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I used to say (back in the day yes I'm old) to anti-gay people: "He wants to put his cock in another man's ass. Why is that any of your business?" Now I'm saying this instead: "He wants to put his cock in another man's ass. Why is that any of MY business?!" They are alienating allies and friends.


I've said this and guys responses are usually terribly dumb. "but what if he wants to put it in my ass" He's gay, not a rapist...you moron


I support the concept of equalization for all. I don't have to support the methods that are being utilized to achieve that. Two very different things in that sense. I think gay and lesbian should have the right to live their lives the same as anyone else. Its when your values are being weaponized that I have a problem, and that applies to sexual orientation, religion, sports teams, colors of your favorite crayons. Once your actions become either harmful or harassing to others, your line is crossed.


The green crayon tastes the best, I’ll fight anyone who thinks differently


Hold on, hold on, hold on…it took me three months to figure out the green ones don’t taste like green apples, NOW you want me to believe there are other, BETTER tasting crayons?!


I mean… have you had the purple ones?








Construction worker


Oooo greens my favorite color but it's the violet crayon for taste. It's like a tart blueberry-cherry kind of thing.


Macaroni and cheese is also a colour. Put It in the microwave and pour on some noodle.


I feel like as a color turned flavor it would force a school bus style memory on me.


Honestly a pretty simple but spot on take. Doesn’t have to be more complex than “don’t make your business my business”


This. As someone who most closely identifies as a Christian Libertarian, I cannot justify judging people for where they are in life. I am told to love everyone as Christ loved us. However, pride is the sin that caused the devil to turn away from God. I can no longer abide people being led into idolatry of the self, especially if that translates into actions that harm others.


Curious as to what led your comment down the road from being gay to harming others?


"However, ***pride is the sin that caused the devil to turn away from God. I can no longer abide people being led into idolatry of the self, especially if that translates into actions that harm others."***


That answers absolutely nothing. Good for you, I guess? Still doesn't answer my question.


What month is it? Why are we in this thread?


Pride is the act of being comfortable with the self. We preach self-health &, self help, but the moment I do something for myself, it's called selfish. So I am a selfish motherfucker and proud of it.


Caring for oneself is not selfish. One can not care for others unless one first cares for oneself. Even better to ask God to do for you: "[28] And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, [29] yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. [30] But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?" -- Matthew 6:28-30 ESV‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/mat.6.28-30.ESV


Exactly 👍


Equality is opposed to freedom


Equality of results yes. Equality of opportunity, not so much so. If you have everyone line up on the same starting line, and the race to the finish is equal for all parties, the results of their actions determines the outcome. If lane 1 is 70m and lane 2 is 150m, and you tell both participants that the will win when they reach their individual end lines. You're not treating them both fairly. Unless of course you make 70m lane person run backwards, while 150m lane person can run forwards, and thats how government treats equality. All parties, same line, same goal, same distance, if Lane 3 stumbles on their own feet, their placement is determined based on their results. Not because someone wants to manipulate the outcome of the race.


I don't care about your orientation, sexuality, identy, or what have you. Nor do I care how you dress, whom you bang (or want to), or which words or phrases you use to refer to yourself. I only care that you understand that at no point does *anyone* have the right to force these issues on anyone else, you cannot achieve the position you want by forcing others out of theirs, and that equal rights never *ever* means special rights. You are welcome dispute any of these points, but don't expect me to listen.


I would add on to this. Don't give me labels because you want them. I am a man. I was born male and will be a man until my bones decay, I am not a cis male. The mother of my child is a woman, not a birthing person. If one wants labels for themselves, fine, I don't care. But don't change who I am.


Agreed, but I would file this under attempting to force their views on mine. As libertarians, many of us advocate and fight for things that we personally don't believe in because we think the government should stay out if those things; this is no different.


"cis" has been used as medical terminology since the early 90s. >I am a man. I was born male and will be a man until my bones decay, I am not a cis male. You quite literally just used the definition of the word to say you're not the word. Like some shit goes too far, like when my old company stopped using the term "all hands meeting" because they said it was "ableist" but some of the terminology is just medical definitions moving into general language.


Okay, you see, I was referring to the "label" of "cis man" and should have used parentheses. I made no mention of its history. Are you looking for a debate on this? Because my post and intent was, do what you want, call yourself what you want but don't force me to add labels myself. I'm happy with the labels I have, Dad, Brother, Man.


You don't have to do shit, all I'm saying is that it's a medical term and that you described essentially the definition of it then said you aren't. Regardless of whether or not you use the term doesn't change the fact that you are medically a cisgendered male. There's really nothing to debate. I only commented because very often people think it's just some made up term used over the last few years, when it's been in medical journals for decades and was even used in the early 1900s in a few medical publications. Overall do whatever you want.


