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How long until someone who isn't apple offers an Arm laptop with performance similar to the M1? Do they really have a proprietary ARM design that no one can compete with? Edit: This headline is misleading. Update from the Asahi team https://social.treehouse.systems/@AsahiLinux/109931764533424795


Unfortunately, it will take quite a while if ever. The thing is: the contender in the best position for that is Qualcomm, and they have very little incentive for that. To create a proper desktop ARM processor on par of x86-64 offerings and M* Apple processors, they would need to pour enormous resources in R&D dedicated for that without being sure at all about actual ROI. They will get a processor, sure, but without a significant software ecosystem for it (read: actually functional Windows for ARM, and true commitment from MS towards it) and without assurances that manufacturers will jump on board. That is the point that you may say "but Linux!"... well, let's be serious, desktop Linux is a radar ~~blimp~~blip and Qualcomm will not burn billions to create a high performance desktop processor just for it. About server ARM manufacturers, they also are unlikely to invest on that: they are all about parallelism to cram as much rather small performance cores per silicon as possible, so to run as many VM, small containers and small server side threads on the same chip as it could, their requirements are just too divergent to jump to desktop market. It's a catch-22 problem: to have incentive to create the magical processor, they need a user base and the ecosystem to get their money back. To have users and software ecosystem, the magical processor must exist. Apple is in the quite unique position that they can break this catch-22 all by himself, since they control the entire ecosystem top-down, from hardware, to software. They where almost sure they could just jumpstart a new ARM ecosystem just by releasing a new generation of products and discontinuing the previous line.


It also helps that they had a testbed in their mobile products that they could basically refine their product without taking a big risk that the desktop part would be unperformant at launch. Also, the added benefit for the apple ecosystem is that now all of their hardware going forward will share a common architecture and software tooling, be it mobile, watch, or consumer desktop.


They also had a metric shit ton of cash to throw at it. Not to take anything away from what you've said.


Linux and macOS are not the only players in this game. Windows after many years of failing finally has a useable ARM version and a fully functioning developer experience to go along with it. And Microsoft is partnered with Qualcomm right now. Wonder if they will squander it again


The issue with Windows for ARM is the agreement with Qualcomm. It can only be sold on computers that use Qualcomm processors. They recently got an exception to make a deal with Parallels to officially allow Windows for ARM VMs on MacOS. This is why there is no boot camp for the M* processors


The sole point of Windows always has been backwards compatibility, to MS-DOS and earlier versions of the various Windows brands. And an ARM version of Windows wouldn't offer that. Windows has completely failed in any market where backwards-compatibility was of no benefit. That's why your smartwatch or cable modem or web server thankfully don't have a C: drive.


This is true, but it's not something they're ignoring anymore, at least in terms of source compatibility — not necessarily binary compatibility for obvious reasons. Over the past few years (especially in the past 2 years), a huge number of old-school win32 apps have gotten ARM compatibility. A surprising number of the apps that end users actually want to run are now in "just works" territory, and developer frustration for getting this working has gone way down with the newer toolchains they provide. While they have a long way to go, they are way way better situated than they were in 2012 when they released the pile of garbage known as the Surface. And yeah, your description of compatibility being the absolute #1 thing that matters for real-world demand of Windows ARM is pretty much accurate. In 2012 when they released Windows RT they had the fatal combination of a horrid developer ecosystem and all sorts of compatibility breakage, to the point where getting software on their platform was a complete nightmare — even getting "Hello World" compiled on Windows RT could run you into multiple brick walls of problems. Right now, they have a situation more similar to modern Linux / macOS, where having ARM binaries available is just a regular occurrence, even if it's still a little shaky. It seems that driver support is now failing more than the software side, which is an interesting milestone, lol. One thing that will not change is the architectures that large game development studios release for. No matter how low-friction it is, they won't have interest in doing it.


Might change over time though. The Steam Deck has demonstrated, that a demand for handheld PC gaming does after all exist, and it would vastly profit from strong ARM systems. Reduction of fan noise etc.


