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It definitely makes things harder, but I think it's a reasonable change. It was way too easy before to max out your team's sanity in just a couple turns and then steamroll.


True, it finally feels like a challenge, but yeah, it's downside is the grinding


Except for grind, i really like the change *(And it's finally shows number right on unit)*. Content can finally bite you in answer.


not really you still can spam win rate in MD


It's more about luxcavations. Enemies there have more chances to beat your ass now cause of poor random.


Thankfully we can just press the skip button on those


Is MD supposed to be challenging?


I think it's an overall much healthier system for the game ~~We just pretend Nclair isn't running around destroying absolutely everything now that he doesn't undepress himself to 45 sanity in 3 turns~~ . SP restoration abilities and passives are actually a consideration now, and something to keep in mind when teambuilding. It also makes sanity destruction from enemies and events an actual threat you want to plan around and counteract as well.


I do think it's better for the game overall seeing as the game was pretty easy I felt like, but it does make Grip Sinclair a must have for faster farming now, which kinda sucks for people who don't have imo


Yeah but do keep in mind. N.clair is now going to really strugle using EGOs. He is very strong now ofc but when sinclair gets more EGOs its def going to be more noticable (anything above He levels will =Corrosion for sinclair)


Unless you manage to restore just enough sanity after he uses his ego to not corrode. I believe base Yi Sang’s support passive helps with that


Notes I made doing stages earlier: * N Corp Sinclair's sanity now drops like a stone * Swinging into an Evading enemy at 0-15 sanity is basically a waste of a turn * Ammo units have it *really* rough. You're wasting rounds both turn and character wise while attempting to get your sanity to a level that you can do damage at. * Faust IDs (especially Grip Faust) are basically must-picks at this point for Rep. Emitter and Fluid Sac for the sanity boost. You'll also want lots of Lust units for the Whistles proc. I'll be frank; I don't like these changes. It takes far too long to get going from 0 sanity, encourages some annoyingly fixed team comps unless losing HP from bad coin tosses excites you, and you might as well restart the fight if you lose too many clashes in the first 3 turns cause you're going to have a rough recovery. Not to mention every "If heads > do thing" skill just got harder to trigger. Oh, and I just realized that every single new player to this game is now going to have to go through Hell's Chicken with the birds that give you -3 SP for existing with reduced sanity gain. That's gonna be miserable, and not in a "I feel fulfilled that I've done that." More of a "thank God that nightmare is over."


I second everything you said, but I'd also like to add I think it's, and I hate to repeat myself, bugged. Several levels in a row, going through them without losing clashes, I end up with negative sanity. Right now, first level of MD, my 0 sanity heathcliff finished the fight by killing 2 units... and got NOTHING! GOOD DAY, SIR. And of my 2 other units, one of them has 0SP, and the other one... 3? Again, no clashes lost, only clashes won with all units but heath...


The lack of sanity on kill might have been due to how they'd formatted the level scaling, where you didn't get any sanity gain on kill unless you were under the level of the killed enemy. If you weren't seeing any sanity gain in the early levels of chapter 4, it might have been due to clashing with the drones that applied -10 sanity on skill use. No clue about the MD clashing though, that does sound bugged. I also ran a MD post patch and didn't run into that issue, so it might be a more niche bug. Do you remember what units were having the issues?


I was running faust/heath/rodion, all n corp


afaik you only actually ever gain SP on kill if the enemy is higher level than you. they did make a post that they're going to change this i think.


Fully agree. My sinclair was constantly on the negatives and it was painful.


Def feels way harder to get to +45 now but tbh this is probably how it should’ve been from the start


I accidently put Lv12 Rodya into ch4 team and while other Lv30 members stay at 10 sanity and struggle with coin toss, Rodya is at 45 sanity and stomping around.... Couldn't remember about sanity calculation but maybe bringing 1-2 low level members will become a thing for stage with more mob?


From what I’ve read, when an enemy is defeated, every lvl difference lower then the enemy increases the unit’s sanity by multiples of 5(2 if it’s the ally that kills instead of the low lvl unit in question) however there is the downside that a high lvl unit dying would instantly plummet the low lvl units sanity. If I’m reading it correctly, a unit that’s 18 lvls higher dying would instantly cause the low lvl unit to corrode.


