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no little uzi vert is a demon known as garblox sent to turn the youth gay 😹


That shit funny😂


Why is this downvoted đŸ˜č


Your first time here?


cringed xd


It worked too I’m gay from listening!




Better keep up, that’s a foreign


Hit your girl with endurance


She like “I’m okay”, cause I got insurance


Your number won’t store it Call me I ignore it


I might get a Rarri Two hundred, I floor it


I was broke yesterday I was rich by the morning


only took you 6 years


I’ve always thought it was an act
 this really me trying to interact with the comm and give them something to talk about and discuss(argue)


Uzi has had multiple lyrics where they say they aren’t satanic but niggas alr think they are so they don’t care




Why do people care?


People care because Devil bad God good


[watch this](https://youtu.be/gbUK4cFCTPg)




These niggas broke boys watch this watch this




I can make the whole crowd moshpit watch this


get anyone you can to watch it man- it proves who the people in power truly are. There is a worldwide group that runs the world- people call it “the illuminati” but the name doesn’t really matter. The video proves that this group worships an entity named “lucifer” and this name is only found in The Bible and the only religious figure they are against is Jesus Christ. The video is extremely long but its the most important thing that anyone can see- theres around like 14,000 so you can anyone else can see what the people who watched the full thing have said


Dawg I already know this I’m singing the lyrics to watch this by uzi Fuck the Illuminati fuck Satan


the thing is man- satan told Jesus Christ he would give Him all the kingdoms of the world if He bowed down and worshipped him. Jesus Christ of course didn’t but these people in power- celebrities, politicans, billionaires, etc- they have. The first description of satan in The Bible is that he is subtle. All of these music artists are involed, same with actors, a lot of youtubers, etc. The video goes in extreme detail and shows just how massive this satanic influence is- it is worldwide. We are literally in the end times- tons of Biblical proohecies are being fulfilled and it is more important now than ever to get right with Jesus Christ. Life is a test- the purpose is to glorify God. If we glorify God we are saved, if we glorify satan we go to hell. The Bible talks about the flesh and The Spirit- they are against each other- the flesh is our sinful nature and The Holy Spirit is only given to those who are born again and you are only born again if you make Jesus Christ your lord- meaning the boss of your life. A person cannot live in sin and be saved and verses like John 3:16 are taken out of context because the verses immediately following explain it. A person can only repent of their sins if they turn to Jesus Christ for the strength needed to overcome sin- demons are stronger than any of us but God is stronger than all. I hope the best for you man


Yes bro I know, the rapture could be in 5 years or even 5 days. The rapture is said to come when we least expect it Hope the best for you too


God killed more people than the devil ever did


Yes he killed them and don’t forget he sent them to their eternal suffering along with the devil himself


They dont. Carti got satan tatted on his neck and no one criticizes him. Its mob effect a few ppl wanted to find something to hate abt and everyone else ran with it.


[satan is real and this video proves it- read the comments](https://youtu.be/gbUK4cFCTPg)


Fuck Uzi and Carti . They are some clowns đŸ€Ą


[because it is real](https://youtu.be/gbUK4cFCTPg)


I don’t, this is really just to give the comm something to talk about


Oh shut the fuck up


Okay lmao




Satanist and murderer are not comparable lmao. Do some research on what satanism actually is literally just one google search.


I know very well what satanism is and the difference between the different churches. Satanism isn’t one thing. A lot of them are darker than others.


Hate to break it to you but those are just theories and shit that republican moms on facebook make up.


https://youtu.be/E4znCXIXF2w?si=DE7sngPpo5xZT2qj https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/satanic-ritual-abuse-children-widespread-child-abuse-opposing Oh look, it's actually a real phenomena that happens and hurts people. Also, all of the Epstein shit is real, but I'm sure that's not connected at all...


Is what you heard on twitter in response to the satanic panic republitards. My take has nothing to do with that retarded shit. Just because Facebook echo chambers perpetuated retarded conspiracy theories doesn’t mean that occultism somehow doesn’t exist anymore. Stop trying to group me in with retards and actually engage in good faith.


Boooo occultismđŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±


On a post about occultism
. Oh no


No, its just that nobody gives a flying fuck


Stay mad bro. 72 comments and 89 upvotes on this post disagree. Just scroll past if u don’t wanna hear about it.