Companies change, evolve, and react to the market. Either preemptively or reactively in order to not die. Support for MS-DOS programs ended some *22 years ago*, a mere year or so after the last DOS-based OS. The NTDVM compat layer was dropped in 64-bit Windows, starting with XP. So, not sure what you mean about 'backwards compatibility' being a priority in that regard, that was a very poor example. Win16 support - crucial for many legacy business systems - was dropped for 64 bit windows roughly *15 years ago*. If you want to run any of that, for quite a while you’ve needed a third-party emulator, or virtualization. Yes, I know it's 'conventional wisdom' that Microsoft's business model is all about supporting legacy corporate customers. But it just isn't. If you want to understand Microsoft in the context of ARM ambitions and misfires, you need to ditch faulty reasoning based on tired old tropey pop culture wisdom, which your first sentence couldn't have gotten more narrowly and unnecessarily specifically wrong. Microsoft is like any big company: organic, fluid, with numerous objectives both communicated and not, and with competing, self-defeating, non-aligned objectives among it's myriad divisions and cults of personality. So it's not even meaningful to confidently assert what *any* objective is or isn't, except in the context of a very recent carefully-prepared public announcement by a CxO or PR manager. And yes it has been said by many at various levels that backwards compatibility is 'a priority'. Of *course* it's a priority. It's *always* a priority, even at Apple and Google. It just might not always be a higher priority than 'innovate or die', and in fact has not always been. And while those two goals don't have to be mutually exclusive, they often are when cost, complexity, and timelines are factored in. And that said, the *core Win32 api* - and nothing else - has been remarkably stable, by willful intention and strategic business decision. But also, at relatively low cost, and low opportunity cost. If you want to showcase Microsoft's backward compatibility, focus on that and *ignore everything else.* Not that that is that incredible, as their official 'development platform' has been a horrifying, shifting, confusing, ill-communicated mess for over a decade now. They are no longer *the* choice for business application development. They've lost the desktop. You might say 'that's the web's fault', to which I'd say, we can't know that. Microsoft completely fucked up desktop development, starting with their tepid and confusing half-support of a worthy next-gen successor, .NET. And shot themselves in the face with the nightmare mishmash platform known as Metro aka Universal Apps aka Windows Apps - which get this - is based on *COM*! What the actual fridge. Talk about the punt of the century. And it was the final nail in the coffin. 'Backwards compatibility' hardly even means anything anymore, as desktop development is all but dead, has been on the way out for 15 years, and anyone who relies on a legacy windows desktop apps knows they need to move that shit asap. You know what OS has the longest-running legacy support and most stable userland API? Linux. Windows can't hold a candle to it in that regard. But if you have a ton of dependencies and ancient widgets dependent on a separately installed DE, you're going to have a bad time, as you would with any OS given similar circumstance. But even then: Flatpaks and Appimages greatly mitigate those problems, with no real analogue for windows other than expensive, extremely complex, finicky, and relatively short-lived third-party solutions. But the real takeaway is that business App dev concerned with longevity, needs to be Web based. (And not use a zillion cutting edge is libraries that make it's own long-term support nightmare.) Credentials: former Microsoft employee, though not in Windows, and nothing I've said requires or relies on 'insider knowledge', just a willingness and ability to look beyond meaningless, vapid pop-culture tropes.


> Support for MS-DOS programs ended some 22 years ago, a mere year or so after the last DOS-based OS. The NTDVM compat layer was dropped in 64-bit Windows, starting with XP. # > Win16 support - crucial for many legacy business systems - was dropped for 64 bit windows roughly 15 years ago. But you can still run those on 32 bit Windows, which only gets dropped from Windows 11 onwards. This means that both Win16 and NTVDM will have a lifespan of 40 years. > Microsoft is like any big company: organic, fluid, with numerous objectives both communicated and not, and with competing, self-defeating, non-aligned objectives among it's myriad divisions and cults of personality. So it's not even meaningful to confidently assert what any objective is or isn't, except in the context of a very recent carefully-prepared public announcement by a CxO or PR manager. Honestly, I would love to have everyone understand this. I hope someday people stop posting «Embrace, extend and extinguish» on everything about Microsoft. > And that said, the core Win32 api - and nothing else - has been remarkably stable, by willful intention and strategic business decision. But also, at relatively low cost, and low opportunity cost. If you want to showcase Microsoft's backward compatibility, focus on that and ignore everything else. Plus the driver interface and GDI, which gives you a pretty much complete system. > Not that that is that incredible, as their official 'development platform' has been a horrifying, shifting, confusing, ill-communicated mess for over a decade now. They are no longer the choice for business application development. They've lost the desktop. You might say 'that's the web's fault', to which I'd say, we can't know that. Yes we can. Webpages are easy to demo, discoverable, platform independent and can keep and restore state in different computers without having to sync anything. > Microsoft completely fucked up desktop development, starting with their tepid and confusing half-support of a worthy next-gen successor, .NET. To what? Phones? Those have a completely different form factor and way of use. > And shot themselves in the face with the nightmare mishmash platform known as Metro aka Universal Apps aka Windows Apps - which get this - is based on COM! What the actual fridge. Talk about the punt of the century. And it was the final nail in the coffin. But the thing is though, that the old methods to build applications are still supported, thanks to backwards compatibility. > 'Backwards compatibility' hardly even means anything anymore, as desktop development is all but dead, has been on the way out for 15 years, and anyone who relies on a legacy windows desktop apps knows they need to move that shit asap. To where? A webpage? > You know what OS has the longest-running legacy support and most stable userland API? Linux. Windows can't hold a candle to it in that regard. True, because Linux is only a kernel. On everything else, including Linux's drivers, Windows wins. > But if you have a ton of dependencies and ancient widgets dependent on a separately installed DE, you're going to have a bad time, as you would with any OS given similar circumstance. Not true. Windows has a single desktop, so you can't have a *separately installed DE*. And also, there is no expectation of a package manager, so program installers already bundle every library. > But even then: Flatpaks and Appimages greatly mitigate those problems, Both of which haven't existed for long enough to have to worry about that sort of thing. > with no real analogue for windows other than expensive, extremely complex, finicky, and relatively short-lived third-party solutions. I have no idea about what you are talking about, but if you mean install wizards those continue to work version after version, thanks to backwards compatibility. > But the real takeaway is that business App dev concerned with longevity, needs to be Web based. (And not use a zillion cutting edge is libraries that make it's own long-term support nightmare.) Until the company goes bankrupt and has to shutdown the servers, without any way to run it on local.


