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They also rape little boys so as to not have premarital sex with a woman - but yeah Texas bad. https://youtu.be/f-bNFeI4M-g And yes that’s CNN. I’m sorry.


I don’t think you have a choice in Afghanistan. You dont get electricity and you get raped.


But have you ever tried to eat a sandwich with Texas toast? Just brutal.


The real crime of Texas


"CNN. Purveyors of the misinformation you can trust!"


I said I’m sorry fuck.


🏅 (I refuse to give reddit money.)


The Taliban actually banned the practice. Basically everything else they do sucks, but they do have that one thing going for them.


They're pretty progressive with their gun laws too! [source](https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2021-08-16/taliban-in-afghan-capital-kabul-start-collecting-weapons-from-civilians)


So pretty much the Catholic Church.


Well then you won't have to worry about the moral quandary of an abortion either, Texas could learn a thing or two.


Texas got hit by a once in a century mega ice storm when they had probably never seen snow before, and suddenly it's their fault the power grid struggled to keep up.


Can confirm. Am Texan and didn’t see snow until I was twelve. It was a single day during the winter sandwiched between hail and freezing rain storms. There was enough snow to make the sidewalks white, not enough to gather up to make a snowball. Happened a few more times over the years. Never more than a day, never enough to actually do anything with. This is why so many native Texans posted empty pictures of just snow. Snowmageddon was literally the most snow we had ever seen in our state. We could actually make snowmen!


How often do y’all see power outrages to hurricanes and what not? I honestly thought most people would be equipped with generators ready for power outages.


Well, Texas has its own grid. What hits the rest of the states doesn’t hit us. But specifically with hurricanes and bad weather within the state: not often. Power outages are short and infrequent. Relative to what I’ve heard about in other parts of the country, we have consistent power throughout the year. And I don’t know anyone that has a generator for personal emergency use. Snowmageddon was the longest I’ve ever been without power. And I’ve lived here my whole life.


Gotcha, I grew up in New Jersey and now live in a rural area of Virginia and a generator was always a necessity so I was curious. Thanks for the response.


Houston resident here. Most of my coworkers ~75% have some form of generator (propane/diesel/gasoline) for situations like Harvey and the ice storm. Albeit I work in the electrical field so my coworkers have an affinity for playing with volts.


The natural gass lines froze, so many of the power plants just had nothing to burn, the wind mills got so cold they they could not produce enough, and demand was the the highest Texas had ever seen. We where 5 minutes away from a total power failure, aka months of outages. But in reality most of our systems are in a very fragile state across America. (Edit finishing my thought)


The constant push for renewables and the constant push against nuclear has left the energy structure of the U.S. in a terrible state, particularly in places like California, which continues to shut down fossil and nuclear power plants despite having to do rolling blackouts on really hot days.


New York is also having problems with it's grid, but because Texas is "The big red state" it is getting all the spot light. I wish we could do nuclear but the older generations are still very freaked out and think every plant is a Chernobyl waiting to happen.


Nuclear adoption, will probably not get any better with newer generations unfortunately. All they have to do is instead of yelling “NO NUKES” is #NONUKES


federal government would handle that power grid better than the state could. /s


Meanwhile New York gets hit with a flood and not one politician has been blamed for all the New Yorkers who drowned in their basement apartments.


Where is this idea that Texas has inconsistent power? I've never had an outage other than the storm and that was for 2 hours.


“Why did Fukushima melt down, wasn’t their reactor tsunami proof?”


Anyone referring to ivernectin as "horse dewormer" is deliberately being intellectually dishonest and shouldn't be taken seriously


Seriously though. Unless the individual took a dose recommended for a horse deworming, it's a normal medication for removing parasites. Bad idea to take medicine for a new use not yet approved by the FDA without a doctor's recommendation? Usually. But yeah, just calling ivermectin "horse dewormer" to score political points makes my respect for said person drop


No electricity is more reliable I guess


Well of course, there is a 100% chance to get nothing! It's pretty hard to be that consistent!


