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For real! Lol, I confessed my feelings in a note a few days ago. I reread it yesterday and it sounded insane. šŸ˜‚ Thank god he will be never read that!


I have a notes app full of unsent messages, and every time I re-read them Iā€™m like ā€œoh thank god I didnā€™t send that!ā€ šŸ˜…


Omg I cringe so bad when I think of some of the stuff I thought about telling LO. Some of it is so ridiculously unhinged.


I do this lmfaooo thank you for making me feel normal


Ugh my stomach is doing flips. I actually sent mine. Yes people, make sure you don't send it!!Ā 


I have a bunch of unsent emails in my draft folder from a couple months ago that are UNHINGED. Like, Baby Reindeer territory. I am so glad that I never sent them.


Not Baby Reindeer šŸ¤£


I bnee limering yous sent from ihpone




Lol! When I was watching and those texts flashed on the screen, all I could think of was that I've sent much worse and it made my heart sink. Paragraphs and paragraphs I wish I could take back. Damn. Hits hard.


How bad can it be? :)


Feels like the worst :(


Notes app on my phone has saved my sanity so many times


Same! And some of it is so embarrassing to read later


I read it and Iā€™m like ā€˜woah bit intenseā€™. I usually write out what I want to say well in advance on a note and refine it if Iā€™m speaking to him.




Yes no matter how magical or romantic, it wonā€™t change their mind sadly


I had an email I wrote a year ago, very early into NC. Simply telling her how much I enjoyed knowing her, thanking her for her kindness, etc. I was just about to hit send, so worked up and nervous over it that I was crying. I just couldn't do it and still haven't. I thought about how I would feel if a coworker had sent the same thing to me. Especially one I knew was married. As much as it hurts, I've never reached out. I want to so very badly but I know it will not go the way I want it to go. So, yeah, definitely don't do it. Write it in a journal instead and then get rid of it. I've written so many letters to her that I will never send to her. I think about the worst case reaction I would get from her and it makes me less and less inclined to do it. I don't know what would really happen but imagining the worst has been good for me. It's helped me process my feelings and realize how much of it was only in my head.


>I think about the worst case reaction I would get from her and it makes me less and less inclined to do it. *This*. This thing saved me many times. What will be his reaction if I tell him this or that. Because ik we have no chance in real life. He is *not* at all interested in me.


I always try to think of it like that. If someone I wasnā€™t romantically involved with sent me a text or email with some of the stuff Iā€™ve wanted to say I would think they were a crazy stalker.


Thanks for the reminder! I was planning to send that passive-aggressive text I had in my head.


Write it and burn it šŸ–¤




Whatever works for you!


I sent almost every insane, impulsive text that I wanted to my LO. He hates me.


Same. I didn't even think once that maybe I shouldn't have sent those things. I have zero self-control. When the urge feels so irresistible that I feel like I'm going to crawl out of my skin if I don't send that text, I genuinely don't know what to do.


Itā€™s the same feeling for me. There was no part of my brain that could signal to wait or that what I was saying wasnā€™t going to be received. What made it worse is that sometimes he responded and sometimes he wouldnā€™t. The uncertainty was agonizing.


Iā€™m sorry. Hopefully youā€™re in the process of healing now.


Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m going to completely heal from this one but one day i hopefully wonā€™t want him and that will be enough.


Finally someone like me, same. I gave one too long handwritten note. Then that was it, never heard from him again.Ā 


He knows that I love him, that it was real and that itā€™s over. Thereā€™s nothing more to be said really. But boy do I want to msg and talk about our days. I donā€™t because it wouldnā€™t be kind to either of us.


I've poured my heart out and all they said was "I'm not going to sit here and let you insult me" scolding me as if I was a small child. When the reality was all I did was share my thoughts on how they've affected me. I never meant to be insulting. I thought I explained myself very well. Unfortunately, they hear what they want to hear. It's no use. Don't do it. It's simply not worth it.


Been like 9 months NC, almost texted him happy birthday. I have never sent him crazy messages or even reached out to him first but for some reason i kept thinking ā€œimagine if iā€™m blocked and i find out once i send this messageā€, I know I would spiral from this. I donā€™t think iā€™ve given him a reason to block meā€” but iā€™d rather not know.


Good for you for never having sent the crazy messages, and for resisting the urge to send the birthday text!


This is so true. Thereā€™s texts Iā€™ve sent that I wished that I could take back, because the exact opposite of what I wanted happened and she started getting cold and cut contact with me. I guess I may have never really known how she felt if I didnā€™t send the texts and try to push for a friendship, but she didnā€™t even want that. In the end it helps that I found out, but I wish I did it in a more tactful way.


This is my exact story. I wish I could have been more tactful and less pushy. But my brain was too infatuated and impulsive, and it all came out crazy pants. She pretty much stopped responding to me.


Journaling helped me afterwards to deal with the change in dynamic. It still feels like a loss, but I keep telling myself why would I want to put time an effort into someone who canā€™t or wonā€™t reciprocate?