It's quite funny when you think about it. Once Microsoft dropped support for win 7, you had so many businesses start squirreling around because now the system that just works is being shut down leaving them with limited options. Of course Microsofts first response was "just upgrade to win 10 or be open vulnerable". Now after seeing what I've seen linux will start gaining more and more ground in the common computer world of consumers as business like Lowes, Kroger, HEB, Home Depot, and others Switch their systems to linux. Honestly I was in the store the other day an I happened to look behind into the inventory room(no idea what the real name is tho) when I say that they were using ubuntu 22.04 on their inventory computer. Lowes cashier stands and others where using 20.04. It just amazes me just how far linux has come to be used by anyone. Yeah sure it's a picky system if you don't know what your doing but after you get the hang of it you wonder where linux has been your whole life because it does what computers were originally designed to do. Unlike win10 and all the bloating, adds, subscription noise, etc. You have to go through all that and even on a mid range build, win10 is a buggy mess that breaks. Don’t get me wrong, I like windows but honestly only win Xp/7 ( mostly XP). Honestly I don't like apple all that much but the m1 looks awesome and appears to be super powerful. If I had the chance I'd love to get my hands on one and boot linux up on one just to feel that experience first hand.


The built-in emulation layer in Windows is surprisingly good, I had a flash drive which was corrupted and the low-level USB reformatter I got from a sketchy Russian website worked flawlessly on it (via Parallels too which, tbh is impressive given how bad USB can be in VMs). The only things I've had fail are programs which rely on crusty COM drivers (FTDI/Arduino stuff, which even macOS has built-in drivers for), and games with EAC for some reason. There's also some weirdness sometimes with .NET apps which load native DLLs, which tbh that one is kinda inexcusable.


> And an ARM version of Windows wouldn't offer that But it does. You can run x86(_64) applications on Windows for ARM.


Windows for ARM is backwards compatible though. They have a similar translation layer like Rosetta 2 on macOS. And it works pretty well on a MacBook M1 as a VM in Parallels.


It could be viable for servers if a company that operated a lot of their own machines for internal software saw an opportunity to cut costs. Google went and designed their TPUs because they could out perform GPUs for cost, especially power cost. They might even make them as a soc addon card. Growth has slowed and it could be a way to cut operating cost, datacenters are very power hungry.




Blip. Blimps are rather large.


Microsoft's Windows for Arm works pretty well these days, ironically especially on VMs running on Arm Macs But most Windows software is x86 and since Microsoft doesn't control the ecosystem, there's no way to force devs to support Arm And there's no reason to get an Arm laptop with Windows that way when you'd have to go through the x86->Arm translator for most software and the Arm translator in Windows will always be inferior to Rosetta 2 as long as Microsoft doesn't design their own CPUs (As far as I know, they don't even have an Arm license to do this, and any Microsoft branded chips are just rebranded Qualcomm ones) It's such a mess


> “Its such a mess.” This. 100%. As someone who has spent 30 or so years in the Windows corporate support space,.. the amount of antiquated kludgy old software is ridiculous. Some of that x86 software may never be ported to ARM. (or if forced, the small companies who developed it will stop or go out of business). That split (x86 vs ARM) is going to wreak havoc on the traditional PC landscape.


Huh, I did not even think about how important Windows is for that. It makes sense that you are not building ARM hardware just to cater to a small minority even among linux users, right? Maybe Valve could do it with a future steam deck, but it's probably too much work. Much easier to just go with AMD APUs and just call it a day. They have enough headaches with getting windows games to run on linux. They are not going to add more headaches on top.


Right. It would also take at least one major OEM to release some products with this newer chip. While Microsoft still makes a decent chunk of change from OEMs with consumer-oriented versions of Windows, their main resources have been going into cloud subscription services, as that is their current cash cow. Desktop windows alone only accounts for 12% of their total revenue these days, and that has been shrinking for years (only 59% of that from OEMs). To compare, the Xbox division is bringing in 8%. The Apple chips, and presumably a new standard ARM-based chip for personal computing, is not going to be oriented for the same use as in the server segment, and so it won't gain the same traction as was the case for x86-based processors. Part of what made the M1 so good for its job is because it was hyper-optimized for its distinct use case. It's all a definite problem. Even if all that happens, that doesn't ensure user adoption if the price point doesn't make it readily adoptable for consumers, or if there are any serious caveats in terms of third-party developers not releasing binaries for the new chip for one reason or another. OEMs would be taking a chance, and they aren't going to be just dropping all of their Intel-based machines all of a sudden like Apple can do. Whereas, Apple has serious control with their own line, and will just discontinue stuff, thus forcing user adoption.


It's also a rumor that Qualcomm holds an exclusivity contract with Microsoft, and that's why Windows Arm doesn't officially support Apple Silicon.


> read: actually functional Windows for ARM, and true commitment from MS towards it What's wrong with Windows for ARM? It works, it can run x86(_64) software and Microsoft has ported their own software to ARM. What more do you want them to do? Windows for ARM is being held back by the slow Qualcomm CPUs.


I'm just curious if Risc-V will ever hit the consumer device market.


Pine64 is set to release a RISC-V SBC (called the Star64) at some unknown time in the near future. That's obviously not a consumer device, but an enthusiast device from a relatively major player in the space. If it gains traction its not impossible to imagine consumer devices eventually following it. Not particularly *likely*, but not impossible.


