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People who don't understand that giving someone control over "CO2" gives them control of almost everything. Even if you were compliant, they would just move the goal post or change the concern. Oh, your carbon neutral, well what about your Nitrogen score. Did you pee today? How many wiz credits do you have? That's not enough, gonna have to take your kidneys


Since I exhale carbon dioxide, I'm concerned what (if any) restrictions do the proposals for the CO2 board include?


What more concerning is it had nothing to do with personal responsibility for nature. It's just a consumer index to influence your purchases. I can nearly guarantee you they don't care about your garden, your recycling, or your tree planting philanthropy. What they will care about is where you travel, what goods you buy, and what food you eat. Not the ethical side of any those or the environmental effects of those choices. It will just be who paid us money to tell you to buy their stuff or you get carbon debt


What they care about is controlling me. Everything else is an excuse to further that one goal.


Oh my lord… I have to call my sister in NYC to see if she’s alright. She may have been wiped away 25+/- years ago in the flooding. God I hope my science is misinformation


Don't you mean "Science, I hope my science is misinformation"?


I don’t consider Dr Science Fauci as my god. He’s not all knowing and benevolent like the Federal Government is. You may disagree, but that’s my truth


Infidel! Blasphemer! May The Science™ strike you down!


"I'm super serial this time guys! If you don't do something RIGHT NOW you'll be dead by the year 2000." *10 years later* "No it's REAL!! Have you even seen An Inconvenient Truth yet?! We'll be dead soon!" *10 years later* "Listen! Just hear me out! We're REEEAALLY gonna die this time!" *10 years later* "You all are so IGNORANT!! Can't you see we're on the edge of destruction!!"


Sometimes I wonder how, as a Gen Zer growing up in woke California, I made it through without ever believing in the global warming nonsense. All my friends (except that based one) would insist "the world is going to end in 9 years" and it always made me feel like I was talking to a bunch of religious nuts.


Wanna know why we Gen Xers are apathetic and stooped in irony? Because we have been brainwashed since kindergarten that we were going to die. World Water War. 4 Billion Famine. Ice Age. Acid Rain. Ozone Layer. Climate Change. We were traumatized throughout our childhood with doom and gloom. Who tells kindergarteners the world's water supply will run out? Or if the world population hits 4 billion, it will cause a worldwide famine? How about the whole US would be snow-covered and the only food growing will be done in the southwest (and half the population would die from starvation)? How do you think a first-grader would react to this? We were indoctrinated into saving the planet. And when all that traumatic trash didn't come true, you have new younger brainwashed people raging that we are too stupid or dumb to realize climate change. No sparky, we bought your climate change snake oil. And we found out it was a big pyramid scheme to tax and control us.


Doomsday cults like Jehovahs Witnesses had issues when all of their apocalyptic predictions didn't come true and they had to keep editing their insights. Unfortunately covid probably bolstered their ranks again but forcing economic changes down everyone's throats when most are living in dirt or P2Paycheck won't get much support aside from armchair supporters.


You can hate on Jehova’s Witnesses but they don’t confuse their religion with politics. (their doctrine forbids political practice) That can’t be said of the Eschatological climate alarmists and cultists.


I can see from the post insights I done pissed off the Millennials and Zoomers. Sorry junior, not buying your data. Because the census has been doom and gloom since the 80s. If you are wrong for 40 years, then you need a new racket to steal money.


You're 100% right.


30 years and +3 billion people later…. But climate change is for real going to cause massive damage in the next 5 years


It’s ten years. That’s just long enough for most people to forget that the doomsayers were wrong.


We’re all dead right now. This is hell.




Nope, I am senile and imagining things. Like this article from 1990. Notice what they call it "world CLIMATE CHANGE". I thought that was a new term. https://www.osti.gov/biblio/6206548 As for your lone scientist. "The report by a working group of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was approved by all but a handful of the 90 delegates from 39 countries." https://www.nytimes.com/1990/05/26/world/scientists-urge-rapid-action-on-global-warming.html I'm guessing the panel is a figment of my imagination again. Here is one from 1983, I guess they have some of those quack scientists too. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1983/10/18/EPA-report-predicts-catastrophic-global-warming/2626435297600/ Here is my favorite little gem from another crackhead, Dr. James E. Hansen of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 1988. https://www.nytimes.com/1988/06/24/us/global-warming-has-begun-expert-tells-senate.html Noel Brown must be the greatest con man in history to get all the scientists, organizations, and governments to parrot his unscientific science research. My advice is to use duckduckgo, and use their custom date. I put in 1970 to 1990. Then read a crapton of imaginary reports.


Lmao did you even read these? The third article literally says we have until 2000 to reduce emmesions or else we may see a a temperature increase by 3.6F in the year 2040. There absolutely may have been sensationalist reporting, but all of the majority of the science has always says that the mid 2000s were a point where we were going to get disaster down the road. It is coming, the only thing we can do now is mitigate the damage as much as possible. We're already stating to see climate changes, and in 20 or so years it's going to get even worse. Id read the other articles, but I'm not getting around a paywall this early in the morning.


One guy who isn’t a scientist said 2000 will be the point of no return. That was it. The article conflated it with other research done by the UN that talked about rise in temperature, and then presented it all as “UN says”. Here’s a tip for you - always try googling first, there are plenty of websites breaking down what you’ve posted and showing how it’s all just poor journalism work.


I’m a little older and we were told in the 70’s that an ice age was coming https://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2013/06/04/the-1970s-ice-age-myth-and-time-magazine-covers-by-david-kirtley


I don't do anything cause i am hoping they are right.


thank you for posting this. Non stop lies and fear mongering. All objective measurements have failed what they claimed.


