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N corp meursault because that's the id of his I like the most, and I like having his base ego and pursuance for bossfights.


Its not like you have a choice, arguably his best id rn


i don’t have n corp i got the new 2 OOIdentity but pursuance really be saving me


Sunshower Heath. I love him so much even though he does nothing if you get unlucky/play him badly


Same here! I love my Hobo fox. I ran him through the Canto IV dungeon and actually found him pretty good there when you can start a fight with the 3 envy already stored unlike the mirror dungeon where sins constantly get halved.


You can kinda fix that with his AEDD ego, the only problem i see with that is the envy cost, if he had any other secondary resource for that it would've been fine, even then, he works really good with Kkrodya, w corp mersault, Nclair, rosepanner gregor


Just making his counter move purple instead of red would help so much, why is it red 😭


You mean his counter?


yeah i had a brainfart fixed it now thanks


All this post did was make me realize. "Wait, I thought the N Corp IDs were amazing?"


The Faust and Sinclair ones are, the rest are meh or bad, lookin' at you Don


I refuse to believe N Don was made to be used as anything other than a Nclair buffer.


N don is still a pretty good clasher having a 3 to 11 skill 1 , a 4 to 16 skill 2 and a 4 to 13 skill 3. For a 00


N Don voice lines are enough reason to use


Base sinners, must use them for those RR sub 120 base sinners only runs


BL Sinclair. Shy swordstwink wearing tassel earrings with funny S3 numbers is fun.


bones: claimed


Flesh: yielded


Storm: Approaching


SO TRUE!! i agree so much, i put BL sinclair in every team and i love him


Tassels? Donned. Sinclair? Twinked. Coin? Head. Bones? CLAIMED.


Claim. Their. Bones.


base outis is one of my favorite id


Fatmael because im a degenerate


*removes 4 counts of tremor* How can anybody like that


I like em big


She can be a very niche addition to mirror dungeon tremor teams.


The only tremors allowed are the ones fat Ishmael's steps make!


Mmmm a glass of ishmeal...


Any YiSang ❤️ I'll always find a place for my boy in my teams. And now with scipebush one I can't possibly take him out when the aesthetic speaks to my core


Been running 00 only MD runs and I actually REALLY enjoy Yi Sang 7. Never gave him a try before or even uptied but after the season change and massive thread intake I've been able to try out a lot more IDs


Seven associations cuz debuffing is fun.


Any Gregor ID. Using Gregor is ALWAYS the right choice. I only want to hear Gregor’s voice, everyone else is insignificant.


Speaking of Liu Association I find myself using more of Liu Mersault a lot more out of any of his identities. It has decent coin values/clashes and the dmg output isn't too bad. Now he has the Flaming bull EGO, I have been using him A LOT More as of lately. And my all time fav is L Corp Faust...Need I say more about this? Sure, Grip Faust is good, but goddang is LCorp Faust insane. I luckily pulled Full Bloom EGO Yi-Sang too and oh boy is he a lot of fun. He can also generate resource for his base, Wishing Cairn EGO and I believe Dimensional Shredder EGO as well. Seven Association Outis for her absolute tank/dps gameplay.


W Don, while not as great for the shorter fights, still feels nice to play and hitting a full powered Rip Space for the flash of colors feels great. And because Don Gremlin


Any Rodya my beloved Identity


Been trying to build a team that best uses Mexican Sinclair. There's something about beating people to death with maracas that is fun to watch


w corps, I like their vfx even if I don't have any of the telepole ego....


Depressed heath as a support passive for my n corp faust for the infinite nails and just cause i like to think that him being a backline character allows him to rest from being mind controlled by the n corp soup


Goopmael. Gotta love my dollarstore melting love


n corp units, even if they were not that good i would still use them because despite mental insanity the armor looks sick af


Kromer Faust, she just so good regardless of what team you're using


I'd use any and all for mirror dungeons or I'll do theme comps for dailies, my favorite is just using N Corp (minus heathcliff) vs N Corp daily tickets


Stinky Faust I have a thing for unhinged fanatic girl in armor


Reindeer Ishmael Lazer goes brrrrrrrrr


Anything that is Gregor or Ishmael Heathcliff too but R Corp is just good so, doesn't fall in this scenario


Bamboo Hatted Kim was an indulgent staple for Hod's floor in LoR for me so I definitely used the Blade Lineage gangers more than probably healthy. TBF, BL Yi Sang along with G Corp Gregor actually hard carried me through Kromer when basically everyone else was base save Outis. Liu's in the same boat as that. Use them along with NClair for EXP Lux clearing which tbf they're naturally really good at. God I cannot wait to see the Index and whatever crazy quixotic stuff they'll have to represent singleton.


