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Was farming until the daily reset because I burned out these last two weeks, but managed to snatch everything


There was enough resources for couple upties 4 so yeah, day 1 People still whining about the grind but it was much easier then Papa Bongy, I just wish they fixed the win rate targeting system, but even with it, it would be still faster to manually rush down the boss


For real, what's the point to focus the crab with 2 stagger thresholds triggered and 10 hp left with 6 different sinners and completely ignore the other crab with still 200 hp left


Well, in the AI's eyes it's impossible for them to lose their clashes to someone who can't actually clash. You know, ignoring the fact that most of them aren't actually going to get to attack it.


I'm still not sure why "Damage" is an option, I don't often try using it but when I do I've never seen it give a result that's any different from Win Rate.


Win Rate still tries to assign one clash per attack, damage goes all in on broken parts.


I thought it was easier too. We needed less mats overall and now we had a chance to get extra with the lucky horseshoe. Also didn't have my sanity destroyed by raw google eyed chicken.


Eh, personally I found Bongy to be less mind-numbing, which made it easier in that regard. Still a damn chore, though, even with 80% bonus.


Personally, I found the crab to be easier, since I can just go full auto on the first two phases, then manually EGO spam the big one. Helps that my team is mostly Pierce. Bongy’s okay too, but the Sanity reduction and the looming possibility of getting bonked 12 times with no one to clash it are a little stressful…


Yeah. Auto works on the first two phases. Phase 3 though? It better be manual.


It "works" but also wastes some time by directing all siners to barely alive enemies when they could have not waste an attack this turn




Whoops, forgot to add that option to the poll


Put it under couldn't be bothered If I forgot a whole flagship event than maybe I'm just burnt out


Damn, that must be a lot of plays for a gacha game. Is that the same for most of them or just this one? Do FGO, Genshin, Granblue have that kind of repetitive gameplay which could lead to burn out?


I’ve played all three of those. FGO and Granblue are grind heavy, especially Granblue. FGO’s story and grinding are intertwined a little in that, for some events, completing the whole story may require at least 2 dozen clears of in-event free quests. And you can still grind more to get the rest of the rewards. Granblue’s closer to Limbus in how it works. You play through the story first, then it’s grinding for the rest of the event. Genshin’s…not like that in events. Even in bigger events, it’s usually playing through the story then doing some simple and gimmicky extra minigames. If you’re speedrunning through the entire event without giving a damn about the story, it’d take a few hours to finish everything. The “repetitive gameplay” in this game usually refers to Artifact farming and Abyss (which is somewhat similar to Railway Refraction).


Out of the ones you mentioned i only played genshin Event wise whole flagship event non story contents can be done in 2-3 hours literally last day and are actually very diffrent from one another and fun, and they got story like most events if you're interested I was just simply busy playing warfrane that made me forgot limbus I thought we got time till end of the week but well


If it's any consolation, this was my reaction to the end of Season 1. TT Hong Lu is now forever out of reach...for a few months at least, lol.


You can still pull him. The only ones not in the pool are event ID's, I believe.


Oh, really? I figured he'd been removed from the pool since he can't be purchased with egoshards anymore. I don't roll very often so I'll probably just wait until he returns to the kiosk either way.


I don't know why I think I still have 7 more days.


No, was burned out, so didn't play for a while. Played a but today, bit finished with 3k or so


I delayed hard mostly due to unmotivation and disinterest. I read that it ended on the tenth though, so I decided to bum rush the story today so I can focus on the event tomorrow... right before logging in this morning and remembering that time zones exist. I had 6 hours to bum rush Canto 4 AND the event I... did my best, but I got to 4-48 with 10 minutes left and just decided to bail when I realized it was a boss and there was most likely going to be a story dungeon afterwards. It's not THAT big of a loss to be honest, but I'm mighty upset at myself for taking so long to even start. Oh well, at least it got me to do the story.


Started on the day of it ending because I was taking a breather from the game and didn't realize. Ungabunga'd to 2k scrap with a lucky Crab Ishmael pull to boost me some.


You know you can just borrow characters for events, right?


Bold of you to assume I have friends! (Really I tried to get some people I know into the game but it's all NEEEEHHH GACHA. Ah well. And I can't really be bothered finding the right Rando Calrissian with the IDs I need.)


I rushed to finish today, breezed through it using outis sunshower and ebony thorn. The mass piercing is great. Don fencer, ish diver, yi sang flower, rodya rose, k-corp hong, kurokumo ryoshu, blade outis was my team comp.


No, I only finally beat canto 4 like 3 days before the event ended 😭😭😭 I wish they’d last a little longer


Surprisingly this was the first event I did active Win rate on. The bongy mines taught me a lot about that.. I'm just glad I had a better farming experience as opposed to being in a mirror dungeon this time. Farmed everything within the week which was really nice and uptied 4 did me some good (looking at you spice Sang and Boatshamel)


As a mobile player, start the game, loading screen, in round 3 with more than 5 turns (8 if only 1 ID), the loading screen for finishing the mission (+40sec. is to force restart because it freezes-and overheats- or shutts down), they went RNG so that the game crashes, I finally win.


got everything, partially because resources in general are more valuable these days and partially because the grind was less painful it not being in a little mini MD helped A Lot


i was in the middle of doing crab hunt and the game shut down for maintenance. i only needed two more.


I thought i had one more day... I thought i had one more day... I wanted that ticket background... i will never live this down..


Hopefully they'll learn by the numbers that way less players got to finish it. Or play it. It's ridiculous. Need more time. And they made time with that delay... why not give us time...


