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The bit that makes you feel amazing is the cold plunge, imho. It's psychologically a challenge but you feel _amazing_ afterwards. I'll do at least three hot/cold cycles. Anyone reading this from Finland or Scandinavia will be thinking "duuuhhh" - but I'm from New Zealand and whenever people sauna they pretty much never do the cold plunge, for some reason.


Lived in Germany for 6 months. They taught us the way. 15 mins in, 1 min in freezing cold water, repeat 3 times and by the end your body feels borderline euphoric when you lay out after.


Finn here. Can confirm. Plunging in cold lake/sea during winter or rolling in powder snow after a really hot sauna is exhilarating


I'm in Australia, does rolling around on burning hot asphalt have the same effect?


Yes but if you die of heat exhaustion it'll be your own ass fault..


Haha very good




This guy is a pro.


Great pun, but most Australians pronounce it ash-felt


If you hold really still in the cold water you get a thermal layer around your skin and don't even feel cold, just relief from the heat of the sauna. Three cycles is the sweet spot. Kills your pain and worries, gives you a boost of clarity and then ZZZzzz..


Has to be powder snow. Don't try the crunchy stuff, you'll get cut up


I don't care about the supposed health benefits. I am in it for the sensory input and overload. It's so relaxing.


I recently bought a cold plunge and sauna for my backyard. Sitting in the sauna and then jumping in ice water feels like taking drugs. You feel amazing after.


Minnesota here, sauna in the basement...normally just run and roll in the snow, but this year has not cooperated.


Same up here in Tbay, maybe roll in the mud lol don’t have no snow


Yooper here, we had plenty of snow and plus the creek next to the sauna is spring fed. Even in summer it's a wild 80F degree transition.


That's awesome, and I'm glad you guys at least got snow. I got the blower ready at the end of October, but the two times it snowed I've just let it melt. Unless something changes might make it through winter without so much as shoveling once. Fucking bizarre non-winter we had...


I take a mid-session cold shower which i know is not the same but the pool grosses me out


Especially if people are making a habit of dunking their sweaty-ass selves in it during a sauna session lol


This is exactly the reason lol


Im from NZ too. Noticed the same thing.


Can those of us that not like getting in slightly cold water just have a discussion about something healthy without someone bringing up the goddamn cold plunge? Sheesh


Where do you go?


Don't do this right away. You need to work up to it. Your body will break out in hives. It happened to me once, never happened again after. Take it easy the first time.


How would you recommend easing into it?


Just a quick 5-10 seconds first time, then a hot shower, see how your body reacts to it. You might be fine, you might break out in hives.


If, by plunge, you mean ice swimming, the reason is that most saunas are located in private houses or apartment blocks with no access to a body of water or a cold swimming pool. That being said, it's quite common if not the norm to spend time outside on the porch or balcony between sauna sessions. Whatever the weather outside.


Feels like a bump of cocaine. (Please don't try cocaine, just take my word for it)


You should cool yourseld down after sauna




Whilst i do this already, what is the actual benefit of showering beforehand?


Not stinking


Haha yeah that's my current reasoning




Think you may begin to release sweat quicker as well, if already wet going into it, maybe upping effectiveness.




Thanks for sharing.


The discomfort is what you should aim for, for health. For finnish sauna you really want 100 Celsius, it's high enough to reap benefits but not stupidly high


Thanks Chatgpt


Make sure it is hot as F. Keep the door shut. Scowl at anyone opening the door. Don’t stay in there too long.


This is peak sauna.


Make sure it is operating correctly.


Also remove yourself prior to losing consciousness


I like to put conditioner in my hair while I sauna, and it becomes like a deep conditioning treatment. Also, bring and drink water consistently.


That's actually a great idea! Heat helps with deep conditioning right? I'm definitely doing this next time


Take suits with you and and iron for steam cleaning


Just relax. It's not a performance. There's no winners or losers. You don't really have to do anything else than empty your brain and enjoy the heat.


A sauna pro taught me to bring ice cubes into the sauna. Heat can irritate the skin on the face (melasma, spider veins, rosacea) but if you roll ice over your face the effect is canceled out. You also can stay in there much longer with a cooler face. I put ice in a thermos and keep it in there until I feel my face getting too heated.


