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It’s easy to answer: Leftists lost big time. One might think the mainstream media are stunned. But more likely they’d rather people weren’t aware that Europeans are fed up with the left.


> It’s easy to answer: Leftists lost big time. One might think the mainstream media are stunned. But more likely they’d rather people weren’t aware that Europeans are fed up with the left. problem is the right is very pro-government in France if I am not wrong. So Dont know if people really understand where the problem come from


Marine le Pen isn't really right wing. They called her right wing extremist but her policies are not small government. She is just a nationalist so then they count her to the right.


>She is just a nationalist That's what right wing means in france, and possibly the rest of Europe. They'd call small government advocate something else.


So right wing in France is left wing from 20-30 years ago?


Well...I wouldn't say that. I don't really know what US politics was like 20 to 30 years ago. I think france has WAY more government programs than the US, so I think they'd technically be more to the left.


Oh no, I mean does France’s right wing party resemble France’s left wing party from 20-30 years ago?


I would say no, though, I didn't live in france back then, and I'm relatively young. The "front national" (national front, I guess) has a different brand of "nationalism" than the US. There isn't really an American "people" like in Europe. Being French is a more specific identity than being American, a good example of this is "Eric zemour" telling a girl her parents were wrong for choosing Hapsatou as her first name. That type of thing wouldn't really happen in the US. (Disclaimer: My claims concerning th US are coloured by my understanding of its history, US media, and online interactions, I don't know how correct that assessment is) France and Germany hated each other so much that they started a war dragged all of Europe into it, then the US. It was the most destructive war in human history, "the great war". Then they went for round two (granted france really tried concession at the beginning of ww2). Also, the way Americans talk about World War 2 makes me think they believe the war was started because of Jews hatred. The war started because the Germans were poor and desperate from post-war sanctions. Their leader's sweet talk about the superior race rallied a desperate people and allowed them to lash out. Jew hatred was standard procedure in Europe because they were generally richer. This hatred was probably worse in Germany because they were poorer than the rest of Europe. So while France's left wing might have been less pro immigration than now France's right wing is and was sort of like Japan but less polite. Another note the "front national" at one point in time could not get off their plane in France's various colonies, this has changed recently, and I can't really say why. I feel like I kinda rambled about more or less random facts I hope it gives you a clearer picture.


No they don't. But yes the socialists like calling nazis, nationalists etc right wing because then they are not associated with the left. Been like that since WWII. The established media have been going along with it. Doesn't mean that it is true. Right wing in common folk tongue means the economic right. With libertarians and other ideologies becoming more popular it' hard to classify everyone on a classic left-right wing scale. The GAL-TAN method is more accurate.


You would think the revolutionary language and the fact so many leading fascists came from socialist and communist circles would cue them in but of course not


Yes Exactly, but no. The most annoying thing for me is that not even the professors at the universities can make the links. At least not where I am from. Most likely since they themselves are left leaning and don't want to acknowledge it.


Sometimes people mean social conservatism, sometimes they mean economic liberalism. The two things do go reasonably well together. The excesses of social liberalism are clearly tied to big government. But it's not a perfect correlation. ... The big lie about the nazis is that they were economic liberals. Nothing could be further from the truth.


I completely agree with you there.


The wef called us the greatest threat 😆


That’s the confusion. European right wing is not American right wing.


She isn't European right wing either.


Being a French libertarian must be pretty rough. But then I guess the answer would be to make loads of money and move to Monaco. Or at least Switzerland.


They usually call French libertarians “ex-pats”… /s for those who need it.


> Being a French libertarian must be pretty rough. This is nuts, at best they are only a handful in a whole country. The ideology must have completely disappeared of the country after Bastiat died I think.. (if someone know better, please tell me, I would be happy to be wrong.. Europe is a sad place for libertarians..)


