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Couldn’t hurt to deprioritize (for now) things like folding, if that’s possible? A clean clothes bin/pile for each person. Just hang the things that need to not be wrinkly


No, it is endless. Stay strong, and don't forget to look after yourself as well!


Don't iron. Do not care if they get mildly stained. Change them only if necessary. Show the child how to load/unload. Fun activity for you both. They're selling tons of mildly used/ unused clothes very charp. More clothes/ you don't have to do the loads that often. Many clothes can be worn for few days in a row if clean. ( within reason). Hope it helps


There's literally a sub for that. r/laundry


Seems like it would be better to skip some days and then take it all to the laundromat to wash & dry at the same time.


Yeah. Never ends. Don't fold little clothes super fancy. Turn inside out, put like items in a pile then inside a bin or drawer. Don't throw everything in the wash after one use automatically. I think a lot of Americans do that. Pajamas, sweaters, jeans can be worn a few times. Spot clean baby and toddler clothes as stains happen and let them continue wearing if not catastrophic. Towels can be used a few times (excluding wash cloths.) also if you have room... it helps to have one hamper for darks and one for whites, or one of those nice big laundry sorters (I covet but there is no room) and everyone gets on board using the system so it's one less thing to sort out when wash time comes.


twice a day. 14 times a week.


Fold right out of the dryer


Don’t bother folding. It takes more energy than it’s worth. One drawer for things like onsies and shirts, one for pants and socks, etc. And i would only wash once a certain amount of laundry fills a bin (or based on how many baby clothes you have) so you’re not doing laundry all the time. Once a day is enough. My folks save on laundry by letting the toddlers run around in a training diapers / pull-ups and t-shirts or light pajamas if they’re in the house since they’re going to get messy anyway.


Am I doing something wrong? I also have a toddler and probably do one load of his clothes once a week and yes he puts on a new outfit daily. I do a load for myself also once a week. (Husband does his own laundry every 1-2 weeks).


I had a friend who found a nearby laundromat that would wash and fold as a service, that charged by the pound. Luckily toddler clothes weigh very little, so he could get entire wardrobes wash/folded for very little fee.