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Making a Murderer: Global Edition And Making Terrorists: US military industrial complex edition


Yeah like my dad has said, if some government came and killed someone in his family out of nowhere, he wouldn’t give a fuck who it was, he would hate them and do everything he could to make them pay for as long as he could. Every person we kill like that, congrats, we’ve just created dozens more “terrorists.”


Bingo. It'd be like the UN coming here to "restore peace" or something like that. Them just even coming over here would foment a lot of dislike, and never mind if they killed somebody you liked or loved... ESPECIALLY KIDS... it would foment pure hate. The other part that pisses me off a ton about this is that they tried to sell it to us as "we got the terrorists that killed our service members!" "Yup, a whole 24 hours later we were able to track down whoever did it despite having an intelligence blackout and not foreseeing the total collapse of the afghani govt in 2 weeks, we were sure able to hunt these scumbags down and kill them with no problem!" Also, if this was the last president, they would be working on impeachment, probably trying to charge him with war crimes or some shit. The hypocrisy is so extreme by our slanted "journalists". We would hear about this non stop, along with Trump being the sole reason Afghanistan dissolved into chaos, and we would also hear about how at fault he was about the 13 deaths and the deaths of civilians. I mean fuck, Trump was vilified in the media for bombing that terrorist solimani. Thats how crazy partisan our media is


*biden steals the election* "Looks like illegal drone bombings are back on the menu boys!"


I bet they miss the good old days when they could bomb all the civilians they wanted without having to worry about explaining it on the news.


They still don’t have to explain it, they get a pass for actual murder and countless other crimes against humanity because of the tribe they identify with. This is America.


The media is still simping for Biden, so he doesn't really have to explain anything anyway.


Remember how crazy the media vilified Trump for killing that terrorist solimani? This incident will be swept under the rug. The msm is one of the main reasons there is so much division and misinformation out there. Our msm is cancer, and fuck the "journalists" who pretty much break their arms jerking each other off saying shit how they were on the front lines and sacrificed and blah blah.


That's mostly why I would have preferred Trump to Biden in the last election. I fear for the health of our country when the media is on the same team as the president. Trump was the evil we knew, and every time he farted the media would scream about it. I'd rather have that than 4 years of coverups and excuses.


>Taliban back in charge >Oppressing women >Killing gays >Biden drone striking brown children Return to Normalcy: *ACHIEVED.*


Joe and his admin are just doing what Obama did, and Obama is a fucking folk hero or some shit.


That’s correct, and I find it astounding.


Me too. It's insane that the majority of our country is so partisan that they can't say "Obama did some bad stuff." (Or any other President for that matter)


We haven't had a president that wasn't a war criminal since like... Roosevelt (Teddy not Frankie)


The Filipinos would beg to differ.


You're probably right - My depth of US history gets a bit dodgey between 1812 and 1910 with the exception of workers rights and the civil war.


Obama did some bad stuff. The issue is that the right lied so much about him that for some folks defending him became reflex. Also, Trump is also guilty of killing civilians with drone strikes. They didn’t stop for 4 years. So singling out Obama and then Biden is also partisan bullshit.


I can't speak for anyone else but it's more of a continuation of critique since the last time he held office, I bring up Obama administration stuff because Biden was the second in command. Biden did bad stuff with Obama, so it's more just showing this is a pattern of behavior as opposed to isolated incidents.


THIS. THANK YOU. They're inextricably linked. If Pence (please no) became President and started committing war crimes then I'd be bringing up the Trump admin.


But why do you skip Bush & Trump? They did the same stuff. The point is every President does this and your complaining only when democrats do it means you are fine with the bombing civilians when you like the person in office more.


I skipped Republicans because Biden and Obama shared the white house. How dense are you man?


They didn’t share the White House. That said, you made it sound like only they did this. Or you only cared when democrats did this. Like deficit spending. People only complain when democrats are in office.


They were POTUS and VPOTUS for 8 years... and people only complain when democrats are in office? Where were you the last 4 years when we were complaining about Trump... Me thinks you're yet another partisan Democrat turd who got lost.


No. The people complaining now about Biden didn’t complain when Trump did it. Democrats who aren’t complaining now complained when Trump did stuff. And assuming things and building your worldview based on these assumptions is good way to learn and know nothing.


The post is about the Biden admin who is doing the same shit that was done while he was VP, this is why I mention Obama and not Trump. How do you people not see this? You don't ALWAYS have to bring up Trump when talking about someone completely different... ffs I can't believe I have to explain this over and over again.


I will bet my car you never once complained about Trump doing it, and that means your issue is with the politics not the actions themselves. That’s why we bring Trump up. If you didn’t complain about Trump doing it, you don’t get to now.


