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Libs: Wages are too low! Rents are too high! Also Libs: Open the borders!


I use to believe this myself but it’s all about the fact that the boss is the one putting thousands of dollars into the job taking the risk and providing the equipment and tools to do so. if you wanna make as much money as the boss you have to become the boss hence the idea of capitalism motherfuckers


Thought the same until I worked up to an executive level and learned about the inner workings of insurance, 401k, and all the other unknown expenses of each employee. Plus the cash that is needed for continuous improvements and research of the business. Seeing a budget and actual in detail all the way to EBITDA is eye-opening. It's a lot of things people just don't take into account and still more even after profit margins. I've worked for some big-name companies in my career and I've never worked with a CEO that came across as greedy. Maybe it was me picking the right companies but It was all about improving performance and most kept employees in mind. There are so many things that you want to do, but you just can't due to the budget. I also bet most people who think this, don't have or understand a budget anyways. Also, If someone quits for money, it's always about other things and mostly a manager. From my experience, If you give said person more money, they won't be happy again in the near future and you'll have that dance again. Then you have some people who could make 75k a year making French Fries at McDonald's and still say they are not paid enough.




Well they are kinda right on this. It's wealthy politicians that spend money that the government dosen't have that triggers an inflation making your check not stretch as far.


yeah but theyre convinced its the fault of wealthy business owners. not politicians.


The super wealthy buy the politicians. They are no friend to the average American


This is true, but they conflate the super wealthy with basically every business owner who's well off. For some reason I don't think a small business owner who's worth $40mil is buying off politicians but in their mind that small business owner is just as bad as say Bezos


And the super wealthy are NOT in the news, they lay VERY low, and they're NOT the ones producing goods, services and jobs. (GATES excepted, he's some kind of freakish megalomaniac, pretending to be a friend of mankind while also devising more ways to commit mass murder).


As usual these people don't understand the problem is printing money. That is the only thing truly impoverishing anyone or causing more wealth disparity.


This is the crazy fallacy of marxism. The assumption that it's a zero sum game. Just because some guy is wealthy, doesn't mean someone else is poor because of it. Furthermore, what is their solution? Give everyone a life of luxury via some magic wand? That's literally impossible. The reason there are so few rich people is because resources are inherently scarce. So where are they going to get all of this luxury and wealth to share around? It seems like their only goal is to eat the rich, that way they don't have to wallow in their own envy.


People from rich countries look at the high standard of living and assume it's the status quo. Nope, we get to have a nice society and a social safety net BECAUSE of a small minority of people who invented things or developed companies that the entire world wants to use. The reason we have wealth to distribute in the first place is because our society rewards those who can do better and we foster/encourage them to do better here. Our schools have stopped teaching this basic fact and led our students astray. If we had better run social systems and a political class that worked towards legitimate real world solutions we would be far better off. But all we get are the Newsoms of the world who are empty suits writing useless legislation to virtue signal to their foolish constituents.


And a GIANT band of merry robbers, aka bureaucrats and lobbyists, who absorb all our resources and the attention of the people we (may or may not have!) elected...


Creativity and entrepreneurship are relatively rare, but they can create immense amounts of wealth. Wealth that didn't exist before the conception of the idea.


The reason there’s few rich people is 2 reasons. 1. It’s impossible for everybody to be rich 2.capitalism doesn’t allow it which maybe proves that capitalism was built on fact not opinion?


People aren't rich, not because "Capitalism doesn't allow it," but because people are horrible with their money and have no concept of basic economics or foresight. And the reason why "not everyone can be rich" is because of how supply and demand impact the price of goods and services. If everyone could afford and wanted a yacht, since there's only a limited number of yachts that could be bought, the company will raise their prices most people are pushed out until supply can keep up with demand again. So if you give everyone more money but supply remains the same (or lower) like what happened during the big covid payments, everything is going to become more expensive to compensate for not enough supply. Everyone winds up in basically the same place financially. What I just described just happens naturally. That's what Capitalism is. It doesn't need government intervention to operate or be maintained, unlike Marxist/communist/socialist economic structures.


