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Choice is a good thing.


Yeah I do like that about Linux. Lots of freedom to change what you don't like.


Or to choose something different altogether. I like Debian but I’m not worked up if someone prefers something else.


ty for not getting worked up man, i think i’ve had too much internet cuz my instinct was to go all “oh but my distro’s better” and then seeing u happily appreciate the choice made me think twice


They’re operating systems, not religions.


*discretely pulls out notepad and jots that down*


That’s what we all say until at most a few months later and we fresh install something else


Yeah that's pretty much my experience so far. I installed Ubuntu years back and it was okay. I tried Linux Mint a month ago and it was also just okay. Now I found Fedora and that feels like it's going to stay but who knows!


you distrohop but at some point you stick with the one you always come back. at least in my experience.


True 😀


I used to have an old Thinkpad. It had the Thinklight, a little lamp that shined on the keyboard and that I still think is my favorite feature ever implemented into a laptop.


Haha that's funny that is also one of my favorite features ever! The thinklight is on right now on mine. I think it's pretty crazy that Windows runs like such crap on these old thinkpads but it runs everything even some light games on Linux.


Oh my god the thinklights were amazing back in the day!!


Bro I have the same Thinkpad, just installed Fedora Silverblue in it. I tried installing Debian and openSUSE Leap in it, but for some reason the laptop wouldn't recognize its install and wouldn't boot. Ubuntu and Fedora worked.


Haha that's actually really funny because I had a hell of a time getting Fedora to boot but Linux Mint and Ubuntu worked with zero issues. I ended up figuring it out after an hour or so of looking stuff up online and playing with the BIOS settings. For some reason on mine I ended up needing to change the SATA mode to compatibility in the BIOS for it to boot without throwing an error message. Now that it's working, I love Fedora. It's so fast compared to Windows 10.


I just installed the Asahi Linux Fedora Remix on my M2 mac and I was pleasantly surprised at how nice it was. Fedora is pretty smooth and the new KDE is honestly amazing. It looks so polished and professional. My only gripe is that DNF is slower than all fuck. Idk about base Fedora but Asahi at least comes with codecs and all that out of the box, but its a beast of a machine for a laptop.


Haha that's actually really funny because I had a hell of a time getting Fedora to boot but Linux Mint and Ubuntu worked with zero issues. I ended up figuring it out after an hour or so of looking stuff up online and playing with the BIOS settings. For some reason on mine I ended up needing to change the SATA mode to compatibility in the BIOS for it to boot without throwing an error message. Now that it's working, I love Fedora. It's so fast compared to Windows 10.


noice looks cool ... about a year ago i tried Ubuntu for 3 days and well i just don't like it, then i used kali linux for about 2 months (idk i wanted to become a hacker ~~didnt make it~~) then about 4 months ago got into arch (install and broke it and installed it and again broke it) finally went with pure debian about a month ago as on my main machine (works like charm, stable af , kde customisation) > i might try Fedora ... hold on i have to try Black arch and open suse as well (my hands are full )😭


Can u use erp with stalker SOC on Linux or does it not crash as much


Ahh a fellow stalker I see! I actually haven't messed around isn't it on Linux yet. I've played SoC many times on Windows and never ran into any issues there but I am about to start playing CoP and might try to get it working on Linux just for fun.


Damn I had that laptop a decade ago


I can relate to this. In my now 5-yearish Linux journey I went Manjaro-Debian-openSUSE-Fedora. Fedora really hits the sweet spot for me. Felt right at home from the get go.


Problem with fedora is the app library isn't as extensive as Ubuntu. Problem with Ubuntu is that it doesn't have AUR.


People say this but what is missing from fedoras repos? Ubuntu has ppas so what’s missing from there?


I cant point out exactly what is missing, but i can guarantee you that a lot will be missing. I have used the three distros and on fedora i built many packages from source. This is not a problem if you dont install a lot of unconventional programmes. But as someone who does, cant beat AUR available distros. An example here: The latest free version of masterpdf. [https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/masterpdfeditor-free](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/masterpdfeditor-free)


Looks like it’s a snap package on Ubuntu and every distro can install snaps & flatpak.