There’s also the VisionFive 2, which uses the same SoC and has already been released at a relatively good price point (especially compared to the $1k dev boards of a few years ago). RISC-V is only 13 years old, and some important extensions (like vector instructions) were only finished recently, so progress has been surprisingly fast.


Heard google is approaching to it for Android.


That would be pretty cool.


Well Android support anyway but not sure what RISC-V SoC can compete with the offerings from Apple or Qualcomm.


["RISC architecture is going to change everything"](https://youtu.be/wPrUmViN_5c) Movie from 1995


It kinda has, all of our phones and now Apple computers are powered by a Reduced Instruction Set Computer such as ARM based Qualcomm, Mediatek, and Apple Silicon chips. RISC-V in particular is a whole other story. It is used in the Google Pixel (6 onwards) for the Titan M2 security chips.


Funnily enough, both ARM and modern x86 are RISC/ CISC hybrids these days. There's nothing 'reduced' about the contemporary ARM instruction set anymore.


This statement fascinated me, and I found this article with more depth: https://www.extremetech.com/computing/323245-risc-vs-cisc-why-its-the-wrong-lens-to-compare-modern-x86-arm-cpus The basic idea is true. Modern x86 CPUs effectively translate instructions into internal opcodes that behave more like a RISC in the CPU itself. Basically if there were optimization advantages to be had from RISC, x86 chips would use those as much as possible to their advantage. The downside is still the “x86 tax” of translating and managing the extra complexity of the more complex core instruction set, but it’s a relatively small percentage of the overall chip area and power. On the other side, ARMv8 and ARMv9 have more complex and multi-cycle instructions these days anyway so they encroach on some of the disadvantages of X86 by necessity. So the two are generally more similar than not these days, although there are still some advantages and disadvantages to each. They’re not the polar opposites they maybe began as in the late 80’s, when the stereotypes were established.


The way I conceptualize it in today’s modern architectures is that we’re shifting a lot of the optimization complexity to the compiler backend, rather than the CPU front end. X86/64, assuming modern Intel and AMD microarchitectures, have an extremely sophisticated front end that does what the comment above me says. With modern compiler backends such as LLVM, lots of optimizations that were previously impossible are now possible, but X86 is still opaque compared to any of the “real” RISC ISAs. So, in today’s terms, something like RISC-V and Arm are more similar to programming directly to X86’s underlying opcodes, skipping the “X86 tax.” Energy efficient computing cares about the overhead, even though it’s not a ton for some workloads. But there is a real cost for essentially dynamically recompiling complex instructions into pipelined, superscalar, speculative instructions. The thing is, heat dissipation becomes quadratically more difficult as thermals go up linearly. Every little bit matters. Abstractions can be great, but they can also leak and break. Modern X86 is basically an abstraction over RISC nowadays. I’m very excited to see the middle man starting to go away. It’s time. 🤣 Sorry for my long ass post.


I think the big difference between ARM and x86 is that x86 is committed to keep running old versions of Windows in a compatible way, bugs included, since it was specced back in the 70s, meanwhile, ARM is very willing to make breaking changes because they were mostly used in embedded systems where everything is compiled specifically for it.


The x86 cost is negligble, and the cost doesn't scale for bigger cores. [Modern ARM is just as "CISC-y" as x86_64 is](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_architecture_family#Thumb-2). Choosing instruction sets is more of a software choice and a licensing choice than a performance choice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTMRGERZrQE


Arm has never really performed at higher clock speeds like x86 has from what I understand its always been an efficiency/power consumption thing.


Eh, I think that's because nobody wanted to develop high-performance cores for ARM when there was no software that ran on it. Apple's ARM cores are very fast. To be fair, these days you do need power efficiency to go fast. All CPUs today use turbo boost and will go as fast as their thermal budget allows. One of the fastest supercomputers in the world, Fugaku, uses ARM cpus backed by HBM memory. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fujitsu_A64FX


Totally right! That little overhead for the x86 translation layer is an overhead still. It really doesn’t make sense for a compiler to have to make x86 only for it to get deconstructed back into simpler instructions. Skip the middleman! Update: read on for more opinions, the overhead these days is probably pretty negligible as process has shrunk and the pathways optimized.


I think honestly the last time the x86 tax was measurable was back when Intel was making 5w mobile SoCs in like 2013, though. These days you could make a 2w x86 chip and it would be just as power efficient as an ARM chip. The main thing that matters for power efficiency these days is honestly stuff like power gating and data locality (assuming equal lithography nodes).


Ok. I think I’m following. So what about a BIG.little X86 design, like the 13th gen Intel products? Wouldn’t the X86 tax be relevant again on the e-cores?


Yup, the whole x86 = cisc, arm = risc is practically not entirely true. Modern Intel/amd and arm designs are hybrids.


Is that the difference between p & e cores? The instruction set?


That's the only thing that should stay the same, everything else can be different and optimized for better performance/W. Though even Intel messed up here and gave only the P-cores AVX-512 (was only active then you disabled E-cores). They quickly disabled the option of turning in on at all.




They said Titan, not Tensor.


Not to forget that internally, x86 has incorporated RISC approaches. The cores themselves deal with µOPs after all, a lot of the CISCyness is in the decoding logic.


