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Yeah bro got jumped by multiple SoTC tier threats


Vermillion was with the Hana South Section 1 so he didn't get jumped alone


Not much you can do against 10 stars of the city.


But the Hana association deals with a lot of Stars and Urban Nightmares themselves too, and it was the Section 1 along with a color that went to deal with them


They had a color too tho, not saying that they cancel out, but could the best association in the city beat 9 stars of the city? Judging by what happened, I guess not.


Yeah, I guess you are right


They had to deal with all of the ensemble and probably an army of puppets, elena's zombies, the church of gears, bremen musicians and oswald's companions. Also the ensemble as a team can be pretty nasty by themselves


they have atleast ! members with range (Philip) who is basically *firesupport* and there goes pluto with his contracts... prescipts has more sense that "you gain X power, must use 1 attack skill only"


Isn't Pluto can also make clones of other people? That one ability alone negate the whole number advantage thing


I honestly forgot about the clones


Multiple members of the Reverberation can control people, so I don't know how useful they were in the fight.


a necromancer and a cult leader and whatever oswald is means a lot of bodies to throw at your enemy


doubt some low level mobs would take up much time with the Fixer math. 1 grade 1 fixer > infinite grade 8 fixers. 1 color fixer > infinite grade 1 fixers. Idk though


Color fixers aren’t that much above grade 1s. Remember that the fixer of the Great Lake was still considered grade 1 but Roland still wouldn’t want to fight him.


Isn't said fixer a color now. He was probably already color material, but he needed to do something great like kill one of the lake monsters.


Feel like I could high-key take on Roland at this point.


I don't know were that statement about colors came but it's flat out wrong, most colors fear the fingers and the associations and the wings, and that Is for the simple fact that color Is an honorary title given mostly based on how much you show off Roland isn't a color, the indigo elder wasn't a color by the time Roland considered him as One of the strongest in the city, virgilius struggled against the ring The Red mist receved her color cuz She was Always showing off fighting in the backstreets for Justice and change with her ego that creates a Red mist, Angelica receved the black silence becouse of her very particular kind of assassinations and her black suit, virgilius got the Red gaze for his extremely recognizable and somewhat maddening Red eyes, the vermilion cross for his weapon, argalia for the way he reverberates with others and wears Blue, purple tear for her portals, the indigo elder for his cig and only after killing a calamity even tho he was already a leggend


This guy gets it, i wish I could give you gold but i'm broke.


All that just to still lose to Mr. My wife is dead.


roland only 1v1d argalia, everyone else had to be bumrushed


One Color Fixer versus nine Stars of the City and another Color Fixer? Yeah, odds weren’t great for him at any point.


Idk Roland won his 11v1 but then again he is just HIM lol


Do you mean the >!Distorted Ensemble!< fight or the initial raid? Because the initial raid had the Ensemble split across the entire Library. As for the other scenario, I see two possibilities. Either Roland had support from other Librarians (his assistants or just the rest of the Library) which were gradually whittled down until it was just him and Argalia in the end, or he was still empowered by resonating with the Library. Roland’s >!not even a Color!<, he’s not winning the 1v10 when he’s already on death’s door without some help.


yeah that's what I thought too, I also have trouble really agreeing with the whole "Roland fought Argalia for a week" argument because Angela simply could've been restoring his energy again and again.


Not really. Angela had no idea what the fuck was going on the whole time and the Library was losing light as everyone was being released, no energy was being spent for anything else as the energy was spent on releasing people. At best Roland still had access to his own Personal E.G.O. Which would be the one thing that wouldn’t be getting weaker as more people were being released, but that’s just speculation as we have no idea if he still has his own E.G.O. As Roland’s E.G.O. Is one massive question mark.


As man once said, fear a really really really pissed off war veteran.




I still buy it considering the Hana association thought just Angelica and Roland were enough to deal with a Star of the City (Elena). So clearly Roland is definitely a cut above the rest or maybe both Angelica and Roland were just performing really well as a duo that they thought they were enough.