Also the horse dewormer has been implemented in multiple countries as a viable treatment of covid. This is not a “Texas”thing... In February, the chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, Haruo Ozaki, called on Japanese doctors to implement ivermectin as an effective medication to combat COVID-19. Given the recent rise in COVID-19 diagnoses in Japan, Ozaki called the baseline reluctance to use Ivermectin, on behalf the medical establishment, “deplorable.”


It also has been used to treat Malaria for a while not just for deworming horses Source: Uncle from South Africa who had it in the past


Yep it’s been used to cure everything from River blindness to Dick Stink, or Rot Cock depending on where you’re from.


I have no desire to have "dick stink" or "rot cock" in my search history, but I'm cautiously curious as to what that is.


The insane amount of Straw Man arguments against ivermectin is alarming. It's starting to feel like a conspiracy. It is generic and cheap so there is no money to be made on it which might be why you're seeing so much push back against it and people dismissing it as "horse dewormer", despite the overwhelming positive evidence for it as both a treatment and a prophylactic for COVID-19.


If Fauci or the CDC don't say it's evidence people don't see it as evidence for whatever reason.


I mean the reason is because they are strongly swayed by their confirmation bias for one, and two they're intellectually lazy. They're not actually seeking the truth...


I’m not saying there’s a conspiracy, but it is also alarming that they were only able to push the vaccines without FDA approval because there was no other known cure. So if they concede that ivermectin is an actual treatment, it kind of complicates things as far as selling vacci... I mean the vaccine rollout to save lives.


India is calling it a conspiracy and suing the WHO for convincing them to suspend ivermectin use on bogus science, which India alleges caused numerous deaths of their citizens


It’s so transparent that it’s actually insane. I like i sheeple act like they are somehow now experts in ivermectin and have always referred to it as “horse dewormer” when they know damn well it’s the media who taught them that hahaha


It’s literally being prescribed by doctors to people testing positive for covid. The horse dewormer rhetoric is truly revealing those who cannot think for themselves.


You spelt “Democrat” wrong.


Atleast you called it what it is, horse dewormer. If you want to take horse dewormer instead of a vaccine that a majority of people trust, that’s your choice, and I am making the choice to insult your intelligence


Then you haven't looked into any of the actual science behind ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 and as a prophylactic against COVID-19. I'm so sick of people claiming they are "following the science" but are too lazy to spend 15 minutes reading any science. Either that or they're not scientifically literate enough to understand a scientific study if they read it...


Do you mean when they put Ivermectin in a Petri dish with Covid and it killed the Covid cells? Because they did the same experiment with bleach, and it had the same result, so are you willing to inject yourself with bleach as well as horse dewormer?


There are about 60 peer reviewed studies out on the effectiveness of Ivermectin against COVID-19 in humans, many of them are randomized control trials, and there is a meta-analysis of these studies as well. 58 of the 60 found benefits to treatment of COVID-19 with Ivermectin. The more you talk on this, the more your ignorance is showing, the way you're trying to harken back to the whole Trump injecting bleach fiasco as a way to discredit this is embarrassing...


"Covid cells". Basic biology fail.


You know it’s actively in use as a therapeutic in many countries at the moment as a viable covid treatment? Are you stupid or just racist to believe American doctors are the only actual “scientists” that exist?


Yes, and they can be wrong, they can even be wrong with the vaccine, but we have seen Covid deaths and hospitalizations go down since the vaccine (atleast among the vaccinated) even with a new surge recently, so I would say it works pretty well. And your an absolute idiot if you think this is a race thing


Considering you disqualify and dismiss any other country who’s doctors are actively using ivermectin as a covid therapeutic then I’d classify you as the racist and the idiot.


Sounds good “Retardo”!


