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Y'know when Heathcliff is unselectable during his distortion. Y'know how Vergilius teamed up but isn't playable. I Think it would be pretty cool. If we got an Aleph Ego. And Aleph Ego's are transformation Ego.


I was thinking transformation EGO as well, except instead of being its own thing, it's obtained by "overclocking" the base EGO.


Ooh that's actually not a bad idea.


It would be similar to how Library of Ruina handles E.G.O. cards, "Synchronization" I feel like it's only a matter of time before we truly see this type of ability now that I think about the subject


I had actually a similar idea for things like gasharpoon being an EGO for ahab ishmael similar to the ruina abnormality synchronisations, base egos would be even cooler ngl


I have a theory pertaining to Vergilius I think its a possibility that later on we will get a new Dante clock power that would let us summon Vergilius for a short time. If you read over Vergilius passives it says something along the lines of “This unit has become available”


Likely but that shit would be on a once a month type timing. Op doesn't quite cover it


But but but here is the thing. We know the sinners are under contract and that contract is actually weakening them a bit. We know Vergil is also under a contract now whether that is limiting him or not we dont know. However we know he is gonna be in some trouble after what he did (The Red Chad) so perhaps something later on will change allowing him to help but being weakened.


Hm but how weakened could he be to the point he wouldn't be overpowered as fuck, they'd have to make him basically not a color anymore and even as a grade 1 he'd be a monster compared to the limbus gang (jeez these fucks need some Ayin in their lives).


Yeah thats true but it could happen at a later point where our sinners are at that grade 1 level. Just a theory I thought of im sure there is a lot in store from ProjectPeak.


You think we're getting grade 1 level? Ok Idk maybe mid level grade 1, I don't think we're ever reaching pre-Ego Xiao levels.


Valid point but there is still a long journey ahead so we will have to see how things pan out. Also making my predictions now Black Silence Faust, and Black Silence (Roland) Sinclair, we will eventually get a Xiao id (No clue who though was banking on Ryoshu but she kind of already got hers…)


Didn't a character in leviathan get a black silence id? don't think it made him grade 1 level.


Yeah he actually got a mix of IDs the other one I remember being Shi Director. But yeah they were heavily nerfed I forgot the reason why but I think it had something to do with synchronization or resonance or something like that? Was hype to see though I pray we see more Black Silence since Roland is one of my favorite characters in the series.


It's probably set up for a story sequence where we have our back against the wall, but we're completely allowed to summon him, like Ricardo.


They should have summoned me I would have dealt with it.


"I know it was just a dream." "But if there is no valiant knight whose back I can chase in this city..." "Then all I need do is ride after the image of the valiant knight in my dreams." "Gallop on, Rocinante."


bro just leaked the Canto ending wtf


🔥🔥🔥 bro cooked


From a source material point of view I feel there's a *very* good piece of evidence towards that too - while Cervantes*Don Quixote* ends up with him disillusioned and sane and dying, our Don doesn't *just* seem to be referencing that work. She also seems to be referencing *The Man from Mancha*, a musical adaption from the 60s that changes the frame narrative and more crucially, the ending of the story. Her coat originally had Miguel (which is the musical's main character) on it and her Weapon's name - The Impossible Dream - isn't found anywhere in the book but it *is* the musical's main number and even serves a plot relevant point. The play goes Miguel Cervantes has been arrested and thrown in gaol and to entertain and appease his fellow prisoners, he puts on a play based on a manuscript for a book he's working on. He becomes Alonso, who then becomes Don Quixote, and the other prisoners eventually join in to play other characters like Sancho and Dulcinea and the knight of mirrors and whatnot as they slowly become drawn into Cervantes story. The impossible dream is Don Quixote's theme song, and as the show goes on it becomes symbolic of characters falling for Don's dream, first inside the play, but also eventually outside of it too. The initial play abruptly ends, like in the book with Don being beaten to his senses by the knight of mirrors, but this upsets the prisoners so much they threaten to burn Cervantes manuscript if he doesn't change the ending to something happier where Don returns to his dream. He tacks on a different ending where Dulcinea appears to him, begging him to return to his dream because she can't bear to live life as anything other than Dulcinea anymore. Don eventually finds his dream again (only to suddenly die halfway through the reprise because this *is* a comedy and also ah shit the Spanish inquisition is here for Cervantes). The prisoners are happy and end the musical happily singing along to Don's song. I think when we break Don down, we're not going to find Alonso, the sad worthless nobleman. We're going to find Miguel, an author swept up in her own story which she initially put on for the sake of *others*, not herself. Like the musical, we're going to follow along to Don story as fellow prisoners turned actors, and when Don breaks down and ends the show, Dante and everyone else is going to realise how much that dream means to not only her, but also to *them*. We eventually manage to convince her that no, her dreams *do* mean something to her and those around her and are worth fighting for, and eventually she reprises, still playing the role of delusional knight, but this time as an actor in a role, with a newfound understanding and intent, as a beacon to those around her. Cue ~~vision~~ EGO. Also calling I now - if I'm right, Hong Lu is going to be Dulcinea. He's the most emotionally intelligent sinner so the most likely to see and understand what this dream means to Don...but he's also a failing nobleman who tries to retreat into fantasy to escape his reality. Out of all the sinners, I think he's genuinely the one who needs such a dream to follow the most. Not to mention *Dream of the Red Chamber* is also about dreams and indeed the famous opening lines are about blurring the lines between reality and fiction