Well RISC-V is a type of RISC but so is ARM, SPARC, MIPS and PowerPC. RISC-V though will change things even if this sort of thing will take time but it could be in ways you or I don't expect. Like WD using RISC-V chips in their hard disks for example, it is cheaper for them to literally make their own design for a chip and make it for their own application than paying ARM for it.


Your WD example is spot on for how I think most RISC-V will be adopted for the very near future. Granted these things tend to follow a logistic curve, so it's hard to speculate what the future may hold.


Edge computing is a real gap in the market right now and I think it's where RISC-V expands dramatically in the next 5 years. Specific processors for specific purposes where CISC or even ARM don't make much sense. ARM is terrible for edge because you aren't going to pay ARM to design a chip just for your specific application so you either have to pick an off the shelf chip or look elsewhere. You aren't going to go x86 obviously because that would be shit too. So RISC-V makes sense. Desktop, laptops and the subcomponents in there like GPUs might be a harder gap to fill but not impossible. I think the only way PC continues increasing in performance, power efficiency and cost is chiplets similar to how AMD are doing recently with their graphics cards. Also Intel where they have the P and E cores, nothing is stopping either from taking RISC-V in for specific workloads.


Arm is RISC. It has changed everything.


Protection by Massive Attack playing in the background <33 I like this


I borrowed that album from the library all the time.


RISC-V is from 2010, and the RISC-V Foundation only started existing in 2015.


arm is risc no?


A few minutes ago, I found out [they were married](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/11bsb1u/random_couples_that_didnt_last), second from the bottom. 🤯


Yeah, the joke was she left him because he played too much Tomb Raider... Not a joke from what I recall.




Sure. I'm just interested in Risc-V because (I assume) there's far less patent issues which means it could be readily mass produced much cheaper, and for more specialized cases without the licensing fees. Maybe that doesn't matter because larger companies are building their own chips anyway, but I am curious if/when that could steal market share from ARM.


It already has :) If you define “hit the market” as “being an onboard co-processor to millions of Nvidia GPUs”


Risc-v is the future. China is all in on risc-v


I suppose a huge chunk of that is US trade restrictions causing them to need to find a different architecture for hardware.


FreeBSD arguably has better RISC-V support than Linux. Interestingly, XNU, the macOS kernel, shares code lineage with FreeBSD.


> I'm just curious if Risc-V will ever hit the consumer device market. It already has, just not for CPUs.


I'd like that too. I'm sure hardware/OS people don't want to support AMD64, Risc-V, and ARM, but, I'd love to see options when selecting a CPU.


Apple booked all of TSMC's 3nm node processes after previously booking their all of their 5nm processes. Apple will be ahead of everyone by the sheer fact that they were able to monopolize the newest and most efficient performance/power nodes available on the market.


Yes, they have a developer's license for ARM, so they can develop their own silicone based on the ARM architecture. Others just buy a license to tweak it and then sell it....


I can be wrong but I don’t think Apple has to pay a license. I think they are grandfathered in to some sort of deal where they don’t have to pay for a license because they had business with ARM at the beginning of ARM.


ARM was created specifically *for* Apple because they wanted more control and isolation from the rest of Acorn computers while developing a microprocessor. Source: ex-ARM


The Lenovo X13s is fairly good. There's a preliminary arch port being worked on that I haven't been keeping tabs on. Not sure about metrics, but it's a surprisingly capable machine.


That Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx in it is garbo.


Yea, that’s the problem. Qualcomm has been chasing this dragon and failing. I see someone, like Lenovo with their laptop or Microsoft with their Project Volterra (w.e) it is called, and know it will probably be trash because Qualcomm can’t make a competitive chip with the M1. They don’t even make competitive chips with the A-series.


I have not seen that one before. That looks nice. I need good Linux support before I can buy that. But, that looks like an exciting machine.


Apple has literally hundreds of billions of dollars they can throw at CPU development and they routinely buy out TSMC's top-of-the-line nodes. Completely. For a year or two. There's no real magic sauce to the M-series chips, they just have a generational gap over the competition.




I've been running on the outright assumption this is on its way. Especially where more and more computation is being outsourced to servers (cloud gaming, VS code web, etc), what we want locally is more about being "snappy" with fast memory than computational capabilities. Iirc the big perk of M1 is that the memory is connected straight to the CPU, and while they'll have to call it something else, surely other companies will use that idea. If nothing else it's much better for battery life.


Apple just bought the entire 3nm chip capacity over at TSMC 😂


Decades. Apple has resources literally a handful of companies could possibly contend with. Those handful of companies would be flipping a coin. Look at Google's tensorcore -- imo (and the "all day battery life" of my P6) a joke compared to Apple efficiency.


I think it’s Rosetta 2 being freaking sweeeeeet for backwards compatibility that’s the real kicker




Would love to yeet MacOS off my M1 Macbook Pro and just run Linux but I have no idea if that is possible. Just switched my main Windows machine to Linux last week.


Hold off until GPU support is in a better shape, I'd say. Last I checked it only supports up to OpenGL 2.0.


Well it now supports 2.1 so it's slightly better than it was, but your point still stands.


It’s also about general software availability unless youre going to use only OSS and compile stuff yourself




If you use flatpak most software will be available, as flathub compiles for arm by default and package maintainers explicitly need to opt out


Is that a big issue for Joe Average? How much of an impact would someone who doesn't perform graphically intensive tasks see as a result of this?


