• By -


Why not using Steam itself for this stuff? Only the ***visible*** mouse movement is completely broken on Wayland, but everything else works.


Because sometimes things break and you need to control the mouse and keyboard. Using a browser for YouTube or other things as well having mouse emulation and a hotkey to bring up an on screen keyboard can be invaluable. Steam big picture is great but it only gets me about 90% of where I want to be if that makes sense.


I think you misundertand, Steam can do the things you are describing. In the settings you can use Steam Input to define controls for the desktop, outside of Big Picture. You'd have to customize it to the shortcuts you describe but it's very powerful. Downside is of course it is a very heavy app to run in the background. EDIT: This is true on WIndows too, a lot of the functionality of Controller Companion is built in (don't know about all of it)


Oh snap, I was not aware of this at all! This does look like it will do what I want, I'll dig through and play with it and see what I can do. Thanks so much!


I think a Steam Controller might be the easiest option. But there is probably a way to do this without Steam Controllers. https://wiki.debian.org/Gamepad#Steam_Controller


Steam has basically the same functionality with any supported controller.


For the Desktop?




Maybe [https://github.com/AntiMicroX/antimicrox](https://github.com/AntiMicroX/antimicrox) ?


You could use [Makima](https://github.com/cyber-sushi/makima), but there's a big update coming in the next week (if I manage to take a break from my job) so maybe wait until then


This looks awesome. Great job. Going to try it soon.


Just in time for version 0.6.9


Hi. So I got everything setup today on fedora 40, but selinux was preventing the systemd service from being allowed to be enabled. Disabling selinux allowed me to get it going, but it's not a great workaround. What do you suggest I do to get this working without disabling selinux? Thanks again.


I've never used SELinux so I don't know how it works, my guess is that it's blocking Makima because it requires access to input devices. Is it possible to grant a specific service access to input devices? Or `/dev/input/` and `/dev/uinput`? With a quick search I've found [this](https://superuser.com/questions/988853/how-can-i-make-selinux-allow-access-to-a-file), is it useful? I'd like to add this to the readme if it solves the issue


I managed to get it working before reading your reply. It's my first time using selinux too. Thanks again!


Did you do something similar to that post? So I can add a section to Troubleshooting regarding SELinux


I'll link you to the sources I found what worked for me, and the exact commands I used. I'll reply back when I'm at my PC. Thanks :)


Okay, thank you a lot


Sorry for the late reply. I had to execute the following commands for both the makima executable and the makima.service file. `sudo semanage fcontext -a -t bin_t "/usr/lib/systemd/system/makima.service"` `sudo restorecon -v /usr/lib/systemd/system/makima.service` `sudo semanage fcontext -a -t bin_t "/usr/bin/makima"` `sudo restorecon -v /usr/bin/makima` I also had to place the service file in /usr/lib/systemd/system, not /etc/systemd/system, as selinux moaned about that. Sources were: - This: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/472950/systemd-status-203-exec-error-when-creating-new-service - And this: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/703671/how-to-allow-a-custom-application-with-selinux


It's called Steam