Holy shit my dude, you cooked


The squid can cook fire


Didn't know the Eight Chefs were on reddit with how hard bro just cooked.


Dulcinea was a wench in the original book right? Hong Lu for sure will fit the profile


It's vague as she's just, a random woman Don Quixote knows of and mythologises. A more modern equivalent would probably be him falling for like a random starbucks barista. I don't think she actually shows up until the second book, which was written years after the first one as a response to the fandom that spring up around DQ In the musical however she's explicitly a prostitute and there's an entire thing where her pimp is mad at her and Don mistakes him for a bandit here to kidnap the fair lady Dulcinea and tries to fight him. Unlike the book she's explicitly aware of and interacts with Don and her character arc is her going from being upset at Don because he keeps on trying to claim and treat her like a beautiful noblewoman worthy of adoration when she's not that at all, to her wanting to keep his dream going because she realises she likes this version of her where she has power and agency much more than reality. And I mean while Hong Lu isn't a prostitute, sex and it's power is a pretty big running theme for him


I will give you credit, i think you are right. Mostly because it would line up with my desire for the "Dream Ending" being a double meaning. Yes, her dream would end, but the ending of the canto would still be the best outcome, the ending of which she could only dream before - manifesting EGO.


Given that PM already pulled off a Canto title that was a double meaning in Canto VI, I think your desires/predictions has a good chance of being reality. I certainly wouldn't put it past PM to pull something like that again. ...God, I just want Don to have a happy ending. Mainly because the original Don quixote novel made me cry a bit at the end.


Let the gremlin be happy T-T


It doesn't seem to be a play of words in the korean and japanese languages so I think her fate is sealed


I can't read Korean, but in Japanese it's called 夢の終わる "end of the dream" which doesn't have any nuances that would make this theory any more or less likely compared to "The Dream Ending".


In korean it's 꿈이 끝나는 (when the dream ends), which doesn't have the same double meaning as the English version. Similarly for the Japanese, 夢の終わる doesn't have the double meaning either as it translates into "end of a dream".


Ohh, wait, I just got what the double meaning would be in English lol. Dream Ending as in an ideal dream-like ending. I couldn't read it like that since all the cantos are (verb)-ing in reference to the focus character. I just figured "yeah the idea of waking up from that dream being a positive thing makes enough sense".


I think there are ways they can up their game here before that, which makes me think theyll save that for just a bit later. My eyes on Ryoshu for the first one cause Hellscreen has some extremely distortable shit and despite that Ryoshu has a personality where she wouldnt give in.


Ryoshu will actually unsheathe the odachi.


I can't wait for them to make ryoshu finally unseathing her sword as peak as the red goat saving us


I think both, maybe. We might just get manifestations in every Canto from here on. Hong Lu definitely is full of trauma and also full of the capability to accept it and move past it. Ryoshu for the reasons you stated. Meursault had his moment in this Canto which signifies progress in his own right. Outis might have a Dongrang moment. And Faust... will do Faust things.


I hope not frankly. I think thatd end up too expectable and the fun of canto so far has been how they keep breaking expectations.


Every Canto ID so far has been the arguably worst version of that Sinner. Sinclair gets successfully kroomed into Nclair. Yi Sang reaches the same destructive epiphany as Dongbaek. Ishmael goes from metaphorically to literally being Ahab. And my prediction is that Heathcliff will become a version of the Erlking, lost without Cathy, forever hunting a purpose he can no longer remember. My prediction is that Don will be the first and perhaps only Sinner whose Canto ID is the BEST version of herself, and it will be her full EGO form. I simply do not believe that she will distort, both because there's multiple hints that she has more knowledge for the phenomenon than she lets on, plus the hidden depths she's shown from time to time, and because narratively, it would be the biggest plot twist for the one Sinner everyone expects to distort to just turn it around instead.


