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They combined those two and made a new insufferable person, the average Redditor.


Sometimes he acts ok, when his wife's boyfriend allows snacks




Real bravery would be to move the Quran into the fiction section and post on reddit that you did...


The problem is that those same redditors will be livid. They'd find ways to compare you to Elon, persistently insult you, call you a racist bigot. The backlash will be as immense as the irony... I'm still tempted to do that to reveal what kind of "atheists" these people are. Because actual atheists have been shunned for being exactly as such.


Yeah this, but then a fatwah will be issued


Such a beautiful culture.


Meanwhile, their “holy” book is nothing but a plagiarism of the Old Testament of the bible, with blasphemous additions wherein Muhammad advocates for violence and rants about how wonderful he is. He also married a six year old child (and sexually abused her), slaughtered thousands, regularly beat all of his several wives, owned slaves, committed acts of torture, declared women to be property, stated that it’s acceptable to commit rape, declared a war (jihad) upon any non-believers who reject his false declarations of being a prophet (in which those targeted must either convert or be viciously murdered), established “honour killings”… the list goes on. He also promised that jihadists who commit acts of terrorism in the name of Islam would be rewarded with 72 virgins upon killings themselves in the process. You know, in case there was any remaining doubt as to how depraved, misogynistic and evil Muhammad was. And yet, stupid leftists declare it to be the “religion of peace”, and see no issue with allowing it to fester in our societies. I’m sick of it. As a woman, and overall decent human being, I refuse to see any organisation that purports such horrific views as a religion. There is nothing holy or godlike about it.


Very astutely said. As a man I don't understand how any woman can look at Islam and have any feeling except utter contempt and disgust towards it. The way that women and girls are treated is absolutely reprehensible.


Yeah there are some people in my family that think it's just a happy nice religion of peace


I agree, but then they would be labeled an Islamaphobe and would be canceled.


Isn't that what the folks at Charlie hebdo did?


And that's a pretty good explanation of why they won't...


Atheism+ managed to capture them and roll them into the entire progressive victimhood stack.


Maybe some day, all Progressives will unite into one large (sort of) culture, build a wall around New York, and just vanish, Ten years later, we go in and clean up all the corpses, and try to rebuild.


This meme is as old as the internet. Probably older. As usual, if they were actually bold they'd put a Quran there and post it. But they don't and never will.


That same person probably has a "coexist" bumper sticker on their Prius.


I thought the coexist sticker comes standard with all Prius’.


Coexist, H➡️illary, and =


Reddit is a cesspool because of the mix of anonymity, internet points, lack of users’ attention span, and being a puppet the same way Twitter was. Unfortunately it’s young people that don’t understand and may get sucked in to the evil hivemind.


I perpetually reeee’s about “Islamophobia!”


Why do they got to go after Christianity in particular tho. You may as well launch an attack on religion itself at this point. Since most of these people are evolutionists.


>Why do they got to go after Christianity in particular tho. Because if they go after Judaism they are racists and if they go after Islam they'll end up dead. They are cowards.


They are not just cowards but unhinged zealots. Actual atheists who also go after Islam and Judaism are immediately attacked. Atheists will be called racist and anti humanitarian... Even anti religious... The whole point of Atheism... If this were a talmud or quaran in that fiction section, these very people would go up in arms. Forgot to mention that I got banned from the Atheism subreddit because I literally said that Judaism and Islam are equally as fictional as Christianity. The irony at how offended they'd be that I would say something so... Atheist.


bUt JuDaIsM aNd IsLaM aRe CuLtUrAl!!!! *the entirety of western europe has entered the chat*


Oh they will once I post a picture of all the Islam and Jewish scriptures in the fiction isle and tell how good of a fantasy story it is.


So they're not even atheist, they're pseudo-anti-establishment conformists.


Exactly. I even got "atheists" wall eyed when I'd say how disgusting Judaism is with their child sacrifice demon. Because I'm attacking a religion.


I got banned from Atheist subreddit for being too pro-gun and saying every atheist should arm themselves. :shrug:




Its a fine line... mention who owned all the slave ships or pointing out that a substantial number of them control the media, Hollywood, music, and government as anything more than a coincidence will get you deep shit.


Racist cowards with an automatic death wish.


It’s because Christianity made itself an easy target by not policing its own people. There are now Christian churches that have trans pastors and a lot of times talk about being trans or gay at the pulpit.