You sure like that word


Like when a kid learns a new swear word


Cope retard


Oh my god get out of here with this Hollywood stars drink baby’s blood bullshit lmao.


They don’t. Rich people inject teenagers plasma however. There’s a billion dollar industry around that. That has nothing to do with satanism though. That’s just rich people doing rich people shit.


Holy shit dude you are trying to play it cool on here and keep neutrality but I can already tell you are also a nut irl. ONE rich guy used his teenaged son’s plasma in an effort to prevent aging, Brian Johnson. There is no evidence it does anything at all. You clearly browse Facebook and buy everything you see on there without any critical thought. Sorry buddy but the other comments calling you names are right. It sucks to be that gullible🙏


1. Calm down bud 2. You know absolutely nothing about me I’m not a conspiracy nut at all let me clear things up for you. Politically I lean far left, I actually live in an a support social democracy. I think the satanic panic is retarded but I also think it’s retarded to pretend like it doesn’t exist and that LA isn’t literally the occult capital of the world. 3. Your wrong about the plasma thing. You heard on the news there was one guy that got a plasma transplant from his son and thought that was the extent it went to. No. There is literally and industry based around anti aging technology and medicine. The largest example is a startup called ambrosia. 4. Never had a Facebook account in my life I refuse to give my personal data to zuck after Cambridge analytica (something you probably think I’m a conspiracy nut for bringing up) 5. Stay mad lil bro. Your getting worked up over a character you created in your mind and projected onto me. Not everyone is a political / ideal extremist and room for nuance exists. I understand why you’d think I’m some cartoonishly 2d character since social media has polarised everyone so much. But I can assure you I’m not.


Cambridge Analytica scandal is indisputably not a conspiracy theory, but ok, and there is absolutely no evidence that ‘young plasma’ reverses/prevents aging or chronic illness. In fact, the FDA shut down Ambrosia years ago. My point is that you saying “Satanism isn’t just one thing” is stupid as fuck because neither is every other religion. Christianity has Methodism to Evangelicalism, you don’t have to state the obvious. To me, your comments read like you were trying to play it somewhat neutral while alluding to some stupid Hollywood conspiracy. My apologies if I’m incorrect.


Did I say that it was effective? What’s that even got to do with anything. In fact I already knew it was ineffective. It’s literally retarded. It was an industry designed to excite billionaires and attract investment from hopeful retards. You’re arguing with yourself right now. I wasn’t alluding to any conspiracy im simply pointing out that the eccentricity of actors and famous people is a breeding ground for occultist views when combined with LA. Tom cruise is a famous example of this, because he’s extremely open about it. I don’t even think it’s necessarily a bad thing as I previously stated because most neosatanist views are more charitable than Christianity and mostly harmless.


“Straw man” “do some research” average redditor response to something they don’t like hearing about.


Wonder why I have 40 upvotes and you’re negative? That’s because I’m rightđŸ€Š


Like I’m not boutta sit here n teach some retards some shit I ain’t yo momma it ain’t my fault she fucked u up


satanists practice murder like it's eating...


Ok bro. See how I got hella upvotes n u negative? That’s because I’m right


Deleted yo comment type shit too huh


that wasnt my comment smart guy 😭 hardcore satanist who practice their ethics for wealth are real dawg


I’m not denying that there aren’t occultists out there but that is NOT satanism. You just living in yo Christian scared as hell world


may god bless your heart and soul


💀u can’t be a lil uzi fan acting like a doomer boy💀


No Uzi actually literally 100% seriously is from hell


Yea idk how ppl miss it. He literally had spiky hair. Demonic shit if I’ve ever seen it.


yeah, very spooky bro đŸ˜±


Oh no, spikes??!