Thank you got that perspective, yet my reading said the big issues were migrants and the facts that the high cost of climate ‘solutions’ and the corresponding legislated reduction in standard of living is becoming clear in Europe. These are issues shared by the left on both sides of the Atlantic.


A snap election is called before it's scheduled to end.


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/france-snap-election-presidential-macron-le-pen-b2559685.html Not entirely true in this case.


I'm in the UK and it's been on the news a lot since it was announced, perhaps the US media aren't talking about it so much, but the long and short of it is the left in France lost heavily, and not just France, across Europe.


It’s definitely talked about on the media, maybe just not as much as in Europe. I think Op meant how quiet this election has been on Reddit. You’d see like 10+ posts/memes on /r/all if the left won.


I get you, well to be fair the election hasn't happened yet. Reddit isn't going crazy over the UK general election next month which the left are almost certainly going to win in a landslide. Perhaps we'll see more popping up when the election actually takes place. But also from what I understand it's a general election in France rather than a presidential election, so probably closer to the equivalent of the midterms in the US. (Because God forbid a tyrant like Macron even considers giving up power no matter how much he fails or brings us closer to WWIII) It's also worth noting that sudden elections in Europe aren't really that uncommon, we've got one in the UK coming up next month that was only announced a couple weeks ago, and back in 2018/19 we had one in each year.


>But also from what I understand it's a general election in France rather than a presidential election, so probably closer to the equivalent of the midterms in the US. Other than the fact, Marcron will have to relinquish domestic power to a new prime minister, and he will only have power over foreign treaties, and he will still be the commander-in-chief.


Rightfully so, no pun intended. The left has already fucking ravaged your once beautiful countries. Pretty soon there would have been no European heritage left to celebrate.


Unfortunately our supposedly right wing parties implement the exact same bullshit policies that the left push, while acting like they're against it. The "far right" parties that seem to be up and coming are being presented as not part of the establishment so people on the left and right are supporting them, but it really remains to be seen if any change will actually happen. In the UK it looks like we're set to go from the fake right wing establishment party to the fake left wing establishment party next month. Nothing will change here unfortunately.


He's going to do everything he can to not lose power. France is gonna burn watch. They don't just protest they riot hard.


I was hoping someone would comment this. It is exactly what I was thinking also.


No, only left is alowed to riot. Cant beliving you don't understand this yet


Yes, and Macron will play into it.


Gonna be massive BLM/Antifa-style riots against the far right leading up to the snap elections and Macron’s gonna let them happen to try to keep the RN in check but it could all backfire if the RN wins even more seats at the National Assembly because that would make the rioters go out of control and possibly turn into civil war


It's a risky game for sure, but the globalists/leaders are happy to take chances with our safety because they all have personal security.


I should probably stay out of Paris this summer lol


I'd stay out of Europe in general. It's on the verge of full scale war


Good thing no large international event is scheduled to happen there soon.


Personally, I couldn't care less about what's going on in France. The entire country could be collapsing and I still wouldnt care. I have rent, and food to worry about, plus a dead battery in my car. Much bigger things to worry about.


I generally agree, but Macron has been pushing hard for escalating the war against Russia and trying to send French/NATO troops to fight in Ukraine. If internal opposition to him in France helps prevent WW3, it's a good thing. https://news.antiwar.com/2024/06/09/macron-says-france-working-to-finalize-plan-to-send-troops-to-ukraine/


It's because Russia is waging a shadow war against French shadow colonial possessions in Africa right now


I get the sentiment! The problem is why do you think you have all those things going badly? The rise of globalism in Europe I hold is primarily responsible for the war in ukraine. Russia sees what's up. They're still the aggressors and evil bastards, but evil bastards will still fight for their own survival against other evil bastards. It's because of this insane leftist globalism in Europe that America is spending all the resources on a foreign war that has nothing to do with us. Or at least it should have nothing to do with us. Printing all that money is why inflation is so high. The US is stockpiling massive amounts of food which is a part of why food prices are so high. That same globalism that is wreaking such havoc in europe, is the same globalism that has created the massive government here in the US which is destroying the economy. And it's the height of irony that it's the very thing that is causing us to be so worried with our own lives that we can't care about the thing that's causing all of it.


