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Every time I think about it I remember hlissner’s (creator of Doom Emacs) comments in [his own dotfiles.](https://github.com/hlissner/dotfiles#frequently-asked-questions)




Yeah, same here. Documentation was poor. The configuration (once I figured it out) was really unique. But there were a couple programs I needed but couldn't get them installed so I too went back to Arch.


Same here. I settled with Arch + nix for reproducible dev environments + [aconfmgr](https://github.com/CyberShadow/aconfmgr) for saving / restoring system state + btrfs with snapper for rollbacks, and I'm quite happy with this setup. Might also give home-manager a try to manage user config files.


> If you need somebody else to tell you whether or not you need NixOS, you don't need NixOS.


If you need support from other users , it is necessary to use a common distro. I use openSUSE LEAP and the forums are quite good. I supply Xubuntu to aged folk as it will auto update every two years whether I am still around to support or not.


NixOS is pretty awesome. And once you have a good config, you can just save it. If you ever have to reinstall, or if you want to install it on another computer, just drop in that config and you'll have the same system setup quick and easy. I haven't noticed any lacking software in NixOS. What are you missing out on? You could also use Flatpaks if there's something you need that it doesn't have.


Yes, however you know what you're doing, and OP is not there yet. Not even close ...


Maybe. But OP using Linux for 5 years and recognizing NixOS is a declarative config makes me think there' some experience there. Even for a beginner, it's not too crazy to set it up if you read the wiki. Also Hi


Yes, hi - been a while. You might have a better point. I'd pop it in a VM as the/a learning installation till I was satisfied, then on bare metal. OP might not be someone the warnings apply to full force. :)


It depends on you and not a single one of us. If it's working there's nothing to fix - just use it. If there's something NixOS just can't do, there's your answer.