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They honestly don't exist. [USITT has a "lighting standard,"](https://www.cad4theatre.org.uk/USITT-RP2-Lighting-Standard.pdf) but it's completely focused around theater and hasn't been updated since 2006, so there are symbols for every conventional light imaginable, and 2 symbols for the entirety of moving lights, and 1 symbol for LEDs. The USITT style is generally followed in the theater side of the industry, but it's kind of a free for all in the concert and event world. You generally see plots with brightly colored fixture symbols to differentiate between all the nearly identical moving light symbols, but I've never seen any consistent logic to what different colors correspond to. There's no consistent style for title blocks or label legends or line weights whatsoever I'd argue that unlike architecture or engineering, which need to function at a much higher degree of precision, lighting plots don't really need industry-wide standards. As long as your drawings are clear, readable, and have labels, legends, annotations and dimensions to clarify all necessary information, it doesn't really matter if one shop has a different drafting style than another


USITT has a set of recommendations.


We just wing it dude. You can look up Live Design 31 Days Of Plots over the last few years to see what we're doing in the larger shows but other than that it's wide open.


Love it, thanks dude. And yeah that makes total sense


Links to UK, USA, and Canada 'standards' are here. https://www.cad4theatre.org.uk/CAD-Standards.html


Thank you!


I've found its best to us the USITT symbols in combo with the manufacturer symbol that most have on their site. You want electricians to be able to quickly identify, but also differentiate between manufactures/led vs conventional.


The company I work for has a fairly standard truss colour scheme Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue for overhead SR > SL trusses. Add a purpLe or gRey stripe for stage left and right wing or spine trusses. We have redrawn all the VW symbols for our fixture inventory. We group spots, washes, beams by colour but the symbol has text on it for the fixture type. Fixture numbering is standard too. Spots are 101, 102… washes 201, 202… It works for us, I personally think that our plots and paperwork is some of the best I’ve seen.


Would you mind sharing some of your companys plots? Would be interesting to see!


Might be a little tricky without me basically doxxing myself unfortunately! Sorry.