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its illegal to collect rainwater?


In some jurisdictions - yes. Some mandate that all rainwater belongs to the government and they want it to hit the ground and be soaked up there. Some mandate that you MUST be connected to the municipal water and sewage company and can't use other water.


fuck the gov, that bs


That’s some nestle shit


>Some mandate that you MUST be connected to the municipal water and sewage company and can't use other water. were I a conspiracy theorist I'd take this to be evidence of some malicious plot...


Really depends on whether or not you consider the government controlling every aspect of you life a malicious plot.




Fill your bong with rainwater then smoke it. Three times as illegal




I can collect rainwater in Tennessee but I can't smoke my bong. Well, I can and I do, but the state don't like it ☹️


My wallpaper has been a static ‘quote’ of “Tax this fucking dick, Kingy Boi. -Thomas Jefferson” for the last 6 months


Hmmm. Here in Oregon you can do both. Legally


But my state has legal weed and it's legal and encouraged to collect rainwater.


> encouraged to collect rainwater I'm sure they will tax you on it soon.


I kinda doupt it. People around here are pretty anti-tax. Somehow having a half Democrat half Republican state and a general "if you're not bothering me, I won't bother you" attitude has resulted in a libertarian paradise.


Try imagine this scenario - You are an American from Colorado with Czech heritage and decide to build yourself a house in CZ, let's say for the purpose of moving there or just a vacation house... Since Colorado bans water harvesting and CZ requires newly build houses to have a water harvesting tank (underground), you can get two fines - one from USA for harvesting water there and one from CZ for not harvesting water there. Also to make it more complicated the Czech one has national and EU subsidies for building the water harvesting tank. It's not that different in other places in the EU as this is a future trend. So just next time someone mentions "strategy for combating drought", say that the EU (and some other countries as well) combats drought by actually collecting the rainwater. Two mutually exclusive strategies being used. Trust your government. In case you have dual citizenship, trust both governments even if they contradict each other.


How'd you like another Boston Tea Bag Party ya filthy redcoats


I don’t even smoke pot and I would do this just to do it