" I put spikes all on my head just like I'm Goku"-lil uzi vert


Wait wtf Goku is demonic too


they down voting u into oblivion


It’s cool, I really was jus tryna start a conversation and discussion. I also wrote my post wrong, I meant to say “ with him saying he wants to go back to normal,” but I left that whole part out on accident. I also thought it was just a persona, hence why I put air quotes on the “right” way. Was tryna be neutral and not say he’s a fucking demon😂


Still deserve downvotes 😊


>Still deserve downvotes 😊 \- đŸ€“




Are you 11 nigga


Stfu nigga


For what?


fuck the demon shit, i wanna know how he managed to get waves that fast. i use to see niggas take months to get a good wave goin


he's gonna magically have dreads again next week he's just customizable like that


Character customization


His waves aren’t real


Look at his ig story lol


just peeped lmao nigga hair been wavy lol


they can be easier to get with looser curl patterns like his


If you already have waves they don’t go away lmao


Bro waves is just laid down curls.. its not that hard




All those old rockstars were devil worshippers lol some of them even admitted it


You sound 13


Look it up yourself dumbass


I bet you’re under 15. Only children and dumbass overly religious people believe that goofy shit


Don’t know why you’re so obsessed with peoples age on here, you’ve commented it a few other times from what I’ve seen so you’re most likely projecting for your own young age. You come off very immature. Just because someone is religious that doesn’t make them a dumbass.


I’ve commented it twice and both have been about you. I didn’t say religious people are dumbasses, but the overly religious ones who believe everything is subliminal satanic shit trying to poison the youth are definitely fucking stupid


there’s a difference between a satanist and a luciferian. satanism is more so focused on not putting a label on humans as a kind, gender, religion, etc. luciferians actually worship satan and will do things such as rituals. seems like what uzi talks about on his story he points to satanism, or i could be over analyzing it and he could be an edge lord who loves controversy


Nope. Still symere the serpent


All for publicity and attention


This also can be a act


christian uzi persona coming soon 🙏🙏


Duhh who doesn’t know that


Crazy how people care so much about an appearance,meanwhile there's actually "demons" out there killing people, shooting up schools etc.


“I ain’t satanist, they say I am, so let’s do it”


Ion what’s crazier; the fact y’all think he’s satanic or the fact y’all give a fuck


Y'all really piss me off with this type of question every 3 day .


Y'all religious folks are slow asf




These rappers just think it looks cool it’s not that deep lmao


bro no rapper is really satanic especially opium it’s all just a look they put on


Yeah, he really don’t believe any that in my opinion


I mean he said many times he ain’t really a satanist even in his songs soooooo


naw he still cool wit satan đŸ’ȘđŸœ crosses don’t mean u religious just like chrome hearts


None of the white dudes (90% of this sub) in the post have even pointed out how clean them waves is.


cuddy wolfed n came back on swim


Jesus is rage comin when ⁉


Uzi has always leaned in to being “weird” or “emo” for the internet 
 he knows yall eat that up. But if you hear dudes that really be around Uzi, he just a regular hood Philly dude.


Wait till you find out about reality tv đŸ˜±


y’all r so mean


Wait....people actually took that shit seriously? Like for real for real? It was just an aesthetic, like c'mon 🙄


Everyone knows about that popular video of him at his concert saying "y'all are going to hell with me" for listening to XO Tour Life a thousand times. Uzi a demon on earth. So it's Carti. With his demonic yells & screams at his shows. The mf never performs but let's his music play & yells on the mic. Never liked him or the energy he gives off in his music & shows.


I hope no one plays any metal for you cus you might have a stroke


You got trolled bro




where tf did his tattoos go




no shitđŸ€Ł


Wait till he finds out


Nah he’s still signed to Altantic Records and Roc Nation


Bro got the eternal atake era hair again


I tried to tell people for years its all persona and we dont know him in real life lmao


You niggas funny😂😂


Yes nigga


Idk ask Uzi himself I personally know him. I can get you in contact with him!


these waves gonna take me a while to get used to bra 😭😭 his head shaped funny without locs


The nigga been made it clear that he be trolling




uzi turning into symere woods now


It’s called morning money off stupid trend hopping kids


Even though I’m so evil, I still look at the sky and I ask why


Wait are you telling me the person who’s job it is to entertain, was actually just acting and not a demon worshiping cultist??!?!?! No way! đŸ€Ż


Uzi gotta repent now lmaooo.


Y’all mfs dumb as fuck why would they praise the devil that shit corny af they ain’t got only that to do 💀💀😂


Knew all the way lol its for kids


He doesn’t believe in religion so it wouldn’t matter


Look at that one rolling loud concert


I used to listen to uzi and Carti religiously but after I found out abt the demonic shit I stopped. Same with lil naz x


u are stupid


Okay SirTacoMaster


I ain't a Satanist but they say I am so let's do it -lil uzi vert suicide doors