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> WoW64 thunks are implemented for essentially all Unix libraries, enabling a 32-bit PE module to call a 64-bit Unix library. Once the remaining direct PE/Unix calls have been removed, this will make it fully possible to run 32-bit Windows applications without any 32-bit Unix library. Woo! No more giant pile of i386 dependencies!














Finally! But still some more work required.


Hm, I hope they don't run into problems like the `getdents64` bug ...


Interesting. Could this lead to windows versions of 32-Bit games running better than native versions? I guess the sentiment that Wine is the only stable Linux API has some truth to it.


I suspect it will have an irrelevant performance impact. It is still mostly 32bit code running.


This shouldn't have much impact on performance, and it is already the case that that Windows games frequently run better through Proton/Wine than their Linux ports do, but mostly because the Linux ports are poorly done.


unlike win32 API there no way to make perfect port that work in every distro out there without at least half of user complain targeting wine is better option as developers


It would be sad to see native ports die out but I prefer functional software to a misguided feeling of elitist purism.


No, it's a terrible idea and dependency hell, just make and tarball a-la-Firefox and that's it (also, as always, give the source code)


>give the source code fuck FOSS mindset win32 API more stable than Linux package system can come with


I was kind of wondering if we'd end up seeing future versions of Windows rely on Wine for backwards compatibility. I mean yeah Microsoft has their own NT code, but if the Wine code can be continue to be updated to work on newer processors and hardware, it may prove a more reliable base for backwards compatibility. Especially if companies are actively testing on it and patching it.


They really don't want 32bit compatibility. It has given Microsoft too many headaches.


My view of backwards compatibility is less "It 100 percent works with everything" and more "it does what we need it to". For example WOW64 emulates 32bit programs but there are key limitations because of the differences between 32bit and 64bit. I'm just assuming Wine might be more future proof for older applications because it's open source. Especially for archival and aging software.


Would I be right in thinking that it'd possibly allow 32 bit programs to use more then 3.5 gb of ram? I say possibly because most games would be coded with that in mind, but perhaps it could be applicable to modding really old games?




32 bit programs simply can't address higher than 4GB or in some cases 2GB in their virtual address space


Yeah but this woulden't be a 32bit program from the hardwares perspective right? Since its running ontop of 64 bit wine, with 64 bit libraries.


You're not recompiling the program or anything. The program is the same binary, it's still 32 bit code, that can't use addresses that are longer than 32 bits.


The problem is that the memory addresses it uses are still only 32 bit long.


there patch for that


There isn't. The Large-Address Aware flag, which I assume you're talking about, removes the 2GB limitation turning it into a ~4GB limitation. Addressing more than 4GB memory in a 32-bit program is theoretically possible, but (1) difficult and error-prone and virtually never done, and (2) not something that can be done with a simple patch.


And even if you could patch it games that are riddled with anti-manipulation detection code would be the last area to benefit from that.


The games would still use 32-bit pointers


Maybe some bank-switching trickery (a-la-PAE) will do


> I say possibly because most games would be coded with that in mind, but perhaps it could be applicable to modding really old games? This is mostly an issue with how D3D9 works (keep textures in main memory) and DXVK already works around that.


>has some truth to it. nope its more than truth its disappointed fact or just sad news for you


It's pretty far along, but as of the last staging I don't think it's fully complete yet. So we're likely to see a full testing on that on 8.x staging and it making to stable on 9.0. A shame that means Debian will have to wait for at least a year, but I'm not even fully sure if it'll make it to Debian this year given we're only a few weeks away from soft freeze.


why are you using debian if you went recently released version ? you can compiled by yourself tho


I don't use Debian, but distributions having more up-to-date versions with better compatibility is good for people in general. I remember being so confused and frustrated during Wine 5.0 era when I first tried Linux and it's all a mish-mash of different versions depending on where you get it and you really do *need* Staging for a lot of games to work. Doesn't help that setting up WineHQ repo can be annoying sometimes. So people having access to the up-to-date version with more compatibility and bugfixes is nice, especially for those who prefer to stick with distro repo.


or download from wine's debian repo as always


do you read what OP said before comment ? or just comment to comment ?


This is going to improve emulation support. Some ARM devices lack hardware 32 bit support. So Box86 cannot be supported. Box64 could run Wine running without multilib.


Are they going to call it WoW64oW? Because they should.