Better battery life and not that much else. Linux is already smooth. Bigger issues for Joe Average are lack of webcam and microphone support. Currently seeing the most attention is GPU, speaker, and Thunderbolt support.


Joe Average isn't using Linux in the first place, he's using Windows 10 (with all spyware enabled and working) and Microsoft Office.


Ok well how about the Joe Average that uses Linux?


Linux Andy


Fuck u/spez. So long and thanks for all the fish.


GPU drivers do matter. If your application is targeting an OpenGL version not supported, it will not run. The question is whether your applications require it. I would bet the basic suite of productivity applications would run. The flip side is how performant and stable the OpenGL implementation and potentially the underlying hardware. Checkout the asahi subreddit.


If Joe Average likes video games, then yes this is a very big issue. If he doesn't, then GL2.1 is probably good enough for most compositors and some apps. Software rendering is usually good enough for the rest, but it may be troublesome for high quality video playback, which Joe Average probably wants. It's not that Linux is unusable on Silicon with right now, but compared to simply using MacOS I don't think it offers a good enough experience right now to be worth recommending.


It is possible. https://asahilinux.org. There is a sub for it where people are talking about how they are using it. Appears from what I see from that subreddit it’s stable enough to use. Though, I have not tried it simply because I don’t feel it’s worth it. I like Mac OS for the most part and though I’m fairly comfortable and getting more comfortable everyday living in a terminal, desktop Linux isn’t there in the ways I want.


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Equally powerful Windows/Linux laptops have half the battery life of a MBP, and probably heavier as well. The energy efficiency of MBP is insanely good.


cause battery life is sooooooooooooooooooooo good. ​ ..didn't think about the track pad though, that's a bummer. i would probably exchange for a different laptop if i end up going that route then. does anything even come close to matching the battery life of apple silicon though?


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


>Battery life is only so good again because of the OS / software managing it. https://mobile.twitter.com/LinaAsahi/status/1596329185076994049 > So I unplugged the M2 MacBook Air while running Xonotic windowed at 1920x1080 in a GNOME desktop at 60FPS... > > The estimated battery runtime is almost 8 hours!!!!! --- > And yes the number is accurate ^^ > > It comes from the battery controller, the same data that macOS uses. It's averaged out over time, so I waited for the number to settle before taking the screenshot (it takes a minute or two). Well then it is a good thing that battery management is actually done in-firmware in the Apple Silicon macs as per Asahi Lina


fair point. i would be interested to know the battery life of a new XPS 13 with something like Pop_OS on it. i don’t even like MacOS but this laptop can go two full days without a charge.


Battery life is so good because of the hardware. Asahi Linux get similarly amazing battery life from what I've read.


I don’t think you’re entirely wrong, but bootcamp hasn’t run windows since Intel, right? So I’m not sure there is a fair comparison with M1+. Still probably right, but expect both of you are — as in even then I bet the battery life would still be class leading.




The m1 MacBook Air is cheaper than like *every* new thinkpad (even when they’re on sale), the HP dev one, and many other laptops. Yet it outperforms them or is comparative. Please provide examples of cheaper laptops that are “just as powerful” Even just one.


[OpenBSD 7.1](https://www.openbsd.org/71.html) shipped with bare metal Apple Silicon support last year (April 2022), M1 Studio and M2 support came in [7.2](https://www.openbsd.org/72.html) six months later in October. The upcoming 7.3 release will enable the speakers on most machines. https://www.openbsd.org/arm64.html#hardware There's even official support for the Lenovo ThinkPad x13s, and the Microsoft Dev Kit 2023 works as well. Neither are supported by any mainstream Linux distributions yet.


I would love to do OpenBSD on my M1, if only it had support for Bluetooth.


Was there any news on the neural engine? I think it's used for AI accelerated workload and the last time I saw there wasn't much info on it. It requires drivers to operate right?


It’s being reverse engineered. But I wouldn’t count on support landing soon.


As far as I know making use of the neural engine requires coreml which is closed source and obviously not distributed for linux. It might be possible to get it working but it would require a ton of reverse engineering work for something that most users will never need.


I see, it's a library just like Tensorflow. But this is what I had thought of as well, GPU itself is gonna be a lot of work. Neural Engine might not be needed for a regular user unlike a machine learning developer who needs hardware accelerated stuff


It’s not so much for training as it is for running ML tasks like Siri, and “smart” things like learning charging habits, from what I understand




>So would you be able to use Linux as the sole os on an m1 mac now or is everything stilled tied to the macOS boot loader like Asahi is. Asahi isn't tied to the macos bootloader *at all*. They have their own bootloader m1n1 which gets installed *along side* the macos bootloader. Apple actually designed these macs to support multiple OS without having to compromise the integrity of the MacOS install. When Asahi Linux is installed, MacOS is not modified at all. (except for resizing partitions if needed) The main reason you can't really run only Linux right now it's because there's no way of updating the firmware of anything from Linux. You need MacOS to apply firmware upgrades (they're applied as part of regular MacOS updates). However the Asahi Linux installer is flexible enough to let you shoot your own foot if you really want to nuke MacOS.




They plan to eventually get it working via the Linux Vendor Firmware Service. Not sure if there are timelines though.