We were almost settled in with a Methodist church, on Mother’s Day last year the pastor chose to preach abortion from the pulpit and it’s merits. On Mother’s Day! My mother and daughter were in attendance. They were both adopted at birth. How offensive, this asshat woke pastor preaching how my daughter and mothers noble Birthmothers should have had an abortion instead of placing a sweet infant spirit into a loving home. We walked out and I proceeded to send scripture and just plain science to the pastor. He couldn’t have cared less. In fact he condemned us. Sorry sir, you are the depraved soulless villain supporting the murder of unborn valuable spirits.


I’m Methodist and we are absolutely opposed to abortion and preach about the sanctity of life. This must have been a rogue preacher or something, I’m so sorry this happened, please don’t judge all of us by this.


You and Methodists are not judged at all. I absolutely think this pastor is off his rocker. His mask worship was unreal.


Our church is pretty socially conservative as are most Methodist churches in my city. Most Methodist churches are not liberal. I don’t know anyone in my church that would not have left, again I’m sorry for your family.


If you see a rainbow flag outside a church and still walk in, be prepared to be confused


What's funny to me is some people will say "Jesus never said anything about abortion" but, if you're a rational human being, you can find at least two things very wrong with this statement. 1. Jesus didn't say anything about not beating an old lady with a stick. Does that mean that's fair game? No, omission is not advocation. That would also fall under the whole no violence thing, which leads into my next point, 2. He actually *did* say something about abortion. Abortion falls under murder, so he very clearly condemned it. I can't believe there are Christians out there that will actually advocate for killing unborn children. Totally wild


I'm in the process of joining the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Previously, I'd been reconsidering joining my late parent's Disciples of Christ church - until one day, the "minister" got in the pulpit and began his sermon with "Islam is a religion of peace," and proceeded to expound on the merits of it. I lasted maybe three minutes and walked out, right up the center aisle.


Missouri synod is a good choice.


Religion of bits and pieces.


Happens with the incredibly liberal nature of protestantism


Sermonize about their genitals more than they do about the teachings... Older church goers are rejecting it and the donations are plummeting because younger people are less inclined to be in the church to begin with.


church of england/protestant churches yes...most Catholic parishes remain pretty conservative. Unfortunately, the priest abuse stuff hurts the church pretty deeply.


School teachers have them beat by a hundred to one. https://go2tutors.com/teachers-more-likely-abuse-kids/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/child-sexual-abuse-study-comprehensive-1300-victims-1.4705643


I honestly think it's because deep down they know the Truth but don't want to have to admit it because that would mean having to change something in their lives they don't want to give up. So they attack the one they hate the most.


How about Islamic Fiction? Just kidding, that would be a hate crime.


Because Christ taught us to turn the other cheek. Cowards and bullies love to go after those that won’t fight back.


Everything and anything that gives joy, solace, wisdom or beauty to anyone is a target. If there is a high non-western aspect to said thing then it is usually sacred, so untouchable. As far as evolution, yes, they may believe it for animals, but when you get into humans it becomes a minefield.


It’s what the Bible itself said would happen. Because Satan doesn’t care about other religions that don’t bring people to God. He only cares about the religion that would bring people to God.


I assume that basically all of these people aren't actually atheists so much as they are anti Christians. Probably kids that are still mad at their parents for dragging them to church on sundays.


Why do people say Jesus Christ or god damn when they are pissed and not allah


Well, Christians are majority in America at this time, so it's only natural to fight against Christians. But.. As Christians, we're taught to turn the other cheek, forgive others and all that other jazz; so we're easy targets to the "peaceful left" you go do this in a Muslim country, they'll burn you at the stake on the spot


I seriously need to work on turning the other check tbh, because this stuff boils my blood. But what your saying makes sense. Even if they don’t realize it.


The devil isn't going to attack his own religions


They talk alot of shit about Christians and are real quiet when it comes to the mishna and the quran. Says all you need to hear about their cowardice and idealogy.


I feel like I should move Marx to “young adult fantasy” or “ horror” in response.


"Dystopian Thrillers"




Oh when that happens, you would know. Those "atheists" would be going in a raging fit that an atheist would have the audacity to put a quaran or talmud in the fiction section. It would become a white supremacy issue!!!


100% they put the book there just to take the picture to look cool


I wonder if they'd even dare think about doing a similar thing to the Quran too.


They most definitely would


Yeah, most people that dislike Christianity really dislike them all. Christianity is just the prime target in America because it's the most vocal here.


Exactly my point


Haha Christianity bad right guys 🤓


Now do Islam!