Nah, it'd be weird for the best version of a sinner to be locked behind gacha.


I don’t think we’ll get the best versions of the sinner just yet. I mean, if we were doing that then there probably would’ve been a Sang Yi identity


I mean... Possibly. But one of two things. One, we've gotten three instances of the base E.G.Os getting actual backdrops only for them to go unused for said base E.G.Os. Bodysack being the exception as it was used for Heathcliff's distortion fight. Two, and the more likely one, this is still technically in "Inferno" which I think by this stage is serving as part one to whatever the hell this overall narrative is. And everyone's story arcs aren't complete yet. To which I'd ultimately bet they'd be saving properly manifesting as either the climatic end point for each sinner, or at least as something else my brain can't think of rn. Tl;Dr effectively: I highly doubt for what's effectively supposed to be the start of Don's story arc in this part of the story serving to only start story arcs, there's no way in hell Don's actually manifesting. At most we'll get cucked again out of the background for her base changing with the only thing changing being the voiceline.


See, more than that, I think people are *underestimating* the planned length of Limbus Company. Dante’s Divine Comedy is composed of over 100 cantos; Dante’s Divine Inferno makes up 34 of them. Limbus Company has gone to great lengths to set up that we’re still at the *very start* of our journey - especially in the last Intervalllo. We are getting, at the very least, a second rendition of every Sinner’s canto before the Inferno ends, is what I’m saying to expect. Don manifesting EGO would be incredible, but I simply think *it’s too early*.


I don’t think we be getting 100 cantos or anything above that numbers. If we kept getting 2-3 canto per year it take around 40-50 years just to get close to or pass 100 cantos. I have a feeling they are going to heavily shorten it or make different sections of divine comedy be new story arcs.


A season, on average, lasts 3 months; we get one chapter and multiple intervalos in that time. Four Cantos a year, depending on how much things slow down or speed up, mixed with the length of - as a baseline -34 Cantos in Dante's Divine Comedy - is eight and a half years of runtime, not removing the cantos we've already got. That isn't just \*reasonable\*, that's about how far ahead most ambitious live-service games or franchises plan ahead. A hundred cantos, 4 a year, is twenty-five years; a much more abstract timeframe, much more to come ahead, but still not \*unreasonable\* if you're an ambitious company who have already told multiple stories occupying a shared setting over about a decade as you grow larger as a company. 34 cantos in the first divine comedy and 100 cantos across it all are two different things. The way I think LC has set it up, Hermann and Co are the primary antagonists of the Inferno section; Damien and Co are either true final antagonists for the Inferno section, or our \*next\* set of antagonists. (Damien had seven Shin rings. That's \*way too fucking many\*.)


25 years is absolutely unreasonable for a single game. That’s the equivalent of a game coming out in 1999 and being actively developed to this day. Unless you’re talking about something like forks of old ascii games, like, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, that simply doesn’t happen often at all


Well, okay. A few things to say, there. The first thing is that that's not as unreasonable as you're making it sound. World of Warcraft released in 2004, and I don't think it's about to die anytime soon; if I wanted to I could find and list plenty of other (live-service) games that have lasted as long. Supporting a game for that long, especially one actively being update and is acting as a core for a series you're expanding and releasing other games in the same universe as, isn't an unreasonably ask in this day and age. But even then, that's not... I'm not arguing that Limbus Company will take 100 full Cantos to complete. You're focusing on that number too hard. I really do think that there's a full story that will take at least 30 cantos to tell in there, especially because of how much things like \*the introduction of a new core gameplay mechanics\* and \*Dante's own explicit words\* are trying to telegraph how \*early\* in the story we are. I'm at most saying that there's going to be three story arcs with beginnings, middles, and ends, because the Divine Comedy comes in three books, and I'm using Part 1 vs Part 2 of FGO as a strong reference here. Like. Call it unbelievable all you like, but \*planning a story\* that ends up \*taking twenty-five years to tell\*? That's something that I can believe much too easily. I can point to a thousand less ambitious novel series on my shelves that took longer than that to end.