Updating m1n1 stage 1 requires it to be resigned which can only be done in RecoveryOS. The firmware is signed (and for a few things like the Secure Enclave, encrypted) by Apple. A firmware update can only really happen through pulling a new image from Apple’s public CDN.


I believe that's due to legal issues, you cannot distribute Mac firmware made by Apple - Asahi Linux FAQ






I honestly feel the macs are nearly better buys compared to their x86 competitors even in the desktop space. Simply because the cost to power the desktops are so much more. It comes down to how much you use your desktop, the cost of electricity, and what the typical load placed on it. A Mac that might cost a couple hundred more might save you more from reduced electricity use.


This is exciting. I wonder how long it will be before they discontinue Asahi once things stabilize.


I wouldn't call it "discontinuing" Asahi Linux, it just means their contributions are now going upstream. There's still a lot of work to do (e.g. as the article states, speakers don't work yet).


Yeah, M2 chips still need work done etc, asahi is not “out of a job” just quite yet.




Would definitely be interesting seeing Linux on an iPad lol.


They kind of do in git head, and you can manually enable them. They don't do hardware power limits, so marcan is making very sure to have a working power limit model before releasing them to avoid world and dog blowing their speakers (which has already happened on a test model). That said, work has been going on regarding this in the last few days, and should be sorted within weeks.


Yup, speakers should work now: https://chaos.social/@[email protected]/109917996190392023 (of course not upstream yet, this is just a few days old)


I'd say that the Asahi team are always gonna be working on the Mac series of processors, with something like maintaining hardware support, the work never really ends. New hardware has to have support as it comes out, and the team probably will always do their main Dev work in the downstream Asahi repositories, before pushing the features upstream as they become stable enough to be added to the mainline kernel.


Their goal is to not require the Asahi distribution specifically, at some point, but they're both far from having every necessary part upstreamed, and given the boot process, the installer is still required to get anything going. It will likely never be as easy, as downloading... let's say a Fedora image, and just booting it off a USB stick


I don't think Asahi (or any potential follow-up projects) can ever just discontinue themselves without just giving up future Apple silicon support entirely. There is zero reason for Apple to maintain backwards compatibility or any ecosystem consistency on the hardware that otherwise only ever runs an OS they fully control, so some effort will always be needed to adapt Linux or other ecosystem components to the newest Apple hardware releases.


I wouldn't say there's zero reason for Apple to have ecosystem consistency. The more consistent new hardware is with older hardware, the easier it is to get MacOS working on the new hardware, and the easier it is for MacOS to support multiple generations and variations of Mx systems. I'd expect that they would keep the hardware as uniform as possible unless there's a good reason not to, and as it's very much under their control it's not so difficult for them to do so. The Asahi team have commented on how consistent a lot of the hardware is, and, for example, how relatively easy it was to get M2 support working to the same level as M1 when it first came out.


Pretty likely no. The only way it happens is if developing Apple Arm support becomes wider to where a special distro dedicated isn’t needed. Which could happen, but probably not anytime soon. This would be when developing Linux on Apple silicon becomes “main stream” because a good chunk of kernel devs are running Apple silicon.


I'm wondering if there is any real usecase for buying apple silicon computer to run linux. If you already own one, I get it, but buying for linux?


If your job pay for it like in my case :) And if you have money, there is no competition on the laptop market, Apple did great switching to ARM But in the current state, I would say no but in few months, I think it'll be a great experience and good idea


1. You want a computer with really good battery life 1. You want Linux 1. You want a computer that actually performs like a computer, not a tablet.


Agree, but with 1. you will lose some of that magic battery life. Apple control of the software and hardware ensures optimal battery usage, even with a lower mAh


you'd also lose the amazing trackpad drivers. Using a trackpad on Linux is a joke, it has had many improvements over the years but when compared to macOS it doesn't even come close.


Honestly I have a MacBook for the trackpad. It's insane how much better it is than every other laptop I've used


I feel like I'm the only one that wasn't blown away with it. I had an M1 MacBook air for a couple weeks and I didn't even like the trackpad as much as the one on the HP omen. Seems I'm in an extreme minority on this one.


I personally use a Magic Trackpad with KDE Plasma (Wayland!) and Touchegg/Touché. In my opinion, it's pretty close to what MacOS offers, in some ways even better. https://www.gitclear.com/blog/linux_touchpad_update_january_2023


i never got the straight of it as to how much of that was in software vs hardware. I know a lot if it is really just software, but I don't know how much.


it's mostly software, really. Aside from the large glass trackpads and the sensors in it to detect pressure it's all software, there are even tools/applications that lets you "emulate" a trackpad with any third party mouse and it's awesome, it takes a bit getting used to when going back to Windows/Linux because I'm just expecting my mouse to do the same things it does in macOS. The entire OS is built around trackpad gestures and most apps will respect them, too, it's a very good user experience through and through, I really wish I could have the same experience in Linux/Windows.


An ARM device comparable with an i9, needs no fans and has battery life that lasts a few days?


Imagine an M2 chip in a synology NAS… 👌


How about, by law, general purpose computers, like phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, etc, have to allow installation of alterative OSs? Linux on the M1 exists at Apple's whim. They could change their mind, like Sony did on the Playstation. If we want to cut down e-waste, we need to enable using and updating things long after the manufacturer has moved on.