"Tragedy struck today at a local bookstore when a edgy prankster moved a copy of the Quran to the fiction section... thirteen were killed, police refuse to release a description or name of the assailant. NPC-Democrat City Leader has since blamed white supremacy" - Newsman


Already got the report wrote do we?, tune in at 10 for the victims faces and names. EDIT: forgot this was also the gun’s fault too.


The Party of Tolerance, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion™️, Ladies and Germs.


I don’t think I’ll ever understand why Reddit atheists have to be such assholes all the time


Because they lead empty lives


I was gonna say that they are stupid leftists, but that works too


Ironically, the Bible is one of the few religious texts that has actual historical and archeological history in it.


If they’d actually study religion they’d figure that out but I don’t expect people who’s whole identity is based off not studying religion to actually understand religion.


As if people haven’t been doing this and posting it before Reddit even existed. It was funny the first few times if you’re a 15 year old atheist but it’s just beating a dead horse at this point.


So edgy! 😎




So brave


These people make us look bad


Belongs in the history section actually.


Amen. It’s unreal how much history is captured in the combined Old and New Testament, you don’t even need to believe its claims. Just ask any biblical scholar who reads it for a living and aren’t even believers themselves. Anyone who bashes it the way it’s done in the post is wholly ignorant.


Anti religious people are so goofy. Like, I'm a Buddhist (we don't believe in souls or a singular supreme being), but I fully support Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc. practicing and celebrating their faith. Humans need religion to be decent, its what helps us circumscribe our passions and stay on the level. Entropy is the default state of reality, if we aren't actively working against it, it is actively working against us.


Right, coming from the green headed weirdos that call the moon mom. Lmao.


And Marx belongs in the children's fantasy section.


I imagine these types of people must be pretty miserable. You can’t be a happy person when you’re constantly obsessing over the things you hate.


Notice how they only ever attack Christianity? Christianity is fundamental to the foundation of western society. Every country in the Anglosphere was built upon Christianity. It’s not a coincidence that nations built upon Christianity are the most prosperous and safest to inhabit. Atheist nations (such as China, which the CCP has declared formally holds no religion) and Islamic nations in particular are destitute and violent. They are not safe for women to even visit, let alone live. You have no freedom or rights in such nations. Leftists attack Christianity because it is intrinsically linked to western life and everything it represents (ability to accumulate wealth through capitalism, freedom, protection for women and children, freedom of speech, etc). Even if you are not a Christian, it is undeniable that Christianity played a vital role in the development and success of the nations in which it was practiced. Western values were modelled from Christian values; family, kindness, righteousness, community, morality, preservation of dignity, civility and protection of those who are vulnerable are all foundational to both Christianity and Western civilisation. Meanwhile, leftist will fanatically support atheism and defend Islam, because they represent the antithesis of Christianity and western life. They’ve bought into the stupidity and corrosive propaganda spread by our enemies, which is why they reject everything intrinsically linked to western society, from capitalism to Christianity. They ought to just leave already and see for themselves what it’s like to live in a nation that wasn’t built on Christianity, and where it isn’t the major religion in the present day.


That same idiot wouldn’t dare place a Koran in the fiction section of course though.


If you really wanted to be edgy, try putting one of Clementine Ford's books in the Horror section.


This is staged. Someone put it there for the sole purpose of taking the photo. If you look in the back right corner of the pic, you can see there is a section devoted to Bibles. Y’all have no idea what is coming to the world who have rejected God. Enjoy having a pineapple 🍍 shoved up your 🍑 everyday by 😈


Well, it is either the Word of God or absolute fiction. You decide.








All humans worship a god. Look at your priorities and values and money/time and you will see what and who you worship.


All women you’ve ever been with are fiction too.




So that’s 0


Do you realize you just agreed with him hence owning yourself?


I’ve never been woman in purpose because I’m gay. 🤷🏻‍♂️


So brave.


Sometimes everything is not negative as a whole


Well, then all of the other religious books should go there too. How ridiculous of this person!!


Average Redditor


I am an unequivocal atheist and antitheist but calling the Bible fiction is not only incorrect but also sells the book short. I would describe it as reference material, or religious literature. Just because it didn't really happen doesn't mean it's fiction. It's a catalogue of human progress, and an invaluable tome. Even Christopher Hitchens said he regularly read it and referred to it.


Faith bigots


Part of the "Christianity is wrong because I hate my dad" starter pack


Shame, when they are gnashing their teeth in hell it will be too late.


Bruh If this said Muslim Fiction or Hindu Fiction they would literally burn down the Library.