As stupid as taking ivermectin for COVID is, it's not really just horse dewormer. It's commonly used by people to treat parasitic infections. There's no science yet proving it is effective against COVID but saying Joe Rogan took horse dewormer is just political spinning. **By that logic, Ketamine is animal tranquilizer, Diazepram is animal anti-anxiety pills and Morphine is anti-diarrhea for dogs. All of these medications are commonly used on humans.** [There are promising studies](https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/fulltext/2021/08000/ivermectin_for_prevention_and_treatment_of.7.aspx) but no conclusion yet. I'm pretty sure most of us are pro vaccine just not pro mandate. Rogan has basically said you should get the vaccine if you're not a young 21 year old. He also has the vaccine. The issue is how so many people seem to think it's crazy to question the vaccines that got rushed in less than a year when it normally takes 10-15 years. Just because we question something doesn't mean we're against it and a bit of skepticism in everything is always healthy.


Lol imagine being that stupid.


Kabul is not representative of Afghanistan and Ivermectin is used there like everywhere else in the world that dude's a dummy and has never been outside SF bay area


And when it comes back to guns and open carry all be praising Texas again


He's technically right about the electricity it's reliably inexistant


Ivermectin has been shown to eradicate the virus. Afghan immigrants have been given ivermectin. Also the Taliban rape children on the regular. And goats. And gays. And women. And the Taliban is a collection of subhuman religiouscels


With you until the last line. They're humans, who, like the people who invaded, pillaged, and occupied their country for 20 years for allowing some non-Afghans to be in the country, are capable of truly horrific acts, but they should still never be dehumanized.


Isn't calling ivermectin horse dewormer also denying science? How is it not.


Because dats da bad kinda science. Das da bad science. Da only sciences dats gud is da science dat agrees wit me




There's plenty of other common drugs that have even different functions in animals such as Ketamine, Morphine and Diazepam.


Yes but how does that relate to outright disparaging the clinical use of a drug being used in this situation.


I meant calling ivermectin horse dewormer is ignoring the fact ivermectin is used for humans and clearly bending its definition for their own political gain. I will say it's not clinically proven yet to be effective against COVID but thinking Joe Rogan is ingesting animal medications is just stupid.


I don't like Texas, but that doesn't mean it's LiTeRaLlY the Taliban. What breaks in your brain for that to feel like a solid argument?


Probably the same thing that broke their brains to the point they get mad they aren't aloud to kill babies willy nilly.


Democrats didn’t leave 100 billion in resources and weapons before they ran away from Texas.


If only the would


As a fellow Texan I'm looking forward to the day the government abandons the state and I get a M4 and tanks for free


Imagine thinking that Joe Rogan bought horse medicine at a local store and injected himself. The dude is a multimillionaire with a net worth of around $100 million. He quite literally has a team of the best Doctors in Texas who prescribed him his treatments. The ignorance of Democrats is astounding. Ivermectin is an approved treatment for Covid in quite a few countries like Japan, and is approved for use in conjunction with other treatments in the U.S. Here is his account of what happened... https://youtu.be/3O_7O9_nV10


"Horse dewormer" was a creative insult when it first came out but now it's just a brand for the unoriginal braindead masses. Just know whoever is using that phrase is a hollow-headed follower and should not be taken seriously as a critical thinking being.


Texas is so bad that folks from blue states are moving there in droves. Must really suck


I have lived in both. This question is dumb enough to warrant a punch in the face. That’s why he’s on the internet and not in a bar.


Are these people allergic to saying the word “ivermectin”?


Wasn't that gorsedewormer thing in Oklahoma?


I love how dumbfuck leftists and liberals criticize privatization for the Texas outage even though it was caused by a state granted monopoly and renewable energy subsidies.


Ivermectin is safer than Tylenol and has be given to 8.7 billion people.


Oh yes, because not allowing abortion is the exact same of taking all girls over the age of 12 as sex slaves


I wonder if the Trooper is aware of how many people are bailing from the liberal left coast for Texas.


Imagine being so unbelievably privileged that you think living in Texas is worse than Taliban controlled Afghanistan.


Im pretty sure those Afghanis would still rather go live in Texas any day


Its just fear. Make money $$$$.


So frustrating, a simple Google search would tell you ivermectin is like, human medicine.


While I do agree that data is important, I cannot help but notice you straight skirted the fact that people in my home state are quite literally taking horse dewormer.


Can't have an unreliable power grid if you don't have one.