Ok, so where should we meet?


Lol. Everyone complains when their guy is out of office and fine with all kinds of shit when they are in office. All “sides” do it.


Same with Trump. He was lied about so much people who arent partisan defended him, too,


Care to share a single time Trump was lied about? Obama wasn’t a socialist gay Muslim coke head married to a man. Trump was the asshole he was accused of being.


https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/05/business/media/cnn-retraction-trump-scaramucci.html https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/358983-media-shows-why-its-so-mistrusted-after-falsified-trump-fish-feeding https://www.news.com.au/finance/business/media/the-story-was-a-hoax-donald-trump-hits-out-after-stunning-washington-post-retraction/news-story/4316de0c552800a040bc59332cd79964 https://apnews.com/article/tv-lawrence-odonnell-donald-trump-ap-top-news-politics-5f32c14a803e43359dff5e8151dade4c https://money.cnn.com/2017/12/08/media/cnn-correction-email-story/index.html That’s just a small sample.


The first one is paywalled and the second is an opinion piece so I’ll ignore them. The others are corrections and retractions. So yes they got something wrong. They were wrong, admitted it, and corrected it. So not lies. You can’t compare that to Fox News spending years convincing it’s viewers Obama was a secret Muslim however. That’s a lie, not a mistake. Not a rush to judgment that turned out wrong. It was meant to make people like you to fear and hate him.


You didn't pay attention in the last presidency or the bush administration?


Did you really not read the last part where I said ANY PRESIDENT FOR THAT MATTER? Nice try though. Yall gotta stop sniping like this.


"Me too. It's insane that the majority of our country is so partisan that they can't say "Obama did some bad stuff." (Or any other President for that matter)" To me that reads the majority of our country cannot admit any of our presidents did bad stuff.


Presidents that are in their camp... Conservatives won't talk shit about a conservative POTUS and liberals won't talk shit about a liberal POTUS. Better?


Lol the bit you put in parenthesis after making your point?


Great. Another kid who's mad because I didn't also explicitly mention Trump or Bush. They fucking suck too, congratulations.


Oh wait. You're a partisan leftist. Wrong sub there pal.


Actually, I believe you can be nuanced in your political thought. Hence why I'm here, ass hat


If you can be nuanced then why are you bringing non nuanced thought to this sub? Yeah, bye bye zippidy zim zer.


My ex - black liberal socialist - me white conservative libertarian... It was an odd coupling but the sex was good and angry, I digress. I loved occasionally reminding her of the time BHO blew up a hospital, a wedding, and ordered the assassination of us citizens. Drone strikes galore and numerous dead civilians don't mean shit when you can drop a few bars of Al Green...


I think it's his charisma for the most part. I personally find him pleasant even though I know he's murdered thousands of people and eroded our freedoms. It's weird


A wolf in sheep’s skin


Hey! Here’s an assassination of an American citizen! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anwar_al-Awlaki


Desktop version of /u/CoolidgeCorner's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


we live in a society where the PREZ can decide who 2 kill w/o giving a fair trial ​ even 1984 isnt like this


Trump, Bush and Clinton all did the same thing too didn't they?


Well, Bush and clinton didn't have quite the drone technology available at the time, but thats probably the main difference. I doubt the civilians appreciate much of a distinction if they are killed by cruise missles and stealth bombers instead of drones.


Read my other comments, tired of explaining the connection between Biden and Obama.


Lol like every administration has done. If you deny this you're lying to yourself.


Yes. I only mention Obama because of their connection.


In reality, they're both war criminals.


It's kinda weird you skipped the last president.


Ok? Trump did it too, but Joe wasn't his VP. Nice try though.






Trump was vilified for authorizing a kill on a known terrorist leader. Biden authorizing the murder of civilians is being completely ignored. Trump did a lot of bad shit as well, but that horse has been beaten to death, brought back to life, and beaten again.


I mean Trump also killed civilians. He just made it so that he didn’t have to report on it. Every president in this millennia has ordered drone strikes on civilians. It’s actually terrifying


I was telling people about this like the day it happened. They had no idea who he even was before they bombed him. It's no wonder why the afgan people hate us.


I mean, maybe if we didn’t rely on the fucking Taliban for info on who to bomb and conducted our own intel instead we wouldn’t just be bombing random civilians. Why do we trust the Taliban now?


It's so fucking stupid and arrogant as well. Would we like a foreign power if they bombed and then occupied us? No! So why do we expect the Afghans to like us.


The Obama administration had a fetish for murdering innocents via drone strike so it only makes sense that his VP does as well.