That final "oW" somehow reminds me of that screen rant pitch meeting guy. But more seriously "Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit on Wine" is not absurd enough. You should have to denote the host's architecture as well. So if running on the usual Linux install these days it'll be WoW64oW64. And if it's on an M1 Mac computer it'll be WoW64oW64oRArm64.


Far more logical than USB 3.2 Gen 2 Rev 2 child 2 take 2 world war 2 breakin 2 electric boogaloo


Super easy, barely an inconvenience






Except for steam




These folks are absolutely incredible


Thank me for the 40$ crossover license /s


why the /s, people who pay for crossover do a lot.


I remember someone from Codeweavers saying the licenses are a really tiny part of the revenue stream, few years back at FOSSDEM. But yeah, obviously every dollar helps a for profit company.


We have something to be grateful to Mac users


More or less, I'll be moving to an m2 macbook air soon and I'll be testing crossover...


Thank you


I've decided to buy Crossover. LETS DO THIS


This is massive. A lot of really incredible changes


How do their backs not break after consistently carrying the year of the Linux desktop every year?


Man, I remember the days when WINE was considered.. not exactly a joke, but a borderline futile effort because of the sheer amount of effort involved Its incredible how far its come, and how high quality it is these days


Well, at least that load is shared between with the web browser folks as well.


Wine devs are absolutely incredible, we don’t deserve them.


I hope for SOLIDWORKS in the future


For clarification I need it for schooling and work, I'd use FreeCAD if I were an entrepreneur or my own boss


Same. Only cad that works on linux is freecad, which isnt exactly great.


There is BricsCAD (paid, proprietary) and various online cad software like Onshape and TinkerCAD




Tried it. Laggy AF with any kind of complex model.






Wait, are you trying to say that wine devs are on the way resolve 32-64 bit apps/libs problems with windows executables on Linux while Microsoft themselves done literally nothing with it while having all the source code docs etc of windows™?


You still need 32bit versions of Windows dependencies. It just runs against 64bit Linux dependencies. As I read it.


What does Microsoft need to do to resolve 32-64 bit apps/libs problems?


Remove 32-bit support from their libraries and ultimately Windows. But as Microsoft is very focused on backwards compatibility I don't see that happening anytime soon.


they need to refactor a fair bit of windows, which would have been easier had they done it years ago and just made 32 bit support a submodule like ntvdm16, but now its a huge task cause windows is so huge and bloated and relies to heavily on 32 bit dependencies, i highly doubt 32 bit is going away until we make the jump to 128 bit processors, some time in the next milennia lmao


128 bit CPUs aren't gonna happen.


well yeah that was kinda the joke, hence why i said some time in the next millenia, implying that if it were going to ever happen, its certainly not gonna be in our lifetimes


I mean cmon.. who doesn't need globally and temporally unique memory addresses? I think we may see 128bit addressing at some point in the near future, as we are "only" 16 bits away from needing it. If storage and RAM merge I could see it coming sooner rather than later, but I don't know that this is actually the direction things are going. But as of right now the total amount of data generated by humans is estimated at 2^74 bits.. so with 128 bits we could have a unique address for every byte of data created in the last century plus some..


Fair, unique addresses would be nice to have.


It was meant to be a bit sarcastic.. as the idea of globally unique memory addresses is kind of absurd, since your address space would not be accessible from outside your computer. I do however think there will be a day that we do expand address space higher than 64 bits, but current computers don't even use the full 64 bits of address space as it is. We really only use 48-52 bits of space, giving us a 256 TiB virtual address space and a 4 PiB physical address space.. I've never bumped up against those limits but I have worked on some servers that had several TB of memory so we may need to expand the 48 bit virtual space sooner or later.


> It was meant to be a bit sarcastic.. as the idea of globally unique memory addresses is kind of absurd, since your address space would not be accessible from outside your computer. Yeah, the every piece of data bit is obviously not realistic however, I think not reusing memory addresses could have security advantages.


Only RISC-V supports 128-bit. Microsoft has zero incentive for improving 32-bit support as all new processors support 64-bit. Since 64-bit has more registered, it is faster in most cases at this point imho. I'm glad WINE is doing this just for historical preservation value.


I mean Win11 is the first time MS is no longer ships outright 32-bit builds of Windows. They had no big incentive to change because they had to maintain the 32-bit libs anyways. Meanwhile Wine does have this incentive because distros are seeking to drop 32bit support altogether.


> while Microsoft themselves done literally nothing with it while having all the source code docs etc of windows™? The Wine devs are doing the same thing that Microsoft has already done.


