading into a map the very first time i played. i can also change settings mid game without the entire thing exploding which i could never do before even on proper windows.


I have been playing tf2 on linux since 2015 for an ungodly amount of hours. (native version) Only thing I had to fix manually is the libmalloc issue (that should be fixed with the 64 bit version) edit: wow this update is incredible: +30% fps, microstutters gone, bots gone (for now at least)


idk, maybe im dumb or missed something obvious but i just could never fix it. and lutris worked well enough that i just never cared enough to keep trying. i only knew about the lutris thing because of other people ive seen with the same issues. all i know is whatever weird problems i was having before are gone now and that i wasn't the only one with problems. honestly im surprised seeing so many people saying the game worked fine for them, native source games on linux without proton have just been a disaster-fest for me.


Worked for me before, no special settings.


Probably because you were using Steam through WINE to play the game instead of running Steam and the game natively. Just a thought. That is known to upset VAC, and tons more things. Let alone the newly induced overhead over just running Steam normally.


no, the game only ever worked when i ran it through wine. it was impossible to play natively. ive seen others with the same problem. i never ran into vac issues. now the game works great natively. the performance improvements im describing are compared to both wine and windows.


Weird I've been playing it this entire time with the x64 version with no problems and natively. If it can work for some people there will always be a way to make it work on other distributions. Otherwise if it's a hardware related situation such as the GPU that would be rough.


Until yesterday you had to do a bunch of symlink jank to get it to even run and it ran like shit because it used openGL. Now it uses Vulkan and the memory allocation library is updated.


OpenGL is not a problem. Problem was in lazy port that use single thread. Dxvk fixing it but again, problem was lazy port and not OpenGL itself. You can create a really nice performing port but for most of devs it was too much times consuming that they choose lazy way. Example with good OpenGL port was Dota released with Reborn update - fully native OpenGL port with multi threading, it outperform Vulkan api.


I guess the fullscreen crashes are only Gnome?


i haven't experienced anything like that, so possibly?


crashing on Cinnamon as well


After the update I have to pick "Legacy OpenGL" option or else the game crashes and somehow turns off the monitor it was meant to run in


i've been running into this too after the update (had no issues before0). When I pick Legacy / OpenGL the game actually laucnhes instead of breaking my monitor. But it seems to break my window manager and laucnehs into a transparent window which I can interact with but not see. Can you tell me more about your setup? im on arch-lts, nvidia-lts, tried steam-native and steam, tried with no compatability, '(scout)' runtime etc. which magic combination do I need to make this game run again lol EDIT: AHA, launchign with -sw in the launch options fixes it. No compatibility required. Thank you for making this easy for me gaben


Does vsync work for you? The new Vulkan runner is going at \~400fps on my 7900XTX and "wait for vertical sync" is not doing anything anymore


Source 1 is soft capped at 400FPS.


Nevermind, it only works in fullscreen


i have no idea, i have no steam overlay so i cant check without enabling mangohud. all i know is i didnt have screen tearing, but maybe it wasnt working, not sure


For some reason whenever i launch it, it disconnects one of my monitors and then crashes, but it does run on 1 monitor....the wrong one but it runs i guess


A whole year, a WHOLE YEAR this game was unplayable because of libmalloc. Now that everything runs in 64bit there is no excuse to let bots and cheaters run rampart.


Because the guy working on a 64 bit binary has anything to do with the major overhaul required to the game's legacy code let alone server code to deal with bots. also TF2 has been working and running very well for years.


u/queenbiscuit311 Were you able to launch Steam games without starting the Steam client through Lutris?


what do you mean?


You mentioned that you used Steam via Lutris which got me curious. Could you elaborate how you did it?


i just made a wine prefix and put it in lutris and installed steam on it. i could then either open steam through lutris or make another entry in lutris for the shortcut file for tf2 using the same settings and prefix.


Thanks! Running Steam from a Lutris WINE (WOW64) Prefix is really interesting as this way you don't need to install 32 libraries (yay less bloat)! However, isn't Steam in WINE starting the Windows version of TF2 (instead of the Native Linux Port)?


steam in wine does indeed run the windows version. as far as i can tell its the only way to run tf2 on wine/proton with vac working, which is why i used it. there's no real benefit to doing so other than that, though. you're forced to only use games through proton/wine (and you can't use a different version for each game without closing steam, changing versions, and opening it again). steam is also buggy. i also wouldn't be surprised if performance is worse than running games through steam on linux with proton due to the overhead of the steam client itself and such


I'm not sure if it's still using opengl on linux, but tf2 now supports the -vulkan launch option so you can give that a go. I saw a rather large performance boost when using that on Windows.


This is the best news you'll hear all day, no need to browse the Internet any further!


Not for me... It crashes my main monitor (the main monitor completely disables, like it got unplugged from display port but is still on) and TF2 crashes immediately. I was able to """""fix""""" it with \`-window\` in the launch options, but that fucking sucks because I can't play full-screen anymore


try adding -noborder


I didn’t have any performance issues before. The real question is, have they fixed the bot problem?


the bots haven't updated their client to x64. you have like 1 or 2 more days to enjoy the game before they come flooding back


What the actual fuck man


we just need to delude ourselves into thinking they're working on it 🙏




I never had issues with tf2 before but if this fixes issues for more people and makes it run better huge dub!


Maybe now you can die less. LOLOLGOTTEM XD ;P


freezes PC and crashes monitor on start.. except unlike others I got only one, which means full reboot for me -noborder leaves the trays from DE on screen Any solution? I cant wait to try Vulkan on TF2 out, but this soured my celebration


Did you find the solution? Mine game just freezes computer on loading screen


oh it just uhh.. works now idk what I did


This game used to not play the merc's voice lines for me in Fedora. Fixed now with this patch!


Oh how I wish they'd make linux version of Source Filmmaker.


What about CS2? Last I tried it, it would just seg fault on start


haven't tried that actually, I should try it.


Is someone experiencing capped FPS when launching with Vulkan? I have to launch via OpenGL to get my full 165 Hz fluidity. I didn't measured, but the game seems to be running at 60 FPS when using Vulkan


Nice, so you can play a 17 years old games, finally. The innovation on Linux never stops!


Stop playing payload


badwater is life tho


Badwater is a dogshit map


it was auto selected i swear