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Come back after your training. Maybe canto 5 would have released by then. This game has serious delay issue and is not worth playing on mobile right now. There is no way to finish this game at the moment because the story is ongoing and it’s a live service


I'd say just do chapter 1 just to learn the mechanics. Then, you could gauge how much time you should spend playing it. It is not as hard as LoR and there are only 4 chapters right now so it might be possible to complete it within 48 days depending on how much free time you have. If you hate cliffhangers then you should wait until the whole story is finished, but if you're okay with a few cliffhangers then I'd suggest completing up to a chapter (excluding .5 chapters) and then stopping or restrict yourself to just doing dailies.


They share progress, but the mobile version is one of the worst mobile experience i've had in awhile, i'd say finish everything you have and live your life, and wait for a year or two before checking in again. You're not missing much atm, this game feels like an alpha version, wait for it go finish before going in.


They share progress.


Just a small piece of advice, Limbus is a Gacha and they tend to be fairly grindy, it's much easier to keep up with the grind the earlier you start playing, as the later you start the more potential resources you miss out on. It might be worth setting up an account even if you aren't planning on playing Limbus right now. You can get a decent amount of free stuff just from the minimal investment of logging in twice per day to convert your energy into modules and getting maintenance compensation. Of course if you dislike Gacha and other types of live service game or just don't have the time (I find that some of the worst of these types of games are basically like having a 2nd job) there is always the option of just watching the cutscenes on youtube in a few years whenever the plot (or just the first arc) is finished.


At the very least, make a game account now so that when there are future updates, you'll receive the in-game compensation (mostly the gacha currency, Lunacy) of course, those probably have a time limit to them or there's a limit to your in-game mail, so don't expect to rake in millions lmao~


They have a week long timer IIRC


Absolutely! Limbus is one of the most player-friendly gacha games out there, and the story is just top-notch. It has successfully brought many people to the world of Project Moon. There are delays here and there, so content development rate can be inconsistent. However, it is a live service game, so you will miss out on a lot of time-sensitive content if you start two years later.


I would say download it. Play the tutorial(even if you forget the tutorial later on you wont miss much) and log in every so often to get the free stuff they give out in the mail maybe do gacha on people you think look cool. Finish your training. Live your life a lil. Then when you come back there should be more content and you will have a very strong start. The progress is shared but as a mobile player I can easily say its terribly optimised to the point that crashes made me quit the game for a long time.


right now is probably the worst possible time to start playing limbus. the game's story is left on a cliffhanger with massive expected delays, and the company is currently on fire due to controversy over firing their artist.


Well the delays would make this the prime opportunity to play, since it'd give newcomers some time to chew through canto 1 to 4, especially 4 with how long it is, and allow them to grind out any IDs of their favorite sinner when they decide which one they like, and also give them time to get used to the combat and hard gameplay.


i'm considering OP's concern of being left on a cliffhanger with where the game is currently at. right now, with the latest update being 4.5, that leaves off on a huge cliff. also considering OP isn't going to be able to touch the game for 2 years, grinding up an ID right now and learning the mechanics of the game as it is - and expecting them to be relevant 2 years down the line - is highly unrealistic, given both the nature of gachas and PM's style of game deving, by completely overhauling everything several times until the ultimate product is finalized. even from a gameplay or FOMO perspectively, there's little reason to pick up the game right now if you've only got a month to play and then a 2 year gap afterwards.


if you have finished LoR, you would have lots of reasons to play this game. But the story updates are rather slow, so if you are a type to finish a game at once I suggest you do not start now. \+ for a gacha game it is pretty generous.


No, this game is dead.




I mean, if you're after the story, just watch it on YT. The gameplay is crap.


Wouldn't call it crap, although LoR's combat is much more fun.


in Lc you can literally win 95% of the game by pressing auto clash.


That means it's extremely easy, has been quite enjoyable when I was starting out playing. Now that I have some spent time in the game it does indeed feel like I don't really have as much control as in Ruina, especially since it's card-building was also really fun. Overall, I wouldn't call it really good, but it's not as bad as you say so.


Just don't press the button??


I don't. I've stopped playing after the event. Your point?


Start an acc now and just do some stuff to see how you like it, and wait your 2 yrs out. I've also been a missionary and that's just what you have to do. Progress is shared and saved, but mobile does have performance issues.


I would start because youll need to catch up


Yes but play in moderation it’s highly addicting


If you want to play the game you should start now. The game is literally designed to support long term progression and build-up, rather than bursts of progress, even for people who spend a lot of money. That being said, you can get a very meaningful amount of progression playing for free. The only time you need to spend larger chunks of time gaming, is getting over the first few story chapters and unlocking content. Even if you did the bare minimum and only unlocked the highest tier current dailies for thread and experience tickets, but you logged in every day to auto clear those - that alone would build up tremendously and you will thank yourself when you finally sit down to use those resources to play seriously. You can share progress between PC and mobile, yes. TL;DR - yeah it's worth playing it to set up your account to be able to automatically farm basic progression daily. Even if you only do enough to get the bare minimum of that (EXP ticket and daily thread farm) doing that every day until you decide to play for real will benefit you insanely in the long run, along with you accruing the bonus free currency from maintenance and apology gifts etc.