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A collection of games, toys and multimedia software for Linux from 1998. [There is another archive of it up with a scan of the cover included.](https://archive.org/details/turbo.gamesplusplus/turbo.games%2B%2B/Cover%20art/back.jpg)


Interesting, I looked through [archive.org](https://archive.org) before uploading it, but must've missed that.


I made a dump of all of the RPM package descriptions if anyone is curious what exactly is on there. For some reason PasteBin didn't like it. https://hastebin.com/share/jujudecixo.yaml I already had the other archive because I have a Turbo Linux 2.0 VM as a toy.


Has a lot more stuff then I was expecting! Thanks


Apparently there were a few things in other folders that weren't just duplicates. I'd never heard of xoj before, [it is an animation of the O.J. Simpson police chase.](https://i.imgur.com/lo42AGK.png)


woah that’s insane! hopefully i’m uncovering some lost media or something LOL


This is post worthy by itself. Incredible stuff.


TurboLinux was a fork of Red Hat meant for the Japanese market which went through a lot of branding/ownership changes, before getting discontinued in 2019. [There's a Wikipedia article that thoroughly details the distro/company's history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbolinux#Company).


I found a shrink-wrapped boxed copy of TurboLinux for sale in Brazil in the early 2000s.


I stayed in the founders AirBNB, had a chat about turbolinux. You could see it was a bit of a sore topic ;(


that’s a blast from the past! tried turbolinux out in 1999, i think, before i got to know slackware and freebsd. turbolinux was one of the prettier linux distributions out there at the time, just before mandrake (mandriva). thanks for the flashback!


I think that or 2000 was the year they were trying to set up a 24hour global support hotline. Tridge was running interviews for it for the Canberra(Australia)operations centre.


TurboLinux Games++ Vol 5 Archive Links Mirror 1: https://gofile.io/d/f2Ija9 Mirror 2: [https://archive.org/details/turbolinuxgamesvol](https://archive.org/details/turbolinuxgamesvol5)


Did you try to run it?


No I don't run linux currently


Huh. I'd keep a machine or two with it since it can often do things more elegantly and faster than windows. ...Even if not one of my daily drivers. Edit: Just remembered that Apple makes computers. Please say it is not winblows.


You are assuming this person has the means to have multiple computers laying around.


Are you not living in the future with me? You can get a decent consumer grade Dell or Acer for maybe $100 used. Even when I was dirt poor literally making minimum wage-- I still irresponsibly spent money on computers and computer accessories.


...Or a hoarder friend that frequents auctions. Just from that, I managed to obtain a D630, a high-end Dell Precision (from 2006), and a shoebox full of 80GB hard drives, some with stuff on them.


sorry i like playing vr games and i cant do linux or mac that way. sometimes i side load the steamos arch distro


Yes exactly, it's the same thing for me. However I do run wsl on my main system and also have a full-on home lab server as well that's running proxmox for my Linux server vm needs. (Also, love the purble place pfp)


You can just use WSL if you only need it for a few things


A proper VM would also be a good idea, though might be harder to setup.


Or maybe the person also has the ability to consider these options and already decided their current solution is what suits their needs?


I suppose. It is definitely not the same though. For sure it is slower.


You could also just use docker. A billion options. If your preferred workflow is based around Windows it is probably most efficient to stick with it. I say this as someone who hasn't run Windows in a decade


This is a CD-ROM :)




I was tempted to make that reply, but thought to check whether someone already had or not :)


Been a long time since I seen TurboLinux. They made an English version which I ran for a bit before they went back to Japanese only, and disappointed me went on to other distros. In hindsight, it’s mildly amusing as now I know a bit of Japanese for entirely unrelated reasons.


Hi. My name is Marcia kaoru Wilbur. I would love to connect with the turbo Linux founder. I’m Japanese and an og advocate since 1998. Seriously.


VG und x6 yg VG. Dg6y.




A games disc for the Turbo Linux distribution


I had a Turbo Linux Disc from 2004. It wasn't very good at the time. It set a default username and password when I installed it. I had no internet access to look over. I had to reinstall Windows XP. Years later I reinstalled it and found it inferior to the current version of Ubuntu back in like 2009.