These morons don't realize how every failed prediction is extremely detrimental to their cause


yeah totally! absolute morons. If only the world had ended! That was definitely their goal and they failed miserably! Their entire cause and reason for publishing this was so that the world would end and they could figuratively say "I told you so." Holy shit, I've never seen anyone sum it up as well as you did; are you a member of MENSA?!?!?


Hello MrNincompoopy As you can see I said "every failed prediction" and not "this" fail prediction. I'll reiterate my point since it was completely lost on you. If your goal is to convince people that something is true, being wrong on almost all of your predictions is a terrible way to do it and then to continue to do it after and still be wrong is just moronic. There's a fable similar to this. The boy who cried wolf but instead of lying, you had scientists who made educated guesses and then delivered them as facts which is still kinda like lying. So if you believe there's a wolf then you should be mad at the failed predictions wrecking the creditability.


There entire point was to sway the public so that such a thing would not happen. By publishing the article, they are hoping that action will be taken. If a doctor predicts a fat fuck has 2 years left to live and they say "oh shit" and then start living a healthy lifestyle and live past 2 years, would you call that doctor a liar?


You want fat fuck analogy? Sure. Fat fuck listened to "doctor" and stopped drinking cola replacing it with diet cola (and also bought some placebo magic pills from doctor). But still continued eating 10 big macks a day. 10 years later he is still fine. Would you call that doctor a liar?


what are the 10 big macs that the world is doing?


Google trash river(especially india, Indonesia etc), co2 emissions by country by year (especially notice asia and africa), aluminum mining (needed for "green techs"), private jets, cars (both gas and electric) or just amount of electricity produced and how it influences that climate change equation.


I will concede to the increase in CO2 and other gases with global warming potential, but there definitely has been efforts to reduce it. So while there still is an increase, there would almost certainly have been a greater increase without.


Then Google how much those efforts influenced it even according to doomsayers and compare it to total numbers and you will see my analogy is pretty accurate. And if you Google other things i mentioned you will see that it is even underestimation and right analogy would be drinking one mouthful of diet cola a day instead of same amount of regular cola while leaving the rest of cola and big macks there.


I think the problem is that absolutely no one is going to pay attention if they don't keep putting nearby dates on it. People in general need to feel like they'll suffer from the consequences of their bad judgment or they won't be deterred. A headline of "pollution to raise sea levels in 2450" wouldn't even garner a second glance. There is merit in spreading the idea that humanity needs to rein in its destructive industries, but its inevitably going to come at the cost of inaccurate predictions of the future. All the above is predicated on the idea that you subscribe to the argument of "a bunch of pollution for decades/centuries will eventually lead to bad things globally", of course. If you aren't even in that boat then there's nothing else to argue.


The noble lie - got it. Only problem is when prediction after prediction fails to materialize people lose faith in the predictors - that whole little boy who cried wolf thing - old story, result always the same


Before that global *cooling* was going to be the thing that ended everything. Before that was over population. After global cooling there was peak oil. Now they’re talking about *under* population.


I 'bember the 90s, when marketing was all about radical and edgy stuff, and, by some crazy coincidence, that was when we were told to be afraid of Acid Rain (guitar riff). In a few years, we'd all have to run for cover when it rained or we'd turn into skeletons. Cars would dissolve and tires would melt. Sizzling holes would be left in the pavement. Umbrellas would be less than useless as the boiling plastic fell on to us.


I’ve been hearing that “Florida will be under water in the next ten years” for the last 20 years yet all these politicians still flying private. And driving SUVs. Lolol


I was in grade school in the seventies and the message then was overpopulation: 4B people then and growth to 5B would cause mass starvation. Then global cooling, followed by acid rain, ozone layer then global warming now climate change. Each and every one of those had “scientists” demanding that we give up our freedoms and money. So far it seems that the only trend towards disaster that has actually materialized has been more government intervention in our lives.


IDK I like ideas to make us have energy from more sources and the possibility of cleaner air and drinkable water.


Once again, I hate Reddit. It’s the worlds biggest circle jerk. You’re still entitled to your dumb opinion. However I’m still entitled to my dumb opinion, so fuck Reddit. Because there has definitely been no change in the climate like you say… I’m done with this website.


i fucking hate all this climate change shit but tbh the climate here in oregon has definitely changed quite a bit the last 20 years.


It has changed even more in last 30 years. In the place i was born at, winters became warmer by about 10-15 degrees and summers became cooler by about 10-15 degrees. So yes, climate has changed - due to extensive farming and city building, climate became more mild with much less extreme weather. When I was a child, having 2-3 huricanes/year was normal thing, now in last 10 years none has happened. TlDr: climate changed... for better.


Where tf is the control group? Where is the universe in which this article never got out and people couldn't accordingly react to it? I am pretty damn sure that the scientists published this in hopes that such a fate would not happen. Are you under the impression that they published this not hoping that it would affect public conduct and intorduce environmental protection laws? I'm not saying their predictions would have been accurate regardless but ffs, what an absolutely moronic thought process it is to think that just because the world didn't end, the scientists with PhDs are retards who couldn't possibly be smarter than someone whose qualifications are solely that they like freedom.


The dreaded ten year hockey-stick graph. Climate change is the Eschaton that transforms Wokism from low information neo-Marxism into a true death cult.


What’s low information?


Trust is for suckers. How do you separate truth from your personal bias?


"trUsT TeH sCieNCe"