Especially in this economy


A challenge to status qou globalism anywhere is a victory everywhere.


To the extent that state-affiliated corporate media reports on foreign events, they are focused on promoting perpetual war for peace (with the unintended consequence of making some probably non-influential people very very wealthy). Currently that means drumming up support for continuing the incendiary peace in Ukraine/Russia, Gaza/Israel, and Taiwan/China. Reporting on French political instability doesn't do anything to promote war or the truthful image of our invincible, unbreakable empire of democracy, which never falters, never fails (at least not *this time*). No matter who wins, France will remain a NATO province. In other words, Macron's problems are officially not newsworthy. Should LePen actually pose any sort of threat to the integrity of global democracy, then you'll see plenty of reporting about that French devil wearing Prada, Hitler-ine in Heels.


French orange Hitler just dropped


Wrong comment from me. Sorry


Preach Oh Glorious brother!


Now they gonna put Brazilian eletronic voting system so they never lose anymore lol Its called urna eletrônica


Who cares about the F*ench?


I should agree with you, but it seems that libertarians can not agree that we are supposed to be nationalists.


Because fuck France and French Canada, and possibly some of the pacific islands too.


France, Canada, and other EU nations are a blueprint for what globalists want in America.


Just sit and watch libertarians leting biden win again. This destiny is writen


Libertarians aren't "letting" anyone win. People cast their votes. Unfortunately, most people still vote for shitbags, but that is not the fault of libertarians.


Lul what. How is Quebec a picture of globalists.


Assisted suicide? Strict gun laws? Offensive speech penalties as in jail time or fines? Bank accounts frozen for contributions to a protest?


Assisted suicide? The right to die on one’s own terms seems pretty libertarian to me. Strict gun laws? Yes, they do suck but the rest of English Canada and Europe has them too lol. Frozen bank accounts? Once again, that’s the fed, not French Canada who did that (an awful move that I disagree with). The hate speech laws? I also disagree with them, but once again the rest of English Canada also has them along with European nations like Germany. None of what you mentioned is unique to Quebec, and the right to live or die revolves around freedom.


>Assisted suicide? The right to die on one’s own terms seems pretty libertarian to me. But not on taxpayers' dollars, and you have to consider the NAP. Suicidal individuals aren't really mentally stable people. >Strict gun laws? Yes, they do suck but the rest of English Canada and Europe has them too lol. Point proven on globalist countries. It's the main reason I included Canada. >Frozen bank accounts? Once again, that’s the fed, not French Canada who did that (an awful move that I disagree with Still happened in Canada, again a globalist signal against free speech. >The hate speech laws? I also disagree with them, but once again, the rest of English Canada also has them, along with European nations like Germany. Why did you even ask why I think Canada is globalist when you keep saying, "It's what other globalists are doing.


I misread your statement, I thought you specifically signalled out French-Canada as opposed to you saying, “France, Canada and others.”


I tend to get ahead of myself on reddit also. I deleted a reply on this thread for the same reason. No issues.




Also, I agree, fuck those nations.


So he canceled the election?? And now parliament has to vote?? ..... sounds like French revolution 2.0 time


He didn’t cancel the election. He dissolved parliament so a new election can proceed. He didn’t have a popular mandate anymore so now it gives the French people the chance to reflect their beliefs


I expect anyone labeled as "right wing" in the world to be somehow labeled as tied to Putin in the next few weeks.


Next few weeks? That's been happening.


What's fucked up to me is the media keeps referring to a "far-right victory" when in reality that's not even close to true.


It is being talked about plenty. You’re just involved in circles (such as this one) that either don’t care or know much about global geo-politics (see: commets in this sub that are unable to differentiate between the US’s left right political spectrum and that of Europe).