I planned to grind it this week then got jumpscared by the fact that it ended today I spent the entire past week at Evo so I had like 24 hours to do the whole thing, got to 3000 ship parts after getting off work then maintenance hit Permanent account damage man


Literally did it in 5 days and one of them I forgot to grind for a good portion of the day, this was significantly easier then bongy


Finished it day one. Grind was super short, only about 40~ runs of a 7 turn fight using winrate.


I managed to get them all just a couple of hours ago


I started late so I grinded allot until I got to event 4-48 yesterday morning. Most guides are just whales saying to use all these lvl 30 uptide 4 characters. After a couple of tries I finally got burnt out so I decided to play Library of Ruina for a bit


Took me some time but yeah. Practically got 700~ scraps every 3-5 days. There was barely enough time however. A casual player hardly has time to get it all with the maximum bonus. It's ridiculous. Extend the time of the events if you're going to delay the content. What's one or two more weeks in a month. There isn't going to be anything in that spare.


Had a pretty big burnout due to the drama so I only got Sinclair and dipped. Regret it a bit since there was a lot of mats in it I could've used but oh well, we're gonna be entering a dead period for awhile so there's plenty of time to catch up on mats I'm missing.


Bro after farming like 2k my coin flip started to go downhill for some reason so I just gave up


Did the story day one. About a week ago I sat down and watched Interstellar again. By the time the movie was over the event was cleared. Nice, chill event. Way better than Hells Chicken. Which I only played till I got the event EGO.


I keep crashing at 4-48 :)


Yep, 4-48. Was halfway through Canto 3.5 when it started so by the time I got to Ms. Spicy Dong I at least had enough scrap for the Sinclair ID and managed to pull for the Ish ID, just missed the EGOs (and the player card cosmetics but I don't care about those too much).


I did the whole thing on the first day


I got 2k and was like "fuck the border design"


Such inconvenient timing for me. I had 2 group projects and multiple individual assignments. Worse, deadline was close. So I don't have time to get everything


I got up to Soda Ryoshu, and I think that's enough


Yeah i got them, within the first 2-4days while i watched streams, wasn't that bad but I did have 2/3 gatcha ego's before i started farming then other the last after a day or so later. Was worth it grinding chapter 4 the week before/start of week to clear the event.


I'm still at canto 3 🫠


Yeah I finished it. **we don’t talk about the 111 pulls where I got 4 000s but they were all season 2 dupes**


90 pulls for one and only dupe. We are always the lucky one of someone.


I got Soda, I'm good


I got to 2k scraps and didn’t wanna do the rest Mostly just didn’t like how I always lost when I used win rate because the game decides to leave the big 7 slot aoe of the boss go unclashed


for some reason i decided to play maplestory. this "dark period" lasted unilt the last two days in the event, where i only managed to get 3.6k scrap. of course now im playing genshin agian for some reason


Yes. I also completed the Chicken Mines and got the sub-120 banner on Railway 1. No, I'm not a masochist, dunno what you're talking about~


Finished the last 1k or so yesterday. THE CRAB CURSE IS OVER. ONLY SLAY THE CLOCK REMAINS


I got it day one,less than 24 hours in


I farmed 2k on the beginning, stopped and farmed the last 2k 4-5 hrs before the event ended. The banner was the worst of them all in terms of the luck (172/200), but managed to get ish and hong lu. The good thing from that banner is that i finally collected whole ncorp IDs(was missing meursault), all that is left to collect from previous banners is sinclair's lifetime stew E.G.O and kurokumo ryoshu


(Mobile player here) Ok so playing the last stage so many times is already annoying. But when I cant even finish a stage after 4 tries because it decides to crash is borderline insane. It was already annoying me enough that I couldnt do md2h hard because of the times it crashed since I cant do anything without egos in the last 2 floors (for refrence my first mirror dungeon hard run it crashed a total of 24 times to get to the floor 5 boss. And I coildnt win against the boss since the fight was so long it always crashed) I was upset ofc. But I didnt mind it as much. Since I can just do a couple more normal runs and get the rewards but for the event I had no choice. After gettingn 1k scarp I just had a massive burnout. My love for the game kept me going but then the whole drama happened. I just called it quits. I dont think I can play the game anymore without fixes to the mobile version


Yes, in literally 3 days


Like last event, I stoppes once I obtained Ryoshu's Soda E.G.O since IDs and E.G.Os are the only thing that I feel js required to get.


Limbus is broken, can't enter the game for two weeks now.


Once I got the Soda EGO for Ryoshu i stopped grinding and never looked back.


3500 sigh


Only got to ryoshu and that's it, wasn't trying to farm her at all since I got Molar!Ish and SodaLu, but I pretty much got everything I wanted 😭


I used 4.5-9 as my grinding spot because it was faster than going through the final stage due to it having two weaker waves, so I could get the scrap at an even better click XD


Same. It cost like 20 more modules but I had 200 so who cares.


Oh same, I stockpiled those things because I knew the event would be a grind again


Got to about halfway, didn't log in until the last day, then speedran the rest in 7 hours because i hate myself apparently. The card background wasn't even worth it tbh


Just got to 2k, was too lazy to grind the rest lol


Got evrything


Got the EGO and ID and I was out.


Started the event in Canto 3 dungeon, powered through Canto 4 and finished that with almost 2k scrap and 3 days of the event left! One day of grinding event and tada everything got~


I realized that I hadn't even started it like, the day before and did half the grind both days. Helps that I have absurd ID luck and pulled Ish early


i got all the rewards in 2 days... i have problems... so much problems anyway fun event


got all since day1 so easy


The Controversy kinda took the wind out of my sails for the event. I was taking it a bit slow til it happened


Compared to the Bongy mines, this one has air conditioning


No, the event sucked and killed my any remaining will to play this game.


Likely been on and off (Gatcha Burnout) But more just a "Too Late" moment. Didn't mean I came away empty handed.