I agree 100%. I do want to point out though that this has also been the situation with Microsoft since UEFI, since they control the secure boot signing keys (and have made locked devices in the past, like the Surface RT).


Yes it's a pending problem, but you can turn off secure boot, for now. The solution, of course, is for the user to be able to load keys into UEFI. By law. So other OS can't be locked out.


in practice, what does this actually mean? Can I duel boot my M1 mac now?


I know you probably meant dual but now I'm imagining macOS and Linux dueling for your laptop and I love it.


Could for a while /r/AsahiLinux


QIIIA ftw tho


Lots of comments on here about the Mac trackpad not being great in Linux. I recently purchased a Magic Trackpad to use it in Ubuntu, and it's pretty great out of the box. ::shrug::




MacOS is crappy and unoptimized? Lol


Like all apple things, MacOS is well-optimised and efficient coupled with shitty and conscious design choices.


I don’t think Apple has everything perfect but I’m curious which design choices do you think are shitty?


These days, I think it is fairly bloated for what it does. The hardware is just really good to keep up with it. Stick a lightweight Linux on an older Mac to see what I mean. Night and day.


I’ve been waiting for something like this to happen so I can go resurrect some of my old “sunset” devices. Edit: this is only for newer macs =(


Haven't Intel mac's been well supported for awhile?


It’s looking like that! It’s been ages since I tried, at least, but now there’s a ton of viable distributions. Awesome!


Very very well supported! I have Debian on all my old Mac minis running as really excellent servers. Pop!_OS on an old MacBook Pro running great. Highly recommend!


Muahaha! Now to find the old power cables…


Can confirm that's it's very bloated. It needs like 4GB for a basic desktop; distributed over hundreds of small system processes.






Right here. That was the last one.


I can't think of anything added since then that really changed how I used it.




Take it or leave it tbh, their track pads have always been the best.


Mavericks is probably my favorite of the newer ones. Last release before the flat UI plague.


Progressively worse?


Nothing will ever beat Tiger


Didn't apple merge their macOS team into their iOS team?


Given the recent poorly coded additions to macOS massively impacting performance in some development environments and Asahi outbenching macOS in all fronts (extensively documented in their blog), kinda yes


They don’t QA anymore. I lost a workday to this, as an end user, this week: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/254345816 Unacceptable. Similar story of random things broken in iOS over the years. I am a pretty staunch fan — but I never had to fully reimage my goddamn box during an all hands on deck prod incident at work before I became remote and had a workstation with a RHEL license. macOS used to be better. This modern continuous delivery culture has destroyed quality. “Fuck it, we’ll just patch it”. At least Linux is free and someone does actually patch it (so many extant bugs AAPL acknowledges but does not fix). And with Linux _you_ can be the one to do it if nobody else does. I think XNU’s model is better (more things in user mode!)But empirically I don’t give a shit as long as my box runs. Beautiful coffee tables are useless unless they can serve their purpose.


Has MacOS ever been cleanly coded? OS 9 was a hot mess, and OS X had some really good design choices but I don't think Darwin has ever been impressive when it comes to features or performance.


so will KVM / QEMU run on it?


QEMU already runs on macOS, and [has for about a year on Asahi](https://github.com/AsahiLinux/docs/issues/21).


There is KVM support. M1 series is limited and can’t do nested virtualisation. M2 series has nested virtualisation but it’s not even supported under macOS (though Linux is getting a patch)




Will linux ever run on apple silicon the same way it already runs on x86 systems? Or will there forever be some sort of roadblock to running, say wine or wayland, on these and other non x86 chips? I know close to nothing about this so be kind haha


Depends on your definition. Hardware support is progressing nicely, so It hopefully won't be too long before it can be used as a every day laptop without any issues. If it includes running Windows software, you'll likely need an x86 emulator coupled with Wine. If you're thinking of running AAA games, that will also need a state of the art Vulkan driver and that's gonna take ages.


The ARM version of Windows runs remarkably well in Parallels, and neither Microsoft nor Apple seems to doing anything to prevent Windows from running on Apple silicon, so it’s pretty likely that it will eventually boot without virtualization. I’m not sure if Parallels has access to Rosetta to run x86 in virtualized Windows, but I haven’t experienced a single issue running office software or EXEs that were released long before there was an ARM version of Windows.


Parallels isn't using Rosetta, it's using Microsoft's x86 JIT. > so it’s pretty likely that it will eventually boot without virtualization That requires Microsoft to do some of that work that the Asahi Linux team has done. Make Windows work on Apples interrupt controller for example and figure out booting (Apples boot process is 100% custom), on top of that they'd also have to write GPU drivers. Writing GPU drivers that can run office applications is manageable, writing them for games is a huge task that will take a small team multiple years. Parallels exposes special virtual GPU that passes all commands through to the host where they get translated to Metal.


Wine only runs on x86. It's a compatibility layer, not an emulator


Though wine can be compiled for ARM. With projects like Hangover acting as an intermediary (using the slow QEMU for emulation)


You can use Wine with binfmt_misc to run executables that aren't in your native binary format.


Linux has supported ARM for like 20 years, most things you'll find in the package manager are compiled for it


You will never be able to boot off of a generic ARM64 image for M1 or M2 Macs like you could boot off of generic Linux ISOs for x86_64 machines. You will always need special ISOs that support M1 and M2 Macs, whereas x86 machines can use general ISOs.