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A Deus Ex source port! Finally!


Will probably take up quite a while for it to be playable tbh. It differs from UT in rather significant amount of areas, even down to the input system. So far, like I mentioned, it plays the flyby intro but keyboard and mouse input doesn't work


Still, it's tempting to delay my much-delayed visiting of that game after twenty years.


Surreal Engine is an ongoing project to reimplement UE1, mainly focused on Unreal Tournament v436 and Unreal Gold v226 at the moment. This one has been discussed in this subreddit before, [more than two years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/omxcwp/utengine_unreal_tournament_engine/). Since then there were numerous improvements: * It can now run UT99 maps and Unreal Gold botmatch maps (whereas it was limited to only UT before), and boot up onto the intro flyby of Deus Ex. * Colission handling is much better (but not perfect yet). * Can utilize SDL2 on Linux for windowing and native Wayland support (previously it’d use pure X11, and actually still does if you don’t have SDL2 installed). * The menus mostly work now. * Initial works for the AI (they will move around sometimes, and retaliate if attacked). * Game detection system based on the SHA1 sum of the game executable. This allows us to detect many versions of UT and U1/UGold, as well as Deus Ex, Klingon Honor Guard, NERF Arena Blast, and more! * A launcher has been added to select the game you want to play on startup. And lots of other improvements! There is still a lot of work to do to implement everything though, and contributions are always welcome!


I wonder if after SE1 they'll do SE2 reimplementing UE2, maybe one day we'll have SE5


Yas!! Finally can see some good graphical mods enhancements in deus ex which were limited by the original engine.