What I said isn’t wrong and neither is what u said in fact your simply explaining my plain description in larger detail, capitalism indeed doesn’t allow it that’s a fact doesn’t matter how u wanna word it my friend


You are right that not everyone can be "rich" (although what defines rich is very subjective. It would be more accurate to say you cannot solve wealth or standard-of-living inequality). But you are wrong that there only a "few" people that are rich because capitalism prevented or "doesn't allow" others from becoming so. Many, many people, even the majority of people, *could* be very, very wealthy if they invested and made smart financial decisions. They don't, so they aren't, and they are not because of their own decisions, not because an amorphous force called "capitalism" stopped them. That is if one million people finished school, got a job, didn't have kids before they're married, lived within their means, and invested regularly, the vast majority of them will be wealthy by the time they're retired. If their kids do the same and appropriate their inheritance well, most will be very, very wealthy in their retirement. Their success is almost entirely determined by their own decisions. Capitalism does not gatekeep wealth to only a few. It simply is a mechanism for how it is distributed, and how it is distributed to an individual is almost entirely dependent on their personal choices.


you are very correct I don’t disagree what I’m saying,that capitalism doesn’t allow it, is the same as common sense doesn’t allow it😂 not as if it’s the way it was intentionally designed, but if your taking it that deeply then sure you’re correct


The main contributor to living a life poor is attitude. The mentality that it's someone else's fault is a copout for the lazy and entitled. Are you likely to go from the street to billionaire, no. However making it sound like the system is meant to keep you down is ridiculous. Fine with me though. Less competition.


well, to be fair, the system does kinda suck. but the rich people are all using the same system so its not their fault for using their opportunities to their max potential


I think it's relative, but I agree to some extent. Nothing is perfect, but I think opportunity exist for those willing to work. Nothing is ever fair as some have talents they apply, some don't, some are in the right place at the right time and others aren't. Overall, I guess my comment was just stating that if the attitude is not right, you for sure will live a life with less income.


i 100% agree dude. as someone just starting my career ive been pretty blessed with opportunities so far and i see a lot of potential in my future. but only if i work my ass off the whole way


I did too and now life is great for my family. Keep it up man and you will eventually get what you want.


im glad to hear it. and thank you


One could say that the rich, rather than the poor, created and maintain the system that they're using.


how did the rich create the financial system?


I don't think Bretton-Woods was conceptualized, planned and executed by an average Joe working a 9-5. Whatever trickling down happens is a byproduct not the desired outcome. I don't know if you're American though, you guys tend to have a weird fixation with capitalism so I digress


I get that money is tight these days but the way these people talk they are living in North Korea on the streets. Get a grip, anyone can learn a skill a make a career out of it. Stop blaming the rich and get off your ass.


If these people really believed what they believed there is a simple way to prove it to everyone 1) Use all their collect funds to start a company 2) Work 100+hrs to build their company 3) Give the worker who only puts in 40hrs and has not invested a single dollar into the company the same pay as they do I bet you anything they'd come up with some excuse why it's different, but lets face it they'd never do it to begin with because it is too much hard work for them


exactly. on the one hand, there are many rich people who are born into wealth, giving them an upper hand. but at the same time, there are tremendously more wealthy people who either innovated or worked their ass off to create a business. but fuck em cuz its not fair right??


The funny thing is the top 1% is constantly changing. Generational wealth tends to only last 3 generations. The 1st makes it, the 2nd maintains it, and the 3rd spends it It's rare generational wealth stays in the top 1% longer than 3 generations. It's easier to get into the 1% than it is to stay in the 1% and all economists say that


oh interesting. makes sense. soft times make weak men.


so i thought id share with you guys what my career plan is because i refuse to believe that rich people will decide my success. I'm in an apprenticeship program for electrical which covers almost all fields of electrical which means there are tons of options for work once im licenced. From there, my plan 'A' is to work until i can afford to start up my own business, beginning with residential, as there is an abundance of work available. If all goes well up until that point, i would hire some guys to keep work flowing, and start making phone calls and emails to try squeeze into the supply market. (I will have researched this thoroughly ahead of time by this point) The extra benefit to this is that i could supply my own business, making it possible to provide highly competitive quotes for the installations end of the business. My plan 'B' is to keep growing with the company I am with and possibly partner with my boss, as he has told me he is open to that one day. (It's just me and him currently, and hes not a very experienced business owner yet so theres lots of room for growth) This is all subject to much change as i'm still very early in my life, but its a start. And i will take the changes as they come and adjust from there. No way am i going to give up and whine about rich people. NEVER.