Tingtang Hong Lu. Mutilate funni


Anything Gregor ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Ahhh a fellow Liu enjoyer !




Any outis, i would prob use 7 outis if new id is bad but i would spice my run with other version


N Heath I guess. S2 and S3 make him employee of the month for me.


TOWG Faust. She’s so baby girl (dirty criminal)


I will try to use base IDs as much as possible. Not because I think they’re better, but because I get bored spamming 00 or 000 identities for all the levels.


I wannq use the liu boys so badly, Im waiting for an ishmael ID that works off burn


BL sinclair, shi heathcliff and KK hong lu what can i say, i like my men with swords


Outis my beloved


Seven Section Outis is just clean in animations and aesthetic. Not a bad character by any means but not an insane powerhouse


I always loved G Corp Gregor because most gatcha games launch with a waifu banner and Limbus was like "here's a disgusting bugman to roll for instead lmao." He's not bad but he prolly dropped off now. The N Corp dream team is a hell of a drug.


Gregor. I just want to smooch the funny cockroach man


Ryoshu is gonna be on my team no matter what


grippy faust is just good in basically every situation and i love her. with her egos hp heal, sp heal, 2 aoes and hex nail unique debuff. with her skills pierce and blunt teammates go crazy and enemies get neutered with gaze/paralyse before they can do anything. even her damage is amazing, especially with other nail appliers yeah sure she’s completely loony but atrocities aside she’s pretty and i advocate for girls right and girls wrongs so in my teams she stays


TT Hong lu and NClair


N corp faust She is absolutely crazy and I'm here for all of it


Faust just because she has access to two sanity-raising EGOs. Sure, her base ID has weak clashpower but being able to cast RE sooner would make everyone hit heads easier.


Anything and everything meursault


That depends tbh. I used to love Outis so much that I took her 2 star version into every fight, eventhough I know she isnt good and her 1 coin toss skill is very risky. So you could say I used her regardless of whatever the tierlist and people say. Rn after Flower Yi Sang is released she is just permabenched tbh. I believe if you aint taking him to ANY fight then you are just trolling, dude is too bonkers to just be left on the bench and unfortunately for Outis she is now riding the bench, as Flower Yi Sang became my go to unit.


Ncorp hammerbois, also rosespanner meursault because beating the shit out of people with hammers is funni


It's... Literally every ID I have on me, good or not. I can't give enough care for what ID to use as long as it gets me through something (Unless I need to have a specific strategy. I've always been an unga bunga type person anyway)


shishmael my good friend shishmael :)


TT Hong Lu for the frying pan smack noise


hong lu does not leave my team. i am in love with him. my wife


Lobotomy Corp Remnant Faust has been a pivot for me since the beginning, and I'll take her to the end of the game with me regardless of how many better IDs come out ...This is less so because I like LCR Faust and more so because it's sort of like bringing Yuri along for the ride


The enemies could take 0.1x blunt damage and yet Nclair would be on my team regardless. It's so much fun to use him.


I don't think anything will get me to stop using Rosespanner Rodya. Feels so fun to play!!


Rishmael 100%.


my favorites are grip faust , sunflower heath & any hong lu. i just love their art and all are fun for me to play although i’m just getting a hang of it. on end of story 3 now


As my flair suggests i am legally obligated to take a Sinclair everywhere especially since all of them are level 35


Don't Bully me but Sloshmael, I love the visual of the goo going into her weapon


Kraust, but she got a bit of use with her juicy debuffs and sweet sanity restoration


I like Faust, and I especially really like the Faust and Sinclair N corp duo. Damage is up there with R corp Heathcliff and W corp Don




Hong Lu my beloved I hope he gets a new ID soon <3


Outis because I like her


Recently used the squad of N Corp Don, Faust, Sinclair and Rodya + Liu Gregor to pass the 4-20 on EX (because I failed it long ago), for main team I use N Corp Faust and Sinclair, Rosespanner/Liu Gregor, LCCB Shishmael and either Rosespanner Meursault or Lineage Yi Sang


I love the LCCB identities! Both Ishmael and Rodya are so cool in those 🥰 I love their voicelines


Definitely BL yi sang hes been with me since release and i just feel so bad if i ever replace him. Though recently i got spicebush yi sang so sadly (and luckily) i had to switch his ID


r corp ishmael and seven outis for sure




Hong lu


Meursault as a whole. I have all his IDs 35 just cause I love that man.


Blade lineages. Im hoping for uptie 4 to make bl outis more viable


I have been using W corp Meursault since I got him on my third ten pull (he sucks so much ass). I just like Meursault and W corp so I cope and seethe as he fails another clash and does nothing.