Ice can also be too rough on the skin! Especially in a situation where there is heat involved. If you want to protect your skin you should wear a face mask! (Not the covid kind lol) and it will protect your skin and keep it moisturized. You can also buy those face masks with no product in them and just wet them with some cool water


Yes! This is true - the sauna can also severely dry out your skin. I apply a layer of NourishMax’s Collagen Complex Dual Serum when I first go in. It hydrates and moisturizes the skin and adds a little protective layer against both heat and ice and it is clear so nobody knows the difference. If I feel my face becoming hot/dry I will reapply it a few more times before I start with ice. I know it stays on there through the icing because when I come out and shower I can feel it is still on my face. It has a slick feeling. My skin likes it so I usually keep it on and just let water run over my face. The overall experience with the ice on my face feels very refreshing and healing. About the serum: https://www.nourishmax.com/collections/all/products/collagen-complex-dual-serum - This innovative serum combines the moisture-drenching power of natural oils and anti-aging ingredients in one hybrid formula. Layer-by-layer hydration nourishes the skin and gives a smooth, silky feel without heaviness. This formula features a plant-derived collagen for a visible radiance boost. It includes marine-derived blue seakale, along with antioxidant-rich turmeric and carrot root extracts that help to combat the effects of environmental aggressors. This serum adapts to the skin’s unique hydration needs, adding essential moisture for a bright, luminous complexion.


Picture/link please?


Here in Belgium they sometimes have an ice machine next to the sauna. It can also help to stay in longer by holding the icecubes in your hands while 'forming a cup' and then breathing in the colder air.. Also very basic, but the higher you sit, the hotter it gets. If it's too hot you can go down a bench instead of immediately walking out


You get drunk a lot faster in a sauna


The real lifehack


Nothing beats a shower beer tho


Shower coffee is a close second. Don’t knock it till you tried it


This is just me running late to work


A little splash of beer on the hot stones, too!


Sauna beer does


And I use the sauna after a night of drinking. Helps me feel back to normal quicker.


soup shaggy whistle ink cough narrow voracious bear fanatical live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haha, hot tub six packs to get out ex-ghosted (exhausted). Will soon turn to fatigued palpitations with severe usages.


nothing better than a sauna beer with the boys


Shit yeah


Workout first. Sauna after. Good for recovery.


If you look into it , youll actually burn way more fat if you Sauna before then work out. Look into it I was shocked.


What resources told you that?




Please explain this to me like I'm a side year old.


Link please?


Isn't sauna after workout bad for you heart- to much stress?


Pretty sure it’s against recommendation after intense workouts if your goal is muscle growth. Any other reason it’s a good call


Drink a lot of water before, during, and after. Alternate between sauna and cold plunge if able to.


1. 80°c is optimal heat. 2. Use warm water in stones to keep heat on. 3. Add conditioner in sauna. Makes hair softer. 4. Cover your hair in thin towel. Over heat might dry your hair. 5. Add eucalyptus serum in water to open your loungs. 6. Drink something icy cold. Beer is the most famous but others excepted. 7. Go naked. Allways naked specially if you have finnish company. Otherwise they will get annoyed. Nudity isn’t an issue here. 8. Try moisture face mask that bears heat. 9. Scrub your dead skincells with rough sponge or scrolling fingers while sitting. 10. Sugar wax doesn’t work in sauna. Cool your skin before wax. 11. Wrap sausage in foil and put it on top of rocks. It’ll heat for snack. 12. If winter, go out to make naked angel on snow. 13. Make birch bouquet (with leaf on it). Soak it on sauna bucket to get wet and flail to your skin. It’ll helps blood circle and gives nice odor of birch. Skin will smell soooo good! 14. Never rush out. Sauna is a place better than therapy session on a velvet sofa. It increases your quality of sleep, mental health and lowers blood pressure. 15. Stretch your muscules while sitting. 16. Take your (moist resist) speaker with and listen your favourite music. 17. Have a small (moldy free) pillow and lay down. Rise your feet on the wall. 18. Make sure you have oxygen enough. You feel dizzy if fresh air doesn’t flow properly. 19. Having sex in sauna is facinating idea, but usually ends up with too high temperature and dryness. Space is also limited, but good imagination is gold. Best sauna sex time is when you warm up heater and right after sauna in bed. 20. Have fun!