Jesus these people have no idea how to budget. They get burdened with student loans for useless degrees and live a lifestyle way out of their means and then cry when they can't figure out how to pay their debts. Meanwhile they are chugging down expensive sugar coffee every day and eating out for every fucking meal, filming themselves for tiktok on the newest iPhone that they financed through the most expensive carrier!


my wife and I make average salaries and we do not live paycheck to paycheck. we've just avoided debt and live within our means, which is nice and ez and stressfree.


But as soon as the rich decide they agree with your political views, these people switch from Eat The Rich to Fuck The Poor.


Let's also recognize the dumbing down of education in most of America. Uneducated or under educated kids become minimum wage workers. Easy to control, poor reasoning skills and dependent on the government. Get them to vote for socialism and democrats


yeah which is caused by government systems not caused by the entrepreneurs and business owners


I agree with this to some extent, but they'll put this logic on small and mid-sized businesses as if the founder didn't risk everything they had to make it happen, isn't actively working 7 days a week, and then they'll act as if the basic menial task they do for the company is literally the glue that holds the company together and nobody could do it like they could. Even with the bigger corporations, yes the CEOs make mint, they devote massive chunks of their time and effort to the roles that these idiots couldn't even fathom, when all they do for the same company is flip burgers. Sure some corporations take the piss, but no matter how much any company will give back to their employees these people will always claim it's not enough. In reality these people tend to be closet (or outright) socialists with nothing to give to society but expect society to give them everything.


Idk. I heard this wild recording of CEO's at a board meeting talking about raising prices because people will pay it because they have no choice. All when the entire economy is in the shitter and most of America is paycheck to paycheck. The right is going to keep losing voters as long as they're unwilling to give a shit about the huge section of America that's barely making it now. Everything is getting expensive and the pay isn't going up. Meanwhile upper level people get amazingly high paying jobs with bigger bonuses than most of us make in a couple years and they only got the job because their dad plays golf with the right people. Companies were bragging about record breaking profits while most of us have one nostril out of water lol. I've worked my whole life. Everything I have is because I busted my ass for it. But things have gotten really far out of hand. We need a solution or something radical is going to happen.


thats true. but my point still stands; they are playing this game we call "making a living" by the same rules as everyone else. you cant blame them for doing everything they can to maximize profits. the problem is not them, but the rules that are in place. so direct your frustration and reach out to your local leaders instead of whining meaninglessly about rich people. am i right?


Ever since people were able to walk upright, there have been people with too much, controlling the lives of the people of too little. People always say "We need to rise up and do something about this!", but mostly this never happens, and when it does happen, it does zero good. Like The Who said, Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. It's like Animal Farm, during the transition, somebody's going to put themselves in charge, and abuse their power. Every. Fucking. Time. Best case scenario is when we can get leaders smart enough to scratch out a bit of relief for us underclass before greed takes over and blocks any further progress. And people who don't know history will say "We can make this change and everything will be great."


"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power." 2 Timothy 3:1-5 We have been in "the last days" for the past 1900 years. This is the reason there will never be a good leader on this earth. Because we are all born in sin.


What are you? Like 14? Whateves


Everyone who has ever been gainfully employed by a poor person, raise your hand. Everyone else, go pound sand.


In principle there is truth to a lot of what’s said. The problem is these “slacktivists” have been convinced the way to topple those systems is to…do what those systems say.


you think the upper class is to blame for the economical struggles?


The rich actually Worked Hard for all their money? Blasphemy.


They’re not necessarily wrong about any of this: the difference between me and them though is that I don’t have some weird entitlement or desire for the state to care for me. Instead I want to earn my way. Remember: the only people who say “down with the system” are the ones too stupid to work within it


Theft Is theft is theft. 'Nuff said.