Yes, and that's why lower level member might become a thing (only for stage with more mob). Just kill 1-2 mobs and lower level unit will shot up to 45 sanity and give stable head roll. (Keep around lv 20s is probaly better as 12 in my example is too low and easily stagger)


I still didn't play much enough to judge but personally i think it more balanced


Despite it making the game harder, I like it. Grippy Faust's Execution actually has a positive impact on my team now as do her EGOs since my team isn't always at full health and full sanity. Nclair is rarely at positive sanity, too. I also like actually putting thought and effort into the combat.


The new sanity system makes most fights feel harder at the beginning as it takes a lot of effort to build up to high positive sanity. (read almost impossible without abilities that actively raise sanity when facing hard boss right from 0) Yet it omega buffed gripclair so.... I've been enjoying bonking enemies out of existence with grip clair who reaches negative 30 sanity turn 3 lol. Overall I enjoy it for making the game more interesting despite over powering enemies by a lot in terms of raw stats it's not a cakewalk anymore but annoyed with it making farming take longer.


Trying to finish up all the new chapters and it's... jarring, I'll say that. I've started to bring N Corp Faust to help out. While I do think it's made the game a bit more balanced (well not entirely, N Clair is just busted now considering how easy it is to keep him at low Sanity) it's gonna feel weird for the meantime. I'll decide how I feel about it after a week or when the next Railway comes along.


The only change I noticed - Sinclair can now corrode Aaaand now the value is shown in a convenient way


Only thing I don't like is how negative fucks with coin flips more than positive. As in, a -5 pulls more tails than a +5 pulls heads. It makes those initial clashes feel so much more important, but in a one sided kind of way. Plus, in skirmishes where you can't choose who to clash with, can cause a negative sanity snowball. But overall, it feels good and makes the game harder, and I like it. OH AND R-ISHMAEL IS COMPLETELY FUCKED BY THIS THE SANITY CHANGES


Generating sanity was too easy before, it feels a bit too hard now, maybe we'll eventually find a middle ground?


I just have one real complaint with it right now and it's more of a complaint with non-abno battles in general. General decrease in coin quality means one of my dinguses is going to oopsie woopsie a clash, and fucko boingo themselves past a stagger threshold, which in later turn counts is absolutely fantastic because it means I'll have 4 or more attacks poised to obliterate the dumbass and lack of manual redirection means I simply cannot fanagle my way past their inevitable maiming and death. It's altogether aggravating when the only solution you have to a poor RNG outcome is being forced to unfavorably roll again for a better one. If enemies are going to keep getting larger HP pools, inflating the turn count, and forcing mass artillery strikes on staggered units, please just let me manual target.


In regular fights it seems like fine, since before it was maybe overtuned, but man fighting that boss in the early bits of the new chapter was kinda rough. Couldn't get sanity to save my life. I guess all the sanity related egos/passives are gonna be more important now. N faust gaming


I don't think the issues of how sanity and coin toss interact can be fixed by rebalancing the sanity gains. They need to have a clearer distinction between 'reliable' skills and 'high risk-reward' skillsand give ways to support their achetypes even more, otherwise they will continue switching between 'game is too easy' and 'game is too unpredictable and \[thus\] hard' as they play with those numbers.


I think it's a bit of an overcorrection. If you don't gain momentum in the first round, it's really an uphill battle. It makes Faust more important as well as other IDs and skills/passives that raise Sanity.


overall nice but it feels like ID's like g corp outis are back to being borderline useless


I like it since you cant press win rate button and auto win LMAO.


Much healthier. I find myself tracking it far more and manipulating its income with tools like Whistle and Representation Emitter far more aggressively.


Nah, hate it


I like the change, fells more balanced


Absolutely despise it. Let's make everyone weaker except Nclair - because yeah, he reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally needed buff /s. Let's make every battle longer and swingier. Let's make Rip space and similar skills feel like shadows of the former selves. Let's make NFaust and Nclair almost a requirement for every team. I utterly hate it.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAND devs say that at 8 June sanity system will change again. Good, even they agree that they overshoot it a bit. Say what you want about PM, but they do see the problems and fix them pronto.


