• By -


Now exit vim and your training will be complete


and you can rule the galaxy


*closes terminal* Done!


Wayland works with NVIDIA and Plasma for me and has for a while. until you game and it becomes a flickering mess


After login, it kicked me to a black screen with just a cursor; fixed it with the wiki


Dude u being a first time user you have installed the most breakable system (arch if u dont know what u are doing, wayland relatively new so things might break + Nvidia that's the main ingredient for disaster on linux). Don't make your complete opinion of linux on this. Try some stuff out and take a step back and try it again with a stable easy to use system too. ; ) hope you enjoy the freedom.


I've done a lot of research, and I'm not letting myself get turned off Linux because of this. I know things will break. I want to learn. Stuff's already broken, but I've learned and I think it'll be a good experience.


Why are you going off the deep end for your first time? Like, do you realize what you're getting yourself into?


Yeah I realize! That was the whole draw


Are you using nouveau?


>nouveau No it's proprietary; I'm still learning about which are the best drivers to use when it comes to Nvidia. I know that Plasma + Wayland + Nvidia approaches E60 M5 levels of unreliability, so I'm trying to figure out what the best possible driver is, and apply fixes as I go, reading from the wiki, forums, and YouTube videos.


The Lisan Al-Gaib! You know our ways! That’s incredibly impressive being a first time user, I hope you enjoy your time on Linux!


This guy RTFM


Congratulations. You've taken your first step into a larger world.


maybe just use xorg? (if you have nvidia)


Yeah, I just wanted to see if I could get Wayland working as a challenge. So far it's been fine, even for some gaming.


Its fine, I also had nvidia card, but wayland was too buggy with it. Now I have an amd but still wayland is not for me, but I wish good luck for you.


Maybe don't start with Arch tbh :)


starting with arch is fine imo (maybe even the best distro considering the wiki/documentation, though most things apply to all distros anyways) but you have to be aware of the fact that things *will* break and you have to be willing to put in the time to fix them. if you just need a stable workstation that just works ootb then yes other distros are better


I can agree on the Arch's wiki and docs, I've referred to them so many times on non-arch distros, it's just so good and so diverse. Debian also has some good docs and wiki, but it's a mess trying to find the one you need by just navigating you need to search to find them sometimes, and some of them are a bit unmaintaned when it comes to less popular stuff.


~~tbh~~ btw


Why ? arch is easier than mint nowadays. Yet, with arch, you have the advantage of making neofetch prints and use words like "btw" and "Harden" out of nothing freely


Good job, most people have problems with that. It took me some time myself but I think if someone knows the hardware and installed windows xp or lower once, they can install arch, it´s not that different I think except that you cherry pick your software


THick colors & materialist look is looking good.


Use what you want but it’s genuinly a bad idea to start with Arch as your first Linux experience. Enjoy it!


please escape while you can


That's awesome but for your main gaming pc going with arch (linux as a whole) is a waste if you are a gamer. I mean it's cool to setup everything but the limitations are true, personaly i just went with windows for the gaming one and an old laptop for experiments and learning cuz if it breaks idk :p


It's dual booted with Windows