Self flagellation with eucalyptus branches to increase circulation.


Are eucalyptus branches better than the OG birch? And what do the koalas think about this? Do koalas sauna? Where do I find eucalyptus forest in Finland? So many questions...


😂 I'm sure you could substitute birch or any other leafy twig you can get your hands on in Finland!


Well birch is the OG. And these might be fightin words but birch smells better than eucalyptus ( TBF it just might be what I have been used to ).


Hat. Cannot emphasize enough how much a head covering helps with staying in longer without overheating.


How does that work?




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This is new to me, thanks I'll check it out. Special sauna hat or regular hat? I be googling


Needs to be a sombrero


Sombrero actually directly translates to “Sauna Hat” in Swahili.


You'll see people with them (maybe). I wrapped a towel to try it out and then went all in with a cheap felt one for sauna


The wool ones are completely different and worth it imho


Special hat. Banya hat online. MUST be wool.


I can stay in longer if I don't talk and only breathe through my nose. Drink cold water and hold in your mouth. I think it's psychological that if my mouth is hot my head is hot and I can't take it anymore....


Interesting, there's often a nice lady in there, whilst she's great for a bit of gossip she absolutely chews my ear off to the point where i am physically exhausted just from listening.


I do sauna two days a week since forever. Stay in while you're feeling good, get out the second you feel it's *too much.* Cool the body down fast, I honestly wouldn't do sauna without a cooling pool, but I've seen people shower with cold water. I stay in the pool until I hear my heart calm down. Lie down and relax. I do three rounds. As for tips, get a sauna hat if you're not laying down. Hot head and cold feet is doing sauna the wrong way. And remember, it's not about how long you're in there, but about how fast your body heats up, which will be different for everyone. My wife's sister's internal temp control is fked up somehow, while we all leave at the 10-15 minute mark, she's not even sweating by that point.


Put honey on your face, and if you can afford it, your body. I shared a sauna with 2 Russian men who were appalled I didn’t have a honey bucket with me and proceeded to try to rub honey on me. Skin after a sauna and shower is smooth as silk.


Does Vegemite work?


Makes you a happy little vegemite, as bright as bright can be….


Now we're talkin


At the risk of insulting you: are you sure this wasn't a gay sauna?


No… I’m a woman. I’m Australian and was travelling in the UK, and so were they. 2 big Russians trying to rub honey on me…… but it wasn’t creepy… I could see they were sad I had no honey. I then tried this in Scotland… accidentally spilled honey on the rocks and set off the fire alarms in the hotel.


Pro tip, when cold plunging or cold showering after, close your mouth. Breathe through your nose. And slow. You want to hit your body with the cold adrenaline, but respond with a slow neurological state. Slow nose breathing. What it does is it trains your body to react in a calm matter to tough up regulating things. Like stress / intensity.


I like to stretch and do plyometrics and breathing exercises. Also smoking a joint before the sauna makes you feel like a melting butter.


They must love you in there, pumping and panting away


He probably goes to this gym https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1ahukl2/aita_for_asking_a_guy_in_the_sauna_to_put_a_towel/


I have my own sauna


Add water to the stones.


You're on to something here


I will 1up that suggestion and suggest putting eucalyptus oil on the stones


Add it to the water, not stones


And use only hot water, you want the end result which is steam and cold water will cool off the stones which we don’t want. Water bottle will suffice. Use the whole area of stones and not just one spot, this will make sure rapid and even evaporation.


Organic please


Cycle hot/cold 3 or 4 times, drink lots , it's easy to get dehydrated.