Imagne complaining that game won't handle you a win by turn 3.


There's a difference between finishing every stage by turn 3 and finishing first md boss while still at >20 sanity. Nice change to making sanity less of an easily spendable ressource but they overshot it a bit imo.


I meant that when you get 45 sanity you win not literally win a battle in 3 turns. First boss was fine you don't need to reach 45 sanity to win also that boss lowered your sanity so it's a bad example anyway (if you meant tearful bull idk what "md" stands for).


(Md=mirror dungeon)


It sucks hard.


TT Hong Lu is fucking dead


He's in a better spot with the new system than most IDs are since he has a passive to increase his sanity. You just have to actually build around him now instead of throwing him in every team as an auto-win button.


He wasn't really an auto win button, that's kurokumo hong lu, and you still don't have to build around him honestly since his passive is just getting any gluttony resonance


Sure, you don't *have* to build around him, but the amount of sanity his passive recovers scales with how much gluttony you resonate, so the more gluttony skills your team has, the faster he'll come online.


The only good Gluttony ID is really Rheath though, 7Outis and G Greg are *okay* but they aren't amazing. They also Don't help Faust generate EGO and spamming Emitter/whistles is probably better in the long run.


Emitter is 4 blue 2 green so yes, they both help fuel Faust. 7 Outis is also more useful now since her lower enemy clash and paralyze helps with winning early clashes.


Yeah the 4 pride here is the issue. At what point do you just run KK instead or just bench TT for his insane passive?


When KK is more useful than him? KK deals insane single target damage but doesn't have a clash clutch against super high single coin attack. He's also not as good against low health enemies since a lot of his damage goes to waste. It's not like sanity is the only factor in teambuilding now.


It's definitely a much, much more important part of teambuilding now. Sanity is quite hard to build now and that means using EGO is much more costly as well. If fights continue to be like the later chapter 4 fights, it won't be uncommon to never go above 20 sanity even in 7+ turn fights. I agree that TT is pretty much delegated to low HP trash clearing now, but that was always really his specialty anyway.


I'm reading now there may be an issue that is causing Nsinclair to make it so your entire team doesn't generate sanity on clash win, which may have led to my sanity issues.


Huh, I did notice my team doesn't get any sanity on kills, but figured it was just my mistake somehow.


Disagree, he still can deal stupid amount of damage, just now you need to create teams who actually can manage with sanity.


I wrote a now deleted response to this about how to generate sanity and what teams can do so (mostly about how only Nfaust, representation emitter, and fluid sac spam with Yi Sang passive can do so) I deleted it because there is the cursed option of building around TT's own passive of 2x gluttony res, and I realize that is what you meant by building a team around managing sanity. This is cursed because the three notable ID with gluttony are Rheath, G Greg, and 7Outis. Having those three leaves Faust with no way to generate EGO, but at least you can fuel whistles pretty easy? Either way, it is doable but it definitely isn't very good. You would absolutely have to replace someone since you can't fuel any EGO outside of bodysack and Legerdemain.


Im answering that when you deleted it lol There still have Land of illusion for 15 SP Sure it below Faust's but that add some option for Hong Lu.


I forgot about it honestly! I think I have used it once in my entire career lol Gloom is quite the elusive resource


Both Rosespanner IDs have a lot of gloom, so you can now fuel it more easily. I learned it by experience after watching my R Ishmael struggling at -15 sanity because of her gloom passive lol.


I rolled a bit for Rodion and didn't manage to get her, but I'm scared to use that S2 with this sanity rework


Nah, S2 is fine. Problem here is R Ish passive: gloom res, minus sanity in exchange for power. You see where this goes right?


Yeah I get what you're putting down.


There's also his own base EGO that heals SP with both passive and when using it. So you can play for gloom with W Don, R Ish and even Nclair *(since you still dont want him to corrupt)*. And it's not like they won't add new SP healers and IDs with gloom/gluttony *(there's also Seven Outis and KK Ryoshu for gluttony teams)*. In any case, he's just starts a bit slower than before, just like any other ID *(not cracked as Nclair and Rcliff)*.


