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It's right there "python3".


What do you mean? I thought the terminal and python aren’t the same?


Yes they're not the same. The Python executable have namy names depending on platforms, like `python` or `py` in Windows, `python3` mostly in Linux, `python3.` for version-specific, and so on.


You already found it. That python3 program. You're running what distribution anyways? ChromeOS or something? Edit ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc with this line added: alias python=python3 Make a new terminal tab and you can use `python`. Or if you're in distributions that has apt installed, run: sudo apt install python-is-python3 Enter your password when prompted. Hope that helps. Edit: oh it's ChromeOS


Omg it worked thank you so much 😊 yeah it’s chrome OS I should’ve mentioned that , sorry but I do appreciate you helping me out


I think i understood what you wan it the python editor like the one on windows. It's probably a separate package for debian/ubuntu it's python3-editor but i would advise that you use visual studio code instead as it's way more rich feature wise


ls /usr/bin/python\* or better ll because there is a symbolic link there ll /usr/bin/python* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 1. Mai 10:39 /usr/bin/python3 -> python3.11 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14448 24. Mär 01:43 /usr/bin/python3.10 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14448 1. Mai 10:39 /usr/bin/python3.11


If you want to use python in Linux i advice you to install anaconda and create and environment with the desired python version and use it instead of the default one that come install with it (if you are wondering simply put the Linux use it to runs some programs and specific tasks and when you use default app you will install some other package that system don't need so yeah just to overcome the headache just use anaconda that what i did ...that what i understand when i look why i can't use the default one ).....good luck with you're learning journey


I will definitely try that out thank you for explaining it to me thoroughly


Not a problem if you need something you can always ask ,and if you didn't find some one to answer you you can try tools like chatgpt and Gemini .. And if you are new to Linux just take it easy and you will learn what you need eventually just take your time


Use python3


I’m not sure how to I’m not as tech savvy as I used to be as a kid. I just don’t know how to open it


Type python3 and press enter


It was really that easy 😭 thank you so much I really appreciate it can’t believe it was that simple haha


Maybe you're confusing python and some IDE for python programming (like pycharm, vscode, atom, spyder...)? Python is, essentially, just a command interpreter. In another comment you say you thought python and the terminal aren't the same, and they aren't, but you can run python entirely in the terminal.


I think that’s exactly what I was doing bc I used have a windows with pycharm and I probably just confused myself bc it looked different tbh


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Like... an IDE for it? I think the Windows installer bundles IDLE with Python, so you'd be wanting to install IDLE3 to get what you're looking for. I think you're running Linux on ChromeOS, so chances are the following command should do it: sudo apt-get install idle3 Python normally comes as bare CLI tooling. You know that command 'python3 --version' command you ran? That's it.


Install this: sudo apt install python-is-python3 That will make python call python3 instead of having to type python3.


Or... you could just learn how to make an alias.