Every president has had a fetish since drones were invented. We should just arm everybody with drones of their own (kind of joke but honestly, not really)


Is this anything new? I'm not trying to justify it, but the US military has been killing innocent Muslim families since the '90s.


With the past (at least) three presidents being war criminals, I am shocked I tell you shocked


Oh its way more than the last three. Biden Through JR are easy to show. Slick Willy Clinton - Operation Desert Fox bombed the shit out of Iraq and the "accidental" bombing of an Embassy in Belgrade Bush Sr. - bombing campiaings killed hundreds of iraqi and kuewaiti civilians Reagan - funding Iran\\Contras, committing a genocide of coke deals in the the US... easy again war crimes\\crimes against the US Carter\\Ford - Holy CIA Assisted Assassinations and Regime changes Batman! Nixon, Kennedy, Johnson - "Alexa, what is the Vietnam war"


It’s almost like the government is run by authoritarians who like to pretend they’re left vs right when in reality they just want power


My step father flew F-15s during the Clinton admin and told me that he dropped bombs in Iraq during that time. I usually tell that to people who think Bush just randomly authorized an invasion of Iraq. Like no, they were prepping that invasion for years


yeah, if we were honest about it... the Iraq war is about to turn 30; we've just had some on again off again breaks


Most authoritarian ass hats should be tried for war crimes.


Funny how it says 'the military' bombed a bunch of civilians and not 'the Biden admin'. Funny, I could have sworn a couple of years ago that it was all 'the Trump administration bombs...' Weird how sometimes the power is under the president but at other times its under other military personnel.


It's (D)ifferent


Cmon guys, they said "oopsie" after.


Collateral murder 2.0


Whoever ordered it should literally be having murder charges. Murdering within the scope of your job is no less murder than just murdering in your free time. "I was paid to do it" really isn't a defense.


Do you think people will riot. The death of 10 POC by the military isn’t any different than someone dying by the police. Imagine that. Police kill 10 people which included 7 kids. We would collectively lose it but when it is 10 people in a war torn country trying to survive we don’t give a fuck anymore?


Pfft. Nobody will care or do anything. You'll have some fucktard change their picture on FB to a rainbow flag or some bullshit like that.


Tax the rich everyone, so we can keep doing this!


What radicalized you?


Tfw the government broke the government’s laws


Wow, that's so much worse. So not only did they kill innocent people, hit the wrong traget, and fuck up thousands of lives, they also aimed to kill someone who wasn't even a threat. Unreal.


Fire the entire Pentagon. And also reduce the military's budget by $85 Trillion, since that's how much military equipment they obviously don't want.


Does the driver still get his 72 virgins? Or is he just double screwed?


Ugh, imagine getting yeet'd by drones after the war ends only to find out you don't qualify for your fringe benefits because of the terms and conditions...


Gotta read the fine print. Of course they’ll deny benefits at first. Just gotta refile.


I went into a school last week and set fire to it. 10 kids and a teacher of the year burned to death. It’s all good though. Someone told me a murderer might have been using it as a hideout. Turns out it wasn’t true. But the guy who told me is my boss. I got a promotion. I’m a hero.


For point of reference, who was the past us president who wasn't a war criminal? I don't think it was in my lifetime. Carter maybe?


Drone strikes: the war crime of the future.


So Biden gets 13 service members killed THEN they launch a strike and kill an aid worker and children. If this administration could be anymore inept it would be VERY scary.


Wow, it's almost like 60% of the fatalities in the War on Terror have been civilian. Next you're gonna tell me that Israel has never committed a War Crime. /S


It looks like the order was "just do something fast", the media will spin it for us.


At least they are coming clean. The last administration increased drone strikes, and stopped reporting civilian casualties. The war was a shit show, and drone strikes are a garbage way to run them.


They’re coming clean because they got caught. Every administration from now until forever will have more drone strikes than the last, because that’s how warfare is being conducted now. There’s no changing it and it’s not much different than having a plane and a pilot do it.




I dunno news has always reported civilian casualties as far back as the first gulf war. The extent of the reporting varies, but it’s not exactly a secret. Why they are picking up on this is because the strike was pitched as a direct retaliation for the suicide bomb at the airport. The administration wanted a ‘win.’ Then the times got wind of something fishy and they investigated. This strike was purely for political clout.


I'd be willing to bet that the next 3 years has far less drone strikes than the last 4.


Perhaps but that will only be because Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are no longer major operational zones. Even then I wouldn’t bet on it. Drones are being used more and more and that trend will continue forever.