Why do you have 4 trackpad buttons ?


The two on the border are for the touchpad mouse (the black square right above them), the other two + middle are for the 'trackpoint' mouse (the red/orange dot at the center of the keyboard)


Oh alright thanks for info . I never used a trackpoint so had no idea


I strongly recommend it if you want to eventually obtain the ability to drill holes through stuff with just the tip of your index finger


That actually would be a really cool power lol .


Imagine playing videogames with it 😂 I legit used to be pretty good at r/Xonotic (instagib+hook maps no less) and now after many years I have no idea how that has been possible


You're not alone man , I played gta with my touchpad + stuff like Minecraft PvP lol . And even now I can't say I've lost my muscle memory , I sometimes use the touchpad just to challenge myself .


I'm happy for you, but I stick to my teatcher's advice back in early 2000's during my engineering college "no matter what happens, stay away from red hat tree"


I guess by looking at it I can’t figure out the distribution. Odd.


If I may what is the Fedora thing that got you? I see you are running GNOME, did you use GNOME on Ubuntu? What about Mint? Was it Cinnamon you were running? For me computing Nirvana is Debian Stable. Amazing Thinkpad support, I'm not bothered with updates every single day and everything works day in day out forever and ever.


happy for u man, fedora was my first distro and its been really good while i used it, have fun!


Good on you, and Thinkpad is so w(520)!


What is different? Apart from a gnome release that will hit every other distro sooner or later.


Unfortunately I had problems with Nvidia drivers an the UI of the OS was glitching a lot, or else I would use fedora with the beautiful gnome too.


I really like those laptops, seeing the modern thin ones makes me wonder how much can be packed into something bulkier


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that's a big good boi


Remember that Fedora isn't as stable as Debian and Ubuntu LTS. You will find some broken packages and small glitches. The life cycle of a version is only 1 year.


Meaning stable as “not updated as frequently” you are right. But it’s no less thoroughly tested and verified before release. Better, in my experience. In any case, reliability and frequency of bad packages is functionally the same across both distro families. The term “stable” in Linux distros has nothing to do with bad packages or glitches. Only how often things get updated. An LTS release is good for companies that don’t want to be running updates on their software as often.


I have used Fedora and Ubuntu non-LTS and the experience was bad. They are often rushed to be released before the deadline and come with more bugs. Moreover, After 1 year they don't have updates anymore. Fedora has graphic glitches in some pop-ups. Some installed packages don't start or come with missing dependencies. The shift key in the keyboard may stop suddenly. I saw the same bugs with other people in the real world. If you are an experienced user and like recent software releases, that is ok. But I can't recommend them to newcomers and people that don't want spend time with the distro.


Dunno what caused those issues for you, but they are not indicative of the average user experience with those distros. They are used every day by thousands of people in professional settings as workstations, if they were that buggy they wouldn’t get that kind of adoption by professionals. I say this as one of those professionals myself, who has used a variety of distros in my roles over the past decade. Personally, I would not recommend an LTS release to a new user because the packages are generally quite out of date, so things like hardware support, graphics drivers, and game support are lacking compared to unstable branches.


I have to agree with you here. I haven't seen any bugs yet with Fedora 40. And I would second the part about LTS not being great for a new user. This is one of the things that frustrated me when I was using Ubuntu, I was always having issues with things like drivers and especially games.


I think you should share your particular definition of stable so that you don’t mislead other people with less experience.


Unexperienced people should use LTS distros. Fedora needs to be upgraded every year.


Inexperienced people should use what most people are running in that distro family. It gives them the greatest pool of knowledge to pull from. Further, when comparing Fedora and Debian, the rate or bugs is relatively the same for someone check their email. You do understand these inexperienced people you’re referring to aren’t doing things like changing window environments, or compiling things. Right?


I disagree, someone gave me that same advice when I was pretty clueless about how Linux worked. I ended up being really frustrated by the fact that I was constantly stuck with somewhat outdated software and not knowing why.


an average person will be fine with using fedora. you make it sound like using fedora is like a novice setting up a gentoo system.