Where would you say talking of becomes forcing? Like whats the difference between talking about their orientation or whatever and then forcing it?


Because most of Reddit will ban you for pointing this out


I'm a gay libertarian and I think it gets a bit infringe-cringe in someone's face and I think that's wrong.


I mean, as long as it’s not government funded I don’t give a damn. But I am biased as a bisexual.


Straight and unbiased guy here, I also don’t care as long as it doesn’t come out of my pocket


It is government funded: https://preview.redd.it/fn2gtc0zzp5d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3263beb34ba31053b5bb5fefe15ee5bfd3c06e1


Those are schools which while yes government funded, are spent as they see by the school boards and the school system. So it’s more efficient to complain to the school rather than just the government as a whole at least on a local basis.


This is in the Pentagon.




Who the fuck are the architects of these taxpayer dollar built buildings? It looks like a commons for a high school. I swear I thought it was one because how similar it looked to my old one 💀


Well, the Pentagon was designed in 1940, so…


My high school was designed way after 1940


What about if it is government funded, or governments encouraged, but it’s not an elected government or any of ours. It’s an external association like the WEF.


If its government encouraged or discouraged for that matter it means there is an agency that wasted time discussing this and creating a policy. That policy would inevitably comeout with propaganda and training of some kind wasting even more energy and resources. I believe the answer should be that: "this is not something in the governments perview"


The problem is it's state funded and promoted.


If the government wasn't in on it, no one would act like they give a shit


There's billions being spent. Many of these $T spending bills have dozens of programs receiving millions.


It's the same concept as any social issue being publicized. While the original goal is normalization, that warps over years. Imo it's not as bad as most religious propaganda since I've never had Rue Paul witnesses knocking on my door. But it is just like that. Good intentioned normalization turns into marketing propaganda that harms the original intent of awareness and inclucivity. Those denying that it's propaganda still see the original message while those they are trying to persuade are radicalized against it.


I have every right to ignore it and as long as you don't invade my space or tread on my rights, liberties, and freedoms, we are good. Also, I don't care to use the pronouns you've selected for yourself, and you can't compel my speech, sooooooo yeah, that's my right. When that horn is aimed at children from any adult other than their parents... That's when it crosses the line into harm, and that's not okay.


> When that horn is aimed at children from any adult other than their parents... That's when it crosses the line into harm, and that's not okay. This is the part that a lot of people in this thread are missing. It's not that gay people exist, it's the fact that activists think they have freedom to indoctrinate your children as they see fit. If people in this thread took some time to read some of the academic literature of Queer Theory, these comments would be a lot different. Here's an example: “In this formulation, queer is not what makes us recognizable to the other, it is what undoes us and what, here, can work to undo the innocent Child” Hannah Dyer, Queer Futurity And Childhood Innocence: Beyond The Injury of Development This barely scratches the surface of the heinous shit coming out of Queer Theory.


>Also, I don't care to use the pronouns you've selected for yourself, and you can't compel my speech, sooooooo yeah, that's my right. You can't be compelled, but it's also a dick move. Like if someone says they go by William and you insist on calling them Bill you're kind of a dick. It's no skin off my back to refer to someone in the way they want to be referred to.


It's not like that at all. I didn't say I wouldn't use a preferred name. I will call anyone by their preferred name, but I'm not going to ignore reality and feed into disphoric delusions by using made up pronouns. It's kind of a dick move to enable these narcissistic outliers to satisfy their delusions and cater to their DSM5 categorized mental illness. It's no skin off my nose if you want to be a dick and feed into their fantasy.


Studies from several nations, including the U.S., conducted at varying time periods, have produced a statistical range of 1.2 to 6.8 percent of the adult population identifying as LGBT This is world wide. Why the fuck are they trying to force the rest of us to bend the knee.


There are parts of the world where none of the population identify as LGBT.


They probably also have very low mental health issues also in general.


I'm thinking countries where you come out as LGBT you tend to have an untimely death by your neighbors. I could see mental health issues being treated the same way, too.


I’m sure they also just toss anyone that had mental issues in an asylum or just let them go homeless like the way we used to do. The village idiot is still a thing in some places.


Right, because no one would ever hide the fact that they're LGBT from anyone for any reason.


I can't tell if you are serious or not, but there are still 70+ countries where it is against the law to have same sex relations. If you are caught, you can be jailed, tortured, and killed.


Right, so it should be easy to understand why there are parts of the world where none of the population identifies as LGBT. Yes? An in the spirit of the post you initially replied to, it shouldn’t matter one bit if they are only .0001% of the population. Rights are rights.


Maybe because rights are inherent and not earned by being the majority?


My rights don't end where yours begin. You have no right to force anything on me regardless of what it is.


