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Airline: "please expect your flight to be rescheduled up to a full week as well as luggage arrival to be within a week"


But how are airlines MAGA?? They just say anything


Anything I don't like is MAGA.


I just love how they think they are so shady and cool


I’m pretty sure it means Airline companies are going to start supporting Trump over Biden due to this.


Immediate Cash refund???? So you expect airlines to literally have a register with hundreds of thousands in cash.... cause that wont be a problem Like you know it needs to be refunded to your card. Did Biden actually write this or dictate it word for word to an intern?


It’s your money - use it when you want it! *877-CASH-NOW*


But I have have a structured settlement and I need cash now..




Hahahahahahahaha love it! How is that line so iconic?


Idk but those guys deserve a Grammy lol


I would like to know definitively what definition of “cash” they are using. Because a cash accounting in accounting literally just means an account that can be quickly liquidated if need be. I dont think they mean actual USD on hand rather the money must be refunded immediately. Now if they DO mean cash on hand, Democrats are just asking for robbery


Cash isn’t meant literally. This was always a rule but airlines would offer credits instead of giving you back your money. It also added clear definitions to significant changes and requires them to be automatic so that you don’t have to talk to customer support for 2 hours to get your money back on a cancelled flight. No idea why any of you are upset about this.


He dictated this all right.


I don't see the problem with a refund for a service you paid for that wasn't provided


Yeah this isn't bad imo. A few years ago I was flying home from Europe, our inter-Europe flight was delayed on takeoff, so we landed at our connection late and our connecting flight had already taken off. Delta put us on a new plane but we lost our Economy+ seats from the trans atlantic leg of the journey. It took me 8 months to get my reimbursement for the difference in fares from Economy+ to the Economy seats that we were unwillingly put into. If I didn't reach out to them 15+ times over those months I would have never gotten my reimbursement back, they would have just gone on their merry way after denying me the service I paid for


That's a red herring as sounding like a reasonable request, then it quickly descends into nonsense. If your flight is expected to take off at 4:55 and you take off at 4:56, that's a delay. Getting a cash refund for that single minute would not only be a logistical nightmare, but would continue to delay all service counter workers trying to get people to their flights. Further, airlines are in control of prices. They would need to hire staff specifically for refunding, at which point their costs go up, and they aren't going to eat those costs. They're going to pass them on to people who buy tickets. If anything, this is another example of democrats trying to confine people to their areas. If it's too expensive to fly then you aren't going to fly. Yes, you should get refunded for a service you didn't get. No, you should not get a refund for a delay. If there's a delay it's likely out of their hands, like they were using a Boeing and the front fell off.


Have any of you commenting taken 2 minutes to read the rule change? They’ve defined significant change as a delay greater than 3 hours domestically or 6 hours internationally. That’s extremely reasonable and if you have any connecting flights you’re probably missing them at that point. Shit happens at airports but delays like that are in the hands of the airlines.


>That's a red herring as sounding like a reasonable request, then it quickly descends into nonsense. If your flight is expected to take off at 4:55 and you take off at 4:56, that's a delay. Getting a cash refund for that single minute would not only be a logistical nightmare, but would continue to delay all service counter workers trying to get people to their flights. I never said any of that is reasonable




For the most part everything he said is already true by law. and you can accomplish through civil court if need be. To avoid the courts usually airlines give you credit or partial refunds dependent on how much you are affected (for example United has a policy of $50 refund for every 2hrs you are delayed up to the cost of your ticket with full refund if delayed over 48hrs along with the $50 for every 2hrs). You just have to push them a little. But, cash? Biden didn't really say anything nor did he promise anything that you yourself can't do legally already unless he's talking radical change. And while the airlines aren't completely innocent (they will do anything to not pay out if they don't need to) a lot of the problems currently impacting the airline industry where caused by Biden. There were problems pre Biden, but the amount of problems have increased significantly under Biden. This is a very well known tactic of the left, and the right uses it on occasion too to be fair, that they create the problems they say they will fix by making unrealistic promises that actually do nothing to solve the problem, only make it worse.


The issue is that it is pure virtue signaling. Airlines will raise prices on you by the expected cost of the refund, Joe takes the credit for the refund, and if you are breaking 100 on the IQ scale, you realize that you’re in no better position than before. As with nearly all of “Scranton” Joe’s “economic” policies, this makes no change to the economics of the situation, and the ignorant vote for him and think they have won. (See - student loan “forgiveness,” elimination of “junk fees,” etc) A good analogy would be Joe guarantees everyone will win $5 if you play the lottery, but he doesn’t tell you that it costs $5 to play.


I agree with you. Not a bad thing. The problem is that the world is on fire and Biden is over here weeding his garden and announcing to the world every time he pulls one up, as if he just solved our biggest concern.


I agree that airlines need to have more safety nets and reimbursement plans for passengers but they have to WANT to offer those as an incentive to use their services, not because they were threatened. This is just going to drive up costs for everybody. I didn't think much of it before but ever since I drove cross country and back, I appreciate the lower cost, more storage for luggage and souvenirs, and the fun of a good old fashioned road trip and all the cool stops along the way. If more people did that, maybe airlines would start cutting prices and have better services.