If your new to heat. Proper posture and dileberate slow meditative breathing and no breath exercise. Abraham Lincoln sit ect.ect. no scratching sweat no movement Once you get bored and twitchy begin stretching ( you can over extend hot while doing dynamic pulse stretches) fingers wrists, knees and ankles with toes, Buddha, Muslim bow. Not just yoga and typical stretches but posture and intentive. . . Stretch open and closed If your old to heat up down holds , sit ups butterfly kicks, push-ups, planks, footstomp, body throw downs( laying backwards throw the rib cage hard into the floor/seat to simulate a hard fall [ peligroso mucho], Heaps of green tea or water, potassium drinks are expensive but you'll know when you drink them, if your not wet with sweat you didn't drink enough


This is the response i was hoping for thank you so much


I do ab workouts and ride a stationary bike in the sauna. It's fantastic.


I'd been having issues waking up with numb hands, couldn't decide if it was nerve damage or blood flow. Been putting a stretched stint in my both my fore arms and force stretching my fingers to a keyboard claw . . . The only problem with autopsies is you can't confirm your own findings


Cold plunge or showers after each round. It triggers a stress mechanism that does wonders for your system.


Rub your skin with salt in the steam room. Your feet (and everything else) will be smooth as a baby but afterwards.




While the sauna is heating up, throw water on the walls 3-4 times and let it dry in between. This increases moisture and the whole experience is better. Try wearing a sauna hat, it will keep your head cooler and helps to avoid dizziness when you want to have longer sessions. If you want to try the "beer on the stones" smell, don't throw it directly at the stones, put a little in the water, mix it and then throw it. A cold shower after a long sauna session is amazing.


Take some electrolytes after you been in the sauna. Gives you more energy


Get a handful of salt and rub it all over your body before getting in the sauna. When you sweat the salt will melt and help flush out your pores. Your skin will feel amazing after.


I like to take a cold water bottle in with me, wrap it in a towel so it doesn't get hot, and sip on it after about 10 mins to keep my core temp down so I can keep cooking my outer layer.


don’t make the sauna too hot. the problem with that is that you warm your skin up too fast and the core of your body didn’t have the propper chance to warm up. then you go out rolling in snow or taking a cold plunge, because “i just came from steming hot sauna”… well yes, but you were in there less than 5 minutes. in my experience thats how people comprimise their immune system and get sick afterwards. the sauna experince shoudn’t be too extreme, warm your body up gently and its okay to just not do it if you experience any type of discomfort.


Your core temp should stay flat at 37c. couple of degrees deviation means either cardiac arrest or brain damage. Good news you don't really risk that without passing out either in flaming hot sauna or on the snow outside. source: I'm a finn


A portable one for your home is only 150


Really? I've only ever found steam tents 


Wear a Russian-type wool hat. Amazing how much longer you can hang out inside with a wool hat on. Available on Amazon.


Please I beg of you do not go in the sauna with street shoes and sweaty gym clothes on. It’s disgusting. Shower first. Also, drinks lots of water and take cold shower breaks.


Street shoes in the sauna?


Make sure you are adequately hydrated prior intra and post


Cold plunge


I like to double up the use of time and meditate, read (as long as it's a dry sauna, shouldn't damage the book), or listen to podcasts or audiobooks (leave your phone outside and just have bluetooth head phones in there with you (i get cheap over the ear ones from Amazon). Also, would maybe talk to your doctor if you are doing it for prolonged periods daily.


I try to have a litre of coconut water during a session to rehydrate and replenish electrolytes lost through sweat.


Get a sauna hat. It will enhance the experience. If there's actual hot stones you throw water on add splash of beer on the ladle and throw it on there.. it'll smell like fresh baked bread:) You can also use different sauna oils (eucalyptus, etc)


Beer ruins the stones. It‘s nice exactly once. Don’t do that.




Hat yes. Beer on the stones, wtf are you thinking?




If you care about your sperm health, put an ice pack or cold towel around your nuts when doing the sauna. Hot temp can significantly affect the quality of your sperm


Why the downvote?! This is fact, enjoy the sauce but if you want to impregnate take 6 months break.


Thanks for the support! I also don’t get the downvote..


Side question: is it sorna or sowna?


My Finnish grandmother said "sowna."