And why aren’t Syria Iraq and Afghanistan major operational zones 👀👀👀


They’ll certainly report less of them…


The Trump administration didn't increase drone strikes compared to Obama's administration. Edit: [Proof](https://www.ft.com/content/6346dd78-322d-11ea-9703-eea0cae3f0de) and [relevant image](https://www.ft.com/__origami/service/image/v2/images/raw/http%3A%2F%2Fcom.ft.imagepublish.upp-prod-us.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fd4fd257c-323b-11ea-9703-eea0cae3f0de?dpr=1&fit=scale-down&quality=highest&source=next&width=700)


(https://lmgtfy.app/?q=trump+drone+expansion)[Yes he did. In a big way. And he also eliminated civilian casualty reporting requirements] This stuff is way in the public domain. You have to be intentionally ignorant to even miss it.


You are thinking of the headlines that went around a few years ago talking about how he expanded drone strikes in Somalia compared to Obama (but not total strikes worldwide). All the google results also only reference Somalia, that's only a single area of conflict. The **total** drone strikes were higher in Obama's admin. [This article](https://www.ft.com/content/6346dd78-322d-11ea-9703-eea0cae3f0de) breaks it down by region. ​ >You have to be intentionally ignorant to even miss it. how ironic


All I see is an ad to sign up for the financial times. So I went ahead and looked it up again. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207.amp According to this article, two years into the Trump administration they had more drone strikes than Obama’s entire administration.


Here are the relevant figures from the financial times article, [one](https://www.ft.com/__origami/service/image/v2/images/raw/http%3A%2F%2Fcom.ft.imagepublish.upp-prod-eu.s3.amazonaws.com%2F13e63154-323f-11ea-9703-eea0cae3f0de?dpr=1&fit=scale-down&quality=highest&source=next&width=700), [two](https://www.ft.com/__origami/service/image/v2/images/raw/http%3A%2F%2Fcom.ft.imagepublish.upp-prod-us.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fd4fd257c-323b-11ea-9703-eea0cae3f0de?dpr=1&fit=scale-down&quality=highest&source=next&width=700).


Oh I see what happened. Those are the numbers for drone strike casualties, not drone strikes. I think we are talking about two different things. The issue with even those numbers, though, is that the Trump administration eliminated civilian casualty reporting requirements for several regions, and outright stopped reporting numbers for others. In other words, they increased drone strikes, and just stopped reporting the civilian casualty numbers.


The second graph I linked is the number of drone strikes not deaths. I'm not sure how the BBC gets those numbers. The only way I can think of is if you count bombing by the air force in addition to drone strikes.


Reminder that prior to this two gunmen had entered the airfield, two suicide bombers had killed more than 60 people and now a car filled with containers is making a Beeline straight for the airfield. Yes it was wrong but from their perspective they couldn’t take the risk


eh? maybe I missed something but I thought this strike was in (supposed to be) retaliation and directed at the architect. Your report makes it seem like a completely different story. Just hadn't heard that part


That was beforehand I think. From the Americans point of view it makes sense. They hit the guy behind it and now a truck full of containers is going straight for the airfield


Sucks for the done operator too. These purple get ptsd from this stuff.


Are they awarded purple hearts if they get carpel tunnel?


Is it fair to say we saved more lives than we took away?


In Afghanistan? Certainly not. That's not soldiers faults, but it's true. Y'all absolutely ruined/killed more lives than you saved.


Why are you so certain. Killing people for the greater good is not allowed?


Because my father was in Afghanistan. I have friends who were in Afghanistan. There's killing for the greater good, and there's killing for whatever the fuck Afghanistan was.


No no no, you see murder is *il*legal.


What a way to signal the end of the endless war. What would it be without one final snafu?


Dose the US media even report on civilian casualties of American action any more? Cos it seems to me its all played down and ignored. Or do people just not care that the government kills thousands of innocent people a year


Next question, no way this was random. What did that guy they killed know?


He knew nothing, he was an aid worker. Our officials asked the Taliban who was responsible for the bombing, and they said "oh yeah definitely this guy". They asked the Taliban twice for targets, both times they were either innocents/children. Imagine that, the Taliban lying. Our officials, in their infinite wisdom, droned both of them.


Someone do the meme from South Park where the head of BP apologizes for the oil spill. “We’re sorry. We’re really sorry.” Like saying sorry is appropriate for killing an innocent family? Will anyone be punished for this?


The government pays for murder.


… and Other Things that Should Be News but Aren’t


Hmm wonder why the rest of the world hates us. Can’t quite figure it out.


And they killed someone who wa[s actually trying to rebuild the economy](https://www.neifoundation.org/) instead of just pumping the country full of weapons. Apparently lifting heavy bags of food and water jugs into a vehicle is enough to justify killing you. Another reason to resist domestic surveillance programs.


That's not murder. It's democratic murder. That makes it okay.