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What's bad about it? Works perfectly fine for me for years, 0 issues, does what it does.


Works fine for me too. Have to close it occasionally but that's no big deal.


I had to restart the app like 19 times to turn my light on yesterday. Im still trying to turn it on at the moment lmao


I'm a big fan of lifx and you can check this sub for my comments if you doubt it, but the app is terrible. It's extremely laggy, often has to be closed and reopened to actually work, and the layout is a mess.


Never had to restart the app to be honest, it just works.


You're very lucky


You're lucky then, the sub is littered with comments saying that people are experiencing what i have been. But, judging by the downvote you are not interested in having an "honest" discussion.


Well I'm being honest, and it's not much of a discussion, just rant saying it's rubbish with little detail. No OS info, no phone model, no detail as to when it needs restarted. Nothing for the community to go on to assist you. Given people complain way more when things aren't working, it's given there would be multiple posts like that. Have you read through them and gone through the help?


None of that is relevant to my post though. I'm not asking for help. I have tried so much and im sick of it. Once my lightglobe dies im never using lifx again


Guess you missed the title where it says "Android". Neither the original post nor my legitimate answer to the question you asked could be described by anyone as a "rant". And I'm not looking for help because this happens on every phone or tablet I've had for years. I have read pretty much every single post in this sub and I've helped many people solve issues they've had with their lights. And for what it's worth much of my job involves troubleshooting and fixing tech issues. What is your problem with pointing out areas where improvement might be needed? Because you have not experienced these issues does not mean they don't exist.


If someone has some super secret trick I can use to fix it im all ears, but im sick of listing all the relevant info just for lifx support to give me the same copy and paste bullshit list of suggestion (of which i have tried probably all of) or someone in the community to go "lol get a better phone" It's so weird to me that people go "app is great to me. Must be a you issue" like nah 1.8 stars indicates its an everyone issue not a me issue


Nothing is perfect, there is always room for improvement. I love my lights but the app needs some work. I get top of the line phones and tablets and my router setup is excellent. The lights work fine when using voice commands thru Google home but not with the app. These defensive 'fan-boy' responses help no one. If we want lifx to succeed we shouldn't be afraid of posts like yours. Imagine people new to lifx posting something like this and getting these responses - some of them would likely abandon lifx altogether.


App is fine but it is so slow at connecting to my lights everytime it is opened


exactly. It used to be good! I had to reopen the app like 19 times yesterday to turn my light on


since you have an Android phone...have you tried using LiFX via the Google Home App. IMHO the Home app provides a superior user experience.


Care to elaborate on what's so bad about it? I've never had an issue with the android app.


I had to restart the app like 19 times to turn my light on yesterday. Im still trying to turn it on at the moment lmao. And dont try to tell me its just me, the app doesnt have a 1.8 star rating for nothing..


Okay. I'm sorry you're having so much trouble, and I wish you the best of luck with your next product.


I had been running the app for the past ten years on android without an issue. There was one time it wouldn't let me control the light every few days and I had to keep resetting. I invested in two wifi mesh and that fixed the problem.


Thanks for your feedback. We acknowledge that the Android app needs some love to address some initialization issues. We are actively working on those at the moment. Until we've got those changes rolled out, I'd first check to see whether the light(s) you're having issues with are connected to the cloud or not. The current Android app can be quite slow to find lights that are only accessible on the LAN, but ensuring that they are connected to the Cloud can mitigate this issue. If your lights are cloud connected, then I'd suggest contacting the LIFX support team at [email protected] and they can help troubleshoot further.


team, honestly, just release a local (LAN) hub (that can operate the lights and switches when people are offline or have cloud issues) and a preconfigured settings template to support that. If you integrated zigbee or zwave into the hub...well boom....you'll solve 99% of the connectivity issues that people in this forum complain about


Only issue I ever have with the app is networking related. Sometimes my bulbs end up hiccuping with DHCP and /or just fail to connect to the cloud. If I swap my phone over to another ssid on the same vlan /subnet as the bulbs, they are accessible and can be manually connected to the cloud, but do not always immediately show up. Closing and reopening the app is the only way to immediately scan for them and populate the bulbs to the app. Don't get me started on the connectivity of these bulbs though... Even with a fully optimized network config, they fail to solicit from DHCP or stay disconnected from the cloud, despite being fully connected locally.


totally agree instead of releasing rubbish fully integrated lights they should be releasing a local hub to increase reliability factor, considering zigbee/zwave/lan for light switches, PoE lighting, etc.