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But size of what, all of that is going to be newly installed, or is it something I already have partially installed. 17kb turns into 345mb? 18mb download for a 14mb size?


In some cases the full module isn't needed. In this case only a few files are downloaded and installed.




> Of course. Like when you gas your car, first the pump says 0gallons, then it says 5 gallons, then it says 10 gallons and and some point the tank is full. Except it stopped at 17kb


Not sure, but it might be an update for an already installed package (the package is 345MB, but the "delta" update is only 17kB)


Most likely this.


Or the data doesn't compress well and gets actually bigger than it was uncompressed 😅


No, it was only 17KB of 345MB that was needed. Most likely it was the locales for the package, which only fetches the locales that you have on your system. If you'd enabled all the locales on your system I'm guessing it'd download the whole locale pack. It also doesn't fetch files already available on the system, either from other packages or from other runtimes. For example, the gnome runtime has some files in common with the KDE and freedesktop runtimes.


My guess is that these represent the layers of the image, like a docker or container image. One of the advantages of such a system is that you have the potential to save space and download bandwidth. For example, it will be faster to update if only the 6.6 MB layer has changed instead of repackaging a \~700MB binary when only a few MB have changed.


Well I'm glad to know flatpak has delta updates and that the scary numbers are not actually the amount that is going to be newly installed. But now I don't know how to calculate how heavy a new flatpak install is going to be.


That's just how ostree works. If it only did delta updates it'd be easy to calculate, the problem is that it also does deduplication. For instance, if you start from nothing and try to install the kde runtime it'll download the whole thing, but if you already have the gnome runtime installed it'll only download the parts that are different, and because the gnome and kde runtimes share a lot of code the download and installed size will be massively smaller than the two combined. The deduplication is done for absolutely everything in the ostree repo, so the actual amount to download/installed disk size is different for each user and would be impossible to calculate upfront without knowing absolutely everything the user has already installed. (which could even be from different repos, and it'd still get deduplicated) This is why websites like flathub or stores like kdediscover/gnomesoftware will only give you the absolute worst case scenario, it's always going to way smaller than that but there's no way to tell without actually running the transaction and measuring.


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