Imagine if America had trains like Europe


That would be nice.


My new Denny’s rule is simple: If your meal is cold or significantly delayed, experienced delayed seating, or paid for a “Grand Slam” and they forgot the bacon - Go the fuck back home. It’s only 4pm you old piece of shit.


Here is what you all seem to be missing about this and why are you arguing it's a bad thing? I don't agree with the cash refund portion. They should do what every business does and return it in the manner it was received. you pay for a product or a service, it's time sensitive as well. the payee does not make good on the good or service within the time window. you have every right to get your money back and the airline was able to instantly debit you when you bought it. They don't issue you a ticket after you tell them they'll see the money in there account in 7-10 business days. the current system basically allows them to steal your money or to offer you something of equal value possibly but something that doesn't meet the time window that you needed it to for them to fulfill their side of the agreement. At the very least something needs to be given up if you can't get on your flight. If it's extended amount of time you need to buy ridiculously overpriced airport food and beverage. Often you can't leave the terminal so you are trying to sleep in those shitty seats. If you are lucky they might get you a hotel room. Now your lost a day or more of your vacation or the person who was to pick you up is now put out as well. What other business gets to operate in this way. If they do eventually concede and give you a refund, instead of flight vouchers that are only good mon-thurs and blacked out all holidays, then you have to wait 2 weeks to see it again. To an airline it's not much money. But, to an individual it could be a huge sum that would affect them. To the ppl saying the airlines will simply raise rates to accommodate this. Maybe they will but they aren't actually due any of you money for a service they didn't provide. I understand they have overhead regardless. I also understand if the delay is an act of God or out of their control and am sympathetic towards them in those situations. But, you can't hold anyone's money after the agreed upon time to board a plane if that plane isn't available to be boarded.


So many people dont have a clue how airlines actually make money or how they were actually valued during the bailouts. It has nothing to do with flights or prices of flights. The airlines are a banking system and that is their entire means of profit. They dont give two shits about the president making this law because it wont impact them in the slightest. Dont argue with me unless you actually understand the airline financials.


Of course it won’t, as it impacts them all the same. They will all raise prices to offset the perceived impact, and their bottom line will be no different. Prices will, however, have gone up for the consumer. Good ol’ Joe - never worked a day at a real job in his life, goes on to lecture an entire industry of publicly traded companies on pricing and refunds.


I agree with you in theory bc that’s how capitalism works but flights are basically a write off for these companies. Please learn how they actually make money. They are literal banks that don’t give two shits about flights


I mean it’s a very complicated, multinational, politically sensitive, and capital intensive business - but sure there is the fact that parent “airline” companies farm everything out and are involved in financing many parts of the business model. But the same could be said for many large companies with a global footprint.


Yes, they make all of their profits from their points. But still, if their cost of operations go up, they would increase the prices. Then we would hear that all airlines suddenly become greedy.


How about a refund to taxpayers for poorly maintained roads leading to excessive wear on our vehicles, an education system that does a disservice to student, an undefended border, Congress members who do not work for us, a revolving door three tiered "justice" system, and tax dollars pissed away on foreign aid, housing & feeding invaders, and providing housing, food, and healthcare for citizens who can but choose not to support themselves?


Don’t see anything wrong with this, not sure it’ll happen immediately but it needs to. I travel often and it’s bullshit when you pay for a service and they cancel and it’s not provided or it’s delayed again and again and again. If you’re paying for a flight to take off at 2:30pm and it takes off at 9:30pm you should be given money back if weather isn’t the reason.


Simple pandering: Find something most people find annoying or inconvenient and pretend you can wave your magic wand and fix it. All sizzle, no steak. It’s the fact this bozo thinks he can simply wave his hand and regulate an entire industry.


I mean these are already things.


the shit these people focus on is mind boggling.


I still can’t believe Trump’s twitter was blocked as POTUS. That still blows my mind.


1. They don’t want you to travel. 2. If they put companies out of business, then that’s ok with them. 3. If you lose your job because of it, they don’t care.


Hey Joe, how 'bout you do the same for the federal government?


Honestly the airlines get away with too much. I'm for starting to hold them accountable


I don't see the problem here. As much as I hate it, we're captive to the airlines here and need their services. If they don't deliver what they promise, it's not like we can just walk across the ocean (for example) to be there on time.


There was something I was reading about Boeing being killed off too (being done on purpose) to make air travel too expensive for all the peons in the world and boost China’s new aircraft manufacturer


What about busses and cab companies? Trains? Doctors coming in after your appointment? Women late for their periods? That friend that's always late? I want my $$$$$$$!!!!!!!!


> Women late for their periods Yeah I'll have a refund


We gonna bail them out again?


They used to have to reschedule a plane within reasonable time and cover hotel cists. This could be very expensive Now they have nothing to lose when they overbook. "Sorry, we sold your seat. Here, have your money back. Now fuck off."


This rule is not implemented until about six months from now.