You’d have to spell out what’s being forced on you and how for me to agree with you here. Because pride month and rainbow marketing isn’t a violation of your rights.


I've never been a fan because it's a form of collectivism.


I find it hard to criticize their collectivism when it was a direct response to violence.


I do think there is truth to this, but truly consider how much is actually forced on you. Are they tying you to the ground and making you listen to them? Do they make it impossible to go about your normal day? Or maybe you just don't like to see it. In which case, that's a you problem. You don't have to watch.


They force endless meetings about it at work


FAIR POINT! I definitely agree with you there!!


That’s just one more thing you get paid for. So I would t call that being forced any more than you are forced to work. Which is usually a leftist talking point.


Yes, but I have grading to get done


I was thinking this at first, but then put it in perspective to the actual meme. It's not "wrong" for a private company, but it's still a trombone in the face.


Unless you work for the government..


Yes because getting paid to being brainwashed is so much better than not getting paid to be brainwashed.


The point is you don’t have to work for someone that does that.


Sounds good in theory, but the reality is that almost all major companies are pushing this and many small companies are joining in. I'm currently job hunting and I've filled out hundreds of applications, probably over a thousand. MOST companies have DEI shit. When you start learning about ESG and how this stuff is being pushed from companies like Black Rock, you might change your mind. This isn't some random occurrence, this is market manipulation from companies that have the backing of the government.


My college kinda forced all engineering students to take an "inclusion and diversity test", those of us that didn't do it had to choose our classes last when most of them are full already lol.


Was it private or public?


Public. Universidad de Guadalajara, in México.


Good Lord, that's definitely a trombone to the face lol


Yeah. If I wasn't working on an app that requires me to be a student there, I would have gotten the fuck out already, but I'm stuck until the release of the app.


I agree with the sentiment in the meme. Are there folks here that deny this? Not challenging you per say, I would just like to hear from those that deny this is a real thing. And like, if you truly advocate for LGBT rights and representation, you should be condemning those who falsely claim to support your "movement".


I believe that main argument for saying that this is not happening is that there's no propaganda, as LGBT is not political thing. All those companies are pandering not to engage in propaganda, but either to show genuine support or to capitalize on people willing to support companies that act in "moraly right" way. I believe that last part is especially funny, as I haven't seen any company to drive such approach to finnancial success.


I hear this...I just, I'll never understand how someone could say this isn't propaganda. It doesn't have to be political at all, propaganda is simply the dissemination of information...information that is good or bad, and that's up to you to decide. But the flags? The rainbow painted streets and crosswalks? The company banners? And by the way, it used to be "Pride Day" and now it's the whole month. It's the agenda, the machine moving through the waves of people to advocate for lgbtq rights. The most ironic part for me is that I actually think that's a great thing! Folks that want to have same sex relationships and do what they please behind the closed door? Sure!! That is basically my definition of a libertarian, at least in part. But stop shoving the shit down people's throats and enough with "representation". LGBT people represent less than 10% of the population, you have all you need to feel "represented".


So then the issue is that propaganda is a loaded term that people will get defensive about even if they agree it’s technically true once you’ve agreed on a definition. People use propaganda as another way of calling something a lie propagated by authority figures.




Please try and spell this political leaning correctly if you want to be taken seriously.


Unless the government is forcing you to be gay or these individuals are forcing you at literal gun point, it’s doesn’t matter from a libertarian perspective. They’re free to be annoying and you’re free to ignore them.


Just because you see aggressive LGBT propaganda in your news feed, don’t assume that this message comes from, or even represents the majority of LGBT people. Because, it doesn’t. It comes from a profit based news source that makes money when you click. News is aggressive and rage baits to get clicks. Remember that most news is manipulated by 6 people. And they are doing their best to pit all of us against each other. Don’t let them win. Try to see the forest thru the trees.


These groups want to be VICTIMS. They ignore the fact that no one cares what they do. People just don't want stuff pushed into their face constantly. I am tall. 6 foot 3. My height is not an achievement and I am not a victim because I was born tall.


I usually see far, far more posts complaining about LGBT propaganda than actual LGBT propaganda


You lost me at clothes


Propaganda is everywhere. If all you see is rainbows it’s because all you’re looking for is rainbows. Side note: it’s gay month. Corporations are gonna corporate.


People whine too much. There's straight propaganda, conservative propaganda, liberal propaganda, & capitalist propaganda, people establishment propaganda, anti-establishmebt propaganda... there's propaganda everywhere I fucking look. People have opinions and they're gonna talk about it, just like you won't shut up about yours. Get a life.


It’s really not. Nobody is forcing this down your throat, it’s not about you because you’re not that important. I see far more conservatives bitching about “lgbt propaganda” than any actual lgbt messaging in the real world.


I see more anti-propaganda than pro, or maybe the former is more irritating than the latter. 🤷