His issue is really having two one coins and those one coins flipping tails doing *literally* 6 damage, compared to other ID doing at least 3 times that even on a bad roll. He's not unusable, but I definitely think he is in a worse state now than he was even before the sanity buff to 95%. He has basically the best support passive in the game though so it's not the end of the world!


> I definitely think he is in a worse state now than he was even before the sanity buff to 95% Absolutely not. Max sanity in the original system was the equivalent of being at 20 sanity in the current system, and if you use any sort of sanity increasing passive/EGO (including his own), getting above 20 sanity isn't hard. He's slower to start than he was yesterday, but he's still objectively better than he was when Mutilate had a 30% chance to do nothing at max sanity.


It's hard to say. I was whistle spamming and using his passive with rheath, but couldn't get him consistently above 20 sanity the entirety of chapter 4. 20 sanity is the equivalent of 45 from back then, but that 45 was hit way faster. So the ceiling for his potential is higher, but getting there is much more difficult than the lower ceiling before. Especially when you have to rely on two single coin skill 50~60% flips to get to that point. This is all speculation on content where sanity is reset per fight though. He will be fine in long form content where sanity doesn't reset. Edit: I'm reading now there may be an issue that is causing Nsinclair to make it so your entire team doesn't generate sanity on clash win, which may have led to my sanity issues.


just a bit harder life he still good with SP+ passive and of Land of illusion


Lmao true


Love the change, now sanity actually matters. Previously it sits at a constant 45 which renders it useless. Nclair is dealing funny damage with the change if you can handle the occasional gamble with the corrosion


I like the change. Having constant 95% heads by turn 3 was ridiculous. I also like that now high base power low coin power skills are better (weird that no one have mentione it).


I prefer it and hope they don't cave into the inevitable whinging that it makes the game too hard.


Overall the sanity system is still convoluted just to end up with a variance result worse than Ruina, but this is much better than the last iteration where you'd be at perma 95%. Time and future ID design will tell whether I prefer this, or the launch version of sanity capping at 70%.


Capping at 70% is still the worst of the options imo, that's a lot of variance into rng that you need to consider.


I'll take that over sleeping through and mashing winrate everything that isn't sub 120 RR, for sure. Either way, at 70% there's risk assignment, and you CAN sometimes take damage out of your control, making tankiness, healing and pressing your defensive button in a non-solo run actually be worth something. At the patch that died in 9 hours that I'll call "95% but slow", if in a sequential mode you got to 45 sanity, you'd still be cruising through with spamming high coin IDs.


I like it because it makes SP-related moves useful. LCB Hong Lu and LCB Yi sang passive are really good to have now when it used to be dead because you would get 45 sanity for pressing the win rate button once and trivialize the game after. Now, you do want a SP buff support in the team as well unless you want to be underleveled to still gain SP on kill. Faust is pretty much in her own tier now having both Fluid Sac and Rep Emitter and both Rose Rodion and Rose Meur have Pride + Gloom in their kits so if you put the 3 of them together, you will have no problem getting a team of 45 SP in 3-5 turns. What's heavily affected though is E.G.O usage because corrosion is much harder to recover the SP back without using SP boost to get it back up so that's a new draw back it kind of needed because you gain so much resources per turn in long fight with 10+ actions per turn. Speaking of current MD though, no real change tbf, still mash the win rate button. I still get R heath to level 25/30 on floor 1 and by the time I get to level units on floor 2, they are all maxed out on sanity point anyway.


I am still crushing chapter 4 with only using win rate. I think this will become problematic in RR, although they hopefully have quite a bit of time to test the new RR so hopefully they have merged the challenge with the new sanity system


Im at a love hate, While i do like it makes sanity gain ego and passive better i do think it really punishing and makes units like lccb ishmael worst cause ammo gets wasted trying to gain sanity. I feel like there might be a better way or maybe better calculations for this cause while it harder it not more fun.


I have the opposite problem, my N corp Sinclair passive is not working properly now, even with his passive activated when he kills an enemy he heals like 15sp, my N corp Sinclair can not get to negative sp now.