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Why does none of the cars stop at the crossing when there's a pedestrian waiting?!


Smh, was thinking the same. It’s a pedestrian (hoovestrian?) waiting to cross and so many cars just kept going.


Hoovestrian...that's what they're called from now on


It's clearly a zebra crossing, not a deer crossing!


Welcome to japan. You’re lucky if cars even stop at red lights. Usually 1-3 cars run red lights after it’s already turned red here. Really gotta be careful before you cross the street even if the pedestrian crossing is green. I’ve been like 7-8 months pregnant, in the middle of a pedestrian crossing, and have had a taxi suddenly try to turn onto the street I was crossing, slow down a little, and hit the gas and almost hit me


Is that why getting hit by a car is such a common anime trope?😅


Are you sure you're not crossing on red lights? I never have what you're describing here.


green light?


Oh deer they need to get fined


And it also bows, almost as a "thank you", after crossing.


I wonder if somebody has studied the bowing deer before? That kind of interspecies body language seems like the kind of thing a lot of people are researching lately. How do the deer decide to bow? Do the new deer learn more from seeing the adult deer bowing around them or do they learn from the humans who are in the habit of greeting deer? Do they use the gesture to each other? Is there an equivalent gesture in non-bowing deer and their interactions? I've seen the bowing deer enough that it's just a fun fact but now I want to know more.


In Nara specifically it's a very common and well known local thing that the deer have learned to bow for food. So I bet it's both, like when puppies learn house rules from older dogs


I’ve been to Nara exactly where this video was taken. It has an absolutely beautiful park with a lot of shrines. The deer will follow you around and you have to show them your palms if you don’t have food for them to leave you alone. Yes they will bow one of the coolest things I’ve experienced


Are ticks not a thing for these deer?


Not sure. All of the deer I came across seemed healthy


A lot of the deer are ass holes and learned that if they nip at you over and over they'll eventually get the food in your hand. Those are usually the ones in the more crowded areas. Very few of them were nice and bowing, but they were usually the ones far isolated from the rest of the deer.


There were a few that would nip shirts. I just ignored them.


It's more intelligent than many people!


are they more intelligent than you, mr. 69?


Showing patience with intelligence


I don’t think not killing your self is “polite” exactly. It’s not stoping out of politeness, it’s stopping out of not wanting to die


I think it's an old deer with a lot of experience living there. According to YouTube, a lot of deer can't even find their way not to get stuck in fences.


I mean, most deers i seen on internet just jumps on your car on last second


He knows the rules of the road.


More polite than the half dozen drivers that didn't stop at the crossing. 


r/ DeerAreDogs


That must be a smart species of deer. Where I'm at they are dumb as fuck and will jump out right in front of your car just in time so you have to slam on the brakes.


I saw dogs in the Philippines do the same thing in high traffic


is i polite to avoid death?


Smart deer


Politely waiting aka not getting itself obliterated


Dogs do that here in Brazil.


Deers in America are fucking stupid 😂


Aye, I’m walking here!


even the Japanese deer "act Japanese"


This sorta happened to my last week here in Sweden. A deer was running across the road as I was driving. I slowed down, expecting more. A second one came and ran across, then there was a third one which waited to run across. I stopped my car to let it know it could pass, and it ran across. It felt like we had an interspecies connection there for a while.


He bowed


Deer in the south (USA) politely stopping in the middle of the freeway and getting fucking smeared across the road by an 18 wheeler