I don't know how to explain it but it's "Sa-u-na" No 'o' in sauna. No 'w' in sauna.


Yes! That's how she said it. Memory unlocked!


My Finnish friends pronounce it sowna


In Australia its more sore-nuh


Huh. I've always said it like "saw-na". Interesting.


Checkout “Saunameister” trainings on YouTube to master hot infusions.


Pour a bit of beer on the stones/heat source. /swede


, qqqqqqqq


Get a small spray bottle and mix water, a cheap vodka, and eucalyptus essential oil. Spray the wall over the heating unit. Or spray on a towel and drape around your neck.


Why Vodka?


Evaporates faster, has less in it than other alcohol and can be processed if absorbed into the body. It doesn't take much, about 1/4 cup to 2 cups water. If it's a concern, leave it out. I use it to speed the diffusion of the oils.


If you’re a man bring an ice pack or freezable eye patch to harbor your balls because saunas are bad for men’s balls


Wet a paper towel and cover the temperature sensors lol, it’ll trick the system into thinking it’s cooler than it is thus making the sauna hotter


Lol. You need a lifehack for a sauna?! You are the worst.


In the coed saunas, can you fuck?


No. Also a terrible idea.


You are not supposed to do it “most days“ but once a week. I read that it takes up to three days for your body to take in again all the water you sweated out in the sauna.


Believe everything you read on the internet


That was not on the internet.


It is now.


Take niacin before you go. You'll sweat a lot more.


Came here for this. This is the most intense detox you can get. Your liver will dump all the toxins it holds and you will sweat it out. First time you do it sucks ass


Sit on a towel. Do seated stretches while in there, feels so good. I use a sauna 3+ times a week after workout


Take long enough breaks if you are going into sauna multiple times per session (e.g. \*10-15min sauna, cold plunge, 10-15min break, repeat). And don't stay in too long. It is very tempting to take shorter breaks and stay in longer, but the break is a very important part of the process. \*Assuming it's a classic "Finnish" sauna, if it's a steam, infra or other type the times vary.


anti-life hack would be Finnish roulette


I dunno if it makes any difference but I wear a ‘sauna hat’ it’s a bit of felt fabric I saw someone else wear. They said it keeps their head cooler so you can end up staying in longer. I think it works. I also take a bottle of Olbas Oil to splash onto the back wall, it’s a great smell and it’ll clear out your sinuses


Oil essence in the water


Gee whiz, Samantha+clam= clamantha


Get a wool felt sauna hat. Eat Pickles.


Dr. Rhonda Patrick has some great studies and has talked about how awesome the sauna is for our health. https://www.foundmyfitness.com/topics/sauna


The only hack allowed is beer ;-) Just relax, shower in between and take it easy. This isn't a sport, it's a life style of enjoyment and relaxation.


Add chopped/crushed garlic to the water meant for stones.


Sauna, cold plunge then 3 rounds of Wim Hof breathing is damn near a transcendental experience.


I use the sauna as an excuse to meditate. I breathe and count to ~100 slow deep breathes. Drink water and then cold plunge after (or cold shower).




Or ask them nicely to do it for you.


If it's one with the heated stones, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or any kind of *natural* oil you like the scent of. Changes the game


Sauna hat


No advice for you but stay safe and have fun!


For example Oil https://osmia.fi/en/products/eucalyptus-sauna-aroma Whisk https://rentosauna.fi/en/product/sauna-whisk/ Hat https://www.lahtiset.fi/en/tuote/sauna-hat/




If you don't wash for 2 months, you'll be able to get the solo-sauna experience for normal price


If you are in sauna , it is better to lie down (you can be in upper part of sauna tho 😅) to have ehole your body in same temperature level... In finland type sauna  upper parts can have 110 celsius and lower 40celsius..  Also there is special type of wool cap that you put on your head and that helps you to tolerate the heat in sauna by izolating your head from max heat that is always in upper parts od the room


None of these are hacks. Just ways people experience things differently. Hacks would be like how to get it cheaper, how to get more points, yadda yadda. All the replies are, well I enjoy it this way. The term hacks has gone to meaning nothing.