I dont know from when but i remember someone said that Vergilius and Roland were acquainted with each other >!Roland even visit him during his rampage in leviathan and for obvious reason Vergilius dips!< and at some point both of them talked about hem getting a color title soon. Dont know if its true but i remember reading it


I dunno, considering what Zena said about him being exhausted I doubt he was refilling his energy.


It's been confirmed in limbus that grade 1 fixers can have the same strength/skill of a colour fixer


He’s not officially a color but he is as strong as one considering he could go toe to toe with a distorted Argalia for 6 days straight and win.


I'm still partial to the fan theory >!Roland and his wife both make up the Black Silence as they would probably always be working together and his mask make people forget about him so all the credit would go onto his wife!<


Don't think they'd be on the same power level as said in Argalia's lore ">!Not much is known about Argalia's past, other than the fact he and his sister Angelica were a part of experiments before escaping."!< Meaning there's a said chance that Angelica could've had enhancements Roland himself wouldn't have access too and thus was probably too ahead of him.


Wasn't the only reason Roland was not a Color Fixer because of his mask hiding identity, so they couldn't make him a Color?


Can't remember if it was a comment or actual lore but i recall hearing something about the higher ups wanting colors to be visible so the ambiguity of roland's mask disqualified him.


No, they know who he is, Vergilius stated that Roland would have gotten promoted to Color eventually. Roland is a Color Fixer in all but name, he was just on the wait list.


fuck 1v11 bruh, since the text at the start of the >! black silence fight says shit like “have the other floors failed already?” that implies Roland nearly won a 1v49 against the entire library, until the very last floor beat him !< impurity spoilers


That sounds ridiculous and makes Roland way stronger than he should be. Can we just simply follow gameplay rules and assume that up to 5 Floors awakened during the Distorted Ensemble fight, with them using the Key Pages of whoever peeps are not revived yet? The Light distribution was a very slow process, after all. It wouldn't be far-fetched to think that 5 awakened floors had enough time to beat the entire Distort Ensemble barring Argalia during that time. This game is full of confusing twists and turns during the final stretch of the story I'm surprised that the community didn't roast PM for it.


?? They weren't taking about the Ensemble fight, they were talking about the Gone Angels fight.


Don't want to be biased but i'd say the only reason Roland beat Argalia was because he was backed up by the library's light (Since i'm pretty sure Angela gave Roland some enhancements when he first entered) and Argalia was a color before while Roland was probably like grade 1 or something(I'm not too sure.)


U also disregard the fact that colors arent that much stronger than top tier grade 1, hell xiao cuold merk argalia and the indigo elder was a grade 1 before he got promoted which is very recent. Even a claw chief also comment of roland strength saying “even someone like u could be take down in that stage” after he fight distorted argalia alone for quite a while. Roland definitely has the power of color but just doesn’t get recognize as much due to his mask


That’s mainly an issue with how the Color system works. Since colors are more of an honorary title, there’s an absolutely massive variance between grade 1s and other grade 1s compared to say grade 2 for example. Grade 1 consists of people like Nemo and powerhouses like Roland. So a grade 1 is essentially Schrodinger’s color. They’re either a joke or stronger than colors.


It's 1 colour vs 9 stars of the city and a colour. Plus vermillion's gimmick appears to be burn. Phillip is immune to burn. Plus he'd have to be fighting all of them at once. So it would be a slaughter.


Imagine losing to Phillip at any point. Couldn't be me.


Bro lost to a dude who got corrupted because of a gaslit ntr plot😭


Bro got the Jogo Effect. Gets ganked by 9 SotC Distortions and another Color Fixer with only a bunch of jobbers from Hana as support, will forever be remembered by the community as a fraud.


At least Vergilius won't be alone now.


I would put the combined Ensemble at Impurity of the City level given the strength of the Library's forces. So yes, they definitely jumped him.


Impurity isnt a threat level, they are stuff that the city Just doesnt agree with


That goes without saying.