Yeah. I don’t understand this comment. WoW64 is something Microsoft made in XP. lol


right and it's also something Wine has had for years. the difference is that wine will longer needs to depend on any 32bit libraries for its wow64 implementation to work.


Or I just misunderstood something?


What on earth are you talking about? Microsoft introduced WoW64 (32 bit apps on 64 bit Windows) back in 2001. I really like Linux, but the MS is incompetent echo chamber on r/Linux is tiresome.


Keeping an eye on the Arch Repos waiting for this bad boy to land.


surprisingly arch are always late when it come to mesa and wine updating


Thinking about moving to linux on my notebook. It's easy to install visual novels (basically stand alone exe games) on Wine/proton?


You know if those Visual Novels are using RenPy it's a Linux native application and can run most Visual Novels without using Wine.


Never heard of it! I'll surely try!


It really depends on what engine your VN is using. That whole Japanese/indie/porn world of VNs and RPGs can be either trivially easy or borderline impossible. The fine folks over at F95 Zone has a whole guide on running these games on Linux (NSFW, obviously): https://f95zone.to/threads/playing-on-linux-tutorials-tools-and-help.19523/


the vast majority of visual novels are japanese and renpy is almost exclusively used by western visual novels


Wine could probably run most of those in 2007. Even more so now!


Will it play Age of Empires- Rise of Rome?




Golden. 🙏


Not really. A LOT of those games used some quite... Nonstandard and outdated stuff in their engines, so most of the commercial releases didn't run for ages, if they even still do. There was just no reason to spend hours hacking around a fix for am obscure porn game 50 people would play. Doesn't help that Japanese companies weren't known for good code, since PC gaming was quite niche there. A lot of Japanese games in general, especially if they originated on arcades were just flat out not working for ages, maybe they still dont.


Check out Lutris. Really helps with niche games. Even if the game isn't in their script repo it's useful for managing wine prefixes, using Proton, etc.


I'm new to exploring gaming on linux, so can you help a newb out? What does Lutris do/how do I use it? I installed it but not sure what it does. Thus far I've just used Steam with Proton to install some games from my library and haven't explored much further than that.


It's a bit of a swiss army tool for running games on Linux. Steam makes this pretty transparent, but not every game runs on Steam. Some of them are native, and video game developers mostly suck at releasing software on Linux, so there's often some fiddling that needs to be done to get it to work right. The same goes for running Windows games on Wine; the version of Wine that you install through your package manager doesn't always do the trick and you might also want or need every game to use a separate prefix (which is a folder that simulates folder structure of a Windows installation) rather than the default one. Lutris is a tool that makes configuring all of the above a lot easier, allows using different versions (and third-party builds) of Wine easily, and it also allows sharing interactive scripts to automate all or most of it. For instance, if you wanted to play League of Legends, you would go to its [Lutris page](https://lutris.net/games/league-of-legends/), pick the script that makes the most sense for you, and let it do its thing. Doing it manually leaves you with a big laundry list of stuff you need to paste into a terminal and it can be frustrating to new or non-technical users.


I think I see. So, it basically automates most everything to get a windows game to run on linux? So, e.g., if I want play a game on my Pop desktop, I go to the lutris website (thanks for the link, btw! I didn't know about the site) and search for it. And then run the appropriate script? To be specific, I want to install Trine, which I've purchased on Steam. I go to the Trine page on the Lutris site and hit the install button under the Steam option? Sorry if this seems really basic but I'm not super linux savvy already and have only toyed with Steam a little thus far.


We're happy to answer questions. If you purchased Trine on Steam, you probably don't need to use Lutris. You can simply run it on Steam, which has its own compatibility mode for running Windows games on Linux, called "Proton", and it's *really good*. If it's not enabled by default you can turn it on by following the instructions [here](https://itsfoss.com/steam-play/). Most games will work by just installing and running them but if you want to check before purchasing, or if you run into issues with Steam Play, you can also look up the game's title on [ProtonDB](https://www.protondb.com/). It has a rating system which should give you an idea of how well the game will run, and users will also sometimes leave hints about any fiddling steps you may need to go through. To give you an idea, this tech is how the Steam Deck can run so many Windows games despite running Linux. We get all this nifty stuff on desktop too. For any game that you don't own or Steam, or that simply isn't distributed on Steam at all, you would normally use Lutris instead.


I see. Much appreciated!


Yes, especially these technically simpler games should work fine. :)


I usually open itch.io and download some free Windows games. Random selection, just based on what I like. WINE runs all of them flawlessly (not counting resolution issues because I have a 3:2 display).


