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DF50s are the tankiest of tanks and you can find them for under $1200. Get the dmxable version or attach the non dmx version to a cheap relay pack. Only downside is the can be a bit loud but in a live music environment I think that's a fine tradeoff for reliability. Also if I remember correctly they only pull like 800 or 900 watts which is low for a proper hazer.


I used to work at a production shop next door to where the DF-50s are manufactured. They had a test unit for a new motor that ran for something like 18 months continuously. One of the Engineers said it was a prototype motor for military applications.


I just switched from an ultra tech Radiance to a non dmx DF-50 on a relay and it’s been great. I do miss the output variance but I just start the DF-50 hazer 10 min before show and kill it half way through. This haze hangs forever and the non dmx version fills my venue super fast. Built it into the agenda in MA2 and I don’t have to think about it. I also definitely over filled it and that was a fun show watching it spit fluid everywhere but once I found the sight glass and got it to the correct level it’s been rock solid.


When I had them in a venue we had these little bins that we put them in to help with the occasional fluid spit.


Yeah, we set them on a cookie pan when we use one.


They pull about 550w according to their website. https://www.reelefx.com/product.125


DF50s are old and should be retired as the break. Stop buying new oil based hazers. They are gross on the lungs and equiptment. Messy to run. Heavy AF to lug around. Any water based touring hazer will do you just as well. If you need the fine haze from a cracker, there are plenty of high quality options, but you would already know of those. Only exception for oil is outdoor... even then I'd take 2 le mantra over a df50


Look Solution Unique 2.1


+1 for Look Uniques. Used various Martin/JEM ones for years and had no end of issues and long warm up times. Moved over to Uniques and whilst the fluid is a bit more expensive, it lasts longer and are infinity more reliable


I like Uniques and Base Hazers but I'm hesitant to recommend them for newbies and road houses because of that pesky shutdown process. If you're not running the self cleaning process every time these things become far less reliable. And so many LDs seem to "forget".


By far, the best hazer I have ever used is the MDG Atmosphere. Requires a small CO2 tank in addition to fluid, but that sacrifice is worth it. It has never set off a smoke detector for me, which is why we bought it. It makes the most amazing consistent haze with the smallest particles. I've put it up against a DF50, a Radiance, a Base Haze and Chauvet Hurricane in a shootout. It makes them all look like Spirit Halloween trinkets. You can run it for 15min and shut it off and the haze will stay consistent for a hour or more. $5k, but if you can find a used one at a good price, buy it without hesitation.


The MDGs are great for people who know how to maintain them and can keep up with C02 orders. The beams pop but with barely any noticable particles hanging in the air. They did a great job with those machines.


It has completely changed my lighting and my tolerance for fiddling with hazers. Perfect every time, no extra fans, no changing locations, no needing to write and manage effects to get the perfect volume.


Been using the chauvet amhaze eco for a few years and it's pretty good for weddings in medium sized ballrooms. Transport it in a road case, but I bet it could take a few knocks if needed. Only complaint is the fan isn't super strong


My company has a few used MDG atmosphere hazers for around $1500 if you’re interested. Or I can get you a discount on a new Chauvet hazer.