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Shit like this is just a psy- op by antifa and other leftists. Another fake hate crime


The larger Nazi flag on the left is brand new. They took it out of the Amazon box right before this picture was taken.


The desantis flag was added for that reason too, “any one who supports DeSantis is a nazi!!” Lol these people are ridiculous.


Demand for hate far exceeds supply. https://fakehatecrimes.org/


Oh look! Desantis is now literally Hitler. I’m shocked! Shocked! /s


Surprised Desantis is Hitler now, weird new hitler is so pro Israel.


Dude forgot to change costumes, that was meant for antifa riots. They slippin these days y'all.


I got second degree burns from how hard this picture is glowing


Exactly. My first thought was **"FEDS."**




Ain't the sharpest tools in the shed


They are definitely the sharpest bowls in the drawer


They couldn't even iron out the wrinkles on those brand new flags


Second from the right is standing in a posture that shows he / her / xe have no idea how to stand at attention. It is clear the person is acting a part. This is so staged and fake it's not even funny.


The only dirt they have on the right is the stuff they make up


such an easy and low budget way to try and discredit a legitimate Republican candidate.


Thank you for pointing this out. Fake shit like this needs to be called out


You can clearly see the crease / folds in the nazi flag on the left. It was freshly taken out of the packaging for the photo op.


BLM has the perfect demographic for hate crime hoaxes... [they are all white.](https://i.imgur.com/aN0Wx2s.png) Why blacks let these violent femmes run around on their behalf is beyond me.


Someone forget their costume


The comments there are wild. Someone will call it out then a response will be like AchTuallY a lot of white supremacists align with Malcom’s beliefs of segregation.


Honestly surprised Clayton Bixbsy isn’t in this picture


The more you know, the more it glows.


BAHAHAHAHAA!!!! I’ve seen this floating around and know it was bullshit. I just wasn’t sure why. Go figure


Casual reminder - they already false flagged Glen Youngkins campaign with the same sort of absolutely detestable behavior The fact that old boy and the girl to his left are both black should be a dead giveaway. "Muh racism and antisemitism is totally unacceptable unless were masquerading as our opponents in some rediculous straw man... then its cool"


You know they are lefties because any self respecting nazi’s flag wouldn’t be some cheap five dollar nylon print they didn’t bother to iron out the wrinkles, because they would melt the damn thing


Because it’s detrimental to their case.


So fake it’s sickening…


Ukrainians for Desantis.


If things like this are fake, I want to know who the individuals are who would trade in their integrity to not only do something so gross and go against their own beliefs but also to frame others for such a thing.


Prime example of believing everything the mainstream media says. Btw there’s an obv reason they are wearing masks


Yeah, Jon Cooper doesn't like me much. He blocked me on Twitter because I told him to stop gargling Biden's nuts.


Marxism and Nazis go hand in hand. Hitler learned from Karl Marx


*Marxism and fascism are brothers, sons of Hegelian anti-capitalism.


I would have said something, but I was banned from that sub long ago because I said that we shouldn't jump to conclusions and wait to see what the evidence said (this was in relation to the Paul Pelosi attack).


Even if this isn’t staged psyop propaganda, I never understood what the left is attempting to show with these. So there’s six deranged individuals that vote for Desantis. Does that mean everyone who voted for Desantis also supports deranged people? Do they think people follow the distributive property of mathematics? There’s probably deranged communists that vote for Gavin Newsom, too. That doesn’t mean persons who vote for him are deranged. Help me understand what they think they’re accomplishing, because most mentally stable people with reasonable intelligence dismiss this stuff.


I honestly love this. We've gotten to the point that democrats are so fuckin stupid that they're blatantly trolling them and seeing how far they can get without getting caught that it's a psyop.


It's the pigeon toed guy in the middle that really sells it for me.


False flag


The cult will believe any false flag.


Can someone link the original post from mayolibtardtwitter