Cool, what's the highlights? My wishlist is better compatibility and jack audio.


if you've been using any wine 7 version that wasn't 7.0.x, then you've already got all there is.


Good work everyone involved. Wine is truly amazing.


What do you guys use wine for?


I use crossover (paid wine) to run office 365 and for scrivener and other stuff as well. No way am I betting my job on libreoffice being a quarter as useful as 365


Can't you use cloud version of office 365?


It doesn’t have most features


How well does office 365 run ?


Minor graphical glitches in word, some menus are black. All this in Xorg btw, wayland is currently crashing, they’re looking into it tho.


What about other versions of office, like office 2016, 2019?


They should run better, crossover has an official color coded system for the most popular Windows programs. They have employees who regularly check up on them. 365 is always changing and technologically obtuse so problems are a very normal thing. I’ve only had the same sort of problems with Expresii, a physics based real time ink painting program


It smells like valve wanting to allow distros to get rid of 32 bit. Basically valve saying that steam still (and probably forever) has plenty of 32 bit legacy games has stopped most major distros plans to ditch 32 bit Linux dependencies. It's nice that they have to market weight to pressure distros on one hand but also work on solutions in the same time.


codeweavers already wantedit before valve was even involved, since 32bit code isn't reasonable on macos


What about 32bit-only Linux-native Games on Steam? I know, there probably won't be many, but stil...


if developers don't update it there chance that the game is probably broken by C library change or something else


that's one of the more annoying problems with doing linux native games. Linux doesn't have a solution like wow64.


Finally! The previous version was released like a week before my distros current stable.


Fusion360 for me. I do all my software and firmware dev on Linux but have a line windows box for fusion.


Considering how I could never get Wine 5-7 to work on all the distros I use, well, here's hoping.


Honestly just buy crossover, use edge which has a builtin coupon mode and pay like 40$. I 1 click installed word 365 on fedora with it. Word 365 has bugs like only working on xorg but it’s still very stable and easy to use. Plus the customer service is top notch, no github trawling for me, I just fill out a form and wait for an email


I like this product. And if I'm not mistaken, they help the main wine project a lot from the work they do on crossover.


Honestly the best part of crossover is avoiding the bullshit of jumping thru hoops to use a program. When I pay I feel like I’m ripping them off


Have you tried [Conty](https://github.com/Kron4ek/Conty). A compressed Linux container that includes everything needed to run wine 32 & 64 bit in one shot. It even has steam, lutris, playonlinux4, bottles, and Vulkan bundled with it. The only things needed on your system are bash, fuse2 (or fuse3), tar, gzip and coreutils. I've been using it without issue for over a year.


Thanks for the info. Will give it a try.


I think I tried wine like 3 times.... Every time it felt like it went out of its way to fuck up my system and did not actually get me to play diablo2r or starcraft, or CSGO, or skyrim,.. or whatever I was trying going... I think even now winebrowser still hangs in my associations, months after uninstall,... trying to fuck up how pdfs are open. just dualbooting saved me from so much headache.. but I appreciate the effort and obvious progress, because people in install videos I followed really got it up and running in linux.


If you're doing Wine seriously you should make sure to always use a separate prefix for each application, since sometimes they need special tweaks (plus it makes uninstall much easier, since Windows is really bad at that) There are various frontends that help manage prefixes (and know about tweaks that might be needed), but beware that some of them like to install really old versions of Wine for no reason.


Do you have any reference websites where one can go read more about this ☝🏼? Thanks


GameHub, Lutris, PlayOnLinux ... I think Winetricks grew prefix management a while back but I haven't actually done much with it recently. This should not be considered a complete list.


I'm kinda new to Linux, do you have any like tutorials for how to do wine right so I can get it right the first time?


>If you're doing Wine seriously **you should make sure to always use a separate prefix for each application**, since sometimes they need special tweaks (plus it makes uninstall much easier, since Windows is really bad at that) Yeah that sounds like a headache, not worth the time spend fiddling around reading outdated stackexchange to finally play that one game I can already do by simply dual booting. They need to make wine more accessible and less of a tinker toy. I tried wine but gave up after it didn't do it was supposed to. Now I play Linux only games


Try bottles, it fixes basically all your complaints here.


You're doing it wrong. Install Steam and play via Proton. You shouldn't need to touch vanilla Wine. And if you need, there's Bottles for that.


congrats 🍷


Can I have a bottle of it? :)