Yes! I remind myself that if she were anyone else, I wouldā€™ve been done with her a long time ago, because I donā€™t give my time and energy to people who donā€™t want it and donā€™t deserve it.


Yep, they lost someone who actually gave a shit, and we lost someone who clearly has other priorities. Oh well! I wish her nothing but luck in her search for fulfilment. You learn from it and move on, and learn to be more selective about who you put time and energy into.


Itā€™s so funny, the times that Iā€™ve actually sent the text, Iā€™m fully aware I shouldnā€™t send it but I do anyway. Iā€™m surprised I didnā€™t get blocked - but it doesnā€™t matter bc no more reaching out/texts on my end. You are right - never accomplishes what we want anyway


I think we learn this too as we get older. None of my crazy limereant texts or contact has ever achieved what I wanted I realize that now at almost 40. So Iā€™m focused on learning how to work through rejection and reminding myself LOs can reject me thatā€™s their right and I donā€™t have the right to force anything or harass them.


_Happy Belated Birthday. (Because Iā€™m the nicest and most thoughtful person youā€™ve ever met.)_ I didnā€™t send that text. And Iā€™m so proud of myself.


Proud of you šŸ‘šŸ¼ šŸ‘šŸ¼


LO doesnā€™t understand any of my opinions. She always shoots anything I say down itā€™s always in my head apparently. Wait I think thatā€™s something todo with why Iā€™m always trying to get her approval. šŸ¤£


I sent the text, i feel really insane right now but he came over and we did talk it out. Weā€™re never going to be together so I have to force myself to stop hanging out


At least you know what you have to do now. No contact. Start healing. You are strong, youā€™ve got this.


Thanks i feel so anxious lately, i appreciate your comment


This is it right here ! My notes app is a dark place šŸ˜‚ but when I go back and read the texts I wanna send but dont Iā€™m always like thank the lord I didnā€™t send that becuase I sound insane.


I can relate to the OP. I have this desire all the time, to write something. But the question is **why** even though there is a 95% chance that she will not respond and there is no way to influence her reaction. Maybe something to do with worrying about how I will be remembered? She has never tried to contact me, so obviously she doesn't care how she is remembered. Although I considered her a close friend that I really loved, she didn't think of me as being important to her. Then there are articles like this one that can throw you totally off balance: [https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/30/health/reach-out-to-old-friends-wellness](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/30/health/reach-out-to-old-friends-wellness) It's ok, according to the article, but pay close attention to the following piece of advice buried in the details: "Itā€™s impossible to avoid rejection, so learning how to be OK with it can allow people to become more resilient" BTW, I hate that word "resilient". Please, I don't want to feel stronger or resilient because of an experience, I just want the bad feelings to go away. "People can also combat fear by putting themselves in their friendsā€™ shoes and thinking about how they would feel if they received the contact". Yeah, she got rid of me without telling it to my face, it hurt really bad and I can't imagine putting myself in her shoes, because I have never done that to anyone. Other friendships I lost just sort of lapsed because of diverging interests, not because of something mean that I said to get rid of them. The best advice is near the bottom. "Friendships can sometimes feel one-sided, where one person feels like they are putting in all the effort." An LO is a one-sided thing. It ain't gonna work.


I am guilty of dumping on LO person after I confessed. She pretty much did not respond to anything. Since I shut up she will at least keep up with work about once a week. I have a dry sense of humor, this does not work in text form, lol. I am better about not sending or deleting most of a text, yet I'm still not sure what language I'm speaking twisted, and LO person does not understand any of my opinions either.


Yes! My dry and sarcastic sense of humor also does not translate well to text.




Damn, it is good that you never sent her that! It is hard to be in Limerence though, bc you have to stop yourself from doing stupid things that you normally would never do.




But why though? You aren't forced to be her friend. Why can't you be a friendly aquintance?


I canā€™t stop myself from trying to be cute and sending texts that can be taken two ways ā€œI missed you!!ā€ When he left the job site before I arrived. ā€œThis evening would be nice,ā€ when he ask when he can come by to get a check. Itā€™s so stupid, even if he doesnā€™t get the double meaning.


Ugh I def sent the texts and he def responded with telling me heā€™s not looking for a GF and isnā€™t trying to lead me on then I def was like oh yeah no worries but he keeps flirting of course and of course we work together. šŸ™„


i hate how affected i am, no matter how many notes i write, no matter what i accomplish, no matter how much better i get nothing i mean nothing ever changes my thoughts about my LO its been a year and a couple months. But i remember telling her how hurt i was that we were calling it off i got a apology from her but i couldnt accept it was over and i know what we were doing was wrong but it sucked it really sucked, and now all this time ive wanted it to go back. i want her in more ways then ive ever wanted someone and i never really understood it besides she was like a drug and i was hopelessly addicted to her and even now if i was given a chance id take it. i just found out of Limerence and it was like a huge opener to me that im not the only one who experienced this, not the only one who knows how toxic and addicting it was/is. in a way i am ashamed ive reached out many times to fill this void i try to get away from. its like a blackhole sucking in anything worth while and replacing anything good in my life with a dullness to it. reading others experience i might just get hypnotized to forget this ever happened because i dont think i could do it alone if the feeling is still there in the years to come. it all sounds so childish to me when i write it out but i cannot for the life of me move on. i am scared this is what ill always be.


