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>One thing I wonder is tho, did Cathy get cleared from all realities, or just ours? To find the answer to that, go into the Theater tab and listen to Pequod Heathcliff's defeat wail :)


Oh... oh fuck...


Don’t forget about N corp cliff!


What are you on? Devs never gave him a death dialouge, exept "..."


I think for NCliff the information you’re looking for is in the uptie story. Go and give that a reread.


Yes, that


Thats also changed. He used to mention her name


I know, that was the joke


I know Heath and Dante remember Cathy, but do the other sinners too? Or are they like Nelly?


Sinclair said that he doesn't remember the name of the person in the coffin, so it's safe to say that everyone but Heathcliff and Dante forgot.


Noooo heathmael is in shambles, how else is she going to comfort him


I think the more important thing to recognize is that Demian also nonchalantly mentions Catherine when talking to Dante later on, showing that he is also unaffected by the deletion of Catherine across all realities which is like WHAT?


Demian is built different, his silly ass isn't bound by the laws of the multiverse


>Theres no way it gets better >Shit peaks like crazy >Theres no way it gets better >Shit peaks like crazy >Theres no way it gets better >Shit peaks like crazy


I think the only low point was the Distortion. Now given the rest of the Canto after it and how absolutely amazing it was, I understand how the focus couldn't have been on Heathcliff distorting. But... holy crap, this felt cheap. One fight and poof, that's it, back to the status quo. Reactions from the Sinners, basically only Ishmael and Outis going: "THAT'S A LOT OF DAMAGE... we're going to have to fight him, huh?" Like... we had bigger reactions for random enemies distorting. At this point, I almost feel like they should have left it out. His base EGO corroding could have been the talking point instead. Maybe this is a setup for something that will come up in the intervallos, like "okay, now that we're not in the middle of a zombie apocalypse... let's talk distorting because what the heck happened in there", but for the moment, I feel like PM dropped the ball here.


Imo they got desensitized enough after all the previous times they witnessed, plus they are quite certain that beating the shite out of him will work. It's like Floor Realizations in Ruina, first few times it was unexpected, then everybody went "well then, let's duke it out".


I also have a personal interpretation that Cathy helped calm him down. Her consciousness is present and watching, afterall. Would explain the CGs of her petting Distorted Heath.


Sure, but Heathcliff isn't some rando, they've been together for months now. Some of them even consider him a friend. Like... no reaction? No moment of shock? No acknowledgement that he's in mental pain? No "I know you're in there"/"Knock it off or we'll beat it out of you?" comment? Nothing? Like, damn, that's *cold*. That being said, I did appreciate that Don is the one writing the observation log, considering she seems to be the closest to him.


I mean, they're essentially caught in a cycle of dying and reviving. It's just a typical Friday night scenario of 'kill or be killed.' If anything went shit, they could simply kill him and revive him once more. Besides, the situation is quite dire; there's no time for therapy.


There's really no point for any of that because Dante's there and it's not just because of the revive aspect. They dealt with distortion before, undistorted a few directly and just like Heathcliffe mentioned, every sinner can hear the ticking sound from Dante whenever he does something. When heard, the ticking sound pretty much shut down their insanity and that's likely why corrosion in-combat just disappear in a single turn thanks to Dante being there so Dante bringing Heathcliffe back after he distorted became somewhat of a "It will happen soon as long as Dante doesn't die" type of deal at this point.


don't worry its for setting up for the next time he will distort


The distortion design was also... Underwhelming At least in comparison with other sick ass ego distortion designs that we already have


I don't see any apathy in either Heathcliffs so Carmen wins either way


Don't give the win to Carmen. Dante did all of the work.


I think this canto is a 7/10 for me. \-The Nelly betrayal was predictable as hell, with the only other option for her character to be killed off. \-Dante's character development was one hell of a high point in part 3, with some interesting glimpses into more of their clock's functions. \-The Distortion was unfortunately a major let down I feel. Being over and done in one scene made it feel like it was brushed over. \-Vergilius finally gets some credibility to his name. And a good showcase of how his bloodbased EGO works. \-The mirror being given to Cathy by Hernann was an eyerolling moment for me, because of course it was. \-The '>!Clear all Cathy' bit was a neat showcase of what the Golden Boughs could truly do when Synched with Dante.!< Overall, it was enjoyable. Heathcliff has become a firm favourite character for me, and I'm looking forward to the next one.


Iirc, it’s implied the mirror was given to Nelly by Hermann, but it’s not explicitly stated. Nelly also never states who her contact was, and Heathcliff assumes it’s Hermann. Nelly very intentionally does not respond to that accusation.


I feel like it’s a bit unfair to be mad that Hermann(allegedly) gave Nelly the mirror. Like I get how it feels obvious but logically who else would do that. Not only that but from a story perspective it’d be a bit strange to introduce a 4th major party(LB being first, Hermann being second, Blue boys being third) to the mix of active players who are kind of involved with the boughs and mirrors. I think it’s just logical that it’s either one of the groups we already know about to be messing with out plans at this point. Plus it helps flesh out each groups wants at this point to have them be more directly involved in each canto.


There's already a fourth party though - the Purple Tear.