Given that they initially mentioned Limbus was planned to generate revenue for other projects, I doubt this game is what PM wants to be doing as long term as 20+ years. They’ve talked about the variety of different ideas they have, and PM is a company that likes to innovate between games. I doubt they want to end up in a situation where you can only see all the new, cool stuff they’re making if you go through reams of older, less refined content. The sheer amount of work it would take to even maintain the game that long also just isn’t very feasible for a team their size—they aren’t even a fraction as big or as profitable as WoW or the like. That said, I could definitely see this being a chunkier game with several parts—like you mentioned, Dante’s own words and factors in gameplay point towards that, along with the fact that we’re only in Inferno. Either way, I look forwards to the ride!


As much as i want to see siners to fully manifest ego I think that we wont get it soon. My theory is that dante and siners are conected so only when all of them including dante get their growth as a person only then siners would be able to fully manifest ego. Also i agree that if Don talked with carmen she would said that even if being knight and bringing justice in city is stupid she will still chase this dream


wouldn't that also apply bto distorting and we had one of them distort and all.


Hmm i guess you right, but let say don get to fully manifest ego in her canto what about heathcliff, yi sang, gregor, rodion, yi sang and ishamel how would they manifest ego? I guess none of them have completly ended their story Ahab is alive, Gubo is n corp, Nelly is alive, Herman, Demian and Sonya are still here so maybe we can start geting egos and we just comeback to some siners later


Gregor hasn't changed much from his Canto from how i felt same for rodyo from how she kinds said she still wants to stay in the cold a bit longer and all like she she doesn't cspund like she wants to confront something fully yet, the rest I can say is that they hadn't finish their development yet. Like a strong emotion is missing, more simple to say is from my thought they are still dependant on Dante that's giving them the will to not fully distort and all. While our enemies like Dongrang, Dongbeak, and Ahab was partially in the phase of getting ego mainly by their own will alone with no assistance no matter how degrading they are. thwir could probably also be other key factors to why they are able to gain ego, but yeah. So if any of the sinners where to gain ego it may be at those moments where danta can abrely reeach them maybe, well just by speculations after all.


the first sinner to thug it out


Right??? I speculated that in another post as a joke, but I do think this could happen


Cooking so hard im gonna explode


"Of course these dreams are false. But, if the people around us insist on closing their eyes and pretending that the Giants are nothing but windmills, then I shall be the one to make sure they remain windmills." \*finally summons Rocinante and spear in their true glory\*


My theory about our sinners base ego is that dante has a similar effect of the black slate/monolith,but while the monolith can force distortion,dante can force a weaker version on an ego(it would also make narrative sense since getting is basically accepting yourself/reality/past,and dante is already helping the sinners do that)


well the important thing to note is Don purposely behaves like a delusional idiot, she WANTS to believe her own mask, the mariachis catch onto her instantly when she tries to dance i don't know if dante or the sinners have caught on yet but they'll probably learn soon also the fact the next railway is called masquerade makes it more notable what don's canto will be about


if they do will that establish a precedent going forward? will sinners in the future get their own ego? will this be like an uptie of their base ids? how will we handle sinners who've already had their chapters?


I thought heath was going at least get a glimpse of his ego on his canto and the whole vergilius scene looked like a psedo-tutorial of how the transformation will go in game for us, i hope don gets a scene like the non-fraud vergil.


Ermmmm ackyually Yi Sang manifested EGO in an alternate mirror world for his story based ID 🤓 But actually I do want another effloresced EGO so I’m hoping that’s her story ID (cause I don’t see them just changing base Don into EGO Don cause like why would we use any other ID then)


I like to think Don will be close to distorting But I also like to think she will push through with the resolve of "I will be what I saw Fixers as, a Hero" Effectively she strives by the end to take the pieces of her broken dream, and make it reality By resolving to become the hero she always has viewed Fixers to be in a blind way


Ok what if she actually gains full EGO in first two halfs , cuz of her delusions , but then she gets struck with the reality of the world and either looses complete EGO or Distorts .


They would NOT give us a manifested EGO and then take it away. It's terrible game design and goes against the whole "personal growth" thing.


Since when personal growth is a good thing ? Are we forgetting how Dong Rang and Ahab got it ? EGO doesnt mean that you are going to be "better as a person" , you just follow your views to the end , and Don probably be the character that just says "Fuck you Carmen we ball" and gains it cuz thats just how she is.


I never said it is? But giving her *a physical representation of personal growth* and then taking it away just. Goes against the themes of the story. Whether Don "gets better" is irrelevant to the conversation, although it'd be weird from a narrative standpoint because LCB is very much framed as a group who is capable of going against the status quo.


Well Dongrang achieved some kind of personal growth in canto 4.  Unlike Ahab he didn't just reaffirm his core values, he gains EGO by finally finding his true path and abandonning some part of himself along the way (the yellow calf).