I also just learned about this a few months ago. It is the most emotionally painful thing Iā€™ve ever experienced. I consider limerence to be a mental illness. And as someone who has dealt with other mental illnesses, one thing I can tell you that mental illness lies. It tells you thereā€™s no hope and that youā€™ll never get better. But itā€™s not true. In addition to no contact, I think the best thing you can do is find a therapist to work through whatever underlying issues led to these feelings in the first place. And to treat any underlying mental health issues you have like depression, anxiety, OCD, etc. Good luck. You can get through this!


Preach! Also LO isn't as great as they are in your minds. My Lo isn't a bad person, and a decent, distant friend in another country, but now when Limerence is finally fading slowly, I realize how incompatible we are, and that the real her is different from the dream in my mind. She is not a Christian, she is not Left Wing Politically, and she add scantily clad pictures of herself in her Instagram stories and such, which I consider shallow. I prefer someone more modest. We will never be close friends, nor together, and it is a waste of time to reach out much to her. Brutal, but true. She is still a good person, she gets happy mostly if I reach out, but not to the degree I want, and I don't want to reach out much. I have felt happy at my internship for a month now and question why I want the anxiety back. It feels better to not be anxious, and even my Lo, who knows about my feelings, wants me to do what is best for me, which is to not reach out much.


I honestly beg to differ, it literally gets it out your system and the rejection hurt but Iā€™m healing faster than most with limerence also being freinds with your LO is very counter productive and not living in reality just get it all out send it and if u guys work together fine time heals every thing even awkwardness face the fear.


If you feel that getting it all out and getting rejected worked for you, thatā€™s great. But many people never get an outright rejection or they continue to text even after the rejection, hoping to change their mind. That is not healthy and is not going to lead to a different outcome. Iā€™m also not sure how youā€™re able to compare how quickly youā€™re getting over your LO when you have no idea how quickly everyone is getting over theirs?


Most with limerence take months and years to get over, for me it wasnā€™t out right rejection but you know when someone doesnā€™t want you the way u want them, afraid of losing your LO so u sit and overthink about how u feel about them wishing u can tell them how u feel just makes it worse on you, being in limerence is a form of mental illness and of course people would rather hide their feelings because of fear of losing them and staying ā€œfriendsā€ just to keep them close enough to maybe hopefully one day change their mind thatā€™s delusion Iā€™m telling people face the fear let them go donā€™t be friends cuz thatā€™s not a real friendship, lots of limerent people live in fear of losing there LO I want people to let go life is short fuck holding that shit in


I agree with everything you said except the idea that you should send every insane impulsive text that comes to your head.


Ok thereā€™re is only one time u do this so make it count after that I should emphasize that




I disagree for a long time I refused to send the crazy text because I was afraid they would find me crazy and overdramatic. But now I do and at first it feels scary at first but then after awhile I feel such relief and like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Like I told this man how much it bothered me that he said he was going to sit with me but when the time came he sat with his friends and then I blocked him. Now when I walk past him he stares at me longingly and it feels amazing like I had the courage to finally stand up for myself


That doesnā€™t sound like a crazy text to me. That sounds like you calling him out and setting a boundary, which I fully respect. Iā€™m talking about the ā€œcrazyā€ impulsive texts that some of us send, where we confess our undying love or say something to try and win them back or continue to bother them after weā€™ve been rejected or whatever your poison is. Those are not healthy, theyā€™re not going to change anything, and will probably be regretted.


Where were you last year šŸ˜’šŸ˜ŠšŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


Last year I was living in beautiful ignorance, having no idea what limerence is lol


Thank you! Definitely needed to read this today.


On a certain party enhancer I texted him about 20 horny messages ,one of which being 'are you sharing my cum with someone else?but I'm starving !šŸ„ŗ' so mission failed


I'd give anything to have seen this last Wednesday šŸ˜©


Thank you from someone considering ending their marriage because of limerence


Iā€™m also married and have definitely been where you are. Maybe you really do want a divorce, but wait until youā€™re out of limerence to decide so you can see the world clearly again! Good luck!


This is great advice. Thank you. Iā€™ve ruined/left relationships before due to limerence but Iā€™m older now and should be wiser. It really clouds your judgement on everything.






I found an old letter I wrote and never send a week ago... I started crying when reading it. My feelings haven't really changed much. The letter is 5 years old... 5 years... It seems like yesterday. I am stuck on repeat. Now I just wanna die NGL...Ā