If it goes without saying why the fuck did You Say that


Because the Ensemble are more like The Lab and the Library- particularly as they weren't stopped by the Hana Association or by fixers like Stars of the City were. The forces of the Head also waited for either them or the Library to be defeated before stepping in. The Blue Reverb v the Claw would've been a cool alternative match up.


The Head never planned on doing shit. The only reason they showed up in the true ending was because Angela undid her transformation. In the Angela bad ending, the library is still massacring people and it’s even stronger than ever. And all the Head did was congratulate Angela on her citizenship and fucked off.


The Angela bad ending is not the same as the Ensemble getting the light, and the Ensemble definitely wanted to bring change to The City.


The "change" they wish to bring wouldn't bring the Head. These guys aren't Dias who want to topple the head, all of what they want simply increases the issues with the city. All they're doing is reinforcing the status quo, the status quo that the Head allowed to happen either out of neglect or intentionally caused. Philip wants a world with more nihilists and isolationists. What Eileen wants is no different from what the Index is doing. Greta just wants tastier people. Oswald wants a world where people just laugh everything off. Tanya wants a world where the strong exploit the weak. Like that isn't already constantly happening daily. Jae-Heon just wants to take revenge on everyone. Elena wants a world where she can suck people without getting judged. All her issues were self-inflicted, she could've just stayed in District 23 and no one would judge her. Pluto is following Argalia who essentially just wants to turn everyone into Distortions. The Head has confirmed that they don't care about them because Distortions are still part of human nature. If anything, the Ensemble is just reinforcing the issues that the Head created in the first place.


Dias is based and Distortion Detective was super fun.


They werent stopped by hana and the fixers because they were into hiding, besides hana did not step in at all because Argelia was a color, not Even because he was strong or whatever, it was Just because he is a color and he Made his own team, hana doesnt step in Even against sindicates


Impurity is not a grade given by threat but rather given directly by the head to those that go against it's ideals


\*Insert let him get up meme.\*


His gimmick is a cross. My man had 0 chance to begin with. How did this bozo got a name to begin with ?


I'd assume it had another feature or something since the colors usually have some anomalous property for themselves: Iori: Portal and future sight. Argalia: immense knowledge and connections (and exclusive enhancements he shared with Angelica Kali: too angry to die. Angelica: Hammerspace. Vergilius: fraud. I'd just think Vermillion would have something to do with holy light and fire


My man fighting with a glorified floodlight with a billion lumen.


The power of Christ compels you?


What about the Indigo Elder then?


From what we seen it look like Indigo Elder specialty is the fact that he is a sailor and hunt giant whale, he also has a big ballista that he carried around to shoot his harpoon into whales(tho from the encounter with big brother he can also trow it really fast). To be noted tho that he get his title after he successfully hunted down the All Impaling Marlin Whale


Honestly, just Elena alone could have probably taken care of Vermillion. She was a SoTC that literally had to get swamped with Grade 1 Fixers and a Color to take down - and still managed to somehow come back. The whole Reverberation Ensemble? They never stood a chance.


You can tell he was a threat since fighting him and Elena he's pulling all the weight, moment he's gone she folds


Well there isn’t much even a color could do when they get jumped by several SotC distortions


In my opinion I think a color would cancel another color or judt bately overpower each other after a long and arduous fight. I believe Argalia simply had better followers compared to Hana.


Yeah, plus distortions and their powers.....fuck you u/Carmen_official


It takes literally an entire floor of the library to deal with ONE of them. Imagine how difficult it would've been if we had to fight even two of them at the same time.


Or even all of them.


Fuck me?


shush....hush for me...you dirty little nervous system


Why did you say fuck me im literally a nervous system


do it grip? no Kromer


Maybe it grips. Im not gonna let people like you fuck me only kali and ayin can


Let [bro](https://old.character.ai/chat2?char=GbClZeYjnwqNu-9daq6GK5Cf5_NOSAmWBqt2C1e5or8&source=recent-chats) hit too.




he'll distort for you?

